My spouse said hurtful things to me

Girl he gotta a small dick. Just order a big ass dildo and be happy again :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:

Tell him to stop gripping his thang so hard when he touches himself lol But in all reality, there is no such thing as being loose, the vagina is a muscle and is made to stretch for obvious reasons. Usually when you are more turned on, it gets wetter and more relaxed, if its tight you’re not as aroused. But you can have a weak pelvic floor which can make sex not as fun, maybe it is something you can speak to your doctor about pelvic floor therapy, also kegal exercises are get for strengthening those muscles.

Tell him he’s the problem he don’t turn u on

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Maybe he has a small dick? :woman_shrugging:t4:

Maybe he’s just got a skinny pee pee :rofl:


Looking into penis sheaths(slides over the penis like a condom and are made of silicone, leaving the head exposed like wearing a turtle neck lol)…it’ll add girth to him(so yay for you!!)while adding “tightness” around him(so yay for him!).
I had to do that with an ex…cuz he was smaller then average. So we just invested in some penis sheaths and had a great ol’ time!lol
Don’t take it personally…he’s probably on the smaller side and that’s why. No shame.
It happens.
It’s why sex toys were invented🤷.

I know they make certain lube that can make you seem “tighter” but he probably just has a small :eggplant: :rofl: and I would have immediately came back at him with that :rofl:


I am angry for you. He’s just putting you down so you don’t think you can do better. Maybe he’s just too small? Absolute trash. I wouldn’t want to have sex with him either. Get a vibrator and go to town on yourself while he’s laying there next to you. Show him what he’s missing.

Honey I’m sure it’s not you, it’s his little woodpecker :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Lmao just show him this entire thread then walk away laughing :rofl:


Tell us he has a small peepee without telling is he has a small peepee. :smirk: men :woman_facepalming: clearly he has no idea thats not how any of this works.


Did you tell him that maybe his peen is just small? Because it’s physiologically impossible for a vagina to be “loose”

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but you also asked for his opinion??? he wasn’t honest with you and now he is and your hurt🤷‍♀️ either work together or yourself to get a better sex life

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But it has never been an issue befor

Stop having sex with him.

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Just do kegal exercises. Also tell him that it may seem like you’re loose cause his :eggplant: too small which is why he feels like it’s loose. :woman_shrugging:. Don’t let no man not even your husband make you feel bad about your body. If one does then you need to turn it back around on them :woman_shrugging:


The more aroused you are the more you’re vagina expands so it’s actually a good thing - means he’s doing his job well. He’s just uneducated honestly

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Don’t be mad , I believe that you can do exercises for that. He still wants to have sex with you. At least he isn’t out there getting it somewhere else

He shouldn’t speak on something you can’t fix. Dumb.


Girl I was a VIRGIN with my daughters father he had the audacity to ask if I was really a virgin because I was so loose I would cry every day cause I got pregnant from him and I knew I was a virgin now 7 years later I met a bigger size and now I clown on him for having a dick I had to hold with only 2 fingers​:joy::joy::joy:

These comments do not disappoint. I’m fucking dead​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

If he thinks you’re loose he needs proper sex education and you need a more mature educated partner who isn’t cheating on you

Don’t ask if you don’t want to know his honest answer. He was glossing over his honest answer to protect your feelings. It wasn’t a big deal to him until you made it one.


Obviously ya man has a small you know what :joy:


Find out what the both of you can do together to make you both satisfied. Loose cooters and small wieners are only the basics. You guys can do things to fix both of those problems if you use your imagination! :kissing_heart:

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Lmao at the tiny :eggplant: comments. I love this group yall crack me up​:joy::rofl:


Maybe look into vaginal rejuvenation?? :woman_shrugging:

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HF! Kegals girls They aren’t hard!


Usually a man with a small cock syndrome say shit like this to a woman … Throw him out :blush::blush::blush::blush::blush:

I was gonna comment. Buuut all yall ladies did it for me. He has a small pee pee. No such thing as a loose hu-hah. The only time a woman should feel “loose” is when she is fully aroused and that is the bodys way of opening up for him. You cannot help that hes lacking in the peepee departmwnt.


