My toddler has been aggressive lately: Advice?

I’m at a total loss. My toddler is starting to act out really bad. She’s only two and shows a lot of aggression when upset. She will punch, slap, kick, bite, pinch, etc. I don’t physically discipline her, so I’m not sure where this behavior came from. I recently had a cesarean and she has gotten mad and kicked/ punched my incision I give her tons of attention, even with a new little one around. It doesn’t help. I know she’s going through an emotional adjustment right now, but is normal for it to be THIS bad? I just want my sweet girl back. Any tips/advice is welcome! ETA: she shows this same agression to the new baby as well, but not all the time.


Actually, this is just two. It’s nothing to do with a baby. She is two. They do this this stuff and we have to teach them not to.

Just keep calm and talk her threw her emotions. Explaining to her that you understand her emotions and reassure her everything is ok .

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Smack her butt and let her know it’s not ok to act like tbat


Age has a lot to do with it but also bringing new baby home affects their moods and behavior all because it is a big change, I went through this with mine it gets better hang in there momma

I wish I had advice for you. My son is the same way. He took his big bouncy ball yesterday and threw it at me because he was mad at me… I was eating a bowl of really, really hot soup and it burnt the shit out of my arms and my stomach… he only said he was sorry because I started crying :\

Typical two year old behavior. She’s trying to find where your boundaries are. Just keep working through it. Find out let’s for her to focus on.

Well sounds like her life just got flipped upside down with a new baby. Make some time for one on one with her. Be consistent and firm. You do not need to spank her, hitting her doesnt teach her not to hit.


It’s an adjustment. Be patient and consistent. She is only two and hasn’t figured out how to communicate all of her needs and it makes them lash out from frustration.

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If she hits flick her hand
If she bites flick her lips
Then if she keeps doing it add time outs and butt smacks.
It’s not abuse, it’s discipline.


YOU have raised a brat! Figure it out!


Try two under two FB page! I’m sorry to tell you this is really normal and I know it’s terribly frustrating and exhausting, but it does pass and your sweet baby is still your sweet baby, two is just hard- in both senses of the word. You are doing a great job! When you are able to get in a hug or gentle touch, and she reciprocates tell her how much you love it when she gives hugs/kisses/pats and that she’s the BEST. What ended up working for us is kind of ignoring the undesired behavior and overly praising the desired behavior. If it was a serious slam/kick/punch, timeout, 2 min. That’s a whole other battle recovering from a csection though so do what works for you. You’re doing amazing!

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Jealousy ! Be patient with her it’s a new adjustment!

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When she hits kicks or gets upset talk to her and let her no it is not ok to do that and keep telling her to use her words and you have to be the boss not her so relax you got this momma time outs work if you have a play pen use it for time out only so when she acts up put her in it and she will learn


Teach by showing. If she hits you, hit her back. Show her she what pain she is doing to Mommy.
It really is attention seeking behavior she is doing, but it is not ok.


Hugs, lots and lots of hugs, over praise the good stuff, encourage her to help you with the baby even if it’s just getting a diaper, then tell her happy your heart is when she helps, but when you can tell she’s about to pop off, you know that “o f***k” feeling" stop it before it starts by simply asking for a hug and tell her how magical they are, she will be who you tell her she is

Listen to “It won’t be like this for long” by Darius Rucker with a cup of tea… this too shall pass…

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I’d start with time outs when it comes to slapping etc especially towards the new baby. She’s 2 and she’s adjusting to not having all the attention on her…remind her it’s okay to be upset but it’s not okay to hit people when she’s upset. When I started doing time outs with my daughter at the age of 2, I had her sit on the couch with me, all electronics off and put away, no toys allowed with us in the couch and sat together for two minutes. Every time I reminded her that it’s okay to show emotion and to cry when upset but it’s NOT okay to be physical when upset. It’s going to take a lot of patience and time but just remember, she’s 2, their brains are trying to process a LOT at this time.


