My spouse told me he was only with me because of our daughter: Advice?

Leave him he said what he said and ment it it will only get worse

Gtfo… I could type out this big long af explanation about how I spent nearly a decade in a toxic relationship like this because of kids and how myself and my kids are better off now that it’s over but I’m not going to. Your going to need to come to these realizations for yourself so I’m just going to say GTFO now and good luck mamma

OMG, time to move on.

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People say what they mean when they’re mad. I’d believe him & walk away

You’ll be considered a idiot if u stay just saying…

I’d throw the whole man in the trash personally

Advice. He’s a douche. Boy bye. All you need right there.

If you think you can try to rekindle your relationship with him then don’t give up. Speak to a family counselor. I know it’s not easy but anything worth it will always be work. Families are so needed together. But if you really can’t see things getting better try to save money while you are pregnant and after you have your baby and things settle down so you can get a place of your own. Don’t rush things anything rushed never turns out right.

Everyone’s “hE mAyDe HiZ fEeLiNgZ cLeAr”

Except he didn’t. Yall missed the part where he jumped from “fuck you” to “love you” “get bent” to “have another one of my babies”

He’s OBVIOUSLY sending mixed signals to OP.


Get out, start a new and happy life, you deserve someone who WANTS YOU …
Good luck hon…:gift_heart:


Well if thts the case leave him


i would tell him where to go told you once he will say it again

My daughter father told me one night that he was only with me because he needed a place to live. That told me everything I needed to know about the relationship and it was ended immediately.


? Spouse/ Doesn’t ever want to marry you? Sorry but something just doesn’t add up. Get some professional help.

Leave Him… It’s sad to think that people feel as though putting up with that kind of disrespect is part of Love, cuz it’s not.

No one can control how a spouse or partner is but everyone can control how far it goes or how much will be tolerated. I would recommend you take everything back to you and work on fully realizing you are a real person of your own with endless possibilities with or without him.
Yesterday he told you’re worthless for a life commitment. Today you’re pregnant and he tells you he loves you. He doesnt sound like a stable person to count on. So, to emotionally and mentally invest in him, is unwise. Give him just enough that is healthy enough for you according to what he’s investing in you.
I hope you find your grounds, your kids needs you to. Ofa atu.

You deserve a lot better than that and I think you know that. It’s time to move on with your life and find somebody who love you and appreciate you for who you are


Run run run run run. If he feels that way now chances are that will never change. You and your child deserve so much better than that.


Leave. End of story.

Two options.
Couples counseling, cause that isnt right
Leave him.
Dont stay for the kids cause they’ll learn that’s how their supposed to be treated by a partner/how to treat a partner


Sometimes people blurt out crapt they dont mean. I’m wondering have you asked him that question. (If hes only with you for your daughter?) Anywho my advice for now since hes already apologized and stuff, get a journal start writing in it, start saving money in a savings account. So if it ends ur prepared…


Kick him to the curb and make him pay child support till hes got nothing left.

Girl, get outta there. Your daughter and baby deserve better than to see their mama pining after a Walk Away Joe.

Y’all can be co parents. You deserve to find love.

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Leave. The whole situation is bad. He can be a good father with you two separate.


Dont make a man tell you more than once he doesnt want you. Im sorry your self esteem is so low that you let someone unworthy decide if your loveable and you keep having kids with this dick.

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Leave. You can still love him and leave him. You need to prioritize your children and whats in their best interest

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Your daughter will learn from watching you, that your relationship with your partner is normal and he’s treating you the way she should be treated by her partner in the future. Then do what you think you need to do as a role model for your children, to give them the best chance at a happy life… I say, thank God you haven’t married him.

With his baby and dose he know

It’s time to get out. It’s not ok for him to speak to you like that

Leave him as soon as possible x

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You will leave him when you are ready. He is using your daughter as an excuse. He is not ready either. Do him a favor and rescues yourself and your baby.

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Time to leave he made it clear he’s not happy

Get out and get out fast he is a narcissist and toxic. That’s not a good situation for you or your children.

Sending love :two_hearts: I hope you have good friends to lift you up during this painful awful time. I feel like as women, we’ve all had these type of toxic relationships. Add in a baby n it’s unimaginable that your man would act like this, until they do. It’s a suffocating feeling and so unfair to treat the mother of your child in such a way. Too many of us are in this same boat :pensive: Don’t let it break you- he doesn’t deserve that :heart:

Start planning and get out… he’s not worth it x

Girl get away from this uncouth fool “now”.

