My wife is constantly on her phone: Advice?

Shut the wifi off. She will come in quick lol


Sounds like she may he depressed


Sign of depression…she’s zoning out x


She may be depressed. I have used my phone as an escape from life very often. Try to get her to see that you would like her back in your world without confrontation or nagging. The nagging just makes her defensive.


Phone jail at certain times. Lock all phones up, including yours, and make plans for encouraging her to do things together, not just chores, but fun things too.

get her a job ib customer service she wont want a phone anymore


I find I escape to my phone when I am sad. Maybe ask her if you can do anything to help her join you in the real world again. Let her know you miss her.


Have her use the screen time setting and discuss a set amount of time she can be on it. Does she have adhd or possibly depression? Might be zoning out because she can’t focus or just drowning herself into endless scrolling.


Get a lock box and put all devices in it for a period of time each day and spend time outside or doing something together. Explain you miss her, ask if she ok?

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Ask her to do things with you that don’t involve household chores and children. Depression could be one reason why she’s detaching and zoning out of reality.


That’s ridiculous. Ignoring her family all day and night? Demand change, whether it be addiction treatment or self imposed, she needs to step up.


Could be anxiety or depression related. Being on a device is very distracting end can help numb some pain that’s going on.


Definitely try to entertain her. More “no phone” activities, if she denies she has a problem, then she will have no problem with a challenge of “no phone during dinner” and things like that. Baby steps. Those kinds of addictions don’t change overnight so be patient and just try to stimulate her mind in other ways


I use mine as an escape. If I’m feeling sad, phone. Feeling alot of anxiety, phone. Ect.
Ask if she’s ok and if there’s anything you can do to help her


You should check her mental health


Don’t ask, tell her to put the damn phone DOWN. She has a family and responsibilities. She can be on her for an hour at night. NO ONE needs to be on their phone that frequently.


I am honestly like this very often when my depression gets bad


She needs to put the phone down!

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Ask why she feels the need to escape what’s she got goin on that she may need to talk about

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I love how a couple of people are laughing at this and it’s all females, and I can guarantee %1000 they are also on their phones a lot of the time too. And this “demanding time” isn’t going to get anyone anywhere, it will be pointless and make everything worse.

Addiction doesn’t work like that. As someone who has studied to become an addictions counselor. Technology addiction is real.

Unfortunately, my friend, your wife won’t admit to having an addiction until she realizes it herself. I never made it as a counselor due to my own mental health issues, and I have a cell phone addiction as well, I can fully admit it. And I am trying to work on it.

Did something shift where she’s always on it now? Has anything traumatic happened for her to be using it continuously like this? There are many many mental illnesses that use distraction coping mechanisms to cover them up. Compassion and understanding is needed right now. Document everything, every time she takes off to use her phone, everything. Suggest to go see a counselor together. Myself, personally, have a hard time believing my SO when he mentions something until someone mentions it as well. Counseling first, and if the counselor can prove to her what she’s doing isn’t healthy, then treatment. Demanding anything like treatment WILL make things worse, I can guarantee and promise you that.

Clearly, many people here don’t understand addiction and mental illness. Addiction and mental illness fall hand in hand %99.9 of the time. And it’s incredibly upsetting and sad that there are a few that as laughing at this genuine and concerning question.

Those laughing should all be ashamed of yourselves. Clearly you have never suffered from an addiction or mental illnesses. Wait and see how karma rewards you with one or the other, or maybe both.


Everyone is saying anxiety and depression, and I 100% get that because I have both. But if it’s to the point where she’s going out to the CAR and sitting there for hours… that’s too far. I’m sorry but that’s something else. Being on the phone all day is one thing but going somewhere else to be alone on the phone, that’s suspicious. :woman_shrugging:


Make her look at her screen time. That’s crazy


This likely means she is struggling with her mental health. I’ve done this before several times in my life to escape reality.


Call her and ask her to come in the house and eat dinner with the family… call her and ask her to feed the dog… etc

Videotape her and show her how much she’s on the phone and maybe it will open her eyes.

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Don’t tell a woman what to do…


She’s miserable and escaping.