They are called the terrible 2’s for a reason, coupled with bringing a baby home, she will learn soon that you love her just as much as the baby…


Its sad that people are saying this is normal or just a phaze…

Its not… i have raised eight kids… four of my own. Ive worked in childcare. Kids act how we allow them to act.

My kids know from early on… as beginner walkers… i do not handle tantrums… we get up and leave… the more you fuss the less you get…

A child does not kniw “hitting hurts” if theyve never been hit… so if your child hits you… hit her back BUT explain why. See that hurts… we do not hit people…

Thats common sense…

My four yr old threw one fit at two yrs old… in the store… i litterally picked him up… left buggy full of groceries and left store. We went home. I told him… your actions have consequences. Accountability… because you tgrew a fit… we left store…

I left him with babysitter and i went back to store. He remembered next time we went to store… he was well behaved…

Teach accountability… be the parent… not their friend…

Were not raising kids… were raising adults… teach them responsibility… accountability… respect and independance.


Just not liking your attention is not all hers anymore with new baby! Normal behavior, try to have her help you as much as she can so she doesn’t feel replaced by baby! Give her extra cuddles and time while baby sleeps!

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Well i would say that just giving her a talk isnt gonna work.


Yes give her cuddles, kisses, hugs, and a good talking to when she is hitting and punching you. I am sure the behavior will continue with a reward like that :joy: If I am mean to Mommy she is nice to me!!! Maybe try the if I am mean to mommy she is going to pop me on the butt and be mean to me route. Gentle parenting is not always the answer​:roll_eyes:
Pick your battles and balance discipline with love!!!


When we would bring home baby I would get them involved with helping. Our 1st and 2nd are exactly 26 months apart to the day. 2nd and 3rd are about 22 months apart. They enjoyed helping and whemever they would act out I would hold them and explain it isn’t ok and now they have to big big girls/boys to show baby how good girls/boys act

My child bites and he’s only a year old, so I definitely see how it’ll be a problem in the future. I would suggest trying to find some time with just you and her. It sounds like she misses being the center of your attention. But I would also sit down with her and explain that hitting/biting hurts you and that it’s not okay. If she continued doing it, I’d either do it back(obviously not as hard) or start smacking her hand to show her that it hurts to do that. Sometimes that’s all that works. Each child is different and learns differently. If you’re completely against physical discipline you could try doing time out as well and see if that works?

Toddlers go through this phase. They try to test limits and see what behaviours are aloud or not. With my daughter what she did to me I did back to her. She did not appreciate that and stopped the aggressive behaviour (pulled my hair, I pulled it back- a good little yank to hurt a tiny bit but show her how it feels) you want to correct that behaviour as she will try to use that aggression with other children once she starts daycare or school.

  1. Totally normal response to her surroundings changing.
  2. Positive discipline doesn’t work for every child (they didn’t all come out of the same mold). She bites, bite her back just enough that she knows it hurts. She pinches, pinch her. She starts hitting and kicking? Send her to her room until she can be nice and if that doesn’t work, don’t be afraid to take your hand and pop that little backside. I’m the oldest of 5 kids (with a huge age gap between me and my siblings), worked 8 years in childcare and have a 3 1/2 year old. Spankings are a last resort in our house but they are used when nothing else is working. Make it clear that her behavior will not be tolerated and be consistent. Her world has been turned upside down and she needs this guidance from you.

22 months here and already seeing terrible twos making its way here. may the gods be with us!

My son turns two on the 19th and he does the same exact thing. He is my 5th and I didn’t have issues with any of them having aggression or hitting that young ever!!!

Anytime we tell him no no he hits us, pushes us or his sisters and recently started throwing himself stomach first onto the ground when he throws fits. I’ve honestly been distracting him and when I say no no I get down to eye level and then rub his back a little. I’m honestly having a difficult time with this too.

I tell myself it’s just terrible twos and everyone I talk to says it’s a boy thing, but clearly not just a boy thing. When he does this I do try to give him hugs and kisses, but he pushes us away.

This post makes me so sad to see the negativity y’all are spitting at this parent in need for help! Physical abuse is not the answer guys! I’m sure she’s doing great. Terrible two’s are real. Just because your kid might be been an angel, all kids are different.

