My teen will not stop speeding....what can I do?

Take the car away
Make him ride the bus to school then home
He can sit

That is a matter of life or death! That car would be gone and the parent would figure it out. Taking a car away is never NOT an option. I am an insurance agent and I have seen people bury their children. Take the dang car away before they kill themselves or someone else!!!


I don’t even know what to say🤦🏻‍♀️ , just that burying a child will be the hardest thing you could ever do . We buried our son 2 days offer Christmas he was 20 , was in his way to work. He failed to stop at at stop sign . You have to do something

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Let’s see… Take the car and have him have the inconvenience of riding the bus or let him keep doing it and possibly get in a wreck and kill himself or someone else. Wow. Such a hard decision. :roll_eyes:

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Hes going to kill someone and then you’ll wish you rearranged your schedule to take the car away.

Natural consequences? Like what then possibly killing themself and others? I lost 3 family members to 1 car accident thanks to someone speeding. Taking the car is an option you’re just being a lazy parent.

I ended up buying a car with “keysense”. I’m able to choose how fast he can go. You can’t stop him from speeding in small streets with low speed limits, but it works well on the interstate. My son is almost 22 now and still can’t drive over 74 mph :woman_shrugging:

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Natural consequences? Like taking the life of another because he won’t slow down in a vehicle. Honestly I’d take the car and replace it with a bus pass.

A car is a privilege, he can take the bus. He obviously got to school before he had a car so it can go back to whatever way he got there before


And when he does get a speeding ticket. Make him pay for all of it himself

Time for you to be the parent and do the tough things before they really hurt themselves or someone else. Take the car away. Your child isn’t able to use it responsibly so consequences…


Driving is a privilege, especially for a teen. Take the car away. Natural consequences at the least can make insurance unaffordable, at the worst someone dies.

Simple. Revoke driving privileges. :rofl: it’s not that hard

Taking the car is your duty! What if hè kills someone or himself.

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Of course taking the car away is an option. It just makes life more inconvenient- and frankly that’s on him then to work a way to get to school and work. That or minimum speeding tickets and lost of licence - worse ? He kills someone - let alone himself.

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I’d prefer the inconvenience of taking him to school and work than the devastation of planning his funeral.

You can either take the car away or stay on standby until they call you from the morgue to identify what’s left of his body.

This is why public transportation is a thing

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Take the car. Having one is a luxury and privilege that too many don’t have yet manage to work their busy schedules just fine so he can figure it out if he won’t get with the program. And there’s way more options outside if city transit now he can get around by what with Uber and Lyft he can call for rides until he starts following the rules. His life is way more important then him keeping his car so he can get around freely, cause one day speeding is gonna catch up with him and end everything, and then what was the point. I’d rather my kid have to put in the effort and struggle to find a ride then have to see him laying in a casket.

He’s bound to get a ticket sooner or later. Make him pay it. It’s either that or take the car away and make it work.

My parents set my speedometer 5 miles below the speed limit (mechanic dad)
Maybe the dealership could?

Rather have a dead kid or the inconvenience of driving him around a bit? Absolutely ridiculous. Driving is a privilege.


You sell his car… lmao… he’s a teenager, there’s buses to school I’m guessing that’s what I would do… nothing is too important than his life… but you do you boo-boo :joy:

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Taking the car away is an option
He can take the bus or walk or find a ride. I bet he took the bus before or found a ride before he started driving he can do it again. Take the keys and call the insurance to put a pause on the insurance until he can learn to drive and follow the law
If he thinks he is going to take the car anyways remove the license plates from the car if he gets pulled over for speeding that much they will tow the car and they will take his license away. I feel like you have talked to him a lot and nothing has changed so put your foot down.
My child just lost 2 friends in a car crash because of speeding and one is in the hospital fighting for her life
He doesn’t get a say so with this car at all your the parent not him. Schedules are different but they have a bus to and from school so that should be his new form of transportation


Natural consequences? If he kills himself or someone else bc of his speeding? Take the car, he can ride the bus to and from school and he can get a ride to work and back. He’ll never learn the consequences of his actions if there isn’t a consequence. And how was he getting to these places before he got a car?

Put a governor on it , goes on the gas pedal

If he had to start ubering everywhere on his dime he’d prolly figure it out.

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Guess he needs to pay for a taxi or Uber!