Why are people laughing? :thinking:
And it’s females. :roll_eyes:
Speaks volumes.
Sir, I commend you for reaching out for advice.
I use social media. My husband does not. And he hates any & all. I know when to put it down and when it’s enough. Especially during family time etc…
You have to talk to her.
But she has to be willing to be honest.
I suspect an addiction to social media or craves attention (If she’s posting for “likes” etc…)
Definitely get to the root of the problem before it’s too late to save your relationship. Good luck to you.


She needs a vacation. A long one. When I cant get a break or when daily life is too much, I sometimes escape into my phone or tv


Shit give her a reason to feel inglected herself and she look real quick for attention real quick

I get on my phone more often when I’m depressed, otherwise I’m rarely on it. Definitely check her mental health but talk about it with her, don’t really come out and accuse her of having a “problem” first just ask her to talk and it might come out of her before you have to mention it but conversation is key.
She does need to put in the effort to fix what’s causing her to be on the phone constantly, there’s only so much you can do though. It’s not up to you to be holding up the house and family all by yourself so don’t enable her…if she says yes there’s a problem then maybe suggest therapy or talking to a Dr, don’t just be like, oh okay go on with your phone. Because you and the kids need her to be present and putting in effort as a mom and wife regardless of the reason behind over using the phone.


I was horrible about this too but my husband started texting me from the same room simply to get my attention and after a couple days, I realized how much I really do stare at my phone. Now I make a point to put my phone on the other room and enjoy the family. If she doesn’t realize or believe she’s on it as much as you say, try texting her… Don’t be rude about it… Just text and say something to get her to realize there’s life happening around her while she’s zoned out. It helped me


All these people saying depression , sitting on your phone all day is conducive to depression. You don’t accomplish anything And so you feel less worthy, your mind goes numb. She needs confronted. Speaking from a place of experience I often do spend way to much time on my phone, and I always feel better, when I do not.


Kind of sounds like depression and a way to cope


Well thanks to all these comments I know now I’m depressed lol.


Professional Therapy intervention ((I am being SERIOUS))


I find it strange how all these people suggests depression, or unhappiness, or a means to cope. Meanwhile, when a guy is doing this, the majority of the comments are ‘dump him’, ‘you deserve better’, ‘don’t put up with it’, etc. We’re all so sympathetic to females, yet so quick to judge and hate guys for the same reasons.


I’m on my phone a lot and honestly it’s an escape. I get screamed and yelled at all day at work (I work in a collection’s department) and bounce between Facebook and games. My S.O. complains about how much I’m on my phone but it’s a way for me to relax. The tv doesn’t really interest me because we watch the same handful of channels… every time you turn the tv on local channels it’s all covid and politics and I’m so sick and tired of hearing about both!!!


I have the same problem with my partner. Had multiple multiple arguments with her over the past 4yrs now. I came up with somewhat of a short term solution. We decided to set a specific time down for US. No electronics, nothing. It’s our bonding time, our couples time. We play games, cards, do paintings, etc… We come up with different things. But main thing is, NO CELLPHONE. I know my girl is gonna end up reading this, you know I LOVE YOU.


It’s an escape from her immediate world, we all do it and there isn’t anything wrong with it until you are in fact neglecting responsibilities, at that point I would suggest empathizing with her instead of attacking her.


Try to view it from her point of view. Her phone is probably her only form of communication to adults and the outside world. She’s home 24/7 with tiny humans and animals, She needs that escape from craziness.


Yea she hates her life so the phone is her escape…so you need to get help for her so she becomes a functioning adult again


It seems like she has had her breaking point. This is every-mother…
We do it all and we do not get help,we drown and there is no hand reaching out saying I will will help you,WE can do this.
So,it seems that she’s saying " Your turn".
Being loving and supportive,ask her what she will like to do and have fun with her.
Being a mom and wife,it is lonely,depressing and overwhelming.
Perhaps she goes to you amd wants to talk or rant,but its looked at as ranting and nagging , so she goes to her phone.
Mom life is being a non-functional person…lack of sleep,eating,enjoyment…


Don’t know what to tell you. Sounds like my husband all day everyday!!! And nothing else exists outside of his phone. I just “love” talking to myself and “living alone”.


Confront her. You feel she’s lacking in the relationship and it’s causing a strain. Communicate this with her and find a way to fix it. If she feels depressed and is using it to cope, she needs help. If she’s feeling trapped and its like a way out for her, schedule date nights or something where she can get out more. If she isn’t willing to fix it and make your relationship work, then leave her. Not worth it if the other person isn’t willing to make the relationship happy.