I haven’t read the other comments, but I can share my experience. I have four kids and four grandkids. My grandson, who turned two years old in September, is very aggressive. He hits, bites, throws toys, etc. He was evaluated and he is a behind with his speech. It was discovered that he is on the spectrum for autism. He is receiving speech therapy and is doing wonderfully. He was also put on meds and has turned into a different child. He is sweet and loving and adores his baby sister. I’m not looking for a debate on diagnoses/pros and cons of meds/etc. and certainly am not implying that this is the case with your little one. I just wanted to share my experience.

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Well i think you should fight fire with fire when she is getting aggressive take away her favorite toy and say you can have it back when you stop being naughty and not before good luck xx


What tools does she have for coping? How well can she communicate? Is she totally self aware yet? You know how many 2 year olds are capable of any if that? Almost none. When we can’t understand our feelings and we have no means of coping besides lashing out or crying, that’s what we get. Work on social skills and empathy. Watch yo Gabba Gabba on youtube. They work on social skills, like don’t bite your friends and be kind to everyone. She’ll get it eventually, or she’ll get evaluated. Everytime she hits or bites or throws a tantrum, isolate her and tell her she’s not being safe. 2 mins in her crib or a pack n play or her room if she’s a climber. EVERYTIME. She will at least learn that she has to earn attention, and that unsafe behavior requires her removal. ALWAYS! Never be inconsistent or she will never give up using that. Do not give her attention during or shortly after her misbehavior. Idc if you have to leave your groceries and walk out and lock her in the car (with the windows cracked if necessary) for 2 mins with you outside the car with your back turned. Do it. She will learn or you will go see a doctor about it in a year or 2.

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We realized our son was having issues communicating with us what was actually wrong. Being that we hadn’t given him any tools to talk and we couldn’t read his mind it took some time. We took to asking questions…pointing to things…and he had some sign language down from daycare which was actually very amazing to use.

She’s upset get her some feelings books and magnets to express her emotions also teach her baby sign language to communicate better when she’s feeling upset.

Yeah my son is a asshole too.

Also play therapy works great!

Make time with your little girl she might be asking for attention & acting out might be her way of asking for attention. I have 3 little ones I try my best to include them in everything we do together, I never just buy one thing I buy them each their own, I give them individual time, I have my two oldest in the same routine so they don’t feel left out and when my oldest is at school I keep my little ones in the same routine as well while big brother is at school. I reward them at the end of the night with “sticker time” & they love it it makes them proud of themselves and they go to sleep with the mind set that they done good for the day and mommy & daddy are proud :relaxed:

Maybe she could go in a sport? My parents put me in skating when I was two because I had so much energy. Maybe she could go to a gymnastics class or something to get all that out

Acting out when things change is completely normal. This is just how she’s doing it. You just have to be watchful of her actions and stop/ block her when she tries it. Grab her hand or foot and stop her from doing it first. Then say “no hitting / kicking!” etc. Take her hand, rub it softly on you and say “soft, soft”. Don’t leave baby within reach if you’re going to be out of the line of sight of them. When things are calm, show her to gently touch baby and say “soft, soft. Soft touches.” If she tries to be rough, stop her and say “no hitting”. Move baby away from her and find something else to direct her attention to, then go back to what you were doing. Don’t stop what you’re doing and direct all of your attention to her in that moment or else she’ll learn that hitting or kicking gets her all of your attention. If she tries again to be aggressive after you have stopped her and reminded her to use soft touches, you might consider timeouts at that point.

Make sure you’re giving her one on one time each day while baby is napping, have Dad do the same if he’s in the picture. Encourage affection between her and the baby when you’re right there to manage it. Talk about what a BIG girl she is and give her lots of affection. Don’t ever use phrases like “I can’t because I need to feed the baby.” Instead say “we’ll play in a minute, right now it’s the baby’s turn. Your turn is next!” As soon as you’re done, put baby somewhere safe and follow through with what she needs.

