So my niece has a pet snake and I let my son watch the snake eat his food (Mice). my wife is livid with me over it but I dont really think I did anything wrong, not trying to be push her feelings aside but also dont think it’s wrong. I’m conflicted. What’s everyone’s opinion on this? My son is 6
That’s the circle of life. It’s shitty but that’s what snakes eat.
My daughter is 6 and id be okay with it. Shes also super into this stuff too though.
Feed her to the snake
Its life, we eat so do animals and reptiles
Oo I dont get it…seems fine to me…then again I let my kids see birthing videos. Both c section and vaginal
I love snakes so I see no problem with it.
Its a natural way of life. My kids are 6 and 4 and have seen snakes eat multiple times. Wait til he asks where his meat comes from what she gonna do then?
Explain how it’s fine if we eat animals that it’s the same thing for the snake.
My daughter is 6 and has her own snake that she feeds more to.
Well that’s how they eat.
As long as he wasn’t forced to watch, I don’t see the problem.
It’s a fact of life. They have to eat. Its nature
If he can’t handle seeing it eat then maybe he’s not old enough for that particular pet.
Lol. I laughed pretty good!!
Is your wife a vegetarian? Probably not.
I would not be okay with that. My oldest is 5. He doesn’t need to know how vicious the world is yet.
Tell her it’s a natural occurrence in life, long as you explain to the child what’s happening, tell her to get over herself
Not a big deal. When my oldest was 6 we had a pet turtle who got live feeder goldfish as a treat once a month. We were at a department store and got some from the pet department while getting groceries. In the checkout line the little old lady commented to him that he was lucky to be getting some new pets. She was a little taken aback at his cheerful correction that they were food for his turtle!
Its called education!
At 6 my dad was making me crawl in the chest cavity of a deer to help cut out the throat heat and push intestines out. its life.
I don’t see a problem with it, but my husband hunts and the whole family loves to fish. Our kids have been around while game was gutted, skinned out and packaged. It hasn’t damaged them.
We live in this world such as it is and she’s concerned about shielding a kid from the circle of life?
I showed my 2 year old when I fed my snake… she freaked out alittle at first but I just explained to her its just like us eating a cheeseburger and now she does not freak out during feeding time
Not a big deal! Your wife needs to chill TF out
When I was younger than that I watched lions eat zebras on animal planet like everyday. I’m sure it is fine.
I think age 6 is a good for children to learn the Circle of Life. I grew up cows are meant for food we eat, predators vs prey, etc. it’s a lesson everyone needs to learn.
Did you know she didn’t want him seeing that? Did you go behind her back? Did y’all agree to not allow him to see something like that? Find out why she’s mad and go from there. Respect her feelings but calmly explain that he wasn’t freaked out, if he wasn’t. If he was, than, her feelings are valid, knowing he wouldn’t want to witness that just yet.
I personally don’t have an issue with it. Just trying to think on her perspective. You didn’t give a lot of info.
I think it would be a cool teachable moment. Gross, but cool
It’s called education. It’s a dog eat dog world and I’m not going to sugarcoat anything because I want her to be ready for the world.
I don’t find anything wrong with it?
There going to learn about the circle of life anyway why not see it?
My opinion
Your wife is an idiot
Haha as a reptile momma my son has a leopard gecko and daughter a turtle and I’ve rescued lots of critters. It’s the way of life. No harm done. Everything and everyone eats. Ask her does she think of the pig, cow, chicken, fish etc how it feels no bc this is the way God made us we eat what he gave us
I let my daughter feed my friends snake when she was about 5. I wasnt concerned but we have studied the circle of life anyway. She wants to be a vet & has done from a very tiny age
My youngest was playing in the backyard when he was chasing a frog. A snake caught the frog before he did. At first he was a little freaked out and then he thought it was cool. I don’t think he is scarred over it though.
Has she seen Lion King? It’s the circle of life. It’s taught in school. That’s kinda how if goes, sad or not.
I personally wouldn’t care. It’s good for kids to understand where food comes from. They don’t need to that some magical food fairy restocks the freezer at night. As long as your son was ok with it, it should be fine.
I had a pet snake when my daughter was 3 and we loved sitting and watching it eat it’s mouse. I really don’t understand the freak out over it, has he never seen a snake eat at the zoo? Maybe ask her why shes so upset about it became personally it’s a silly thing to be upset over
I think it’s fine. Animals eat other animals, it’s part of the food chain and natural. I think it would be better to show that stuff at this age then when they’re older. I cant see how it would be a bad thing. Maybe try reassuring your wife that u do respect her and love her.
Circle of life man. Seriously. She’s a little crazy on this one.
Circle of life! Kids gotta know how it works out there.
I hate snakes so u no my opinion
I think you had better be more concerned with how your wife feels about it and less concerned with the rest of the world. Better figure out fast who’s opinion actually matters or you’re going to be in the doghouse
My two year old thinks it’s cool af🤷🏼♀️ your wife sounds like she’s super fun at parties
Wow. She’s overreacting a bit.
Do you guys cook a turkey or ham for special occasions?
Try using this a an example, it’s just life .
Massive overreaction. Just like we cows, chickens and pigs etc snakes gotta eat too.
Circle of life
WOW just WOW
Of all the things in the world to get mad about a child learning about nature isn’t one of them.
I don’t see emy thing wrong with that. What would she say, if she seen some one marking a. Cow. Or eating hay. ?? Lol
This is something you should talk to your spouse about tho
Circle of life. Does wife allow Disney movies? Follow up the snake and mouse lesson with some Lion King.
My daughter is 2 and my husband has had his snake since she was 1. She watches my husband feed the snake all the time. Nothing wrong with it. It’s the circle of life their gonna learn about it soon.
