My spouse kicks me out everytime we get in a fight: Advice?

I would bounce for a good solid month. Slicence while I’m at it.

I want to appreciate you by sharing the good news to the world I made it out for the very first time with Mrs Angelina Wilson


That’s abuse. If he needs space after a fight, he’s the one who should leave.

Is he on a lease with you? I’d ask for an emergency eviction and divorce and keep paying YOUR bills, without all the bs. Or take your money and leave. He also cant make YOU leave YOUR home. You live there, you receive mail, you pay the bills.

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Kick his ass out. You pay the bills.

Kick him to the curb

Don’t pay the bills and leave


Who’s name is the lease in? Who’s name are the bills in?


For one stop paying everything and leave stay gone get your own place and then pay everything

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If you pay all the bills, tell him to get out! Don’t put up with his crap.

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Next time leave before he tells you to. And stay gone

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Sounds like a narcissist. Best advice is tell him legally he can’t kick you out and if he does call the cops and they will tell him the same thing. Then start the process to kick him out or leave.

Depending on the laws in your state… don’t just leave. You could be seen as abandoning

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I would leave an start living my best life good luck


Sounds like you need to stand up and set some boundaries

Any man that puts YOU out of a home is a man with zero respect

I think you already have your answer …

Life is wayyyyyy too short

I don’t understand why women put up with this stuff


That sounds pretty toxic to me. Please don’t hurt yourself further by staying! You deserve better!

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Sounds like he just using you for the money

Stop going back. Stop paying the bills also.


STAY GONE !!! that is NOT going to change!!!

whose name is the residence you are living in , your, his or both , if you are on the paper work stand your ground , you have a right to be there too. If you have to move into a seperate bedroom and lay down the law saying i will pay xyz and this is your xyz . i buy my own food and cook for myself , you sort yourself out with that, plus no ,more washing his cloths ,clean just what you use in the house (if you dont use the living room dont clean it) If your name is not on the place off residence just leave , find somewhere you can feel safe and heal and get over the relastionship

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Leave his ass! You deserve better.

Sorry this sounds mean but it obvious you like to be the victim. Time to grow up and set shit straight, get your business in order and next time he tells you to to leave be gone and for good end of story. Put an end to this BS life style.

Be done and get out with your dignity

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My only question is why would you put up with this ass head for 12 years???

Mine has done the same
The last time he drank and said that i up and left with the kids for a long weekend for a break from his crap
Some men dont smarten up n think they’ll lose out on a good spouse etc and some do you gotta do you hun

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Kick him out. Fuck that dude

Just leave, don’t wait for him to tell you!!! You’ll be better off

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Sounds like a bad situation. I would kick him out

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he would find all his stuff out side and the locks changed

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He’s been kicking you out of the home you pay for for 12 years. Are you actually leaving? Please just leave. I’m single. I have a daughter n one on the way via private donor. Guess how many times I got kicked out of my own home I pay for in the last 2.5 years? Never. Don’t. Look. Back. Just Go.


You pay all the bills so why tf do you leave? You should kick his ass out!!! You deserve better !!!

Leave…. You are the money maker, he would fall flat on his ass if you left!

Leave. Even if you get a hotel room for a couple days. And stop paying all the bills!!!

Leave him. He is never going to grow up

Leave his ass KICK HIS ASS out U pay the bills get rid of his stupid ass

It is because you tolerate it I would say don’t let the door hit you on the way out because it’s obvious he cannot afford the bills and i dam sure would not let him keep mentally abusing you that is what he is doing so stop putting up with it or one of you needs to go .


Stop paying all the bills lol

ALMOST DONE honey !!! I would just go and not return no matter how bad he begs you .your worth more than that

Go now what are you staying for. I give 25 years. now I have a good man not a boy .

If the home is in your name, throw him and his shit out the door. If it’s in his name, then leave ASAP. Take your name off any utility bills. I would have left the second time it happened.

Being you’re already able to fund your life.
1.Know your worth
2. What you accept will be your future.


Kick him out…or stop paying all bills


You don’t need him. He needs you! Leave or kick him out. But what ever you do …run. You are devaluing yourself.

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Id leave. That’s toxic, manipulative and abusive. You deserve better. I ask mone to leave me alone in the room or walk away for a while but kicking you out of the house is too much.

Tell him the next time he says it, you will leave and not come back. So think before he speaks.

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I just felt with this and left for good

You pay the bills ?? Tell him to get out !!!


Go if wants you out go. You don’t need that baggage especially if he don’t pay no bills


Is this site just for entertainment or do these people really exist

Why are You still there???


I was ‘kicked out’ twice. Finally, I took him up on it.

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Leave him, you have put up with enough of his s$&t . You don’t need him.

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Don’t go back. This will never change, buddy needs to grow the fuck up and put on his big boy panties​:weary::weary: leave his immature sorry ass and move on u have already wasted enough time.

Leave and don’t come back.

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Really? Almost. Do you deserve better? If so make moves to make your life better.

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Show him the door :woman_shrugging:


Slowly pack your things and move them out to either storage or family/friends place. Open a new bank account in your name only and start saving the money up. Or start looking for your own place within your financial means and situate the money and bills stuff. Once you find a place for definite… if the bills are in your name, transfer them all over to your new place. If everything is in his name, start fresh no late payments etc and build yourself from there. Find a positive life within your own means. Or find a friend as a roommate or move in with family save money for a year or so and then get your own stuff and life.


Why do you want to stay and be abused?

Why would you put up with that if you make all the money. Kick him out

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Leave for good. You don’t deserve such abuse.