BTW, I highly recommend getting a special toy that’s just for times when you need to focus on the baby (like feedings). When she approaches you wanting your attention or whatever, give her the toy and tell her “here’s your special toy. You play and I’ll be done soon, okay?”

I have 2 teens, a 2 year old and am due with baby #4 next week. I also do home child care and started a 3 month old in care when my little one was 18 months old. She is very attached to me and the special toy is how I handled her issues with me holding and taking care of the baby. Eventually, she just went and grabbed the toy and sat next to my chair and played with it. When I finished, I settled the baby and picked her up to spend a few minutes with her.

Good luck to you! It will get better, just be consistent and don’t allow her to hurt anyone - including yourself!


When my son started doing that, it was because I had just given birth to his sister! He was jealous he was no longer center stage. I put more emphasis on his being her protector and made sure he received a gift from his new sissy. I enlisted his help to teach her things to help her grow to be a good girl. I asked for his advice on what we should teach her and when. I made sure he knew I trusted him to do the right thing with her (but never left him alone with her, or put him in charge by himself-yes, some people do that -put a 2 year old in charge of baby). I assume it was more of a stage, as he did eventually get past the need to hit (after having many toys taken away-I didn’t spank my kids). Now he’s 33 and she’s 31, and they love each other deeply. If you handle it right, it gets better! You do also need to ensure that someone hasn’t spent alone time with your daughter and they did something to hurt her. That will cause aggressive behavior also! You should think about who has been alone with her and see what you can do to find out what she feels about those people!

Could be a phase, mine went through it. Or you can talk to your doctor about it and see if they recommend a behavioral specialist to evaluate your child and help you address it.

ooohhh dear… im sorry momma… my kiddo went through a truly aggressive phase from 2 years and 4 months off and on for about 4 months… im an aggressive and reactive person so when he bit me I tried not to react with aggression raise my voice or react . I told him we dont bite. and encouraged him to tell me or talk to me. his vocabulary is pretty darn good. we tried to explain and discuss his emotions. and when I had had it I gave him what he gave me bite for bite and smack for smack. we perfected his time outs only to have him SCREAM bloody murder and sass or back talk… It was rough… it has mostly passed. he was my first and his kids program peeps said his behavior was normal and him learning to express emotion and his control over anything he can in a world where he really has no say
… tuff it out momma. this to shall pass… hugs

I have worked with hundreds of children and one of the biggest problems I see with 2 year olds and toddlers is not being able to communicate as much as they would like. Narrating your everyday life and talking to them where they can see your mouth helps alot.
Reading to them atleast 20 min a day, even sighn language helps.
Also if it’s acting out to get attention because a new baby has been born making them a big part of helping with baby helps.

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In my opinion and experience I’ve found it’s just that they can’t process their negative feelings, so it all comes out physically. Had 2 children that both had moments like this at the same age. I think that continuing to set a good example of how you DO ACT CORRECTLY is key and she will eventually copy. X

Most likely, her reason for acting out is because of the member to the family. It’s normal. Try to arrange some 1 on 1 time with just you and her, get her involved with the baby when you do certain things like changing diapers. She is expressing emotion she simply can’t express by mouth. It will pass.

My son went through this phase before. Give her a stuffed animal to beat up. Sit with her and talk about emotions. Involve her in helping with the baby. Separate her from the situation. Redirect

Lol… it comes from your lack of common sense and lack of discipline. You don’t have to teach kids to be bad… but you do need to teach them to be good.


Its is the new baby that causes her behaviour… get her to be more invilved…bring diapers… hold wipes… while feeding hold the bottles so she doesnt get resentful

The behavior comes from the fact that we are all born in sin. No child needs taught to hit, scream, or be mean. Discipline while she’s young before it gets way out of hand.

