My spouse told me to stop helping my family: Thoughts?

I think you’re with the wrong person :broken_heart: the relationship between 1st and 2nd generation is complicated. I personally don’t believe you should ever cut your parents ok out for a man. They will ALWAYS be down for you. . . And already just in the home it doesn’t sound like he is. Don’t ruin permanent for someone who seemed right at one point.

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Never stop helping ur parents no matter what

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Never stop helping you parents! (They aren’t asking for much!) I think your spouse is the issue! “What have you done all day” is something I’d never be able to stand to listen to! I stay home with my 2 kids( 1&3), my husband works 2 jobs and never criticizes me! I talk to my mom hours at a time.


If I stopped doing for someone it would be for the SO. He’s being an ass.

If your parents were leaching off of, taking advantage of you, draining your own finances and taking away from your own family, I would say your SO has a point. But, if it’s just a phone call and quick little helps here and there and you enjoy it and it’s no skin off his nose, then he’s gotta stop being a baby about it.

Honestly, this is something deeper in him that is manifesting in stupid ways (what have you done all day, stop helping your parents). Those are just symptoms of a deeper issue. I recommend you check out Leslie Vernick’s website and read the book Boundaries in Marriage by Cloud and Townsend (both are christian resources, but if you aren’t christian, don’t worry, it isn’t in-your-face preaching stuff, it’s all valid and both sources are approved by secular sources and modern psychology). You need to build CORE strength and set boundaries.


Thats bull. Your parents took care of you growing up. So return it when they need you to take care of them. Its crappy he can’t see that family ties are important

Wow I hope his parents never need help

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Never stop helping out your parents!!

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It sounds like he is controlling and it’s going to turn into narcissistic if you don’t watch out. Before you know it he’s going to be in control of your entire life if you let him be this way to you. Be careful


So your spouse expects you to work full time AND be a full time SAHM? Um no. He does need to help. And he’s trying to control you.


So you are working full time,taking care of a baby, house and laundry, and he thinks you’re tired from making an occasional phone call for your parents??? That man sounds like a parasite; sorry to be rude.


Your husband sounds like a really great guy…:woozy_face::woozy_face:


If this story is real because I mean its another story that u will know what advice everyone on here is gonna give who is gonna tell u not to help ur parents bcuz ur husband is a douche bag no other reason then he’s just a jerk!! Idk this stories lately r either fake or we have alot of dumb and naive woman in this world that need to stand up for themselves already so annoying!!

Help your parents! And tell your husband to stay out of it


I’m helping my parents regardless

Fuck him im sorry but youre parents is youre parents if you have the time and youre family is sorted then why not…there is so many people that would love to do this one more time

My husband would never say not to help mine

All I can say is…I understand that he is ur husband. Unless they are causing ur family some kinda debt I hope u communicate with ur husband in a way that he understands u WILL help ur parents if they need help with those kinda simple things. Smh. I think it’s a RED FLAG :triangular_flag_on_post: tho. Be careful.

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Tell your partner to stop being a prick. Your doing the right thing looking out for them as you said you have time and do your things so don’t see what the problem is. Tell him to get a grip your going to help them forever if he doesn’t like it he knows where the door is!

Hes the problem, not your parents :woozy_face:


Tell ur husband to suck it take it or leave it
And quit doing everything to plz him sit down take a break smell the roses every once in a while

Remember your parents helped you when you were a lil girl, now they need a lil help. They will always love you unconditionally , as far as your SO needs to learn or step away! He needs to grow up…:woman_shrugging:t2:


You are during the right thing by being there for your parents…I just don’t understand why it’s a problem for hubby…Can he see what he is doing to you!

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Sorry he needs to hit the highway, let the selfish bugger fend for himself

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Quit helping him. Quit cooking for him doing his laundry cleaning up his messes. When he ask why tell him it makes you tired to help others.


Your husband sounds a lot like my soon to be ex-husband.


If I work help paid bills there he could say

There is no way i would let my husband tell me something like that. I would probably walk out. What kind of person says that. Seems very controlling i would get out before it gets worse. I mean who doesn’t help their parents out!

