My spouse came home from work a week ago, kissed me on the head and told me he in my face he didnt want to be with me anymore…he left me with some money, keys to one of the cars and told me that I need to be gone in a month and should prob go stay with my parents…he said he just doesnt love me anymore, hes sorry and will be filing for divorce…i am honestly dumfounded where this even came from…i thought we were fine but apparently we werent…he has come home to see our daughter and then leaves again like i never even mattered to him…he ignores any call/text unless its about our daughter and i honestly am so confused…do i just leave without answers? do i stay and hope he changes his mind?
These situations are difficult. Get an attorney. The worst thing I did during my divorce was handling everything myself without legal help. I couldn’t afford it at the time and I seriously regret not getting one.
please get a lawyer. you have the kid, you should stay in the house. he’s the unhappy one, he can leave. sorry to say, but he’s definitely not going to change his mind.
I totally understand how you feel. My husband did the same thing. He gave me a new ring for our 20th wedding anniversary. Then he told me that he got a place closer to work and he needed space. I know that his mom was behind most of it. But the sad thing is I still love him. I wish I could be there for him as his step-dad is on his death bed. My heart breaks for him. Please if you have any advice please feel free to pass it on to me.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My spouse told me he doesn't want to be with me anymore: Advice?
From past experiences… there could be someone else. Or he’s going through something. I could be wrong. Until he’s ready to talk… there’s no way of really knowing.
this is heartbreaking, i’m so sorry mama
It sounds like he’s met someone else. Why is he trying to make you leave? You have as much right to the house as he does. Stay living there and take care of your daughter…he can leave.
Pretty sure he has someone else. Just let him go.
Get yourself a attorney before you do anything
Don’t leave, whatever you do.
He’s cheating. Don’t leave until a judge decides who can leave. He apparently has somewhere to go since he’s always gone. Try to find out. Phone history, emails, if he’s cheating, he has to leave
I would tell him he can leave in a month, and me and my daughter will keep the house and be just fine without him
Never stay where you’re not wanted
See a lawyer. He is the one who is leaving.
Do NOT leave. Make him file papers and the court will determine.
Consult an attorney before leaving. Anything purchased inside the marriage is half yours. That Includes the house. If I were you, I wouldn’t leave.
Let him go, but don’t leave your house. You have just as much right to it as he does. Get an attorney before doing anything.
First off, He can’t just tell you to leave esp if your the one that has the child AND he’s the one leaving the house everyday. That won’t go well for him in long run. I wouldn’t sweat that and wait for court and legal advice before you do anything. The worst pet is not having an explanation for such a major decision.
I am sorry this is happening, but as far as to why this is happening I think only
He holds those answers.
Babe he has treated you with zero care and respect. He’s had not a single care for how him leaving has made you feel regardless of why he’s fallen out of love or what ever. You don’t want someone that can be so cold back.
You can leave someone without treating them like shit but he’s chosen to be an asshole.
It’s heart breaking. But you deserve someone who loves you back. Don’t sit there as if he is some high and mighty king. SCREW HIM. it will sting and hurt but you deserve better. Also glad you have a place to stay.
Wow that’s a hard one to soak in. I would definitely get out as soon as possible and if he’s going to be a lazy father you can go on child support. it sounds like he may have someone else that he’s finally ready to take the next step with unfortunately
This is how men are. They detach easily
I am so sorry. Leave and never look back. No answer needed here. What a painful thing to go through
You pack you and your daughter up and you go on. You don’t put faith in a man that abandons you. And then when you start looking……you find one that doesn’t give up!
Whatever you do, don’t leave. Go to a lawyer ASAP and get the ball rolling on child support.
He’s sleeping with someone else. I’d definitely go get a lawyer
Get what is legally yours (house included) make sure whatever car he gave you is in your name etc…
Don’t try to hang onto him, but don’t let him pretend he can just toss you out.
Do not move out. You’re giving him rights to the home. If you’re married then it’s as much yours as his. Stay in the home.
Never let a man tell/show you twice he doesn’t want you.
Don’t leave the house.
He can not kick you out
Def someone else!!! Very rare for a man to abruptly leave, already have a place to stay and there’s noone else involved.
Don’t leave. Your entitled to stay in the house because you have your daughter and because your married it’s half yours too. See a lawyer.
Id get an attorney. And your married you do not have to leave but it can cause him to explode n u dont want that for your kids. Id leave. If he cant speak n tell you whats wrong then there isnt much you can do.