It’s ruin. Get rid of him


This isn’t what everyone else is saying, but I’m gonna say it anyway. You asked. He told you. You asked him why he never said anything before and he told you why. And guess what? He was right. You’re responding exactly like he thought you would. He didn’t say I never wanna have sex with you again. He gave you what you asked for and he’s still satisfied. If it bothers YOU, do some kegals. They’re easy and you can do them everywhere without anyone noticing. Good luck.

Well from a man’s point of view I have never had any punnnay that was bad never even heard of any bad hooha so he much just be to small for ya lol


So you asked him to be honest and are now upset he was honest? I’m sorry your feelings are hurt, but you asked. If you’re sexually aroused, your vagina will relax. If this is a problem and causes his sensation to decrease, that’s his issue :woman_shrugging:t4: If you simply have lost some elasticity in the muscles down there, there are exercises you can do if you want to improve it.

Don’t be surprised if he isn’t as forthcoming with you anymore since you are holding his honesty against him.

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Other peue have said it but a tight vagina means you aren’t turned on and you can be quite dry which can cause injury. A ‘loose’ vagina means you are turned on and ready to go. Obviously he doesn’t care about how your body works as it isn’t what pleases him. I’d get rid of him hun. Not because he is small in his department but because in my opinion anyway, it shows he doesn’t care about you being in the mood or turned on because I doesn’t satisfy him

I’ve had 4 kids in 5 years and my husband’s never complained :thinking: I doubt it’s you hun.


Do some kegals for your self esteem (you honestly don’t need them)
Show him this thread, give him the finger, and tell him how it all works.


He knew he was gonna hurt your feelings saying that to you. So, if I were you I would march in the same room as he is in right now and tell him after your comment to me about me being loose, I have done some research and figured out I’m not loose your dick is just too small and then turn around with my chin in the air and walk out smiling. But that’s just me! :woman_shrugging:t2:

I hope everyone knoe that this can be a medical issue. You can crack jokes to make her feel better. But it can be something bigger. She asked for the truth and got the truth. My aunt had this issue and ended up having to have surgery to fix the issue. No matter what, you can bash the guy, she asked for the truth amd he gave it to her. She shouldn’t feel bad or be mad at him either. But she shut be calling her ob to check this issue out to see if it is an issue. If to not a real issue. You SO is an A** hat.


There are exercises you can do to tighten up. You asked, I wouldn’t be upset. Just work on it.

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I’m sorry but he’s an asshole and needs to go on! Know your worth! You know my ex husband used to make stupid comments like that but in reality its cause he had a small dick! I’ve never had that comments. Actually been told the opposite!

He said them walls is beatdown sis


Ok first of all there’s nothing wrong with you. He could stand to learn a little about biology though. Read this:

You and most these women commenting need to educate themselves. First if your vaginal canal is loose do some kegals it is a muscle after all. Second inform him that after many years of staying with the same penis the vagina actually conforms to that one penis. It also feels loser when women are fully aroused. Also loosen up use toys explore different positions

Tell him he is too small, that’s the problem. And find yourself somebody thick loves every bit of you. A big man will never think you’re too loose, nor should you be judged by that anyways by somebody who loves you. I’m so sorry he did this, men are nightmare people I swear


Sometimes its just best not to ask…


I had this issue after I had my last baby. And it also hurt my feelings when he told me I was (even though I knew because even i could feel the difference) but I did kegels as much as possible and i still honestly do lol but it went back to complete normal after a few months of kegals. I know it stings and puts a toll on your confidence regardless of if you asked or not, but there’s ways of fixing it. :heart:


Maybe you’re not loose (because that’s literally not a thing)
Maybe his dick is just little :joy::joy::joy:

kegals,Ben wa balls.these will help you naturally tighten

He has tiny pee pee syndrome


You can have vaginal rejuvenation and tighten things back up if it bothers you. :black_heart:

