My spouse told me to stop helping my family: Thoughts?

Personally being there, I would run! All they’re trying to do is separate you from your loved ones and what you love to cater to their every need! I wouldn’t stick around too much longer sounds like. For the rest of your life you’re going to have your family… you never know where the road is going to take you two!


Your parents will always be there for you. But he may not be. Don’t push your family away. He’s an ass.


So my fiancée does things like this for his mom all the time because she only speaks Spanish so he will set up appointments for her and drive her places she needs to go so he can translate for her and I encourage it. I want him and his mom to still have a relationship so I encourage him to do those things because life can get busy and we forget to reach out to those who are closest. Also, your spouse doesn’t sound like a very good person. It sounds like he’s trying to cut off your parents so you don’t talk to them anymore. I definitely would have a talk with him or get out because he’s exhibiting some very toxic behavior


Sounds like your spouse is the one you need to quit doing stuff for. Does he help you out at all?


Fuck him, selfish twat. Keep taking care of your family. He doesn’t own you, and he sure as hell doesn’t deserve somebody as loving and caring as you.


They’re your family and you are looking after your elders. It doesn’t matter what birth order you fall under. You’re doing the right thing by helping them in certain circumstances. It sounds like your spouse may not culturally understand why it is so important that we care for our elders (when we can). Not everyone is as family oriented as others. Plus, having a six month old can be tiring - even without elders to care for, or working from home. Just remember to honour your boundaries with both your spouse and parents. Don’t let your spouse dictate how you choose to spend time with your family. You can always get another partner, but you can’t replace your parents.


I feel like you already answered your own question… the problem isn’t your parents its your S.O. He needs to help you out more, if not you’re going to end up resenting him. I know ALL about this. You’re parents won’t always be here, don’t ever feel guilt about helping someone you love.
It’s time to talk to your S.O about him helping out more… you CANT do everything around the house alone. He needs to step up too.


Your SO is the problem, not ur parents.


Oh no! You gotta sit him down and tell him everything how it is. I used to get these talks and it literally gave me depression to where I was considering suicide but when I sat down to talk to him about how I felt & how he was making me feel, he changed completely, is more patient & helpful. Boy are dumb. They have no idea what we go through unless we tell it like it is. When I started being more straight up and asking for what I wanted, I got it. Vs waiting for him to magically guess what I’m thinking or going through. Like I said, boys are dumb. Talk to him, explain everything. If he still has a problem, it’s time to leave.

Our parents aren’t around forever, your parents come to YOU out of eight kids too? That should say enough right there. You’re there go to. I fully believe that our parents take care of us all our lives and we return that when they get older. Any s/o that sees parents as a problem for something like this, isn’t healthy. Your parents don’t seem toxic, just need help. You legit take care of him and yalls child all day & he never has to worry about anything. So whatever if you help YOUR parents. Id tell him to suck my dick :woman_shrugging:

Never stop taking care of your parents they brought you into this world and brought u up your husband needs to give his head a good wobble thats awful behaviour

If he doesn’t appreciate what you do around the house, I wouldn’t clean, cook, do the laundry etc.
I would only look after the baby and doing the job and when he gets home from a long day and sees the house a mess and things aren’t done around the house. And says something I would be like… you asked what I do in a day ’ the house is a mess. I clean all day.
The laundry isn’t done- I do all the laundry.
Dinner isn’t ready - I do the cooking so you have a homemade meal.
Then I would go on a big rant about what you do every single day for your fam.
And also your husband shouldn’t get mad at you for wanting to help your parents out. They have helped you all through your life.


Those are your parents! If he has a problem with it then he needs to do deal with it … if for any reason you and ur guy broke up who would you turn to for help? Most likely parents right? Keep them close


Sound’s like a dick to me sorry :neutral_face:


Oh if my significant other asked me what I’ve been doing all day, cause he was expecting something to be done… I would NOT handle that well. You are very patient.

Furthermore, if he is getting upset at you for helping you’re family… the people who created you (the one he loves) then you can pack his bag and leave it by the door for him.

Sending you lots of love and hugs :hugs: :green_heart:


Yep tell your bf to shut the hell up. And keep helping ur parents. I’m the 2nd to youngest out of 5 and my husband knows we are only a phone call away from our parents even his…

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He sounds like a bum and like he doesn’t want you to have any support but him


So many times it is controll ect… but there is a flip side once in a while. That comment could also mean I feel farther away and just existing together. I need to feel appreciated just like you. But you know us guys are soooo great at communicating lol. Often agitation takes lead. Your annoyance may just be the most supportive put you first pearson you will ever have. But life tends to make us blind to each other. Could be what your thinking but sometimes there are still real men in this world who belive everything else is accomplishable as long as its you two strong together as to be equips to handle rest of life.

Tell him to put his big girl panties on.


He sounds like my father - 86 that scumbag

Always be there for your parents :revolving_hearts: especially since they’re not pushy and seem to be considerate of you. Put your foot down towards your husband and remind him they’re family.

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Sounds like your significant other needs to drop his balls and grow up and stop being a little boy!
Just a man’s .02 cents

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Since its little things, I see zero issue with it. Its not like they’re asking you to remodel their house or something insanely major like that. And secondly, whats your man doing to help with the household and managing it? I saw you get “the talk” which isn’t really okay. He’s trying to put everything on you and gets upset that you are not managing everything while it seems he does very little. He needs to step up in the house if there’s something that isn’t done. Theres a reason I’ve seen so many people who leave their partners who act like this say it ends up being easier being single than with their old partner.


Mmmm he needs to stop controlling your time. Pitch in with tasks on the home front. Never stop helping your parents, they made you and raised you! They will always be there for you, weather he is or not.

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Your parents are worth more than mr mysogenist

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If he was my husband I’d leave him. I ain’t got time for a man baby.