Phone use isn’t necessarily a negative thing but if it’s constant and causing her to neglect the people in her life, then it certainly isn’t positive.


Have you tried talking to her about it?! Bring it to her attention. Some people don’t even realize they’re doing it.

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Break the damn phone!!! :person_shrugging::person_shrugging: ops! Accident :thinking:


There’s truly an addiction to electronic devices. She needs professional help.
If it were happening with my husband. I’d have his phone turned off, that should get his attention.


Talk to her via text :joy:

Sorry no real advice here, you can’t help someone who doesn’t think they have a problem, Goodluck

I like to bottle things up and I hate confronting people about my feelings so I like to text even though we are in the same room it’s easier for me tbh​:joy::joy::joy: just see what’s going on and figure something out that way you both get what you need/want.

I would talk to her and tell her you feel that this is a big problem and ask her what is wrong?if theres a problem i hope you guys can get it fixed,if she denies problems i would tell her you arent happy and feeling wanted and if she still doesnt change,i would leave because she at that point doesnt care enough.

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Texting her isn’t a bad idea. She may feel as if coming to you will result in you not understanding. Sounds like she’s overwhelmed, feeling stuck, and it’s become her escape.

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She has kids and a spouse and a home to take care of. I use my phone here and there. But my kids always come first. And I make sure my husband has time w me. You should go the phone maybe. Why would she be in the car?but you shouldn’t have to do everything. You guys should be a team. And those kids should COME FIRST

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iPhone has option to see weekly and daily I’m pretty sure phone usage I’m sure other phones do too, pull that up for a reality check lol


Maybe it’s her escape from reality


Zone out problems maybe that what make her happy,let it be,it will solved by seft, and understanding!

It’s sad that people are laughing at this situation & making jokes.


Ummm can I say she needs an intervention??
Seriously, that is extreme. She is unhappy with her actual life and needs to deal with that.
Not judging, just saying, husband and children need to come before social media.
Happy spouse
Happy house
Both ways.
Husband and wife need to be able to communicate with each other, freely.


Does she have an I phone? It shows your daily screen time usage and weekly average. Maybe show her that. My husband thought I was exaggerating until I showed him his average daily time on the phone was 11 hours.


:raising_hand_woman:t4:,it’s a depression state , she’s escaping everything around her. I found myself doing this also after loosing my job and the emotional impact of this pandemic and other things. You see how all of the house hold responsibilities are getting to you your about to go crazy also. So maybe get a babysitter for a couple of days, put the animals away and take her out that house and pamper your Queen . But most importantly let her get herself some wine and good rest and see how that works out. Good luck


I honestly know what the phone addiction thing is like, however I do make sure my husband and daughter are taken care of as well as doing my household responsibilities. My husband didn’t come off very nicely when we discussed it, however, I did understand that I do have an addiction to my phone. It’s such amazing technology that you have everything from social networking to playing games in the palm of your hand.

I know it seems a bit over the top, but if you want to show her how often she is on her phone, when you see her put her phone down, count it. Count how many times in one week she puts her phone down (bathroom breaks, dinner, and sleeping not included) and if you want to go further, write down and document how long she is on her phone before she puts it down. She may get upset at this because it will show her the truth but she needs to know. My husband didn’t do anything like that, I just simply started realizing what I was doing and have put a thing on my phone to show how long I’m on my phone during the day. I went from 7 hours to 4 hours within 2 weeks. Maybe even show her how to do that and show her how much she is on her phone.

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People who are saying talk to her about it or did you try talking to her about it. At the end it clearly says he/she tried talking to her about it and she denies it.


Mom depression. She’s escaping.


This is to ALL women who put a laughing emoji. What the fuck is your problem??? This person is seeking help and all you can do is laugh… I’m sure you’re laughing because you are the same, on your phone constantly. I hope that you all end up in the same situation as this person, except that instead of having a partner trying to find help to salvage the relationship, he just leaves your ass and moves on.


Just keep trying to talk to her. Especially while she’s on her phone. Try being kind, but stern. I’m a single mom and I suffer from depression and anxiety. I fully admit I have spent too much time on my phone over the past year. It’s an escape, an easy outlet, and it can also be an addiction. All day is too much. Good luck to you!

Have ya heard of depression?

