My tinder date let his dog on his bed: Advice?

Call it quits. If he’s a dog lover and you feel the opposite then it won’t work. I don’t exactly dislike dogs, I prefer to not have one now until I am ready to commit to it and properly take care of it. A guy I was seeing had a dog that he considered his daughter. She slept on the bed, locked his mouth, they ate from the same spoon together. Thqt was too much for me. We each have our boundaries, but you shouldn’t make him choose. Accept him as he is, WITH PUP, or let him go.

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Call it quits - he’s a dog lover your not - I would have left as soon as that dog got in the bed GROSS. However that’s the dogs bed not yours so leave


That dog is a FAMILY member, see yourself out because he’s not going to kick the dog out for some chick.


You DO REALIZE THAT THAT HOUSE IS THAT DOGS ENTIRE WORLD? That dog can’t go get in a car and drive around like you can.

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Sorry but the dog was there WAY before you :tipping_hand_woman:t3: if you can’t deal with his dog sleeping on the bed or being on the furniture that’s a you problem :woman_shrugging:t3:


You should probably peace out and make it clear to anyone you meet or even talk to that you hate puppies.


Pets are family too… you know where the door is, don’t let it hit ya on the way out. Next time choose wisely on who ur getting in a relationship with… I’m sure u didn’t just find out now that he has dogs :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:


You need to be honest.
Just because YOU don’t like dogs or think the behavior is unacceptable doesn’t mean we all do.
That is YOUR prerogative…sheesh!

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My chihuahua always sleep with me and he would lay on my couch next to me

Call it quits.
You don’t deserve him or his dog.
You’re gross🤮


Wow who can hate a dog :astonished::astonished::astonished::astonished::astonished:


“I just hate dogs”… find another guy who doesn’t love them🙄

Well if you hate dogs things won’t work out and you should walk away cuz that dog will win

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You need to be honest and just leave.

Nah if you hate dogs don’t date someone with a dog. Cause your eventually going to tell them to pick you or the dog. And they should pick the dog.


I’d you have a desire to keep things going with this man, then yes you should absolutely say something. Its better to get your feelings known early, rather than hold on to animosity about the dog.

You hate dogs?! Are you weird, or? I don’t love animals but hate? I would be so sad if I don’t have my pup, he isn’t allowed on furniture but dang

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Well since that’s his family… HE should call it quits :wave:t2:


And yes a man would 99.9% choose his dog!!@!


I wonder why you think you can ask this man to put the dog in another room ? That’s the dogs house and not yours. I would immediately ask you to leave my house if you would ask to move my dog to another room. You are not that important. The dog is his companion.


Call it quits. Lol my dogs have slept on my feet since pupa( they’re bathed regularly) to each their own. Probably just not a good match for you.

Don’t like dogs then tell him straight up and don’t pursue a relationship with him.

Yes let him know now. Me too I don’t let my dog on my bed or furniture but also it is his house and he can do as he pleases so maybe that will be the last time you guys talk

That dog should have pissed on you! Him and his human deserve better walk away!


I’m with you I don’t like animals in the bed but you gotta just be upfront with him lmaoo but don’t be surprised if he picks the dog over you… then dog lovers are something else :sweat_smile:


You seriously feel that entitled to his space after a few dates? You really feel you have the right to ask him to keep his dog off HIS bed and in another room at HIS HOUSE? you can’t be serious.


Ohhh please do the guy and his dog a huge favor and leave them alone!


Well it’s to bad for you, find someone that’s absolutely perfect :ok_hand:. No Animals. You’ll find Mr. Perfect somday. If not your great on your own no one can love you more than yourself and you can have your cake and eat it all by yourself.

I would call it quits. Your not a dog lover and that’s okay. He has a dog and his dog is allowed on his furniture. You’re just a visitor that came over. His dog lives with him that their home together. In my opinion that guy your talking to didn’t do anything wrong. You did try to make the best out of the situation but ended up sleeping on his couch. You probably need to put on your tinder profile that you don’t like dogs. This way next time you can avoid this issue with someone else.


Everyone. I repeat, everyone lets their dog on the bed.


My dog sleeps with me :joy:

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Call it quits
Ur not a dog person And he clearly is


If you hate dogs that much just go. Find someone without a dog.

I myself love dogs and my dogs sleep in my house on my furniture including my bed… so if a guy stayed over he would have to accept that…

Bye Felicia


Check your entitlement. The dog was there before you, and will be there long after you’re gone


Call it quits
Becuz ur not a dog person and in the long run this will be the source of your problems.
This guy with his dog already have a routine.
It’s common sense to not bring dog on bed when you’re over.
At this time the dog has first dibs.