Cops will suspend his license and then he can’t drive anyway, so take the car until he can control himself.

Responsibility comes with having the privilege to drive a car. While inconvenient for you and them, it is important to teach a lesson. Would you rather wait til he’s in a serious accident and cause harm to himself or others? Take the vehicle away and tell him to figure out how he’s getting to/from places. Put a monitoring system on the car that insurance can monitor speeds/driving habits when he earns the privilege to get the car back. You’ll be paying more for the reckless driving in no time and make him pay for it. It won’t get any better if you continue to let it happen.

Take the car away or risk the consequences of a really bad wreck or worse.

Let him learn a tough lesson and keep doing what he’s doing… let him pay the insurance and all the “fun” stuff that comes with stupid choices he’s making.

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I will say you only think it’s not a option , he could be gone for ever then anyone would wish it had been a option. School, jobs ect are all extra compared to existing.

Make them pay for an Uber or a taxi or a bus. No car! When your kid kills themselves that’s it.

Do like my sister did! Cut his license into two parts and mail them in to the nearest DMV with a short note as to why she did it! It worked!!

I will still take car away, he can find a way to get school or work on his own

I would take the keys and car away. I have life 360 on my kids and it tells me speed of car. They know if they speed I take vehicle away from them. Even though my daughter bought her own car, I would still take vehicle away. It’s ur child, ur in charge. Especially speeding is Dangerous

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The natural consequences is that someone will most likely be severely injured or dead. It may not be your son, it might be the little girl that runs into the road because she kicked a ball too far or a family on their way to the store.
If your son can not handle the responsibility of a car then he doesn’t need to have one. If he doesn’t need to drive then he doesn’t need a job to pay for a car he no longer has.
I’ve known people who have lost their lives because someone wouldn’t slow down. Don’t let your kid be the person that destroys a family.

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You can have a governor install that will limit his speed to a preset number.

I’d take the car. After a couple months of using his job money on cabs and Uber I bet he think differently :person_shrugging: not taking the car bc it’s inconvenient is irresponsible and teaching him so. I’d personally never be able to live with the what ifs. Natural consequences will, in the least, injure himself or someone else. He could lose his life or take some one elses.

This completely blows my mind. Maybe he’s not learning the lesson bc it’s not truly being taught. Allowing him to risk his and others lives out of personal convenience is appealing.

Natural consequences. If he keeps on speeding, he’ll eventually get pulled over and get a ticket and then he’ll have to pay.

Call local police to stop him

He’s going to hurt someone :sweat_smile:

Make him ride the school bus

my friends parents took his truck to the dealership and had a regulator put on it to where he couldnt go over 70

A man from my neighbourhood was a mechanic. He had bought his teen a car. It had the best sound but his dad did something to the car that he could drive till a certain speed.

WHEN he loses his license, he won’t be able to drive anyway. Take the car away NOW, before he KILLS someone, or himself

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Public transportation. He’ll learn quick

Take the car away. It’s always an option when he’s being reckless. He could kill himself, or someone else. Take him back and forth to work and make him pay you fuel money. That may teach him the lesson he needs.

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Take the car before he takes someone’s life

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Id think visits in jail or a grave site would be more of a heartbreak. So making an inconvenient situation work is going to be your only option. We just lost a young lady at the beginning of summer in an accident of speed and carelessness of her friend who was driving. Threw her from the back of the truck where she passed away at the crash site. My nephew was on scene and tried to help her, he tried CPR, he sat and help her hand as she passed away. She was only 15 or 16! He cried for days, still has nightmares… are you ready for this to take place in your life? Thats a reality you may face if you don’t take the car

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My kid would be riding a bike. In our family driving is a privilege and my kids also pay for that privilege. I currently have a 16 year old who, due to grades, is not allowed to even get his permit. Once his grade are decent (when I mean grades are bad he should be in 10th grade but due to lack of credits he is still considered 9th…) he can get a job to save up and get a car and pay his portion of insurance. But if grades slip, he’s reckless or breaking our rules back to no driving he will go. He has been known to ride 3 miles to school on a bike (his choice) we live in a rual area and there is no public transportation but my teens can still figure out a way between friends and walking/bike. Sometimes you have to do the hard things

Take the keys before he kills himself. Help him find another adrenaline rush bc that’s all it is.

