Nasty rental situation with sister in law, help!

Was the agreement made verbally? Is there anything in writing that would show any sort of evidence support y’all’s agreement to eventually own the house?
I would start from there. Any text messages, any sort of paper trails detailing this in regards to your “contract” would be a good thing to start getting together.
I am so sorry to hear of your situation and wish you and your family the best

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Any paperwork? Take her to court if you have?

She would no longer be part of my family, and I would Definitely, Definitely let Judge Judy decide.


Sounds like you paid a person who doesn’t belong in your lives to get out of your lives. Someone who puts you and your kids out and slanders your name is definitely not someone you want to continue dealing with. Wipe your hands clean of her and that situation. Forgive her, forgive yourself and keep it moving for you and your family. Sometimes that’s all you can do in your situation.


Did you have a lease or rental agreement? This could be as simple as a text message.
Did you take pictures when you moved in? Moved out?
Did she return the rent that you paid early?
Then you have a case in court.
If you can prove what she is saying is false, you can also sue for liable and slander depending on what she is saying.
If she is posting anything on social media that is false, screenshot it as proof to add to and aid your case.

Unfortunately, any landlord can give you 30 days notice to move. They don’t need to give a reason. But your prepaid rent should have been returned.
DO NOT result to violence because you could end up in jail away from your children and husband.
She is the one missing out by not meeting her new nephew and staying in contact with the other nephews.


Jealousy and envy are terrible. As far as the property goes, always have written legal documents that way you can go to court when you need to. 20,000 Invested, I would have paperwork and a court date, no way would she have been able to evict if you had a lease to buy or rent to own contract. The other side of the coin is , avoid the negatively, keep that away from the kids and show them the world can be kind and uplifting. But always have documents!


I’m sorry for u ,it seems people can be so mean then accuse u of things that never happened . Unfortunately it can happen to anyone I know from experience


In this situation, I don’t think I’d be able to forgive and move on.

She sounds awful and what happened is really hurtful to your family - maybe one day I’d be able to sit in the same room as said person, but it would be awhile.

If you had something jn writing take it to court. Otherwise wash your hands with her and move on. It’s the only way YOU’LL feel better most likely. Personally, I wouldn’t want my kids around her anyway if she’s that heartless while at the end of the pregnancy - I wouldn’t trust her with them.


You have reason to be mad. A guy did same thing to my daughter. She thought she was buying this house. Made all repairs at her expense for years. Even asked what her payoff was when she was getting a loan to help out her daughter… She went over a year believing it was her paid off house. Then she gets a call saying he wants to inspect house he is selling it.

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So why are y’all having to much kids and if her house was like that why would you want to rent to own, plus where was the paperwork in all of this. Never make an agreement with paperwork

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Definitely sue her! Y’all paid months in advance, she owes y’all that at the very least, not including she broke a lease/contract to rent to own! I hope y’all have it in writing and get all your money back or the house


Girl I feel your pain! Same thing happen to my family the beginning of this year. The only thing you can do is move on and know karma always catches up. I get it tho the thoughts that go through your mind knowing that it’s suppose to be yours is such a sickening feeling


Do you have anything in writing? I hope so.
If you had children in your care in the house, I’d get affidavits from the parents as to the state of the home and I d sue the ass off her and be done with it. She is not family

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As my gma always said “let go@ let God handle it”.She’s the bitter person and is missing out on a the love from your precious babies.

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That’s why u don’t do shit with family or anyone without out legal documents.

You are blessed. Time to move on. Don’t allow her jealousy to ruin your blessings.

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I would have NO MORE Contact - at All! None!

Lesson learned! Don’t rent from family

If there is paperwork stating this take her to court and get your money back

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There was a reason! You’re just not giving us the FULL story!!

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And this is another reason why we won’t rent to family or friends. No exceptions. Fight to get back what you paid. Hoping it works in your favor!