Sometimes dogs become possessive and won’t get off bed.
I don’t let my dog on the bed or couch either
It’s not good training to allow dogs on beds. He should have a foggy. Ed beside the bed.
Although it’s kinda gross to have dog hair all over

My sister allows her giant dog on her bed. He mags sheds. It’s extremely gross. He mega drools too. He won’t obey commands to get off bed. He growls and won’t get off. Although when he sees my mom , he gets off bed. She only sleeps firmly.

I let my cats on the bed but they don’t really shed. They are indoor only. I would t be able to be with someone who didn’t allow my cats on the bed. They don’t smell bad.

U don’t have issues.
I Get it. It’s gross with all the hair and smelly dog plus taking up all the room. Plus I wouldn’t be able to live in the same house with a smelly dog.
Baking soda /water spray fixes that.


Make sure you add to your bio on tender that you hate dogs. Problem solved :woman_shrugging:t3:


If you don’t like dogs he’s the wrong guy for you. You really don’t understand how digs work do you? And I say this not to make you feel bad…They are basically like peoples children and most allow them on beds, couches, chairs etc. and that is his dogs house too. I can probably bet that if you keep seeing him, and continue to make comments or demands on what the dog needs to do, that YOU won’t have to decide if you wanna see him anymore… it will be HIM deciding he’s not going to see you anymore!


As a person who loves dogs as a family member, and one who allows ours to sleep with us, not accepting my dog would be a deal breaker. Call it quits. Your spirits and values do not and will not allign!


If you don’t like dogs, you’re a psychopath. Period. Sorry not sorry, I don’t make the rules.


You went on a few dates before you stayed at his house…did the fact that he had a dog not come up in conversations, when you were both getting to know each other??? Dogs are good judges of character and I’m surprised the dog let you into it’s bed :joy:


Omg you need to leave :rofl: dogs belong on beds if we let them, mine lives on my furniture

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He needs to throw you in the trash :face_with_thermometer: you don’t deserve him. He and his dog is a package deal.

Call it quits and go find yourself a psychopath match that deserves you☺️


Yeah…call it quits. It’s 1 thing to ask for the dog to sleep on his dog bed while you sleep over. Its another thing to HATE dogs and expect him to move the dog to another room while your over.

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My husband when I met him had a cat (we still do after 9 yrs) that kneads in his (now our) hair every night. If you don’t like ani.als best to either with it or b. Move on. The animal was there before you adjust or quit before you get to involved but the dog has its routine and you can get o er it. I think you are a bit o er dramatic about this.

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Call it quits. If you dont like dogs and you’re really gonna judge him on having his companion on the bed, its not going to work. Plus that ain’t your house. The dog lives there, not you hun


That dog has been there longer than you and will continue to be there after he breaks up with you. He belongs on the bed and all the furniture and you need to get over yourself :100: along with your sense of entitlement bc you’re not no better than the rest of us. I hope he pees in your shoe(the dog obviously :rofl:)


His house, his beds, his dog. YOUR a guest in his bed not the dog. Better go find someone who likes cats because they are just as judgmental and snobby as you are. Good luck to this man I hope he finds someone who values him and his dog!


Call it quits.
The dog deserves better.


Just call it quits - the dude and dog deserve better :tipping_hand_woman:t2:


Yeeeeeah…:grimacing: call it quits. Dog people are a different breed (pun intended) We treat our dogs like our children. If I was ever dating someone and found out they hated dogs, I would immediately cut it off. If you can’t love my dogs then I’m not going to give you s chance to love me either :grimacing: sorry. I’m not saying shame on you for NOT liking dogs though - everyone has their preferences. Just saying that dog people (actually all animal people) will usually put them before humans.


If you can’t accept his dog then please forget it and move on


I don’t trust people who hate dogs… id call it quits his dog is his baby it’s literally like a child to him… LOVE THE BABY OR FIND SOMEONE WITHOUT ANY…


Tell him! That way he can get rid of your crazy ass cuz he ain’t gettin rid of his dog!!!

A dog is a man’s best friend :crazy_face:

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Call it. The dog deserves better and so does his owner.


My bf hated dogs in the bed and on furniture when we first met. Our dog now sleeps with us every night! Honestly it’s just something you’ll have to get over if you really like/care for this person.

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Send him my way!! My 2 dogs sleep in my bed with me. Don’t have a king size bed for nothing!!

Ew, girl, just cut your losses. This ain’t the man for you. And start putting it in your profile that you don’t like dogs.


Say bye bye cause that man gonna choose his dog save yourself the heart ache

… go ahead n tell him. But I guarentee he values that dog more and will tell you bye… as he should


I don’t hate dogs but I agree, I wouldn’t sleep in a dogs bed/kennel for hygiene reasons so I don’t see why I’d let a dog sleep in my bed, making it just as dirty as a dog bed would be, unless he’s changing his sheets every morning I could only imagine the amount of hair and dog smell that’d be imbedded into that mattress.