Go. You are not doing your daughter any favors.

I went through this. Was married for 14 years to a man that I didn’t feel good enough for. Guess what? I wasn’t. When the kids got old enough he left me for another, younger woman. I hung on to every little good thing we had over all the bad to convince myself we were meant to be together. We went to counseling and were active members in our church. The one regret I have was that I wasted 14 years of my life with him. Get out now. By the way, he admitted to cheating on me our entire marriage. I’m now very happily married to a man that is no doubt in love with me. I have no question how he feels and it’s wonderful. Good luck.


Get a job, go to school, make a life

You called him your spouse in the attention bar. But further down in the following paragraph, you said he doesn’t want to marry you… if your not married - run! If you are married- consult a skilled attorney! Would you want your kid to live like that? They learn what they live…

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Looks like he might have someone else. Please leave him he is not respecting you

please see a therapist getting advise on facebook is hard let legitimate

What would you tell your daughter if she came to you with the same question ??

Do you want your daughter to think it’s acceptable? Would you want her to live like that when she’s older? Tell him to kick rocks in flip flops.


Run! My husband told me that and I just found out he’s been having an affair for 7 months! Be glad you aren’t married!


Time to go!!! Run!!!


Don’t stay together for the kids. I did that for awhile and it was the worst mistake. My kids were unhappy also. There the ones that told me to leave if I wasn’t happy cause they weren’t either. That broke my heart and out the door I went!

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Hes with you for his daughter probably for one he doesnt want to have to pay child support. And 2 probably because he wants your daughter to have both parents in the home. However it sounds like it can turn into a toxic relationship now that he came out about it. You might as well just leave then. No since in being in the same home with someone who doesnt want to move forward or loves you. You may love him but hes not even worth it. He said what he said. Go find you a place with your daughter, put child support on him and let him see his daughter. Just move on. He obviously might be cheating anyway.


I have been were your babie daddy. Is I have no doubt he still loves you you’ll probably always have love for you you’re the mother of his child. For any more advice I need a lot more information

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Take your child and walk away. You both deserve so much more…

You’re in an emotionally abusive relationship. You need to get out and get help to recover. If a man says he doesn’t love you hes telling the truth :pensive: I’ve been there it’s not worth it.

My ex told me that when we got in fights and the only time he saw my face after that was in court for the divorce and for child support issues. I deserved better and so do you sis. I’m now happy healthy and so much more confident doing everything in my own but having my peace of mind which is priceless. He actually called me asking for money 3 weeks ago because I got a really good job and I gave it to him because I know his ego is so badly bruised now and he realizes he lost the best thing he could have had and that he never appreciated it. Fix your crown beautiful and move towards finding the happiness you deserve.


You’ve answered your own question if you read what you wrote. What would you tell someone else in your shoes? It is quite an easy answer. You either have self love or you don’t.

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This ain’t even a question u already kno what u need to do… GET OUT

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toxic on the way unless you leave. the kids will suffer.

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Leave him. He won’t change and will talk to you worse and treat you worse because he’s unhappy and he will blame you for his unhappiness, you and your children don’t deserve that.

Leave. If you stay, you will teach your kids that they can only hope for the happiness they see their precious mother have and that love and family equals pain and regret. Join a group with other single parents. If you don’t feel good now imagine your lives in the coming years. You are the important one in that relationship. That’s why he’s trying to unsay what he said. Hire a lawyer. Now. Protect your and your kids future. Reinvent yourself as a warrior for yourself as well as your kids.

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I was told the same by my ex after we were together for 3 year and engaged and had our daughter, it ended badly and now years later he’s not even involved in our daughters life

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Geez, run, as fast as you can. That is one toxic, sociopathic control freak.

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Do your children a favor and leave. It will hurt at first. But you and your children will thank you for it.


Get a divorce or a boyfriend

Ok. Simple answer. Pack your stuff get your child and get out. Thats verbal abuse could get worse you deserve better


If possible move out don’t settle for him you deserve someone that loves you for you and he is not that person. Sorry that this is happening to you

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sounds like something that was said out of anger.

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Research “trauma bonding” and get yourself a healthy support structure, therapy/family/safe space, to heal and find yourself again.


