Get your priorities straight. Figure out what you need and do it
If he s not willing to change and help you,which sounds like he doesn’t, then you have to make a decision to stay in a situation that not going to change or you put on your big girls pants and move forward for your kids .
Most cities and landlord contracts have quite hours are listed Id print it out and make a copy and leave it on the counter maybe he is doing it to get you to leave or for you guys to get evicted to go your separate ways.
It’s not one sided you can tell him this is my house also so go party somewhere else the kids don’t need drunks and strangers going in and out of there home. If he doesn’t stop find the power breaker box and turn the power off to the back yard if there’s a lock on it even better if not get one and only you have the key!
Get yourself and your kids out of there he’s not listening or care about your concerns and your kids well being comes first can you go to a woman’s refuge or family?
If you have reasonable landlords, definitely talk to them about the situation. I was in a bad relationship while renting also. The landlord’s were very understanding, took the ex off the lease and provided one for just me AND came and changed the locks. Trust me, they don’t want someone like your bf living in their house. Do what’s best for you and your kids!
Talk to the landlord about tje situation see if they can make him leave.and id call the cops to if he don’t want to listen
Reach out to the landlord. See if he’s willing to remove him from the lease.
As a landlord myself, I would not want to get involved with my tenants relationship issues. This is not the landlords’ responsibility. Honestly, I’d probably terminate the entire lease because I’d constantly be wondering if he’d come back and cause more crap. I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but please don’t make your landlord part of this.
Can you afford the rent on your own? If yes speak to the landlord. If not ask the landlord if you can get your name off the lease and move elsewhere.
Also speak a lawyer know your rights.
I would talk to the landlord see if they can’t help get him out u also can call the cops telling them he drunk loud music n threaten u they will make him leave for the night maybe after he has to leave couple he will leave any ways
Leave with your children
My landlord got my abusive ex off my lease I was here longer and banned him from the property and cops for awhile made sure he didn’t even drive through my complex. I’d go straight to court though just to be safe.
Stay and put up with it, or get out. Simple.
It sounds like you answered your own question you can’t live your life like that you don’t want your children around that the only thing you can do is leave
K well you have kids and hes drinking everyday and blasting the music everynight … so instead of asking internet strangers about what you should do… how about you ask yourself why are you letting this “man” disrespect your children… like LEAVE.
Ummm, you’re raising
another child. Leave him.
If he’s in the lease and you want him out you can talk with your landlord and say that you want to pay to have him evicted. Otherwise you’ll just have to wait it out and get your own place
U can also go to courts and file a 30 day eviction notice or the landlord could file one On him
Call non emergency anonymously and also get out. Now dont stay
If you’re children live there and hes having drunk strangers in and out at all hours that’s a safety risk for your children. I would tell him its unacceptable behavior and u can and will call the police if it continues
Get on government assitance for snap and school lunch assitance …get on hud waiting list …
Check google for income based housing near you where you only pay up to 30% of the rent based off income… Youd be surprised what sources are available… Try to stick it out another month and dont speak to him and tell the kids to ignore him and look the other way ehen his pests are there.
I had the same issues .
I know what its like .
But theres always help somewhere at the tip of your fingers… Even if you have to start a gofund me to get out of a bad spot with your kids… Do it.m…use the money for deoosits on a new place . …some church organizations also help with deposits if you call around …and make appointments showing up with you and your kids and documents when you find a place youre interested in…
If you need more guidance and actually get to see this post you can dm me so i can help you search for things in your area that’ll help you out.
I would file a noise complaint when you and the kids arent there one night and you know hes there doing all that. Just go out for one night and dont tell him where and stay somewhere to get away from it once a week til you figure it out . he doesnt have to know your buisness if he doesn’t respect you. Just use the time away to report him without him knowing its you doing it
Leave. He’s an asshole.
Go get a restraining order and while your down there file for eviction paperwork do not go to the landlord… Being drunk and beligerant to you is abuse plop it on the table and tell him if he does not knock his crap off your leaving him for good no passing go do not collect 200 dollars and he wont be able to contact you for a VERY long time. Say he better be listening filing a restraining order and eviction papers while your at it will cure your problem fast. Put him out on his a$$ fast they will probably dismiss the restraining order but not before kicking him out and making it a headache for him.