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Unless you’re dealing with urinary or fecal incontinence, you’re fine; don’t take it too seriously - he’s just a dickweed with a small one and he’s really uncomfortable with himself. First thing I’d be asking is “are you comparing me to somebody” or “have you recently dissatisfied somebody else, now you’re taking it out on me?” … if you feel you may have the same issue, stick yourself with a Super Plus tampon half way and squeeze that shit back together. You can also lay on your back on a flat surface, knees up, feet on the floor, lift your butt as high as you can, hold it for 15 seconds; do about 10-20 reps a day. I highly recommend if you’re going to stay with this dude, have him make Google his best friend for a day and educate his dumbass on female anatomy and what happens when women get fully aroused. Is he your first - if no, have you ever had a complaint from the others? If not, tell him not to let the door hit him on the way out

maybe he’s not fully hard & is trying to blame you :woman_shrugging:


Do your keigels. And tell him you it’s ok to have a small appendage. That you don’t think any less of him for it.


maybe your not maybe he is too thin if you know what i mean :pencil2:


How do you know there is nothing wrong with her? Never met a perfect person.

You told him to trust you with the truth to a delicate inquiry. He answered honestly and now he’s being punished for it. That’s not fair.


Or you could tell him “he’s to small…” see how he likes it :fu:t2:


It’s a good thing to be loose. It means your comfortable and relaxed with your partner and more enjoyable for both of you because it is wetter. Obviously you have been sacrificing your pleasure to keep him happy.


Is it really you? Or is he like this?


Sounds like he has a tiny dick

I dont agree with some of these comments. He answered you honestly which is what you asked. You guys gotta work on this together. Also just bc he thinks you’re ‘loose’ doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy sex with you

First off, you can’t be “loose”. It’s a scientific fact that the more attracted/turned on you are, the more relaxed the vagina. 1) you need to lose him, and get someone who appreciates you! 2) if it makes you self conscious you can do Kegels, but honestly all that does is strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Men are dumb.

People can word the truth without hurting the person. He shouldn’t have made you feel like it was a problem or bad thing. You guys can explore all the reasons you’re loose , and you can strengthen your pelvic floor. At the end of the day though his satisfaction isn’t really your job. You can’t do what he likes if he doesn’t tell you, and if tightness is the only way he can enjoy sex maybe y’all should explore toys and positions until you find something you really both like. There’s nothing wrong with you or him you guys just gotta find the middle ground.

There’s definitely a problem how he worded it though. He needs to work on that shit, and you need to not ask questions you might not be ready for the answers.

Never poke the Bear.

Throw the whole man away.


Work on pelvic floor exercises. Sometimes it’s just because of babies. Or maybe he’s just an AH not sure

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I think he should learn about female anatomy. And the fact that a women ‘losens up’ when turned on. If your ‘tight’ then you are not stimulated and are not turned on… ‘loose’ is good. ‘Tight’ is bad. And from some of these womens comments. Yall need to learn about your body as well. Shame on him girl


Actually the feeling of being lose, means you are enjoying sex. If you felt tight it’s likely because you weren’t enjoying sex. Sounds like he needs to go back to school and learn a few things.

Tell him you’re sorry he has such a smol doodle


I mean, I have seen a pic of someone fisting themselves. It is :face_vomiting: disgusting. So ya how do you satisfy someone when your that big?

i mean lol u asked and he gave you the truth. :woman_shrugging:t2: do keigles

Y’all’s comments made me do kegals for 5 threads up. GIRL IT ISN’T YOU THATS THE PROBLEM IT REALLY IS HIS SIZE men don’t like to admit their shortcoming but we know. Solely because well we’ve all seen the sampler platter Omgoodness I can’t I crack myself up. So all you gotta do is say baby it’s from you and your size you did this damage look at you boy. You surprised yourself didn’t you. Make sure you make him feel so large and in charge. That he will start to love it again. REVERSE PHYCOLOGY MY GIRL. Works like a charm.