Assuming both your names are on the house, he cannot make you leave the house. Go see a lawyer. If you want the house stay put and he can move.
The reasons won’t make you feel any better. Go find happiness.
Do not leave until this is handled in court he can go if he can’t handle being in the same house…
Try not to disrupt your daughter keeping it as normal as possible (I know easier said than done) you and her need to stay for now.
I’m so sorry this is happening …whatever his reason as much as it’s eating at you it really doesn’t matter he handle this extremely poorly affecting all parties…. someday very soon you will come out on top of this and be happy again stay strong
He’s cheating but don’t leave until papers are filed.
I’d personally make him leave if able.
But he told you he didn’t love you to your face. So take him seriously. But I’d get a Lawyer and stay home myself.
Jeanine Prosonic this is the right thing to do. He has left that is considered abandonment. Same as if you leave.
Sounds like he may have met someone, but ffs that’s so harsh I’m sorry.
Definitely DO NOT LEAVE that house ! He can’t just leave you nothing!
Lawyer up gf take what’s yours! Don’t leVe house with kids he can hold since it’s his bright idea
DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE. Speak to a lawyer first, but DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE. Let the courts decide that part.
I would leave. He has communicated with you that he is done. You should take that as it is. He won’t change his mind, nor should he.
As if so many women jump straight to cheating or someone else like a man doesn’t leave for any other reason? He’s done, there doesn’t have to be anything else to it you weirdos
Call an attorney. Do not give up claim to property.
He is cheating, it’s clear from his actions.
He has another person… don’t leave the house. Get an attorney.
Don’t leave! Get an attorney and let the judge determine who can stay in the house.
Its just as much your house as his. Dont leave. You have rights
Get a lawyer.You have more right to the home than he does …Tell him to pack and get out .LAWYER UP
He has someone else and probably has for a while now. Pack your things your better off without him
You leave, He made Himself clear on His feelings. One person alone cant make a relationship work. I would cut my losses, get out, you deserve so much better
I am sorry ur dealing with this … sometimes ppl do fall out of love but most of the time it’s because there’s someone else who is getting their time , attention and love … do things you guys enjoyed together , be a family and love each other … see if he is open for marriage counseling or something so you guys can fix things , marriage isn’t just something to throw away it’s such a shame that some guys and even women think it’s just a quick easy divorce and on to the next … when u say those vows it’s supposed to be thru good and bad etc … I really hope u guys can sit down and talk and figure out what it is that is bringing up these feelings and making him tell u that
He’s got someone else. I am sorry.
Personally I would stay in the house. This is your home too and your daughters. He needs to leave. Divorce you get the house. What a dirt bag
I’d be done, but wouldn’t leave the house
Take it and run with it at least he told you hell some men won’t even do that they will just cheat and hurt you. Don’t let a man tell you twice he doesn’t want you. Trust me I learned the hard way. Good luck mama prayers
Seek advice from a lawyer
Um I wouldn’t pack item one without an attorney he’s obviously got another interest but get a hold of a lawyer and pack NOTHING
Truthfully babes he probably already is seeing someone else. Give him what he wants and start a new life for you and your kiddo.
Do not leave…make him go you have the child
do not leave the house
He’s with someone else. Figure out the legal parts. Put everything into you and your kid. Look for good, even in the bad. GL.
Sounds like he’s found someone else and isn’t trying to hurt you further by telling you explicitly.
He won’t change his mind. Breaks up don’t have to be two sided. Don’t stay.
That said, you don’t have to leave your home. You do not have to go live with your parents. You’re entitled to your home. I would seek advice of a lawyer today.
Believe him. Let him go.
Take him for the house car and anything…girl he’s been cheating on you
It’s your house too. You don’t have to leave until it’s decided who gets the house
I’d demand answers bc how does he expect you to move on without closure?
Whose name is on the house? If both names are on the deed, he can’t make you leave. Get a lawyer. Get advice.
Leave hun he probably already has somebody else, just focus on you and your kids
If a man is showing you he’s done let him pick up your life and go no reason to try to get answers it will not fix it
He obviously has another women. I’m sorry girl, as hard as it is I would pack my crap and move on.
Crazy to think about but any gender can fall out of love.
He can’t kick you out. Talk to the police and figure out your rights.