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My 1 year old is the same at the moment… it’s alot of frustration because he can’t talk through what he wants or why he’s cranky… He’s also learning don’t touch at home which is hard because at daycare every day the whole room is there for him to touch… He’s also being very clingy to my partner over me and will get mad if I try take him from my partner so he can have a minute to himself but when it’s just us he’s my best mate… They go through so many changes and their emotions and feelings are always growing and changing… Being so little and expected to understand things is a big ask so maybe just relax with your approach (not saying it’s not already) and just don’t give the behaviour any attention… It the toddler is starting to act out walk away… Don’t feed into it because it only escalates

She’s jealous. And you need to set limits with her.

Jealously this is normal for her to do this. She will adjust! You have to discipline her more!!!

Your child has to get used to the fact that there is another baby in the house she is just acting out as she doesn’t want to share u …try to get her involved in helping u with new child and little things around the house …its s passing phase

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Its normal.
Toddlers cant express what is inside them so it comes out through their behaviour.
Right now she needs consistent talks … Telling her it hurts, why not to do that, cuddles !!! , reassurance she is okay and loved still.
Talk talk talk …
It takes a while but the behaviour does settle again.
Time out in safe space can help too.


She is experiencing new emotions and isn’t sure how to act. Reassure her and let her know you understand her feelings. Ask her to talk to you… I know she is 2 but start the dialogue now. Get down to her level and hug her a lot.
When she is being handsy suck in any anger or negative feeling… sternly say No Thank You… we don’t hit. Give attention to the person or object she hits instead of her. It’ll work with time. You got this Mama


Shes normal. Shes just doing something new. Just give her a hug everytime she acts out. And tell her this is what we do. We dont like to hit. Just love her

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Kids that grew up 30 years ago didnt act up as much as these kids now. What’s the problem with how kids were raised 20+years ago. I would of only kicked my mom or dad one time and it would of never happened again I respect my parents . There is no respect anymore because there is no discipline


Grab her by the arm, look her straight in the face and if you have to whack her on the butt, do so telling her no at the same time. Stop her now or you will have a mess on your hands. My niece did this often and her mother and grandparents did nothing. Her father was not in the picture. She went to bite me and I flicked her in the mouth really hard with my finger. She went to throw an object at my dad he caught it and finally gave her one whack on the butt. Enough times of doing that and saying no, she finally realized it wouldn’t be tolerated. One day she kicked our grandmother, her great grandmother while I was there. She was out of diapers and found out what a good whack was. One good whack was all it was and time out in the corner, not facing the corner but she had to sit with her hands on her lap and not move. They do understand. You can’t allow her to be aggressive toward the new baby. They can hurt the baby and you’ll have to explain that one to the doctor. You don’t have to be mean just firm.


Old enough to know that it’s not okay even if they don’t understand why but if you tell them no they’re old enough to get that you said no and what it means. When my son acted like that when he was that age he went into time out he had toys taken away and he otherwise got reprimanded. You can’t wait until the child is 5 years old and can communicate at a level you feel comfortable with in order to Dole out discipline they need to understand socially that certain behaviors are not okay and if you don’t start punishing her now you’re going to have a child who will not listen to you at all very soon

My 2 year old was like that when his brother was first born. Would even hit/slap his brother or turn over chairs when he was mad. He eventually got over it

You need to give her one good pop on her behind, she is old enough to understand she is hurting you
This behavior is not ok. Yes she has new emotions, yes shes going to get angry but she is old enough to understand it’s not ok to hit other people just because you’re upset if she keeps hitting and kicking you in your c section incision while it’s trying to heal she can cause a lot of damage and can injure you worse than you think
I know it hurts to pop your kid I had to do it with my stepson because he would not stop hurting his younger brother, i cried my eyes out but it had to be done because it got the point across that that kind of behavior was not acceptable
You cant allow her to be aggressive with a new baby around, because she might decide to take out her new emotions on the baby
I like to keep physical discipline as a last resort, yes remind her you still love her and give her attention but if she starts misbehaving you need to discipline her and walk away for a while that way she learns it’s bad behavior
I’m sorry you’re going through this I hope it resolves soon


Me while pregnant: i will NEVER physically discipline my child!
Me now: :joy::joy:

(I mean this as a joke don’t none of yall get your britches up your butt)


She sounds jealous of the new ba y and not quite sure how to deal with her frustrations/emotions and it’s coming out as aggression. I know it’s difficult because your body is still healing but I think she just needs cuddles and love. Quality mom time. If dad can watch the baby so you can play a game or toys with her even for 30 minutes it might make her feel like shes important too. I dont like spanking but have done it with my daughter but in this situation I dont think she needs a spanking just some attention.