Eww no. You’re way too good for someone like that. Dump that shit head. Easier said than done, but he sounds like the type that won’t listen anyway and keep you stuck in the same situation by gaslighting you over and over. If everything you said is true, he’s a narcissistic prick who’s the only real problem you’re having. I mean it sounds like you do everything anyway, let go of the dead weight

A marriage is a compromise not one controlling the other, you need to express your concerns with your spouse don’t hold back your feelings because it will only break your spirit! Always remember that your parents will only be with you a short while, cherish every moment you have with them whether it is helping them or just being there!

Help your parents and tell him to take a hike if he wants you to turn your back on your parents said a lot about his character

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First of all, if you’re tired, stop doing all his stuff. You work full time too and save in child care by working from home. He needs to be helping around the house and with the baby too. You have plenty of time to do whatever you want with, he’s just trying to see how much he can get out of you by gaslighting you.


It sounds like your parents aren’t the ones who are a burden on you :eyes: maybe he should learn to help you


You just go on ahead helping your mom and dad. Husbands are replaceable, parents are not.


Why are you doing his laundry? Why isn’t he doing his share? You work full-time, take care of a baby and he doesn’t work beside you? Hmmmm! And he wants you to cut your parents off? Hmmmm! Make up your own mind.

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I would tell him to f off… he sounds like a controlling douche


THE TALK? Girl that one threw me over :flushed::flushed:
Is he your father?
I understand the concern he has for you, juggling so many things but he’s your damn partner.

Stop doing everything in the house.
You cook, he does the dishes.
Why are you doing a grown mans laundry? I mean I do my SOs laundry but he also does it. He does bath time and tucking in to bed. Every Sunday when I’m at work he does a deep house clean, nooks and crannies and all. Just because he sometimes sees I’m tired and drained and falling behind.
Relationships are 50%-50% but sometimes they might be 80%-20% and that’s ok, but for him to question what you do and why you do it and when and how without helping you at all in between is fkn wild :upside_down_face:

I think he’s stressing you out not your parents

**And just note some men can be jealous of their own child, I will say this because this is what it sounds like and he’s blaming your parents. He needs attention and this is the only way he will get it.


That is the most toxic thing I’ve read in a while.

If he sees that you’re tired, maybe instead of a talk he could HELP YOU MORE.

I’m really close to my family, if they need anything me AND my husband help as much as humanly possible, but same if we need anything, they show up.

I have the unpopular opinion that you don’t just trade your family for a new one you create with someone, I see us all as one big family, not just me my husband and son.

I know it’s kinda hard to think about or admit, but husbands can be temporary, don’t leave yourself alienated from your family just to please him.

It sounds like he’s trying to isolate you and that’s a major red flag.

Please take care of yourself.

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Your husband is a selfish controlling ass.

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He sounds extremely controlling. Like he expects you to do it all and take care of him. And now he wants you to stop helping your parents with honestly simple tasks. They raised you. He’s wrong and you should stand up for yourself and use your voice.

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I think you need to sit down and have a talk with your husband about pulling his weight. You are tired because you do everything for the house not because you make a few short phone calls for your parents. You work full time, do all the house work and take care of a baby. Um no honey, he needs to do his share if he wants a happy and well rested wife.

They will always be your parents and doing something for them sometimes isn’t wrong. Husband jealous maybe

Get rid of the SO. Lol


I’d tell him if he helped around the house, as you have another job, you wouldn’t be so tired.

Throw the whole husband away.:wastebasket::put_litter_in_its_place:


There is no way my husband would ever speak to me in that manner. I get done what I get done each day and he’s grateful for that. Dinner is always on the table he has exactly what he needs to be able to be happy and go to work. He never ever asked me what I do with my time, going on 14 years now decent men are out there you just have to dig deep. Good luck to you and your newborn child

Tell him to kiss your ass

Some of these ladies are being really nice. Your husband is acting like a :eggplant: ITS YOUR PARENTS. It’s not like it’s costing him money.

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He needs to stop! Only get one set of parents!

I think.he is the one who is the problem. We owe our parents. It is good that t?hey are calling the others too. Is their race part of the problem.

Maybe your husband knows that you are stressed from taking on too much and just wants you to take it down a notch. Remove unnecessary stresses off your shoulders it’s ok to take some time for yourself.

Try to find balance I’m sure your husband means well. It sounds like you are doing way too much in general.