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First if all, dry your tears. She’s not worth crying about . At this point, I don’t see this relationship being saved Have you considered taking your paperwork to a lawyer to review.? You must have signed something up front since you said it was “rent to own”. (Which is usually called a lease option). If you don’t want to do that, then move on with your life and enjoy your own family and don’t give her another thought. PS. Did you take any photos when you moved?

Why do you need for her to congratulate you on a 4 child? People get tired of that after the 3rd. And this has nothing to do with her 4 nephews. This story isn’t adding up right


Legal written documents will always help in these situations. Never hand money over or do anything until papers are signed by EVERYONE.

Written land contracts registered with the county clerks, stop this sort of thing. Lesson learned. We bought this place from family but we still had a contract drawn up with a lawyer. It just keeps everyone to the deal.

If you didn’t have a contract you are out of luck

That would really suck …

Fuck. That. Bitch!!!

So what your saying is that your husband (the brother of said bat shit crazy lady) doesn’t have any BALLS or BACK BONE to confront said Bat Shit crazy lady!!!
First I hope you have pictures and signed documents so you can take her ass to court and sue her pants off!!
Then divorce that worthless Husband of yours!!

No written agreement?

Family will —— ya sorry

I hope you had a written contract signed by both parties

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Be happy she is out of your life,don’t let her back in


Sie to get your money back.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Nasty rental situation with sister in law, help! - Mamas Uncut

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Did you have a contract on it for lease to own? If not you just learned a real hard lesson in WHAT NOT TO DO! If you had a contract take her to court and sue.


Definitely should have been a written contract sorting those details out . If not, I’m really sorry but not too much you can do besides hire an attorney and have all the proof you can


Was in in writing. If so see attorney.


Move on, good riddance. We don’t know why people do what they do but you need to rid yourself of this toxicity and move onto bigger and better POSITIVE things and humans. Congratulations on your son <3


Should have made sure you had a legal written and signed contract

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Ever heard of hiring an attorney ? But, first did you have the agreement in writing?

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Did you have some kind of contract? Any proof this was offered as a rent to own situation? I’d reach out to a lawyer if so. Other than that, hold your head up high and avoid talking to that woman anymore. I don’t know how your husband feels about it, but if I were in your place I’d have no problem cutting contact completely.

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Take her to court to get your money back if your able and had a agreement in writing.

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I would have let her evict me and have it taken to court. I would speak to a lawyer, many offer free consultation


Verbal agreement is binding in some states. I would consult with a lawyer.


God has a plan for you…sometimes things happen to get you to a better place…To get you to where you need to be…


I’m so sorry, you can’t change mean spiteful ignorant people, lesson learned , leave her be her evil self , best wishes forward :blush:, the best is yet to come for you and your family, believe and receive :heart:

Wash your hands with the situation and destress yourself from it. It was a learning lesson. Let Karma handle her while your family prosper! :heart: but beat her ass if it will make you feel better as well lol

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Dealing with family is always messy.but if you had a written agreement to rent to buy ,she could Never had any say as long as rent was pd on time…

A verbal agreement is still an agreement. I’d sue her :woman_shrugging:t5:


If it’s rent to own technically she defaulted on the agreement you need a lawyer


So sad but a lot of times, family will do you worse than a stranger. Congratulations on the baby.

Sue here to get the money back especially if you guys have a signed contract


You should have documented everything

NEVER do anything that big in good faith. She has drawn the line in the sand at this point and showed you guys where she stood. You moved out which you shouldn’t of done, cut the loss and move on she isn’t good people don’t forget how she did y’all ever


Unless you had a written notorized contract, prob not much you can do.
Get over it, lesson learned. And pretend she doesn’t exist. No need to keep dwelling on it- you don’t need people like that in you and your family’s life.


Was there some kind of legal contract? I feel like she can’t legally do this if there was a contract involved stating it was a rent-to-own situation

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Rent to own still should have had paperwork on it, verbal would hold up if you had witnesses to the agreement. Think you need to wash your hands of her. Wonder what brought that all about.


Sounds like she’s used to having her way & that y’all don’t need her bs in your life. Some of the best words I was ever told are “don’t dwell on it.” Take that to heart, y’all don’t need lies & bad attitude ruining your life. Let her go, move on, & be happy.