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Welcome to year 2! :woozy_face:

The Happiest Toddler on the Block is a great book that helped us a lot during this age & believe it or not we never once had to hit our child to teach her hitting, pushing, throwing, biting, etc isnt nice & not tolerated! :hushed:

3yrs old is breeze compared to 2!

My 16 yr old step son threw a fit because his 11 month old step brother got a stuffed animal so my mother in law gave my step sons my sons. At least yours is in the age range of appropriate behavior. My end is just stupidity

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Coming for a mum of a 3yr old (who still uses “aggression” and a 15m old. It’s all very normal behavior! There is no impulse control, being Frustrated and you can’t tell them off as they just don’t understand.
I was told any attention is good attention, redirect her, practice lots of ways you want her to behave, like be gentle with the baby and practice touching softly, chairs are for sitting (if standing on a chair). Lots of emotion explaining, that hurts it makes mummy sad. And simple words.

She is definitely old enough for time outside. A minute for each year. When she acts out get down to her level and give her a stern warning that if she continues or repeats she will be put in a time out. When behavior happens again get to her level and tell her that you gave her a warning and that what she did is not ok and put her in time out and set a timer that she can hear ie. On the phone or microwave or egg timer. Let her stay in her area and if she gets up tell her the time gets started. It takes a lot of consistancy at first but over time they will understand what a time out is and choose better behavior. Be sure to pick your battles with this and at the end of timeout repeat why they were there and ask for an apology give hugs and kisses and then let her out. Time outside help them learn boundaries and expected behaviors as well as giving them the opportunity to choose a different behavior with the warnings. Good luck. My two year old struggles but we have been able to curb the worst of it

2 is a hard age and yes they get fustrated because they can’t communicate every time she hits I would remove her take her by her hand and tell it’s not nice and sit her out yes U will have to put her ba K prob a few times if it’s toys she throws take them smacking never worked for us but time outs and talking did I have a 2 year old who is so chilled out but my now 11 year old was the devils child at 2

Stop this now or she is seriously going to hurt you or the baby. If she ruptures the incision line, you’ve got major problems. Biting, bite her back. Ask her how that feels. Tell her you are going to do that everytime she bites. I’m not suggesting leaving marks. Just enough to be uncomfortable. If she hits, take her by the arms, look her straight in the eye and ask if she wants you to hit her. If not, then this needs to stop. Tell her she can only touch the baby if she is gentle. Anything else and she sits in the corner alone. She is old enough to know better, and she needs to learn her actions have consequences. You are the parent, not her best friend. Parenting choices are tough, and you sometimes feel like the bad guy. They need guidelines. She is old enough to understand cause and effect. You are giving her extra attention, so acting out is demanding all of your attention. That’s not possible. She needs time to adjust, but this behavior has to be curbed. Praise and hug for the nice things she does. Even if it’s just bringing you a diaper. Don’t tolerate the naughty stuff. She might eventually grow out of it, but you wont do her any favors by allowing it to continue.

Some of these comments are :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:, It’s just the age your child is TERRIFIC TWOS. Start setting boundaries and she will grow out of it! My daughter did the same thing… It just takes time and persevarence/consistency and lots of trial and error, there is no 2 children the same! … Find something that works for you! And most of all love your kids much as you can :purple_heart::purple_heart:

She needs love and patienece, and boundaries.


Acting out because of new sibling. Went through the same thing with my daughter


Welcome to the terrible twos. Time out in a safe space is your friend. My two toddlers get two warnings and then if they dont stop they go straight to time out. If they repeat when they get out they dont get warnings just back to time out.

