My spouse thinks I should work and take care of the entire house: Advice?

Um, who is bringing in more doesn’t matter. It’s not fair for you to work just as hard, just as much (if not more) AND have to take care of the entire home plus kids. I’m not saying leave the man, but definitely don’t let him hang money over your head especially when you’re working too.

He sounds like a dick tbh


We both work yes he is the primary breadwinner but he still does housework and helps with the kids

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He sounds like a son of a biotch I’d straight tell him hire a mf maid because I’m not one and if he wants it all done than charge his ass he can mf pay you if he wants to have it all tf done he sounds like a freaking douche bag expecting you to do everything

No you shouldn’t be the only one with the responsibility of caring for your home. If you both work he should step up and help out.

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Tell him to hire a housekeeper.


kick him to the curb!

Um… he sounds like he needs a reality check… and you sound like you need a vacation , anyways if he thinks you should do all of everything and thensome , what do you even need him for? I lived through a very similar situation for the duration of a crappy marriage , was sick ( had two brain surgeries ) took care of 4 kids between the 2 of us , worked and took care of cooking and cleaning , plus mental and physical abuse , I finally got sick of it and left his ass , life has been much better since … it was so bad I never thought I’d ever even consider getting married to anyone, ever again… but now am engaged and able to enjoy a relationship…

It’s true you both work you both contribute you both enjoy the money you both share the house chores because both of you come home tired gotta be fare :thinking:

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Your spouse needs a swift kick in the behind! If your working full time use your $ to hire a maid

Leave them. End of story. Financial abuse doesn’t change and when it gets to the point you make more, they get depressed and rescind and make it seem like they are a failure and its your fault.


I think he feels your his maid too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hire a housekeeper with his money


Um no equal shares 50/50 irrelevant of who makes more or who does more.

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A marriage/lifetime partnership is a joint effort. It’s not his money/her money, his responsibility/her responsibility, his child/her child … it OUR money, OUR responsibility, OUR child … OUR future. The two of you contribute to one goal … a happy & hopefully successful & stable future … while being supportive of each other’s dreams. As a couple, you discuss what’s important to you, and for your future, then you put a joint plan into place, designating how you’re going to make it a reality. Each of you should want to do whatever chores are necessary along the way, and instead of keeping score, encourage one another. Respect one another. Love and appreciate one another.

That being said, (I know I’m going to get some flack for saying this), women don’t generally make as much money as men in the workforce (I know there are exceptions to the rule), women are generally the primary parent to do most of the child rearing functions (again, I know there are exceptions to the rule), and men in a committed relationship generally expect the woman to do the cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry, scheduling of Dr. appts., etc. - and by the way, they generally don’t think any of these functions are a big deal, so they don’t see why you shouldn’t work a full time job to contribute to the financial security of the household. They will, generally, remind you from time to time that they are the main source of income for the household, and that no matter how hard you work or how much you do, it can’t match the stressful demands on them with their higher paying jobs, and therefore it’s the woman’s responsibility to handle the household chores. They will sometimes offer to handle the “guy” stuff, like mowing the yard or unclogging a pipe, but they won’t do it without you praising them for helping you, and they usually won’t do it without complaining.

There. I said it. Doesn’t quite seem fair, does it? That’s why it is so important to communicate and let each other know what you expect of each other in your relationship. Not every relationship is the same. Some men are perfectly happy to take care of the home & kids while the wife goes out into the working world. Some women have fortune 500 careers, and that works for them. In other relationships, a man might not want his wife and the mother of his children to work outside the home. He might want to insist that being a mother and housewife is a full-time job, and the family unit would suffer without her at home 24/7. If course, there are thousands of combinations you can think of for relationships, and what works or doesn’t … but the only one you need to be concerned with is your own.

Talk to your husband. Tell him what you want from the relationship and then ask him what he wants from the relationship. Work it out between you. Keep in mind that you’re both suppose to be planning a happy future for you together. Sometimes it will require compromise on both of your parts to achieve the end goal.

Why does he want you working more? Is there some one else he wants to spend time with? Don’t do it !!!


Your man is an asshole. What he is expecting of you is absolutely Ludacris. He needs to pick one-

If he wants a career woman then he needs to help with the house.
If he wants a housewife then he needs to accept that you dont bring in any money.

Leave get support for life style you have grown accustomed to. Child support see how he likes that.

I worked 2 part time jobs n took care of 4 pets a kid n the house n stil was told he contributed more. Smh.

Divorce him and put “his money” to work for your family as it should be. alimony and child support, your life will get way more peaceful


Tell him your his partner not his slave id tell him to fuck off

It’s a team effort. Both my spouse and I work fulltime, he brings home roughly 20,000 more then me. We both do housework/chores and activities with our Littles ( 2 under 2). I hate cooking so he does the cooking, but I bath our boys after dinner every night. If their baths are done before hes done cleaning up from supper I pitch in and help. :grin: you work together to get stuff accomplished, it’s not one sided.


Dont do anything for that money hungry asshole.

Money is irrelevant… it’s all about effort!

Fuck him money in your household shouldn’t equal power