She’s just being dramatic. It’s not like you took the kid to watch horses breed or something
I wouldn’t mind it personally but I’ll play devil’s advocate here and say he is her child too so her view is important too. My husband keeps snakes and I have a lizard, my 3 year old definitely knows animals eat each other. Haha
So much bad happening in the world right now and people are picking fights about petty stuff.
My 3 year old and 6 year old help my husband skin deer 🤷🏽 its life tell your wife to stop sheltering him
I think it would depend on the kid. If it made him uneasy and he’s a kid that you know gets upset over things like that, I could see why she would be upset. Otherwise I don’t think it’s a huge deal.
I don’t see the big deal either. Hopefully she calms down. She’s overreacting for sure. But I am a mama that let my 2 and 4 year old see their stillborn sister. They kissed her and talk about her often saying they miss her. Especially my now 5 year old.
I’m just here for the comments
she sounds a rid bit crazy. i don’t think you did anything wrong at all. it’s literally nature.
Ask her why she is upset about it. There has to be something deeper to her concerns, but overall I don’t see a problem with it. A lot of children his age are learning way worse from watching youtube and playing video games. At least seeing a snake eat can be a learning experience.
We showed my 5 year old a video of a snake eating a croc. It’s nature and how other animals eat.
huh ??? I really can’t believe this . I’d recommend meds.
What do you eat at home? How does your wife prefer to explain that?
We have 4 snakes and today was feeding day. Our kids are obsessed with the snakes, especially on feeding day, and they’re 1 4 and 5.
Natural part of life. He’ll see worse throughout his life. As long he’s unbothered it, she’s definitely overreacting.
Doesn’t he watch you and rest of family eat too ???
I think it’s fine. Hell if anything it was a learning experience. She needs to lighten up.
In mine and my husband’s opinion your wife has every right to be mad!
That is just asking for your kid to have nightmares and not sleep for a week !
My 2&3 year old love watch the snake eat🤷🏻♀️
She’s being a pansy.
My 7 and 9 yr old watch our snake eat, my sister let’s her 3 yr old and 11 yr old watch too… it’s nature, it’s the way of life! And I’d say pretty amazing to see how a snake can open it’s mouth so big!! My boy right after a feeding. The kids are in awe watching him lol
Uhm that’s what they eat. It is just life. If your son is ok and wasn’t screaming or freaking out he’s going to be fine. It’s better he watched that with an adult who could explain if need be but again that’s what they eat. I don’t know why she’s so upset you didn’t force him and it’s what they eat. Now feeding piranhas is extreme , if you were out hunting and you made him skin a carcass then those are iffy but maybe ask her why she’s so upset.
My 3 year old has watched his cousins snake eat. Same with the 7 year old. Everything eats…
Cycle of life. I can see her view and yours. I’ve done the same with my son when he was younger. I just answered the questions that followed the best I could.
It’s just nature? Ask her why it upsets her so you can better understand
I have a 10 and a 2 year old that watch our snakes eat…its natural… the circle of life…I dont see the problem… u can see worse on the discovery channel…
I’d let my son. He loves animals. He watches all sorts. Sharks eating things, lions, spiders etc.
Watching something eaten alive is traumatizing, when you eat your food, it’s pretty much dead.
My son is absolutely mesmerized by biology at the age of 6 as well I think so long as your child didn’t Express signs of being uncomfortable with it then this is fine and even educational!!
Well then… my oldest has seen far worse than that. He’s been hunting with us since 5. He’s seen us shoot it and clean it. He’s seen us kill and clean pigs chickens he’s 8 now and squirrel hunt and shoots them himself. Country boy will survive. Just like us snakes gotta eat I guarantee unless you only allow him to watch sesame street he’s seen a lot worse on tv. We don’t teach kids like we need to. We shelter and baby them.
Tell him he’s at the top of the food chain . Our kids understood the order of things early on. Your not giving him enough credit. Normalize it and move on.
No shame… You’re wife is a dumbass. A Disney cartoon is more traumatic.
It’s the circle of life. Tell her to watch the Lion King.
I don’t see a problem.
It’s just the food chain. It’s natural.
Teach them about the cycle of life. Including death. Why hide it? Explore the feelings it brings up (if any). We had a snake and none of the kids minded that it ate mice.
While I would not want to sit and watch a snake eat, I would never shelter my child form life. I just hope you explained to him exactly what was happening and didn’t make it out to be some gory death scene. As long as you used it as a teaching moment, I don’t see the problem.
Lmao. My 2 and 5 year old help me feed my snakes… My 5 year old is learning to hunt and hopefully will make her first kill next year.
Stop being so sensitive people.
My daughter likes to collect worms. Well, one day she accidentally stepped on one. Totally killed it. She was upset, but I explained to her that yes the worm is dead, but it will be taken by a mommy bird who will feed it to her babies and that’s the circle of life. She was happy. Not because the worm was dead, but she knew it would feed a baby bird.
All animals have to eat. Most eat each other. That’s nature.
It’s not something I would personally want to see, but it’s not like you forced your child to watch lol. It’s natural.
When I was in school the 2nd/3rd grade teacher had a snake and we watched it get fed. I didn’t get nightmares but I found it super awesome
Lol I wouldn’t worry about it , now if u were to let the kid hang around and play with the snake especially if it was a anaconda or large snake like that like alot of people do with their small kids , then I would understand her being mad.
Oh good lord…Perfect time to teach him the circle of life.
I see nothing wrong with it.
Just say u r sorry and leave it at that. But u did not wrong it’s nature agree to disagree with the misses lol
It’s part of the circle of life. She needs to get over herself.
I would be mad to and it should have been talked about before you did it it’s part of being a parent is being a team to just tell her your sorry
I have cats cats kill and eat mice it’s the same with a snake it is the circle of life you eat meat you’re in that Circle