My three year old still breastfeeds: Can I smoke ciggarettes?

A 3 year old ain’t a baby but if you’re breastfeeding anyone cigs aren’t the best option but if you’re not currently smoking idk why you would want to start

Really you shouldn’t. Nicotine can be passed. It enters your blood and transfers through the milk.

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Don’t do that. You want to be around to watch him grow. Try welbutrin its a simple anti depressant that will help with cravings

Your titties your choices. But honestly there’s been minimal studies and all differ but you as a mother should think … should I take the chance of something becoming of my one cig or should I just keep going as I been ?

Wow still breastfeeding at 3 and still drinking a bottle.! That’s a bit hold for all that?? Let me guess not potty trained either.

Just change your clothes or at the very least your shirt when you do. Wash your hands, etc. If you are picking up ciggs after 3 years, something must have happened and I hope it gets better :blue_heart:

I went to a breast feeding specialist and she told me you can smoke up to 10 cigarettes a day without effecting the baby. She told this info because I was a previous smoker.

You are harming him in so many different ways.

Why would you want to smoke if you havent for 3 years ?


Even if you are not breastfeeding, smoking kills. If not instant, it builds up and it is not just lungs that get affected by smoking. Second hand smoke is worse than first hand.

People anymore are only about beating others down so they can feel better about how they fail as a parent. So what if her baby sucks a tit at 2. Just answer her damn question if you can and stop judging. Your little judgemental ass parent probably got kids being thrown out of day care for shitting their pants at 5.

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I personally would not smoke because it’s been proven second hand smoke is dangerous also.

If you are breastfeeding a 3 year old who eats and drinks regular food you are doing it for your pleasure not the child’s

If you haven’t smoked in 3 years why would you want to start back up it’s not good for you or you’re son even when you’re not breastfeeding him

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3 years old and a bottle that part is for your comfort not his.

Quit smoking. It was the best decision I ever made. Unless you plan on bathing and changing your clothes ever time you smoke. You will be exposing you child to harmful chemicals from smoking. Quit for your health. So you can still be here for your grandchildren one day. You can do this. You are more than this addiction. Children of smokers are more likely to become smokers. So if your own health will not get you to stop. That should.

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You need to stop. At some point it’s just weird and inappropriate

He’s old enough not to breast feed.

Breastfeeding at 3, props to you momma! :heart:

But woah, bottle feeding at 3?
I know you didn’t ask but the bottle is SO bad for the baby at 3.

And smoking? Do you,
but ask your doctor first about the health risks of it with your kid.
Good luck momma!

Smoke a cig and put your child on a cup of milk… 3 years old and bottle fed , you will have so many issues with their teeth soon…

I’m a believer that if you have to ask this question, you already know the answer.

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If you haven’t had a cigarette in 3 years DON’T start now. This is from an ex smoker

Smoking may change the way your milk tastes which my cause him to stop breastfeeding…

U and your family would be better of for you to stay of that stinking cancer causing poisoning. Save U’r money take a ocean vacation . Your child would be healthier

What the h? You shouldn’t smoke in the very first place.

3 years old and breastfeeding???

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If he does all you say why are you still breastfeeding? I believe at some point it becomes your problem and not the cihild’s

Why is the emphasis on breastfeeding and not smoking​:interrobang::interrobang::interrobang:

Start smoking if you like &
quit breast feeding as 3yr old will get enough from solids & normal fluids

You’ve gone this long without smoking, why start up again? Even if you wean, your kid will be around 2nd/3rd hand smoke. Unhealthy for both of you.

Wow, you’ve smoked in 3 years ma’am? Could you just hang on to the abstinence a little longer?:kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

A bottle at 3 years old ???


Do you smoke now? If not please don’t start… your child is learning how to be come independent at around 3 (hopefully) by using sippy cups and eating on his own. If you really want to smoke i highly recommend stop nursing.

Why would you go back to smoking if you haven’t smoked in 3 years?


Wouldn’t you maybe want to resort to some medically researched websites for this answer? Why are you posting the question on the “dearly moms” Facebook page? What am I missing here?

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Stopping smoking is one of the hardest things I have ever done. If you haven’t smoked for 3 years and you are obviously concerned about your child’s health, why the heck would you start again?

Yes it will harm him when he loses you to cancer. Why up the odds when they already are stacked against us🤦🏻‍♀️ chew some gum🤷🏻‍♀️

A three year old is not a baby.

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3 years old is TOO old to be breast feeding! Time to stop!


What’s a “plain cigarette”? I recommend vaping if you’re in the mood for some nicotine. There isn’t any second/third hand smoke that way.

1st keep up breastfeeding and 2nd make sure you only have 1 or 2 ciggs cause they get into breastmilk

What’s a plain cigarette?


If you’re going to smoke, wean your 3 year old.