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This behavior comes from being 2


Sounds like she needs Alittle ass Whoopin. Discipline her now so we don’t have to deal with her shit as an adult !!!


Two year olds are emotional little beings! You can still discipline without hitting. Time-outs work great. She can be all upset in her own little space alone For 2-5 mins. You definitely want to start something to curb her from physically hurting you and others.


Well… shes 2… so…

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No it’s not, my little girl is 2 and 2 months and I have a 4 week old baby. I haven’t and wouldn’t ever smack my child but she wouldn’t dare hit me or her sister. I would be putting her on that naughty step for a minute per hit/kick until she stops doing it. Tantrums come with terrible twos not being aggressive!


It’s supposedly normal for them to test limits at this age. My son is two and has been pulling my hair if I get too close to him to tell him to stop doing something. I do time out in his room for 1-2 minutes and tell him why. If we’re at the store he’ll cry for items and act out sometimes and we leave the store. I do not let him cry and disturb other people in public. I leave. I give him a chance to try again and it sometimes helps!

The other day I overheard a child about 6-7 talking to her mom horribly when she was just trying to help her in the restroom. I felt so bad for the mom! This is the behavior I’m working to avoid.

Acting out! She is used to having all the attention. My kids went through this even when you feel like you are giving her as much attention she don’t feel that way because she is used to all the attention. Try including her in helping with baby! Simple stuff like wiping the booty once it’s clean, helping with holding bottle if you breastfeed I had a friend that let her older child hold the skin under her armpit which isn’t actually the boob but it made the child feel like they were feeding the baby. Ask her to help with things. Don’t worry about giving just her attention half the time or feeling like she needs her alone mommy time all the time. Make it an all around bonding experience for mom, sissy, and new baby! When kids want attention they will and do seek negative attention! If she is used to all attention negative attention is just as good as positive to her. Hope I made sense!

My child is 1 1/2 and I just put her in time out for 1 min and make sure she sits there the WHOLE min! Lol

Discipline her. Timeouts works wonderfully at this age. I do pop my toddler on the butt every now and then, but that’s when he does something dangerous or tries to hurt his sister. But I definitely recommend time outs :smiling_face: and lots of wine :wine_glass:


My son was the same happened around 2-2.5 for him. No other siblings, just went from a sweet cuddle bug to aggressive. He’s just over 3 now and still goes back and forth between cuddly and aggressive. I think it’s likely just a stage however that doesn’t mean its acceptable. We tried time outs but didn’t find they worked so I just walk away and let him know when he’s ready to talk to let me know and then we have a discussion about hitting not being very nice because it hurts people’s bodies and feelings.

If she does it to you, yell “OWW”.

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I went through 5 kids, it’s not just being 2. 3 boys and 3 girls, no terrible 2’s here. She needs to feel important and needed!

Talk to her and explain that her putting her hands on you or the baby is not nice at all. Maybe you should ask her if she would like you to do that to her, not saying to do it at all but let her know how it makes you feel and that it hurts and upsets you and the baby.

My oldest son was 2 when his little brother was born and he never acted out because of it. He was kind and loving towards people but a little destructive. It’s most likely just adjusting to having a baby around with a mix of terrible twos. Discipline is still necessary even tho it’s just a phase.

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Not only is it terrible twos but she’s also adjusting to having a new sibling. Include her in baby related stuff. Get a diaper, hold bottles, get a pacifier, hold baby wash bottles during bath time and have her help “wash”.

At this age they can’t verbally express themselves so they blow up. If including her doesn’t help then start time outs. One minute per age. If she gets up/screams -time starts over. Then after the time limit explain to her what she did wrong “we don’t hit, it hurts”… Give hugs. Be consistent.


Consistency and patience, momma. Remember, everything is a phase, even the good stuff. Be clear that that type of behavior is unacceptable… Use whatever method of non-physical discipline works for her, time out, take away privileges, time in her room. Every child is different so do what works for you, consistancy is the most important part. Do the beat job you can and don’t forget to take care of yourself! ((Hugs)) best wishes!