Pack your stuff and leave, he’s not worth the drama. there’s better for you out there. The stress must be eating at you

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You pay bill tell him to leave


12 years?! And YOU pay the bills? What is wrong with you?! Why would you accept that?! Please gain some self worth. Don’t almost be done, be done.


You both need to grow up !

You don’t deserve any of it. It is his fault, not yours. Leave unless you don’t value your self enough.

You pay all the bills and he tells you to get out? Ha.

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Girl… stop putting up with that. Kick him to the curb or make him leave during a fight

Depending on what state you live in… he may not be able to truly kick you out. Here in NC my ex husband tried that kicking me out stuff and the police said told him that he couldn’t bc I had established residency after a certain amount of time. Ie: I have mail coming to that address, bills to the address, all the bills paid by myself etc. That may be something in your state as well. However if you’re already paying all the bills… might as well make them cheaper by them just being yours only not another person building them up more… by finding your own place and starting over let him deal with it all then if they’re in his name. I say that bc my husband has a majority of the bills in his name but I pay them and some in my own that I also pay. I also pay all the bills. Just start fresh all together but move when he is gone for a while ie work etc.

If you’re paying ? Kick him the fuck out , for good!

Know going into the fight he will attempt to again, turn the table tell him first, tell him it’s his turn to go. If he refuses or you feel fearful, then go. Prepare to move out.


Girl, you need to get out. You don’t need that kind of treatment! Just tell him you’re done!


You need to be prepared. Get all your legal documents together. Keep them in a safe place where you can get them in a second. Open up a separate bank account at a different bank and make deposits. Is the home one you own together or do you rent? Get copies of the checks showing what you gave paid for. Talk to a lawyer and be prepared to leave. I would plan ahead for the next big fight as it seems like it is cyclic.


Next time ( and there WILL be a next time) be ready. Have a bag packed. Have a bank account only you can access. Have a plan in motion. Then leave. Find somebody who will love AND respect you. HE does neither.


Leave as in 12 years ago


Almost done? What’s it going to take for you to be done? Make sure you have your finances seperate, get a lawyer and go!

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WTF is wrong with you? Why would anyone put up with that BS? Get out and stay out!


im going thru the same for 17 yrs now and it never gets better im about ready to leave with 3 kids

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I was in that situation. I left no regrets. It’s a narcissists way of boosting their ego, you don’t leave they know they have a hold over you


He is not for you. No one has to take abuse or neglect or obscene language. You are better than that. Leave. And, do not go back.

You make the money and pay the bills kick him out. My hubby said he will come and help him leave.

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Not sure why you’d keep going back? He just wants you to pay bills so kick him out next time. And don’t let him back in. Aren’t you worth more than this??? Yes. Yes, you are.


You pay all the bills and he puts you out…You hit to know better than that…is it his house??? You better plan your exit…you don’t need him…That’s Mental and emotional… . And physical ABUSE…RUNNNNN


Get Out. He does Not respect you at all. Seriously and Quietly. Confused? There is Nothing to be Confused about. Get all your your money, all your stuff and get out.


Almost done? He’s a freeloader and jerk drop his ass you pay the bills? Tell him to get out!!!

Take him up on his offer and get out. It doesn’t happen overnight unless you’ve already prepared an exit plan. It’ll be hard on you, narcissists are very good at what they do…research codependency and trama bonds if you havent already. You are not alone in this!! It’s very brave of you to reach out for support, you’re on the right track. Make sure you’re able to keep your own bank account and put back some money if you haven’t already, you can even look into your local domestic violence assistance and resources, in my town they provide a safe place to stay at temporarily and help you find a permanent place as well. There are a ton of options, you don’t have to be “stuck” forever. You are worthy of a better life and you deserve someone who is good to you. Please remember that.


You pay, you stay :woman_shrugging:t4: boy needs to be cancelled

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You deserve better!!!

I advise you to stop posting this bullshit that idiots think is real and reply with advice to

Leave! Praying for your strength to see that his negativity and quickness to tell you to get out shows how much he really care! So do as he asks!

I smell a rat. Is this two gay males having a bitch fight?

You let him - don’t go back next time…

Get a therapist to help you figure out why you continue this trauma bond with an abusive man.
Separate your banking. Do not co mingle.
Talk to a lawyer about what you need to do when you are ready.
Don’t leave. Why does he get to kick you out?
Stop paying for any extras for him.
You are being emotionally and financially abused.
Abuse. That is what’s going on here.


I’m pretty sure he should be kicked out if you’re paying the bills. Is he on the deed of the house or the lease? If not, he can go.


Be DONE. If this has gone on forever it will NEVER change. Spend money on your bills, on YOU. This man is not a good one.

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After the second time you should be smart enough to know he doesn’t want you but he doesn’t want anyone else to have you ether so it’s time to find a better place to live your life and move on and don’t look back

Leave and get your own spot since you’re paying all the bills anyway.

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Leave. That’s abusive. He shouldn’t kick you out or call you names.

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Just leave, you deserve much better.

12 years of mental abuse, omg lady he certainly knows how you tick. Every time he says get out he knows you will be back, so hey it’s time to get your act together. When he kicks you out next time bloody stay away. Get your own place, and when he says you will never manage without him it proves that he can’t be without you. Cause you are the breadwinner in this relationship … start looking for your own place and gradually take your things out of that home and get your new life started… he is a selfish bit and needs a lesson taught to him… stop going back.

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You deserve so much better…I think he has your self esteem put down so bad …So sorry :disappointed:

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