Why would you make a real estate deal with out a contract? Even one written out yourself would of been better than nothing.

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Well….now you know better for next time. You knew what she was like before you moved in, and while you moved out. Move on and don’t go near her :flushed:

I be mad n hurt to family will do u the dirtyes before any body else will u never loan to them always cause hard feelings never rent or sell them anything cause hard feelings. I have some family I could rent from or sell something to then n be alright n over the years I learn who I can loan money to some family still owes me money from 20 years ago I know u r hurt u need to move on n not let her see u upset over this sound like to me things got to go her way or no way. U n ur husband will come out on top people like her never wins ya have family still invited her she don’t come not ur fault be proud of u n ur family ur name means alot to people they will know who lying n who not we know ur not lying.

Golly stay away from her that’s mean !! She is not family .

So very sad when your own family does you that dirty!

ALWAYS no matter if it’s family friends or otherwise. GET IT IN WRITING AND NOTARIZED!!

Bit of advice, never do business with family ever.

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If it was in writing get an attorney and get your money back

Always have a written contract. If you had one you could atleast sue her ass and get your money back .

Im currently living at my mother in laws house and my brother in law decided to put her in a home when he didn’t have to as her worker said as long as me and her son were here we could take care of her he said screw that put her in a home and decided to sell her house to use as payments for the home and gave us a few months to find a place but I can’t find any!!! I’ve applied at well over 200 places and now I’m going to be homeless with a child and he doesn’t give two shits. I pray to God his little girls never have to live on the street. You can’t trust anyone anymore. Family or not toxic is toxic


Sounds like she had planned this from the jump.I would wash my hands of her & call it a day

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Kick her to the curb. We don’t make room for toxic people, family or not. (Especially toxic family)

I’ll never ever rent to own if they decide to move back in or sell the house in one payment they can kick you out whenever if it’s not fully paid off! I used to want to rent to own til I found that out!!! I’m really sorry for your situation. I’m in a similar boat and it sucks

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Not much that you can do…tell your truth to those she has lied to. Then have nothing to do with her.

You see now = Jealousy got her nowhere.

Family will hurt you the most

Written agreements are needed, if she was just being a bitch - I would have packed things up , put them in storage and made her go through the process of serving you and evicting you.

Sue her over ignorant ass

Get y’all a lawyer Asap

What a pos. Lesson learned.

You were renting not buying

I’d sue her with any proof you have. At the very least for the money you were ahead with

Why did you leave?
Where is your contract?

If u can’t live there or get your money back at least go whoop her arse​:joy::joy:

Never do business with Family.

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If you had an agreement and contract that you never breached, take her to court, because she certainly did by forcing you out when you hadn’t defaulted on it.


if in writing take her to court

I hope you took her to court if not then you’re content with being a doormat.

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Always have things in writing for court even if it’s family. Also she has to give a written 30 days notice and take it to court. However look on the bright side at least u don’t have to deal with her anymore.


Just bc someone is family doesn’t mean they aren’t going to hurt u or even have empathy for a situation. Sometimes u can’t pick ur relatives!

Take her to civil court, or move on, learn from it, and never speak to her again. Cut her out like a cancer in your life.

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Never do business with family. She sounds like the definition of toxic. I’m so sorry this has happened to you but maybe it’s your blessing in disguise.


Sorry you’ve had such a painful experience… especially at the hands of a family member! May God be with you and your family as you move forward with your life. I pray he will Bless and Keep you.

Never do anything with anyone without a contract.


Nope she woulda been taking me to court…esp if y’all paid her rent 6 months in advance :no_good_woman:t3:

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Biggest reason you never do rent to own without a legally binding contract

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Did y’all have a lease agreement

It is really sad that people, especially family would do that. I hope you take her to court.

Take her to court you must have bank statements to prove payments


That is why you sign a contract and keep receipts of payments…

Sue her ass! You guys had a verbal agreement!

Oh and never talk to that trash again!