Honey, those are your parents and they will always be your parents, husband come and husbands go, but parents will always be there especially good parents, do what you can for them now, because when they are going believe me a part of you is gone!!:pray:t4::pray:t4:


Tbh I think u need a new so

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Tell him to shut the hell up

Oh my gosh you sounds like a amazing wife
Clean the house make dinner before he’s home have clean cloths for him and take care of your self work and handle your new baby
Sounds like alot on your plate he’s just adding more with his complaining

If my man ever asked me what have I bee. Doing all day just because something like dishes aren’t done I say you don’t like it you do it
The chores around the home are for everyone not just the women of the house

Also maybe he could understand more on why your parent need your help

Honor your parents. Your days wont be cut short. God bless you.

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They call you and rely on you because they know they can, and it is a beautiful thing. You keep on helping them because it is an honor to help your parents no matter what.


That’s not right of your SO. They’re your parents! If mine would’ve told me that he’d be getting some real sharp words from me. If they need help, then help them. You wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for them. Tell your SO that

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How is helping your own family hurting him? I will never stop helping my family as they will never stop helping me. :woman_shrugging:

That’s too bad! Making a few calls to help out and with no pressure for your parents shouldn’t be an issue - ever!!!
Sounds like he’s just try to find something to blame for your being tired. I’m mean good grief, how about all the other stuff your busting your ass doing!!!
No, your parents will not always be around and I cherish all the time your getting with them. I know they are more than grateful for your help, love and compassion. They are your family through and through!!! Sometimes I don’t think men understand family like women do.

I help my parents when asked, I can’t help financially atm but if asked to do something I do it. I am currently a SAHM with 3 kids (6,2,8m) but even when I was working I will gladly do those favors. Our parents are not forever! Enjoy your parents as for your “man” he can kick rocks he sounds like a jerk anyway. I would never allow my husband to disrespect or tell me how to treat my parents period but he respects them and also helps them when he can doing work around their house. Lay down the law or it wont stop

What are your other siblings doing?!

Our parents are the reason we are here, it is our task now to help them, be there for them. I love when my folks ask me for something… my mom feels as if it’s a burden… but I love it… it’s not easy to ask for help… so be thankful you’re able to help and follow your heart. Hugs

That’s a red flag to me. Sounds like he’s trying to isolate you from your family. He’s the problem, not you or your parents!

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Sounds like your parents just genuinely need help and you are happy to do it as anyone should because they are not taking advantage of you. Your husband seems to be the one with the real problem. You are a working mom doing everything and if something doesn’t get done that’s fine! Everything doesn’t need to be perfect. Maybe he can help you out so you don’t have so much on your plate. Keep helping your parents, take some time for yourself and he can start doing his own laundry :rofl: you sound like a great mom and daughter. Do whatever makes YOU happy!

Your significant other is selfish and immature, and he sounds like he’s trying to isolate you from your family, which is never a good thing.
Are you better off with or without him?

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You have it all backwards. The husband is who you should be eliminating. He seems like a controlling person.


You help your parents. They won’t be around forever.

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Your husband is a jerk. You are doing too much. He doesnt appreciate you obviously. Tell him to get off your back, do more, shut up, or get the hell out.


Your parents sound like beautiful understanding people, whilst your partner has to be a joke.


He should honestly be happy and also he sound be willing to help your parents too! Idk sounds like he’s alittle jealous. I’d let him know real quick that u will always be there for your parents! Sounds like he wants you all to himself and is trying to isolate you from them!

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Tell him to help with chores. U both work u both clean. That would help more than his solution :slight_smile:


Why are you working full time, taking care of a baby, cleaning, doing laundry, and the cooking? What does he do? Are you an unpaid servant? Plus you have to have permission to talk to your parents? Something wrong with this picture.


I’m sorry but you’re a grown woman, you do not need to explain to him what you did all day. Nor do you need to stop helping your parents. A marriage is a partnership and he doesn’t get to tell you what you can and can’t expend YOUR energy on. It sounds like you need to set some healthy boundaries.

Why are you explaining I do after I’ve done this and that I work the baby is 6 mos I these are your parents it does not appear they are asking a lot or money you should be asking yourself why am I still here am get out now he’s not the one.

Sounds to me like you need a different SO, one who is supportive of you and the things you like to do, such as supporting your parents. It doesn’t matter if you’re first born or last born, they’re still your parents. They supported you, helped you when you needed it. Now it’s their turn to need it, and your privilege to help them. If it were me, I’d find a different SO like, yesterday. Or, let them know that’s the plan if they don’t go with the flow. I’d probably do that first before finding a new SO.