Spare the rod spoil the child. That doesn’t mean you beat the hell out of them.we would all be ignorant if it wasn’t for pain.


Spank her and send her to her room


Welcome to the terrible twos…mine acts the same way too but worse when they have older siblings…love them unconditionally qnd be patience…:blush:

Timeout and make her feel useful have her grab diapers throw yucky ones away make her feel like shes wanted there praise her when she helps tell her how much her baby sibling loves her when shes nice … when naughty time out when naughty more then 3 times in the same hour for the exact same thing pat the butt or nap time

Use a stern voice, tell her no you dont like that! Be consistent. Ignore the bad behavoir, remove yourself when they act out, but show lots of love & praise when she does something positive. Sometimes they just want attention, but encouraging positive attention!! :grin: hope this helps

She’s two. Talking it out with a two year old doesn’t happen well.
An ik it’s not “politically correct” but dicipline is not a bad thing. Sure you can tell her don’t bite a million times. She’s still gonna bite. My son had started biting and I pop his mouth and he knows real quick.havent had a problem yet.
If you don’t dicipline then the world will. Unfortunately I would rather do my duty as a mother and whoop ass when needed than let them walk all over me and end up in much worse place in the future.
I can understand you feel bad yadayada. But it’s not out of anger it’s out of love if that confuses you then you need to understand would you rather enforce dicipline now or her go threw much worse later on.
It’s nothing more than terrible twos. BUT imagine your a wall ok if they can push and pull the wall which ever way they want they will forever do it.
You have to be a brick wall a limit. Eventually when they see that that wall won’t move they won’t do what they’re doing anymore. Granted a few tries will definitely be there.
My son is 2 an he is not stupid. He knows what no means he knows he can’t bite. They are not stupid and once you get to a point your telling them no about something more than once they’ll know their not supposed to. One sign of this is the run away giggle like dang I’ve been caught lol
This is a phase but a child with lack of dicipline will only get worse. Your their mother dicipline should never come out of anger but out of love.
An I would much rather do my duties now than someone else taking it in their hands later.

An trust me they will thank you for it.
I had a friend who literally never ever had dicipline. Ever. An she kicked and screamed and fought her parents as a teenager. She had no respect and walked all over them because she was NEVER given proper dicipline. Never taught to respect them. That wall that they should have been she pushed and pulled and morphed it whichever way she wanted and it showed.
An the only reason they didn’t was because she was a single child an they wanted to give her everything. Unfortunately it turned her into an entitled brat that walked all over them and back. I was given dicipline and I learned from it. You never seen my fighting my parents cause that line was drawn and I knew not to cross it. It really does start when their toddlers. Ik alot of people don’t like to think that way but it does and I’ve noticed in my own children cause there’s some lines that are not crossed.
I wish you well ik the toddler stage can be horrid but they’re not dumb. They’re smart little humans that want to have their way like everyone else. Unfortunately life ain’t fair and it’s best to learn that from Mom an dad than the world.


Look maybe someone messing with her

The bible says spare the rod spoil the child so therefore a swat on the butt for bad behavior is necessary to stop repeated bad behavior…you cannot award bad behavior with loving attention…just my opinion…


It’s a delicate situation! When she’s acting out, try your best to calm her… huh her tightly, if possible. This is a great age to teach mantras… sounds corny and silly but teaching a child to focus on something like saying “peace begins with me” while touching a finger to her thumb with each word will help her cool down and deconflict on her own. It’s worked wonderfully with my youngest! After she’s cooled down, talk to her like she’s an adult. Tell her you understand that she’s feeling upset… use words that she might understand but let her know you’re in her corner and ask why! Children want to be heard and understood. It’s not effective to punish a child if they don’t truly understand why it’s happening and don’t know how to control emotions!

Sorry for the rant!! This is something I’ve been dealing with myself. I hope it helps!!! Feel free to inbox me if you have any questions :blush:

Idk, my son was just barely over 2 when I had my daughter by c-section and he didn’t react that way at all. But that’s also never been his personality. We’ve never had a problem with him hitting or biting in any way.