Leave. You deserve real love and marriage if that’s what you want.


Run fast, he’s a narcissist manipulating you, the more off balance you are the more control he has and the more he enjoys it, DO NOT engage in his game!


This kind of thing escalates and its unhealthy for children to be raised in such toxic environments


It sounds like he spoke out of anger or frustration. It has been a very tough year for the collective of humans… forgiveness goes a long ways…


He is probably cheating and that is his only justification for it and to blame you. If you want it to work yoy need to get counseling for the two of you or even just you and seriously get out of the house get away from him as much as you can so he can worry and don’t cling or tell him what your doing. He can see if he wants a life without you or not and so can you

Leave him, only being with someone because you two have kids together is very petty. He needs to love you BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU. Not only love you because of the children you have givin him. He doesn’t deserve love that he cannot give back. Clinging onto him is only going to continue to hurt you, your kids might not understand at first, but in the future they will understand if you explain your side to him

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Leave. It’s not setting an example for her. And he’s subtly putting responsibility for your relationship on her! Not her place! My parents did that! We heard and believed it was our fault!

Adios muttha fuuuuka! You’ll find better

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Those hurtful things he said will stay inside you forever like a boiling pot that boils over at some point when you have a n argument. It will come out in differant ways. You will start to resent him in differant ways. of this now because it wont go away and gets worse over time!! This is total degrading, disrespect to your relationship and this could be a way he will use it to control you!

He told you how he felt. You can’t change how someone loves you but you choose if you want to participate. Also think of what you’re showing your daughter. You wouldn’t want her to be hurting and with someone like that when she’s older. It’s time for you to end the relationship and focus on the one you have with yourself and with your daughter.

Go to counseling so that you can get yourself together emotionally. Start putting money to the side so you can transition smoothly. When you are ready, offer that y’all go to couples counseling to try to fix what is broken in the relationship. If he isn’t interested, leave. You have to work on you first though.

You deserve so much better. You deserve a partner who is going to love you the same way you love them. People don’t say things just to say things. He had to of meant it. My ex was the same way. Always Saying hurtful things and then turning around and saying he didn’t mean it. The day I left was probably the best decision I’ve ever made, I am so much happier with a man who never treats me like this. My kids see and they tell me all the time how much it means to them to see me happy again. Kids know and see everything, even when u think they don’t. know your self worth! Your children deserve a happy momma!!

Search out counseling. Offer for him to go too.

My dear pregnancy is a stressful time even he might need to vent once in a while. Don’t take it too personally. Just think? Is he cheating? No! Has he been committed to you over the years? Yes! Does he give time to the kid(s)? Yes! Is he a good caring father? Yes! Will he help out with the other one on the way? Absolutely! Are you sincere to him? Yes! Does he have someone else in his life? Not really unless you give him the potential by fighting and walking out. So far he has no reason to leave. You’re the best he got!!! You wanna marry him? Watch the Steve show! Lol joking but you already made a family with him. Now in his mind marriage is just a signed piece of paper and it’s expensive to get married. Why get married when he has everything? But you want a marriage and you can convince him for it too. After the fight the guy did say he didn’t mean the things he said. So don’t think about the stuff he said when he was angry. Just give him a chance to prove that by believing that he didn’t mean what he said. Now if you want to be his wife then act like one. Because it is not easy to stop loving the person you love the most. Tell him often you love him. Compliment him
Often. Tell him often he’s your world. Tell him he isn’t just the father of your kids but much more. Be sweet. Win his heart over some more. Make his favorite food. Make more love. Talk sweetly with him in a respectful tone. Stop arguing over small things. If it won’t matter 5 years down from now then don’t fight on it. And if you guys do fight then let him do the talking and listen to what he is saying. Listen to what he wants changed and expects? Don’t go on to think he doesn’t want you! If that was the case he wouldn’t be here fighting with you for the sake of the kid he would be out doing other stuff. Just be the best wifey material at the time. And don’t walk away after arguing just be there you can ignore him for few hours but after a while you will see your self that he will feel guilty for fighting and would say sorry to you. So just keep being a better version of yourself in front of him. And after every few months after you have won his heart over even more remind him you wanna get married. (Marriages don’t have to be expensive you can have a small intimate one especially due to the covid small weddings are a thing these days)

Do you say hurtful things you don’t mean when upset?