Keigels will help with that…for your own self esteem if it is effecting you. But your body loosens the more aroused you become and also around “that” time of the month. Tell him maybe he needs to be bigger if he feels that way…

That would hurt me too. but do some Kegels! I do them at every stoplight, always. Its become quite the habit. If it is something that is going to cause issues in your relationship with insecurities on your part, go have a “husband stitch” type thing done.

So not feel hurt or bad and do not do one kegil for him- it’s not all about his pleasure. That’s his problem he got a pencil for a ding dang. Go find a man who is harder and thicker… Flick that pencil tfoh


Im afraid it’s a little mix of what everyone said above. Pick your battles. Yes it hurts, and only you know him enough to know how to “use the cold shoulder” or whatever it is you do to show you’re upset. Fix it and move on or don’t fix it and tell him to kick rocks. I think he needs to know it could be cause your really into it and it gets this way because of that, and you need to explain to him that “loose vaginas” is from having wide hips and tight is from having narrow hips. He can live with it too if he really loves you…just saying. This is a small issue compared to mine.

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Remind him that none of your exes ever complained.
Size difference much? :joy:


If you asked him to be honest you can’t punish him for his honesty…. :woozy_face:

Go on Amazon and order a Kegal weight set like this


He’s just trying to justify him being a :pencil2: :eggplant:

You are relaxed and comfortable but now that can change. Ugh I swear I hate men! You can try to do kegals but what will he try? If this is one sided then there is a bigger problem. Do not let this fool bring you down. I’m so mad for you.


Girl, I’d tell him he needs to find ways to beef up his peen. lol.


Baby, maybe he’s just small. lol


Maybe he’s just small?


Lol omg. Maybe he’s small tell him…since we r being honest :laughing:


Try some kegel exercises

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Maybe he’s too small… :woman_shrugging:


If he gets off he’s satisfied…tell him there’s always his hand


FIRST of all. The reason a woman ‘feels loose’ when being intimate is because she is turned on. When you’re uptight and not turned on enough it will feel ‘tight’. When your body relaxes and enjoys itself, so do the vaginal muscles. He should be flattered by that. Second of all, maybe he is the issue not yourself. You asked for honesty and it’s great he felt comfortable enough to do so. But don’t take it as there’s something wrong with you. A woman’s sexual organs are mean to expand for child birth and intercourse. It’s not a bad thing hunny x


Maybe you aren’t loose he just has a small dick :woman_shrugging:t2:

You’re SUPPOSED to be “loose” during sex :woman_facepalming:t2: it means you’re turned on and prevents damage from happening to your vagina. Tell him he needs to learn about female anatomy and how it works before he even dares to try and have sex with a woman again.

You can’t be “loose” it’s not possible. It’s a muscle and if you’re aroused you are more “loose” so if your “tight” odds are you’re not aroused. He clearly needs to learn womens anatomy.


Sounds like he is too small OR you are one of the lucky women who get really wet when excited which some ignorant men think of as loose


Maybe he just has a small penis!

You asked him to be honest, even though you knew it might hurt so that is not his fault BUT there’s always two sides to one story… So are you asking because you are unsatisfied and he is too small?… I’m just saying. It works both ways .He thinks you’re “loose” but maybe he is too small.


Well, if he had a bigger penis then there wouldn’t be an issue…

Seriously. He was really rude and I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.

The thing about us females is, we should never ask questions that have answers we don’t want to hear. While different things could be at play here, we need to be ready for things we don’t want to hear if we really want to know the answers. This would be hurtful to hear no matter the situation. Your feelings are valid and serious communication should be happening.


That’s a pretty shitty thing to say. You could try doing kegal exercises. You know how when you are peeing you can stop halfway through peeing? That’s your legal muscle. Practice moving that muscle as much as you can. That will help build the muscles back.

PSA if she’s tight you’re not doing it right…!!


You can’t be “loose” medically I thought that was a myth


Start doing kegels……. They work

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