If my child told me that I would do the same plus he said it right in front of him. If your boyfriend didn’t do it he should of spoken up and said something if he did he should of said it and why he did it when he asked
You asked where but not how. Therapy if you love them both.
This is crazy, you were correct in kicking him out, most abusers groom the kid they will torture with while on the leg but after getting so comfortable and knowing the fear the kid has of him abusing the kid sexually will not be a surprise, cause of the mother would believe the stick over her kids words the kid losses trust in the mother to protect them. Period.
Did u ask why he spanked him? Maybe he was misbehaving and gave him a pop on the bottom
I absolutely do not think a 2 year old lies
Believe your kid always and trust your gut feeling as well!
You did the right thing…always a Mama…protect your baby!!!
Protect your baby!!! I would have done the same thing!
And I hope you weren’t shacking up. When you shack up with a man whether you’re married or not you made him the father. If you don’t want a father figure to discipline your child then don’t shack up because you are misleading the child and it becomes a problem in the future.
Reading these comments NOW i understand why so many women lose their babies to abuse from whatever man is in their lives. You all are crazy as he’ll. Girl you reacted like A NORMAL MOTHER SHOULD… And I don’t blame u for not wanting him to discipline YOUR children. Some instances are okay but HITTING IS NEVER OKAY. All these peoplel telling u to apologize??? Absolutely not. He owes your child an apology for hitting him. BOTTOM LINE!!! it is unacceptable no matter if he was okayed to discipline. But these comments got me floored. Smh this is why so many babies are dying cuz yall really think she was wrong for putting him out for HITTING HER CHILD.
'bout don’t discipline him.
That same kid will discipline u.
Good for you for protecting your baby!!! Stick with it
Always trust your child , Always
Children can still love their abuser
You did the right thing.
Boyfriend wouldn’t be around my toddler easy peasy
If u have being with him for two years and this just happen…maybe give him another chance since ur baby sounded like he wanted him back at soonest he was leaving .
But i do undersatnd ur fear…mother instints:heartpulse:.
I think you overreacted just my opinion though
Better safe than sorry. Follow your. Intuition.
You did right thing you go girl
The baby said what he said.
Always believe your child…
I would leave that person on the same day.
Was there any marks on your child
I’d be calling cops ! None touch my child !
I feel that you did the right thing…
Your kids. Now let me repeat that your kids always come first
You did the right thing.
Wow i am so shocked by the comments on here. Watch some Dr. Phil people!
Believe your child no matter what! If he said he hit him. Then he hit him!! Period.
I’m sorry you are going through this. You did the right thing.
If you don’t agree with hitting and he knows that, then you are absolutely right
You did the right thing!!
You did the right thing
Nope! You did the right thing!
You did the right thing.
There is a difference between abuse and punishment…my kids tell my fiancé I’m mean for whipping them and they tell me he’s mean for parenting by telling them what to do. My six year old cries bloody murder when my fiancé barely touched him when he is in trouble. That’s what happens when you punish a child. It would be different if he beat the shit out of ur child. Now u can’t go back because ur 2 year old now knows he holds the upper hand. Instead u should have asked what he did to deserve it, talk to ur boyfriend without ur son and tell him ur anx about the swat, then sat ur son down and tell him if he is doing something wrong “Daddy” or whatever he calls him will punish him like u would for not listening
Gotta trust your gut. Your heart will deceive you, your head will confuse you, your gut don’t lie
Are you serious???
Get rid of the ass he will judt get worse
Kick him to the curb!! No one should slap your child!!
I think you should stop listening to other people and their advice. Put yourself in the situation. Why was your child allowed to act that way? What if anything should your boyfriend done to handle the situation? How would you handle it if it wasn’t your child? What do you expect him to do to control your child when your child is acting out or hitting or being obnoxious? Im not saying he hit your child or.even giving them the right. What im saying is what resources does he have if you allow your child to misbehave and nobody is allowed to take control of the situation. In my own opinion, you should take care of your own child sick or not, don’t expect anyone to watch your child until or unless you either teach your child to behave or have a plan for all involved to correct your child. It doesn’t have to be yelling or smacking. But what ever it is you should be on the same page with the people in your lives, that your child is around so they know they can’t get away with misbehavior.
