Please help, please!!! I have three teen kids, and they don’t want to do anything but play on devices.
I am so tired of always having to yell at them every single day, day in and day out, to get them to do anything around the house. I have taken devices away, and after a while, they will do something around the house just so they can get them back, but once they get them back, it goes back to the same old thing.
I’m so tired of always having to be aggravated with them about this day in and day out. Please, no bashing. I’m hurt by this. Something has got to change."
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“Who’s the parent? Sorry, but I can’t wrap my head around my kids controlling me and running my household. Put your foot down. Be the parent. Set the rules, establish consequences, and stay consistent.”
“You can set parental controls on their phones that do time limits on apps, internet, where they can go on it, etc. You can also set timers on most routers now for devices that log in. We have Secure Teen to monitor calls, texts, etc. and I can set time parameters block apps and websites, and see texts, calls, and Lotta different social media apps that she might use.”
“Make a schedule of how much screen time they get, lead by example cut yourself off too for a certain amount of time so shut wifi completely off in the house and make them surrender electronics, tell them to do x amount of activities a day then you’ll get your device but that goes for you too momma. Monkey see monkey do no matter how old.”
“Turn the wifi off. I have an app for my kids where I’ve scheduled them to be on from 10 am until 5 pm. They don’t get them until everything in the house is done. And if they don’t do what I asked while they’re on it I can lock it from my phone. The only way to unlock it is my password or a generated passcode from the app. Which is a different code every time.”
“My kids have a check list of stuff they have to do before they get devices, including things like chores, eat something healthy, take a shower, and pretend like they like each other for 30 minutes. They lose the devices before bed every night.”
“Don’t give them back till you see consistent change. And if they revert back to old ways take them again. And then let them know this time it will be for even longer. I took my son’s Xbox one time for 6 months. Kids don’t need games those are a privilege, not a necessity.”
“I think just taking them away daily until chores are done just needs to be what is ‘the norm’ in your house. Keep it up until then just doing what is expected by you in your home becomes ‘the norm’ for them. They are old enough to know better. All these extra things aren’t part of our role to provide as parents… they are benefits that need to be earned and appreciated.”
“Have them put the devices aside until chores or whatever it is you want done is finished. I also have a set time where devices are no longer allowed after a certain time.”
“Stop giving it back to them. They don’t need their cell phone unless they are away from the house without you.”
“I put parental controls on everything. Three hours a day, they realize pretty quickly how to manage their time on them.”
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