He needs to move out yesterday, longer he stays the harder this is going to be. Kids come first and if a man doesn’t respect the mother he shouldn’t be around.
talk to land lord prayers honey
If he won’t leave - you should. That isn’t fair to you or your children.
So the area that you live in should have a noise ordinance. I know the noise ordinance for my town is 11pm. I would look up the ordinance in your town or you can call your local police departments no emergency hotline. I would personally call it in if it’s past the noise ordinance time, have them send an officer out, and have the officer stop. Remain anonymous when you call it in.
Or you could approach your landlord about it and see if they can help you in any way.
Difficult situación.
When you get up early in the morning start vacuuming. Run the dish washer. Start laundry. Turn on the bedroom lights and start cleaning… loudly !!! Turn on cartoons with the kids. Turn up the volume !! If he complains tell him the same thing. You are being constructive… he is being destructive.
Talk with your landlord.
I didn’t need to read all this, because, my deer, he sounds like a man baby. Call police, have him escorted out. Change agreement. Do anything. Keep u and kids safe. He sounds vile. And what about when kids sleep? I wish I was closer to help u
Leave. His. Sorry. Ass
I would contact your landlord first and let them know what’s going on. Advise them that you don’t want to lose the home for yourself and your children, but he is violating noise ordinances, has had the cops called on him and his parties and you’ve spoken to him, but he tells you it’s his house and he can do what he wants. It may change if the landlords address the issue with him, but it probably won’t. Make it clear to the landlords that you have no parts in this and don’t want to lose the house, but he won’t stop and he won’t go. See if they can do anything about getting him off the lease and out of there. Since he’s a heavy drinker, If he is the type to become violent/abusive when drinking, you should also be able to file a restraining order against him, at which time the courts would make him vacate the property. Good luck, I’ve been there and it’s not easy.
If you want him gone, it’s pretty easy to get him out. Go file a restraining order with the police department for him drinking excessively around the kids and having loud parties that hinders your kids safety. Take that restraining order to your landlords and request they remove him from the rental agreement and he will no longer have legal access to your premises. You need to do everything legally. Start documenting EVERYTHING, literally everything. Follow the guidelines of, COVER YOUR BUTT. Don’t take his word or anyone else’s for that matter regarding anything. Have it in writing and get it legally notarized. I’d place a call to the non emergency number of your local police/sheriff’s station and ask them the best route to take in getting those parties shut down even though you live on the premises. They are there to help you, if you tell them what’s going on and the more police reports you have, you can take those to the landlord and have him removed as well, without putting yourself at risk.
I went thru this, talked to our landlord, she lets me & my daughter start a new lease and evicted him, so me and my landlord had the cops escort him off the property. Sounds like he’s had warnings, you should just talk to your landlord & let the landlord ‘surprise’ him with the news
Police have to follow noise ordinance regardless of who’s calling the complaint in. Technically you can call a complaint to your own house. Print out the ordinance show him and tell him you’re serious.
Talk to your landlord and see if they can help yoi to get him out …
Definitely either figure out somewhere you and kids can go, or talk to your landlord about evicting just him, because yes that is possible. Some landlords will be understood in situations like that.
Document everything and get in contact with your landlord they will evict just him not you especially if youre not causing problems!
Don’t get in the habit of collecting “red flags” best advice I’ve ever heard…
Talk to the landlord about taking him off lease and file for an eviction on him
Call the cops and talk to the landlord. Kids come first. What a selfish asshole.
Talk to the landlord - talk to the court - give the landlord a 30 notice because of behavior -
Wait out your lease and move out if he doesn’t before you
File for a devorce and have the judge set him out. In the meantime. Dump all alcahol down the drain. Hide all the stereo equipment at some friends home. If its his court will order you to give back after he moves. Good luck.
Kick him to the curb you don’t need to be with such an ass talk to your landlord & hopefully help you out if it doesn’t work there’s the Y they will provide you with a safe place to be with your kids
Let’s see…how can I keep this short and to the point? Your story is an exact duplicate of mine 20 years ago. Any way you look at it, there’s one option: HIT THE ROAD! (1). Pack up your kids and everything u want to keep. (2). HIT THE ROAD!! (3). DID I MENTION HIT THE ROAD!?? (4). DONT LOOK BACK!!!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My spouse won't stop having loud parties: What should I do?