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E@t. Her. $n@tch. :woman_shrugging:


But if it was a woman reaching out about her husband ignoring his family for his phone the comments would be completely different :rofl::rofl: Family should definitely come before a phone and if she can’t put her family first I would say leave her and try filing for custody of the kids. You obviously dont need her help if your doing it alone.


My stepdad does the same exact thing!

Try talking with her if U haven’t already. See what the core issue is. Maybe something is wrong and that is how she is coping. or try to make activities where she can’t use the phone with like board games, outside actives with the kids. But for sure maybe it seems like something is bothering her and that is how she is coping.

I have same issue as well i just think it might be that she’s struggling with life after kids,have the kids reached out to her

This comment section is clearly assuming that this is a man. The laughing and mocking wouldn’t happen if it sounded like a woman’s comment. Smh.

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So you mean to say she’s been doing it all up until lately, and now that you’re overwhelmed with all of her duties because she is burnt out from doing them day in and day out… Interesting. Look deeper, she’s definitely escaping…


Cory Ayling am I this bad

I feel the same way about my husband and I’m just over it. Bc talking to him about it does nothing at all.

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You can check her phone to see how much time she’s spent on it on average each day for a week. If she doesn’t believe she’s doing it as much as she is, then it’s easy to prove.


Omg… She’s depressed and needs an outlet. She’s zoning out into her phone because she really needs a break She’s shut herself down. I wish you luck.


Take her phone away, both of you leave your phones put up for a few hours. Make a romantic nite, get a sitter and go out on a date or something. Or take a long bath together after kids are in bed, make a nice meal, candle light, wine, watch a romantic movie and cuddle for awhile on the couch, then do something sexual. Plan it out as a surprise. Shes probably stressed out as are you, and you both need to pamper yourselves. She must be in depression mode. Im a single mom with 4 daughters at home and I never get any alone time, the kids fight with each other, I dont go out and I dont have friends to hang out with, Im always home and the kids are too doing virtual school. Its overwhelming to be a parent at times. I cant even poop in peace. So atleast one thing is good you both have each other and to help each other out. But seriously it would be good if you plan a romantic night to help ease some tension.


She’s depressed and might need a psychiatrist and medication.


Same here! The minute my man gets home from work, he’s instantly on his phone. Like the whole night until he goes to bed around midnight. Like I forgot he was home one time cuz he was on the front porch for hours! I try to bring it up but he just says “well I’m not the only one always on my phone” Yeah I check Facebook every so often or look up stuff but it’s only about 10 minutes at a time. I still have to make dinner, help our daughter with whatever she needs, do laundry, make his lunch, etc. all while he’s on his phone. And it’s not like he’s doing anything important, he’s legit coloring!! It’s so frustrating! :rage::angry:

Have you got a dick? Should use it lol

I was like that too. Some times, people just get sucked into certain apps or games. Some times it’s how we destress from our day. My husband had to actually take it from me in order to talk to me about my problem. I didn’t think it was as bad as he was saying, but then he just stopped trying to get my attention and I noticed that we didn’t talk anymore. That’s when I realized that he was right. Now I’m hardly ever on my phone :woman_shrugging:t2:


Talk to her… I know with me I tend to get lost in my phone when I’m depressed,my anxiety is high,or my Bipolar is too much for me to handle. It’s an escape from my own mind for me.
It could be the case with her that something is going on.


talk to her, if she won’t listen then leave! take the kids and leave, create a happier life for you while she lays there in misery because she chose her phone over her family!


If she’s debying it, try having her put on an app that tracja the amount of time she’s on her phone and which apps she’s spending it on. Try texring her your concerns. Try Counciling. If she refuses you’ll have to except it or move on from your marriage

I’m not even reading previous comments… this is a big problem in our world rn… ijs :woman_shrugging:


The amount of women in these comments being so hateful towards him is just wow. He obviously is doing his half. She isn’t. It’s okay to get breaks but all day everyday isn’t a break. He said he’s craving attention from her, if this was opposite roles none of you would be taking his side. With that being said— You need to have a talk with her and find out what’s going on, maybe suggest day activities you all can go to do, maybe that’ll get her off her phone.