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Wow what a loser. Telling you not to help your own parents?

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Your parents are always gonna be your parents! He may not always be your husband, if he keeps that up! And if you don’t mind doing it he should butt out.

Family will always be there not always SO. How does he treat his family? It seems that your are carrying all the load of your house and he just now is?. If you both have full time jobs you should both share the household duties. NEVER NEVER let you SO cut you off from family or friends. If he doesn’t allow you some me time that is a red flag! I’m sure he gets his me time! You should be able to do what pleases you!

So what if he doesn’t like it??? Either tell him it has nothing to do with him, or even better again, dump him!! That’s control tactics for sure!!

Spouse doesn’t need to tell you what to do

sounds like he is part of the issue of you always being tired, and rather then taking responsibility and helping, he puts the blame on them to make him feel less guilty.

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I’d be telling him to go f himself and gtfo of my life. No partner is going to separate me from my family.
Isolation is very strong sign of control, manipulation, and most likely abuse.

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An ex done that to me… Hense why he’s an ex! your family are more important than someone who is partnered /married to you, what does he do apart from bitch and moan your tired? know your worth cos he certainly doesn’t… he needs to be taken down a peg or six…its so hard in that situation especially when a childs involved but as it gets older you need to ask yourself is it worth it, is it worth seeing your daughter watch you get put down, is it worth it for a son to see how his father treats you and thinks this is how you treat women, You are the stepping stone for what way your child develops into adulthood, make the right choice for you an d your kids not for him

Narcissistic comes to mind, tell him to get gone! Screw him!

Get rid of the whole man. He’s gaslighting you and trying to get rid of your support system.

He’s feeling left out, most new dads do feel this way, so make him feel important but keep helping your parents (if not you’re regret it or hold against your spouse).

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Sounds like the beginning of an abusive relationship. It is typical of people who become abusive to start with isolating you from your loved ones and to continuously remind you of your “inadequacies”. They don’t contribute as much to the situation and try to deflect. A lot of times they will tell you how much you need them because without them you’d be nowhere. Continue helping your parents. They in no way sound like a burden.

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I’m not sure you recognize the severity of what you are reporting here. You are defending yourself in a way that doesn’t need defending. This is very serious. He is isolating you so that he has more control over you. In a year or 2 you won’t be helping your parents, and probably not even talking much to them or anyone else.
Sometimes I roll my eyes when I see someone jumping right to “you’re being abused” when it’s probably not.
This is not that.
This is worrisome and will get worse. I pray you are able to see this as the big deal it is.


He should respect that those are your parents, the people who created the woman he “loves” & he should respect you. You are first your own person & can decide how you spend your time, as I am sure he does for himself. Set boundaries & let him know I love my family & will continue to help them & that you do it out of love not obligation. Be blessed.

i tell him if. he dont like it there the door…its your parents why wouldnt u help…he not doing it you are… if he has a problems with how u clean than he can do it.i wouldnt put up with his crap


if you want to help your parents then it’s your decision! I help my parents still. I never put my husband below them obviously, but they raised me. I respect them! And I will always help them the way I can! Thats what I would want my kids to do for us too

In my opinion, the odds are that your Parents will pass before you & your Husband, and when that time comes you will feel guilty & regret if you don’t give them a little help when you can. You will even WISH you could help them even just one more time! Your Husband will have many more years with you when they are gone. I’m sorry but he is VERY insecure & being childish. Makes me realize & appreciate again how good my Husband was with my Mom & Dad when they were alive. Best of luck to you.

control freak ,sounds to me that you are of foriegn decent and while usually foriegn women tend to be more submissive ,he has definantly got the wrong idea ,you are no doormat ,you need to stop him imeadiately before you get married to him

Tell him its not his business and to back off. You are allowed to spend your time how you see fit, and helping your parents is your business.

Wow! Time to get some counseling before this controlling issue gives way too far out of hand.

He sounds controlling. Id be gone. I wouldn’t put up with that at all. Hes trying to isolate you from your family.

your family will always be there! you get one set of parents. guys come and go but they are always there. does he not help his family? does he not help with the house and baby? sounds like he just wants a maid that will be at his beck and call. maybe you should sit him down and talk with about things and if that doesn’t work maybe you need to move on!

Give him the attention he needs, and help your parents. He needs to calm down…

Parents aren’t stressing you, he is.

Never ever let a man tell you to not have anything to do with your family! Especially your parents!A man like that isn’t worth holding onto!

He’s a control freak…Get rid of him.

What an amazing testimony to be written I never believed that i could finally get back the happiness and the love that was gone after my husband left me totally. I couldn’t just believe that spells and magic could turn my thoughts and my dreams into reality in getting back with my husband after he served me with divorce papers… my ex husband after the divorce never showed up to me and the kids anymore, he finally made up his mind on me and said it was over. 2 years after our divorce, i was still out trying to get him back and i did all that i knew best could make him happy, and my mum and everybody around just advised i should forget about him and move on with my life, because they felt he was gone forever and was never gonna return. But i never gave up on trying to get him back, because i so much loved him beyond what anybody could ever imagine. I met a spell caster, and what drew my attention most was the reviews people was writting about this spell caster when i contacted him. Especially one main review about a man called LEWIS, who got his wife back with the help of the spell caster And that so much gave me the assurance because i have heard much more on how he has helped alot of people… and with the help that this spell caster rendered to me, he saved my marriage and reunited me and my ex husband back together again with his powerful spells. Thank you so much Dr durojiaye for your help in reuniting me and my husband again, if not for you, my life would have permanently turned out to be a mess. Email him through (

Thanks once again Dr durojiaye for your kindness and help.
strong text

That’s a red flag to me. I couldn’t imagine my husband saying that to me