Don’t leave your kids alone with anyone. Period.
You can’t really have it both ways. You either want someone playing the father figure & helping raise your child, or you don’t. Whether the light slap actually happened or not is neither here nor there. You & ex-bf obviously don’t agree on ex-bf disciplining your son. Now ex-bf is gone so let him move on & you do the same. This isn’t really something that can be compromised over. You may honestly be hard-pressed to find someone willing to take on all of the responsibilities of a parent, but doesn’t get any of the rights tho. Not impossible tho. Best wishes.
You did the right thing- followed your gut and protected your child.
Wow! If he’s good enough to be in your and your child’s life, he’s good enough to punish the child. With your mentality, you deserve to be single.
I don’t feel like a 2 yr old would have a reason to lie about it. I would be more upset about the denial/ lie then the actual smack. That’s your kid. Don’t look back because a man that smacks a child should be able to admit to it and have a conversation with you where you both agree to a form of punishment for him to be able to use. If he lie about a smack and gets away with it then eventually the physical altercations will get more sever and then the child would not even bother telling you if you took your boyfriends side. So yea could be a dangerous situation. You did the right thing. Don’t look back and that lie is way more important then the smack at this point… deal breaker 100% … dont hit my kid AND then ESPECIALLY don’t lie and make me choose to believe your word over my childs word!!!
You did the right thing. No man, no one should hit your child.
You always listen to your kids. Men will come & go, those are your children, they aren’t replacable.
Ok so you have left YOUR toddler on another person whom youve been with for two years, and got mad when he made YOUR kid mind. Hmm sounds like that poor guy deserves better. I would have left you over this. I have 5 kids, you know who watches them when I am sick? I do. So you are lucky to find a man that’s even that interested in your child. You went way overboard , I mean you expect the guy to be your sitter without any say. That is complete bs.
You need to listen to your gut.
Gut feeling. Go with your gut. Trust me
Believe your child. Period.
He spanked his thigh. Not for nothing I’m sure. Boyfriend better off outs there
It’s hard for us to say because we don’t know them like you do as far as who would be most likely to lie. If he did smack the child and lied about it, the lying would be a major issue to me also. You are in a hard spot. If you suspect the child may have lied and you love this man, it might be worth sitting down and talking to him.
If you kid needs spanked and you won’t do it then someone needs to step up and correct the child. The child obviously isn’t being abused if he is upset you made the guy leave. I would be upset with him lying then with him popping the kid. You need to grow up and discipline your wild child yourself if you don’t want anyone else to.
People wonder why kids are disrespectful and out of control.
Better safe than sorry! You will be the next story on the news and these ho bags that’s telling you how wrong you are will be the same ones talking shit about having men around your kids!
Protect your children at all cost!
For all the parents who think a child won’t lie…WHAT WORLD DO YOU LIVE IN?
Kids lie!!!
She wasn’t necessarily wrong in wanting to protect her child. I do feel she may have acted hastily.
- Women need to stop laying down with men and letting them watch your kids if you don’t trust them.
- Stop asking for stepfathers/stepmothers if a you want is sex and a babysitter.
- Get cameras. Put them where only YOU know where they are.
- Stop being soft ass parents. If you know your kid is a hellion, stop leaving your kids with ppl (especially ppl who aren’t professional) and expecting them to take shit off your kid. FUCK YOU AND YOUR KID! Be a stay at home parent and watch your own damn seed!
Finally! An actual mother who puts her kids before dick! You ma’am are a true mother. You do whatever you have to in order to protect your kids no matter what anyone else thinks.
Thank you for standing up for your child!
