My spouse kicks me out everytime we get in a fight: Advice?

Leave. He’ll always be the same. Just cut ries best of luck to you

Ahhhhh you need to pack his shit up and boot him out for good get a trespass order on him. That is YOUR HOUSE NOT HIS!! Take back ownership of the house AND your life.

Next time he kicks you out stay gone an stop paying the bills he does it cause he knows you’ll keep coming back next time don’t


Before you leave be sure to put the electric and other household bills in his name or you can get charged for them. Better yet. Turn off services stating you moved.


Leave, get your peace.


Have you considered having standards

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Just leave you have money if you pay the bills that is not love that’s abuse leave and enjoy your life life is for living

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l Get paid over $113 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15741 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Call his bluff. Go buy 20 dollars of boxes from Home Depot (with no intention to use them) and his tune will change. Trust me it works

Leave and get your own place and don’t let him come in. Keep your own money


why do you leave when you pay all the bills? think carefully. make an exit plan. leave his ass.

Um… why do YOU leave if you pay the bills?…

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Maybe you should say at top that he tells u to get out and not actually kicks you out but I would definitely leave him yes as in make him leave

Cancel the utilities, don’t pay the rent, fill a u-haul with your stuff and leave. Find a new home and live in peace without some infantile dick around to give you grief.

My soon to be ex husband did this. It’s mental abused and it took me a long time to realize I deserve better.

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Your allowing him to break your heart leave and don’t ever look back

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Just leave him. If he does that he must not care that much. He’s ruining your relationship and you can do better

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If you pay the bills I would move out you can survive without him sounds like your carrying him now

Kick him out when you’re not fighting.

Whose name is on the house if it’s your he needs to go

One of them has to leave!!

He cannot kick u out see lawyer

12 years for that? For what? Run don’t walk…


Leave and don’t go back save your money for your own bills

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Tell him to leave see what he says or does …u pay all bills u stay there n he goes


I would have way been done…. let his ass come home and you gone. Sounds like you are a necessity to his upkeep not his heart.

Go get your own place and leave if your name isn’t on the lease. You are obviously able to support yourself without him.


Almost done? No. You’re done. AMF! There’s much better out there. Stop taking shit. Feel better about yourself, and you will attract better.

Catch his bluff and leave he will be begging u to come back

If your name is on the lease or mortgage, then kick him out! If his name is on it, get out asap! Run and don’t look back. Why would you stay with someone like that? What he is doing is called verbal abuse. Get an attorney.


Get some pride in yourself, leave and dont go back.

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Yes I can give you advice, start saving your money, and the next time he kicks you out, GO and don’t every look back. And find someone who will respect you


Leave and transfer utilities… he’ll be forced to get a job! Take care of you, that is mental abuse to keep you in line…


It’s not going to change. I would say goodbye to him

Just get out. Or if the house or rent is in his name tell him to get out. You can do life on your own with no fighting .

Call all the bills and take your name off/tell them you’re moving.

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Theres two sides to the story

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I would not be paying all the bills if it’s “his house” to kick you out of all the time!! I’d save up to get my own place doesn’t mean it has to be over but I wouldn’t keep living there.


Run…he ain’t worth it.

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You already know what you need to do !
Why do you feel you need the advise of strangers?


Don’t pay the bills and next time go

don’t be an idiot leave.

Stop paying the bills if it’s his house tell him topay if it’s ur house tell ji

Him to get out u don’t need him

Leave….pay all the bills in YOUR own house. If he can’t handle conflict without resorting to humiliating you, it’s not worth it. It’s been 12 years. Enough is enough. Leave.


Run unless you want to be abused!

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My ex husband was like this. The fact you are asking the question means you know you have to leave. I know it’s scary but you deserve to be happy alone and/or with someone else! We were not meant to live in toxic homes!

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Tell him to get out duh

He is manipulating you, he is power tripping on you and he is controlling you. He knows he can make you leave and he knows you will always come back. He will keep you in you box, keep you agreeable or you will get put out. Why on earth would you accept this kind of abuse and disrespect. Why do you keep coming back like he knows you will. Leave. Cancel them utilities. Find your own place. Do not allow him to talk you into coming back because he might tell you he will change…but he never ever will. Can yoj imagine if there was children involved ???You deserve so much better than this. Plan the move properly. Get advice from womens aid. Block his number and social media. Do not tell him where you are living. Do it now. :four_leaf_clover:

No one can give you any Only you can make that Decision

are you on the lease ? if you’re paying all the bills tell him he can fuck off and he can leave , if you’re on the lease , otherwise if you continue to stay then you like being treated like that . I’m getting tired of excuses from women … you put up with what you want . you’re treated the way you want. If you don’t like it you have the power to make a change . if you choose not to change then you must like it…

Stand up for yourself
Put your foot down
Change it.
Take action.
Or don’t complain.

Pay all the bills in your own place.

Leave and never go back

It’s your place if you are paying the bills. Put him out. If he won’t go than leave and stop paying those bills and get another place.

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Sounds like a total bastard, unfortunately you are treated the way you allow yourself to be treated. Don’t think you haven’t got options , you work, you have places to go to get on your feet . Good luck sweetheart .