Keep helping your parents.

Some day your parents will not be here. Would you rather spend the time they are here helping them here and there (when it’s only bothering your unsupportive husband and not YOU) or feel huge regret that “you could have been there more” when they aren’t here. Your husband is an adult, tell him you are taking on way to much. That no it’s not the five minute phone calls your parents need help with. It’s the parenting and household chores that a stay at home mom takes on WHILE working full time with NO help! Those are your parents. He knew the kind of help they may need when he met you, when you guys started dated, when he proposed, when you got married, why would it be different now that you have a baby? This is not something new?


Your parents raised you and literally taught you how to use a spoon and wipe your ass. Even when it does annoy me when my parents call me with whatever they need,usually with tech stuff, I still do it because they’re still my parents. You yourself know how much you have to sacrifice for your children. Wouldn’t you one day want your children to help you with things that you need help with. One day they won’t be here so enjoy the time you have with them. No offence but your SO sounds like a douche

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You have it all backwards my girl. If yous were to ever get a divorce your parents would still be there for you right? I’m 31 years old with a toddler and an infant and I still drop whatever i’m doing when my parents ask or need something! And my S/O has no problem, if i’m cooking, changing a diaper, or in the middle of doing anything he’ll tell me “go, i’ll finish”
My parents rarely ask him but when they do he’ll drop what he’s doing for them also.
Your hubby sounds a lil controlling, i’d def be putting my foot down and having a talk with him.


Your SO is a jackass and evidentially don’t have a relationship with his own parents so therefore doesn’t want you to have one with yours - he’s being a very selfish jerk bc your parents are going to be here forever and any little thing you can do for them w/o it bothering you should be done just like you are doing - it’s called being raised to respect the ones we love - I’d tell him to get the heck over it that when it became a problem for you and that you neglected him or your child or household then he would have a reason to gripe - jeez some men never seize to amaze - keep being that awesome child your are being you are teaching your little one what real love and caring is all about. God Bless you sweet girl!

Honestly, instead of trying to talk to you about what you don’t get done, he should be asking how he can help. Especially since you both work full time. Help your parents while you can.


You shouldn’t have to explain …
Tell him to hit the road… You are your own person and can help who ever you want…
Sounds like you do waaaay too much for him


Help them why you can and as they need because one day they won’t be here and you will have to live with regret,The only reason your here is because of your parents do tell the husband that,and to maybe help you some

Ansolutely you should help …that is part of are as a person…I sound amazing …its not about where we are in the family …its about the heart to help.

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He is Jirko and sound like he is jealous. Men are not as women. Men dont like share.

Honor your father and mother always…

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This literally sound like the beginning of a narcissistic abusive relationship. He’s giving you a talk on what you’re doing all day? It’s both of y’all’s home, he can wash his own clothes and cook for himself. Also he’s trying to isolate you. I’ve been in this relationship. Please don’t isolate yourself from your parents.


The first line is a red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: and that was all I needed to read. If your SO is telling you to stop helping your family then he is the problem not your parents or you. How dare he try and dictate to you and try and run you from your parents.

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Pack up the baby and go live with mom amd Dad…sounds like they appreciate you more than your husband and hes jealous

Your spouse is an ass

family is everything don’t let someone else change how you treat your blood

Your parents were there for you when you were young now it’s your turn if your SO has a problem with that Your SO is the problem Never turn your back on your parents it’s totally disrespectful You do what you need to do and send your SO for therapy

Definitely help your parents. .he sounds like an ass

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Please don’t explain yourself as to how or when or why you do it! Our parents are our parents and it doesn’t matter if takes a lot or little time. If you’re happy to help them so do it.
He sounds very controlling and trying to alienate you from everybody and have you all to himself. I’d keep my guard up because that can lead to so much more trouble.
Seems like you’re exhausted cause of him, you’re doing everything and he seems to do nothing for uou. What does he do to help you or baby?

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Do WAY less for your significant other & continue helping your parents. You seem to do everything for him, and all he seems to do is blame your parents for you being tired when in reality he seems to be the problem, not them.

Also, anyone who got mad at me for helping my parents…there’s the door​:door: :raised_hand:


Your spouse sounds like a real narcissistic POS


Ruuuuuuuun. You dont need that negativity in your life. Or you can sit your partner down and tell him how it is. If he has a problem…bye.