Do not leave the house, find a lawyer call legal aide they can help
Seek advice from a lawyer by the sounds of things he seeing someone else give him what he wants an move in an make a better life for U an your lil one
Why sit there and cry about it?? Just gtfo…
I would keep the house and vehicles he can be the one to leave since it’s him
Get a lawyer and file first
Get a lawyer ! Start fighting for your rights. It’s over he wants out but he doesn’t get to kick you out.
He’s been seeing someone probably for a whole. But do not give up the house. You have the child he CAN NOT make you leave. Tell him to fight it in court. Get a back bone and buck up to him and let him know he’s not getting the house without a fight…
He needs to leave. Get an attorney… freeze any accounts…do NOT let him off the hook. Kissed you on the forehead and told you he was done??? HELL NAH!!! As someone who gave up everything a couple of times just to be done… STAND YOUR GROUND!!! I would almost bet…there is another woman…or man. Don’t let him just dismiss you.
Get a PI cuz he’s cheating and don’t leave your home. Tell him he can leave
As heartbreaking as this is and I know you want answers but he’s too much of a coward right now to give you any. He’s probably got a side chuck that he’s “chosing” over you since he isn’t staying in the same home. But you don’t have to leave. Everything is just as much yours as it is his. Doesn’t matter if you’re a stay at home mom or not. You need a lawyer. Look into one. Usually the one that gets the child (which sounds like he’s letting you keep as he made no attempt to take your child) gets the home. Everything else depends on state laws. My experience isn’t a home as I’m on section 8 and when the agency found out his hit me and I had a restraining order they instantly kicked him off the program. But the cars were only in his name. He thought they were his, but since they were bought during the marriage they were just as much mine. Didn’t matter if my name was on them or not. Good luck. You can piece everything together in time but don’t let this guy walk all over you and get a chance to see the grass isn’t greener on the other side and just come back to you to just do it again once he feels “man enough”. Legal aid probably won’t help unless domestic abuse is involved. It’s the only way they helped me.
Get an attorney immediately.
DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE!!! Contact an attorney immediately but do not under any circumstances vacate your home.
Do not leave. That basically means you’re giving him the house. Tell him he can go stay w his parents. The audacity to not explain AND try to kick you out of your house. Nope.
I would move on emotionally. It’s gonna be hard but he’s straight up telling you he doesn’t want the relationship with you. I would let him be a good dad if that’s what he’s trying to do. But I don’t wouldn’t take him seriously on you and your daughter leaving the house.
Unless you and/or your child are in danger, that’s your house too. You keep that baby home.
As unfortunate as it is, you will have to accept that he wants a divorce. The not getting answers on why is even more tough, but it’s better to focus on a plan for yourself. I’m shocked on the why because he seems to be very civil starting out. Keeping communication about children only is the smartest route.
Get a good divorce attorney
Nope, he wants out fine, get out. I would not leave my home nor would I give him anything til court! He made his choices now you need to watch out for you and your child!
Talk to an attorney… and move accordingly but definitely move on sis… I promise he has someone else…
Everyone telling her not to leave…… f*ck that house. That house comes with trauma now. A bad memory. Bad energy. Leave. Start over. This is your chance at another, a BETTER, life for yourself. It’s easier said than done, trust me I’ve been there. But you will shine, your time will come. Take your daughter and leave. Move to a new area, a new state. Something exciting. You do what’s best for YOU. Sit with that hurt, and feel it. That’s okay. But don’t let it sit forever. You are on to bigger and better things. Good luck Mama.
P.S. - never wait for anyone to “change their mind”. YOU should be a priority. Love yourself more than you love him. And in the end, you’ll win.
He’s cheating where’s he staying probably with another girl. If u were you don’t leave if you have your daughter then keep the house. It’s not your fault he’s the one out there sleeping around. Find an attorney asap. Good luck
Your married and regardless who’s names the house is in he cannot kick you out I’m sorry to say but sadly sounds like he’s with someone’s else and you and your baby deserve better
Since he leaves all the time then he can leave.
Hit the bank (only pull half, that’s what you’d be entitled too); is the house deed is his name only or both? If you’re on it, you sit there and changes the locks…I’d nail him on charges of abandonment in the divorce filing
Be done, don’t leave, seek legal counsel, and I’m so sorry this is happening…it sucks I’ve been there.
He’s made it clear he doesn’t want to be with you. Save your dignity and go peacefully
I’d stay in the house you have the kids