Let it run its course if he wont listen to you he he sure will listen to the cops who pull him over

Have a mechanic install a speed governor.
My dad put blocks under the gas pedals so you couldn’t press it and go any faster. But I think that’s illegal now .

Have him call and speak to an insurance person themselves. And pay for it them selves. Do all that on their own and pay for it. They will regret speeding when their insurance is sky high

Call his license plate into the cops anonymously and report him :smiling_imp:


My parents said I lose my license if I get a ticket


I can set my key to not go over 60 or 70 when using that key. I did it once by accident. Maybe look into it and see if the car he’s driving will do that.

If innocent people are killed in a accident he causes, is that natural causes.

I know places of employment put governors on vehicles to prohibit speeds past a certain number. Maybe that and just put it to the top speed he’d go to get to school? Get him a golf cart or moped that can’t go that fast haha.

Honestly? If made the kid get up extra early and walk, ride a bike or catch a bus.

We all may be thinking a natural consequence is a speeding ticket (and it may be) but it could be hurting himself/others or worse. If it’s just a speeding ticket it is going to jack your insurnace up SO high. 20 plus mph over the limit is a felony. Regardless of the actual speed, just that much over the limit makes it a felony.

Also I’m not sure what state you’re in but he could possibly lose his license if he’s going to much over the speed limit


Take the car away, it is an option. He can bus to school and a job and a car is a privilege. Maybe your local hospital can show him photos or X-rays of car accident patients, or even have him talk to car accident patients. Or call the cops and have them wait for him one day. That $200 fine or revoked license should help a bit. Speeding one of these days will eventually hurt him or someone else.

Tell him your gonna take his car away n he will have to walk bike bus or Uber. He needs to respect n listen to you. You love him n want him to be safe.

Take the car away and do it NOW. Better now before he hurts or kills himself or others. YOU are the mother. You’re not his friend. You’re not supposed to make life convenient for him when he chooses to be irresponsible. He can find other means of transportation. Put your foot down now before someone gets hurt.

If taking the car isn’t an option then let the consequences be. Just pray for his safety.

Momma you have to take that car away for his safety as well as others. You have to figure out a way to get him to school…bus? He has to have consequences.

I’d make sure he’s driving on his own insurance and car and then let it run it’s course. If he so desires the court experiences and what comes with it.

maybe riding the bus will teach him a lesson

Personally, I would take the car away and make him/her figure out how to get where they want to go. It’s called old school tough love! Do you have money for an attorney laying around……? If not then take responsibility before your kid causes an accident and hurts someone. You’re in a PRE really bad situation right now, don’t wait for hindsight and potential life altering consequences. Buy some nice walking shoes and get serious about the expectations now!!

Does he work himself? He can use his money to pay cab, uber or bus fare. It’s not about an inconvenience to your family or himself, it’s a safety for himself and everyone else on the road.

Let him get pulled over. Hopefully that happens before he causes a crash

I got a call one night from a friend that he was behind my child and was doing 80 and couldn’t keep up with him. I immediately got off the phone with him and called my child and ask him what his hurry was and he didn’t know what to say other than he had to be home by midnight so I told him he better slow it down to the speed limit and if he was late that was better than not getting home at all. After that I installed the Life 360 app and now I know exactly where he’s at and what speed he’s traveling and so far he hasn’t been speeding more than 5 MPH over the posted speed limit. I also had a good talk with him and explained how important it is to be safe and that the speed limits are posted for a reason and how some kids leave home and never make it back there but instead they either end up at the hospital or worse the funeral home. I also only allow one person to be in the vehicle with him and they must be approved by me before he allows them to ride with him.

Taking the car is the only option!!! Are you seriously okay with your child killing himself or others because it is an inconvenience to take away his PRIVILEGES!!! Thos is why children are the way they are, zero repercussions for their actions!!! After the second time, there shouldn’t be more chances!!
“Fool me once”
Save someone’s life here !!! Whether it be your own blood or someone else’s, don’t take that responsibility in your hands, your child clearly has no respect for you, the law or others. Perfect time to teach about RIGHTS and PRIVILEGES, a car is not a RIGHT!

Take the car… he will soon learn what slow down is all about…

I’d take the car & replace it with a bus pass or a good pair of shoes. If the bus isn’t an option make him pay for an Uber.

Bicycle! Want to pay for thousands if he ends up wrecking your vehicle? Bicycle n helmet.