You cant expect someone to play a parent role and not discipline your child. That is a bad road to go down. If hes been with you and living with you and parenting your bbn son he should be able to spank him. Beat him, absolutely not but spanking yes if hes that out of control. I think you need to spank your child if hes that out of control. Start now so it’s not worse later. Also kids lie. My son was about 3 and I was folding laundry and my son went to the kitchen to ask my husband for food and he said no because he was making dinner my son came to me with a pouty look and said daddy kicked me. I was watching the whole thing. None of that ever happened. He got an answer he didnt like and pulled something out of his ass. Also my husband has never been abusive or hit him. Hes spanked him yes, when deserved but that’s what parents do. I think if that really happened and he was that upset about it he wouldnt have been upset about him leaving. You need to have a talk about lying and if you want someone playing the parent role they need to be able to discipline him. I wont even watch kids if I cant discipline them. Putting them in time out or a corner. Taking away privileges. Things like that.
Boy oh boy I will not put up in my home a child that I can’t swat or get on too. Everyone wants to know why this generation of kids and young adults are brats, stealing cussing parents out because you don’t swat their asses. I still swat my grandkids and I have children from 45 to 25 and they know not to be disrespectful to me because I will not stand for it.
Wow these comments help show why so many children are abused and won’t be believed.
You did the right thing. At that age, whether your son feels badly about him leaving, your son did not lie.
Dude that’s fucking insane that you would just leave the man. The way your toddler was acting when he left does not make it seem like your toddler is telling the complete truth. This man was supposed to one day be your toddlers step dad. Wow just wow…and this is why we have such entitled spoiled brats now a days.
good job mom PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN. YOUR CHILDREN COME FIRST NO MATTER WHAT. all you hear is moms letting men around there babies. newborns n up. beating the heck out of babies. honly person to punish your children are you n father, or grandparent. u known him 2 years. he has no right lay his hands on your child. if he did or didnt. listen to your child.
Good for YOU mother to believe and trust your child! So many women don’t and so MANY children have lost their lives to the hands of boyfriends! I think that you did great to trust and listen to your child. You did NOT go to far! Any woman who says that you did are the weak women who allows their boyfriends to bash and trash and disrespect them and their children! Keep on LISTENING to your CHILD! You are a GREAT MOM! Your children are blessed to have a MOM who believes them! People can be in your LIFE saying they love you for over 20 years and still KILL you! It just happened here in Texas! A woman MURDERED by her “BEST FRIEND!” Keep believing your child. My point! You can THINK that you know FOLKS! REALLY!.. You don’t!!! Disciplining doesn’t take smacking!!!
Some of you people need to read this again…and some adults need smacked. . He’s NOT allowed to discipline him at all! That means he’s not allow to put him in time out or take anything away from him for punishment, He’s not allowed to discipline him at all but she expects her boyfriend to watch him while she rests… Yeah OK. So if your son grabs a knife from the kitchen and is running around the house he’s not allowed to take it from him and put him in time out?.. Go wake her up to tell her, her son is running around the house with a kitchen knife so you better go chase him to get it because I can’t discipline him. I’m surprised he stayed with you for 2years. You should have explained to your son WHY you kicked him out, BECAUSE YOU SAID HE SMACKED YOU!!! Then see what his reaction was to you saying that to him. He really didn’t smack me mommy. No red mark?
My 8 month old was murdered by a man she called dad step dad no sign of violence woke up one day to her beaten brain dead u did the right thing I wish I would of seen a sign fr
Well I’m thinking how does your toddler come up with a lie that supposedly has never happened to him. You say you don’t smack your child so how does he know what a smack on his leg is unless he’s been smacked. There are men out there that abuse children behind your back and never raise their hand to another adult and my father was one of those cowards so if you ask me your mommy of the year unless you’re the one lying about your child never being smacked
So he lives with you and YOUR kids for 2 years helping u to raise them but he isn’t allowed to discipline them good luck with that hun… looks like your boyfriend dodged a bullet fr… I mean your ex boyfriend
Smack that fucker in his face n say keep your hands off my kid