Talk to him. I hate animals and we compromise he has 2 dogs. I dont do anything for them i dont go near them. They are not allowed on furniture or upstairs. You never know until you talk to him.


What difference does it make if he puts him in another room when your over? The dog sleeps in his owners :nerd_face: bed.

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So first,you should have went home not to the couch,second,when he thought he did something wrong,you should’ve told him what your problem is,not come on Facebook and make yourself sound like scum. Try to tell me to put me dog in another room and you would be getting out of my house and never coming back. You sound entitled af

Tell him how you feel he may make arrangements for the dog when you come over, I personally don’t have a problem with that cos my dogs sleep in with me

Call it quits ! I’d choose the dogs over any partner ! The love and respect you get from ya furry friends is amazing !


Call it quits and let him dodge that bullet


The dog lives there you don’t bye felicia my dog sleeps at the end of my bed he’s snoring away now


Holy shoot. You are the red flag here ma’am.


Nothing gross with a dog sleeping on his owner bed ( unless if he is dirty or smelly )
You should talk about it with him , hopefully he will dump you a find a better fit for his and his dog , they deserve better


Just nicely explain to him that you’re not a dog person and would prefer the dog not on the furniture.
I had a dog I loved dearly for 17 years and she knew that she wasn’t allowed on the furniture, slept outside (unless it was cold) and didn’t eat off the dinner table.
If he isn’t willing to compromise or takes offense, rather call it quits to prevent future unhappiness.

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Dog you not like dogs? Honest question. My husband and I have two one sleeps on one of our pillows and the other one sleeps literally between us. Sometimes she likes to sleep at the end of the bed but not very often. She is like 50 lb and sleeps wherever she wants but her head is always laid on one of us

I don’t understand the issue?!

 If I were you I would go ahead and just let him know how you feel about his dog being in the bed now because I guarantee it’s going to change things between you

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Monica Margo this is one for you :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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My dog would win that battle. Get over yourself or move on. :wave:


Sorry to break it to ya, but if you don’t like dogs sleeping in the same bed as humans, you probably shouldn’t of slept on that couch. 99.9% sure that if the dog is in the bed, the dog deff is on the couch as well. Either compromise or please put it in your profile you don’t like dogs. It will save a lot of headache and heartache in the future. My animals sleep in bed with us but they are clean animals and I wash sheets and blankets weekly if not twice a week. We are considering a bigger bed cause we are running out of room lol. I’d sit down and explain it to him, but please be nice about it esp if you want him to work with you on it.


Lmao, sleep on the floor or get lost, dog was there first HAHAHA


Call it quits! That dog was there first


Just call it quits. No shame to you but I would value my pets over someone I’m just dating. If you hate dogs then this isn’t the person for you


I wouldn’t trust anyone who hates dogs. He should call it quits !


Call it quits. The dog is his pet, a member of his family and you are a guest in his home. If you hate dogs then why were you there? The dog has habits and routines and you will not change them.


How about you go away.


Why do you think he would want to be with you if you “hate dogs”? :joy: just go away.


Girl you went on a few couple of dates you are the dog that belongs on the couch :rofl::rofl:


Just leave he doesn’t need a dog hater in his life or the dogs life. That’s his house his dog, you’re the guest. Bye Felicia


Call it quits and find someone who also dislikes dogs.


Sorry chiqueta, dogs are loyal, stay away from him.


Well I guess your just better off single lady with 40 cats then because 99% of men now in dating world have dogs so either suck it up and get over your issue or stay single your choice :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:

Don’t you know a dog is a mans best friend? You don’t have a chance…sorry not sorry!!! I don’t understand how you can hate dogs! :unamused:


Tell him you hate dogs, that way he’ll bin you! I can guarantee His dog is his world, and he would never get with someone who couldn’t love his dog like he does, let alone someone who doesn’t like them.


Call it quits. You don’t serve him.

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Nope. Leave. Cuz it’s clear he loves his dog and you don’t. You’ll end up resenting. And that’s not fair to the man or dog. It’s their home.


Lol why date a guy who has a dog when you hate dogs?


Hes not gunns change where is doggie sleeps just for u and tbh I don’t think he shud. So this probs isn’t gunna work


Please leave this man in peace. You’re allowed to have your preferences but you don’t get to tell other what to do in their house. Wouldn’t be a second date for me


Obviously call it quits.

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Think you should be honest that he hasn’t done anything wrong it’s just how you feel not everyone likes pets in bed etc

The gentleman that you are dating, he and his dog are a package deal. Yes either accept both and their routine Habits or leave.