Most people say leave. I would say counseling (relationship/marriage/family). If he’s not willing then you may need to consider leaving, to stand up for what you and your daughter deserve - love and respect. I know this is hard, I’ve been through similar to what you have shared. I wish you the best!


I married a man that couldn’t love me, though he faked it at first. It was a life of great loneliness, sadness & emotional manipulation. I left…life was so much better alone because my heart & mind were free from passive aggressive abuse. If you raise your kids in this environment, they will eventually pick partners that treat them the same. Leave him, there is someone waiting to love you beyond words. Blessings & prayers​:pray::pray::pray:


I would listen to what he said and end the relationship. Your relationship will not go further, matter of fact you both will end up resenting or even hating each other. The best thing to do is to move on with your life without him. Work on yourself and your future. You will have to coparent because of your daughter but you do not need to be in a bad relationship with him. Do not waste your time or energy being with someone who does not love you or want to have a committed future with you.


Heated argument or not ! What he said was extremely messed up. Ultimately you’re going to do what you want but my advice is. Find a way to leave save up , or go back to home to your parents. Your daughter will learn what relationships look like from yours and from the sounds of it , it’s toxic. You don’t deserve to wonder if you’re good enough or get those affirmations from him . Because you are. You deserve stability, care , and love. Good luck.


Only you can decide what your going to do. If you were arguing and he said those things maybe it was just away to hurt you. Maybe sit down and have a heart to heart conversation. Relationships are hard. There a lot of work but only you can decide if the bad out ways the good.


I would just end it. It will be hard at first but you’ll get through it. Believe me when something is said it can’t be taken back and you’ll have that in the back of your mind forever. It’s going to make it hard to live under the same roof. Your daughter doesn’t deserve to have miserable parents, because eventually y’all will be miserable.

Walk away. You will both be happier and can Co parent together and not feel trapped. You can love someone without being in love with someone. Treat your self with the respect your looking for in him and leave.

I don’t understand whether you are married or not, but family counselling and a family lawyer should both be consulted by you. If you do eventually leave, you should have all your ducks in a row. If you don’t do family counseling, find an unbiased counselor to help you before you make any decision.

If I had left the first time my ex told me he wanted a divorce (or even the 3rd time), I would have saved myself a lot of heartache.
Don’t stay for the kids. Leave for them-they should be raised knowing that they don’t have to stay in an unhappy situation just because its easier or expected.
You can love someone and still love yourself enough to know you deserve better.


A lot of people say leave I say stay children need two parents and whether he’s in a relationship for you or for the kids he’s there and they’ll see that he’s there you can only be accountable for your behavior so if you’re positive and they see a positive role model especially the new baby one that’s on its way and these other guys out here are crazy unless you want to opt for life of total celibacy for the rest of your life you’ll end up with someone else and you don’t know how they will treat your children so I say stay as long as he’s not abusive physically and verbally in front of the children stay it’s better for the children because they didn’t ask to be here and they need two parents

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Leave, can’t stay together just for the kids, they and you deserve to see happiness not fake love. And the stress isn’t healthy for your pregnancy either. It’ll just make you resent each other more and more.

Life is too short to waste on people who don’t want you. 7.8 billion baby. Let him go.


Ask yourself if that is all you want in A relationship. Why do we not expect more for ourselves.

I would say leave. You and the kids deserve more respect and love than that.

Your worth your weight in gold move on you don’t need someone to tell you how you feel follow your gut feelings kick him to the curb you can do better, it only hurts for a while until you find some els but don’t forget this relationship so your next relationship will be better

Sounds like my ex. Took me 17 years to leave but finally glad I did! It’s difficult being a single mom of 2 but I’d rather deal with everything on my own then deal with him and his hateful words ever again :100:

You may want to give up the second child for adoption, if you can’t raise the two and separate yourself from this emotionally abusive man. Try counselling perhaps. Doesn’t sound healthy.

Sit down and talk things out and tell him how he’s hurt you with what he said and ask him if he meant it or said it in the heat f the moment. Then sort it out from there. You have a baby on the way so he must have some feelings for you. If he outright says he doesn’t love you, then hold your head high and take your children and move on.

I’m sorry but I would of told him F you how dare you sit and talk to me that way after all we been through and then went and figured out what my next move would be because that’s toxic mean and just out right fake and wrong