I don’t know why people are finding this post funny? It’s a real issue a lot of people have in relationships, feeling ignored for materialistic things. It’s not nice to always be the last option when they’ve ran out of things to do on the phone or the fact that you have to ask them 50 times to get off their phone so you can talk during dinner or hug before bed. Eventually he will give up on her because he’s had enough of waiting for her attention and then he will be made out to be the arsehole. In a relationship, usually there’s one person who’s more into their phone than the other person but it depends on the severity. If you are serious about her having a phone addiction, perhaps try to talk her into using screen time limit on her phone, I don’t know if I phones have this feature but androids do. Also I would suggest that she leaves her phone in the car from 9 or 10pm so she can’t go on it, if it’s sat right next to you then the temptation is too strong for some people. Im going to assume you’ve already had a convo with her about her phone habits, does she flat out deny she has a problem and gets defensive or does she say she will go on it less but doesn’t stick to it? The issue is, you don’t want to seem controlling and tell her she can’t go on it but at the same time, she’s neglecting you and life as a whole, she’s not living her full life because she’s always looking at a screen… The kids will probably follow suit so then you will be surrounded by screen zombies if things don’t change. If you really want things to change, I think you need to be more sturn and yes it might come across as controlling but remember that you’re doing it for good reasons, if you want change then you need to remember what you need to see change. I was on my phone earlier and my partner literally locked my phone because he wanted me to watch TV with him, I didn’t cause drama over it because my phone isn’t as important as him and if he wants to cuddle then I will. You need to sit her down and talk about why it upsets you, try to get her to understand why it effects your intimacy and most likely your sex life. Tell her that you need someone present in your life and you need to see change because you can’t live like it anymore. Would you end the marriage over this if it just continues? I ask because if she’s really not willing to change, you need to ask yourself if you want to be with someone that acts like you dont exist for the sake of a phone… I know I wouldn’t put up with it but I’m not married and yes sure, I’ve felt ignored before because my partner likes to go on his phone when we’re in bed but at the same time, if I tell him to be present then he will respect it and lock it. What is she doing on her phone for all of this time? Is she obsessed with a game or something? I don’t see how someone can spend so much time on a phone but I guess I’m not a phone person, went a year without one at one point. If you want to get serious but sneaky because she’s struggling to change, rent out a cabin or holiday home in a bad signal area surrounded with trees and don’t tell her. Fingers crossed she won’t connect and she will live in the real world and will discover that she can have fun with you without a phone.


Gabe Morales​:face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking: did you write this? :pleading_face::joy::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::smirk:

I understand how you feel.

I LOVE how y’all just assume this is A man…promise you if it was clearly a woman you wouldn’t be laughing. To the OP sweetheart you can’t make someone be a partner or parent. Time to tell her that it’s y’all or the phone and to choose …you’ve tried talking to her and telling her how you feel and she ignores it…she sits in her car for HOURS? While her spouse and children are inside? Nope. Negative. Nada. Stand up for yourself sweetheart and fuck every single stanky coochie energy having whench up in here that’s laughing at you and being ignorant.!


I don’t know who is laughing at this or making fun… Sometimes I do this when I’m severely depressed, I know for a fact it puts a strain on my marriage. I am also extremely obsessive compulsive ( which has nothing to do with cleaning) and it’s just a tick. I have to mentally find myself a new hobby to rejoin the world and get out of my head.


Grab the phone and toss the damn thing. You tried talking to her, tried making her see and your household and relationship are failing? That’s enough. Get the distraction out, whether she wants to yell or cry is her choice but either way, there has to be a solution at the end of the conversation. Something is wrong…mental illness? Did she cheat and can’t get over it? What happened to make her want to seclude herself from her entire life? Shit needs to be discussed.

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Stop paying phone bill


She’s probably depressed like others have stated, getting lost in your phone is usually cause you want to be distracted. Most do it without even noticing it.


If you pay the bill, cut her phone off and see if she talks to you then.

I’ve been lost in my phone since the second I got home from work. It’s hard to detach once you are in. There’s so much interesting info everywhere and so much knowlege in this little device… So much entertainment… Give her a better distraction than what her phone can give her, idk.


Why don’t you take turns sitting in the car, she has a hour and then swap, she might understand how it feels a bit more then


Sounds like she’s seeking something that isn’t about cleaning, taking care of kids, house work. It might sound counter intuitive, but often people who are ‘online’ all the time are craving real connection.


Shut the phone off. I would if it was me. Just call and get the phone locked.