If my teen is putting not
Only their life in danger but others as well, I would definitely take the car. No matter how inconvenient it may be for me.

When my son did that he was grounded from the car. He rode the bus to school on days he did not have to work and was only allowed to go school and work on the days he worked. After a few weeks without that extra freedom he did much better with minding his speed. I also had him sit down and look up insurance quotes so he could see how much it would cost him if I dropped him and left him to pay for it (300-400 a month!) that helped him to better understand consequences.

Take the car! There are buses, bike or carpooling but if your child kills himself or someone else because you’re an irresponsible parent for not taking a car when you know your child is breaking the law then you are responsible for the outcome.

Um… Yea take the car away before he kills someone! It’s called 2 legs when he’s tired of walking everywhere or paying for his own cab or bus he will grow up and be more responsible.

I would be having his butt take the bus and walk it’s gonna be hard and inconvenient but driving a car is a privilege he needs to learn to respect

Natural consequences? There’s nothing else you can do.

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People put a dot in the 5 to make it look like an 8 when I used to speed. I’ve known men who say people do drive 20 over usually or people think there’s a problem. Remind him that Dave drives like a limo driver by chick’s and Dave’s Mum’s standards and never had a traffic violation, yet when chicks don’t like you, nobody cares about your rights and freedoms driving a car.

My brother just passed away from a car wreck where he was at fault. He was 20 years old. TAKE. THE. CAR!!!

When those licenses get suspended, taking the car won’t NOT be an option.

Well here’s the scene take away car or wait for sheriff to notify you that your kid is dead on the side of road or in jail for reckless homicide and prepare to use college funds to pay the wrongful death lawsuit the victim filed against you for not doing anything to stop it while this post is used as evidence against you in court.

I had this problem. Until the law took my license and I had to pay for the tickets and reinstatement fees I didnt stop. I think I really learned to stop speeding when they got me with wreckless driving and I ended up in jail towed my car and didnt have my parents to get me out of it did I learn my lesson completely. Might have to live and learn or face consequences :tipping_hand_woman:


Natural consequences being what?? …A fatal MVA…for him or someone else or both??
Seen too many maimed & dead kids in the ER from habitual speeding.
He can’t handle the responsibility.
Figure your all important schedule out and take the keys…and remove the battery.
Revisit the privilege in a year. That should do it…unless you consider your kids life or someone else’s just an ’ option '.
Unbelievable attitude of entitlement by parent. Small wonder the kid won’t listen. :rage:


That car would be gone PERIOD

Take the car. He can find his own way to work. Natural consequences? That could mean killing himself, someone else, someone’s child.

You solved your own problem. When he gets enough tickets and his license is suspended and he can’t afford his skyrocketing insurance let him walk. Let him take public transportation. Don’t bail him out and I guarantee when he regains his driving privelege he will treat it with more respect

School bus or see if someone else can give a ride.
Natural consequences?? So let him die or hurt/k*ll someone else?? That’s insane.
Next will be homeschool

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What the hell kind of “natural consequences” do you think come of that? He could be killed or he could kill someone. Take the car away and figure it out. He can carpool with someone.

The thing is when driving recklessly he isn’t the only one who may face a consequence. You’re very irresponsible to continue to allow him to drive recklessly. He can pay for a cab or an uber or get a friend to drive him until he can act right

Inconvenient or not I would take his keys. He can take the bus or find another ride. Tickets can be costly. And insurance can go up. What about accidents where someone gets hurt or killed? I wouldn’t take that chance


Make him pay for the ticket I form cops his route when he gets that heafty ticket he has to pay maybe he’ll learn then

My mom told me I was too irresponsible to have my license. I rode the bus until I graduated.
If it were my son, I’d take the car. It doesn’t have to even be permanent, just long enough to let him know you’re not messing around.
What are the reasons behind not being able to take it? I also rode my bike and walked everywhere… it sucked but if he wants to get somewhere he’ll find a way or he’ll follow your rules.

You take the car away and you force him to use his own money for public transportation/uber/taxi whatever it is. he wants to drive he has to learn to respect the rules of the road. And if he can’t he wouldn’t be in driving a car that I’m responsible for.

Get him a bike and say he will only get the car when he learns to drive at the right speed . He will end up causing an accident and hurt himself or others .