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Just stop beast feeding if you feel the need to consume tobacco

I think 3 years old is to old to bf

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If your kid can walk, talk and literally feed themselves…go have that cig and keep your boobs in the bra😂

3 and still being breastfed or bottle fed is not good

I am more concerned with cigarette smoking than extended breastfeeding. Please do not smoke, ever. :nauseated_face:

Doesn’t matter if you’re breastfeeding or not, if you smoke cigarettes your baby will still be affected negatively from the second hand smoke. Gross and selfish.

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Plates,forks and spoons are your friends

Stop smoking seriously a nasty disgusting habit…no its not healthy for you ,your child or anyone around you.p.s. i am a former smoker

The answer is yes to be short it will.

Smoking is expensive- With no health benefits. I have never understood why anybody would start.

If you’ve gone this long without smoking, why on earth would you ever start again?

That’s your child and your lungs, it’s not healthy, I’ll say that much. And honestly, I smoked :palm_tree::deciduous_tree::evergreen_tree: while pregnant, couldn’t hold :poop: down, not even water and it was suggested by my midwife :wink::smirk: So I’m not judging you, just don’t do it around your child, go outside and clean yourself up when you’re done. And start weaning the child, and yourself. Be great​:v:t4::heartbeat::woman_in_lotus_position:t5::candle::heartbeat::woman_in_lotus_position:t5::candle:

A “plain” cigarette. They come in flavors or something now?

3 years old and smoking? #commonsense

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I’m confused… If you haven’t smoked in 3 years why on earth would you want to jeopardize that???

I say you do you, if it brings you and your son closer together then do it. Smoking a :smoking: may be bad or may not, I would do what I want to do, I would say to do it after you have breast feed him. You just need to decide on your own. For you woman bashing her, take a hike and go be perfect parents somewhere else. There was only one perfect person and he was killed for your sins. Judge not least you be judged.


If you haven’t smoked a cigarette in 3 years why would you want to start back now???

Smoking in front of children should be outlawed and considered neglect

If your 3 year old complains about the cigarettes :smoking: definitely put down the cigarette or toddler

No please! :cry: It might cause pneumonia! :sob: it’s dangerous both for you and your precious one! :frowning: I pray that God will give you the strength to never smoke again :heart: you can do it! :kissing_heart: God bless you, Mama! :heart:

If you are smoking cigarettes, your breast milk is not beneficial to that child whatsoever.

No to all of that! Should be on sippy cup and normal food.

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Do what u think is right fk anyone’s opinion… if ur not a full time smoker but want a cheeky puff do it. Probably not ideal putting chemicals in ur milk but there’s probably as much in the sprays on our veg

Wait so you are starting to occasionally smoke?

I just came here to say, BREASTFEED YOUR CHILD AS LONG AS YOU WANT! … the average age in Malaysia is 8 soooo


I’m more wondering why a 3 YEAR old is still on a bottle??!!??

A plain cigarette? As oppose to what? What exactly is a plain cigarette??

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No. It’s not all right. Maybe you could just share your cigarettes with him? Ugh.

This shouldnt be a question. If you cant resist smoking for your child dont get one

No no do you want your baby get sick… Right now he is a healthy kid…


Why do I feel this is a troll? Multiple Karen triggers in one post.

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I hope all these women who are nursing and smoking didn’t smoke while they were pregnant. :flushed:

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No, and why, if you are not smoking now, would you even think about starting?

people still smoke cigarettes? lol

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Never smoke around your baby go outside and use a cup for drinking

I think you should be fine…I like to smoke a joint once in a while and my baby is 2 :woman_shrugging:t2::grin:


How in the hell do you still get milk??

There is no need to be mean to anybody…darlin I would recommend that u wean him off the bottle and breast. And please dont smoke. Not good for u or kids at all. He is definitely at the age for a big boy cup. PM me if u need help or advice. Have a nice day.


It’s only a ciggy :woman_facepalming::rofl: just wash ur hands and face after a smoke…


Either don’t smoke or don’t breastfeed

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I just want to say congratulations for making it 3 years! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


I’m glad you asked all these “experts”… lol


Man good thing they keep this anonymous… Some of you all are just plane nasty! I strive to one day be the perfect mother so many of you clearly are!:roll_eyes:

It’s harmful for both of you. Not worth it, hun.


If your worried about it pump and dump just like you would if you had a beer

Gross. If you’ve gone this long without smoking cigarettes why start again?

What is a plain cigarette?

3? That’s just odd… time to stop

If his mother dies.of lung cancer it will DEFINITELY harm the baby. ( Former smoker here by the way.)


A lot of holier-than-thou moms up in hereeeeeeeeeee. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Girl, have a cigarette. Wash your hands, change your shirt and carry on with your life. You and your baby will be fine. :ok_hand:t2::two_hearts:

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Girl! Smoke you a cigarette that baby will be fine!

Wait till you are done breast feeding

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I googled this for you. I hope it helps.

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whatever goes into your body goes into the baby’s body

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I bf till 3yrs and 10 months… go mama go! Great job

Why don’t you wait he’s 5years old? Then when you take him off (I hope) the breast, smoking can be your new friend :woman_shrugging:t4::grin:

Nicotine passes through the milk. I would wean him before I lit up