Natural treatments for mental health?

Get a CBC panel to check her levels of everything first and go from there. Medical marijuana and l-tyrosine have worked wonders when everything else is balanced bloodwork wise :purple_heart:

Medical marijuana helps with panic attacks and anxiety. Just make sure itā€™s the right strain.

she can tell them anything as long as she specifies that she has no active plans to kill/harm herself.

There is a Facebook group called The Natural Health Library that had all kinds of natural health information.

I have a meditation space

I am not sure of natural remedies, but as someone who suffers from depression and anxiety, please donā€™t keep her from the meds, if she needs them. I really hope that she finds the help she needs. :pray::pray:


Art, art soothes me and my anxiety, walking daily with either my kids or a pet also helps, drinking more water helped! I also take vitamin D3 for extra help, soaking in the sun always helps me as well. One thing I had to teach myself was mind over matter, so when my panic attacks hit me full force I try to get somewhere where I can either be alone or find silence. Helps me breath, xoxo mama

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I have generalized anxiety,PTSD and ADHD ā€¦ As a child I suffered because my parents wanted to go the ā€œhomeopathicā€ BS :poop: route ā€¦. PLEASE DO NOT PUT YOUR CHILD THOUGH THAT! Go with finding the right meds . Yes it will take awhile and some changes more than likely but itā€™s so worth it ā€¦ Iā€™m glad my parents finally got off the all natural crap and finally gave in to get me the help I needed ā€¦ It is a chemical imbalance FFS ainā€™t no natural BS gonna fix that for a kid at least ā€¦ Imagine feeling like youā€™re going to die and everyone trying to feed you lemongrass instead of the one thing that will help because itā€™s not their idea of a fix :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t2:


Magnesium and vitamin c and d supplements!!!


5HTP ans5st johns wort along with ashwakandaā€¦thats not spelt correctly but along those lines. All have great pros for mental health.

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Ashwagandha is my recommendation. But always better to check if its suitable through someone medically trained

She obviously still needs ongoing out patient treatment. She should probably be medicated and see a psychiatrist. And also a psychologist for therapy to help teach her coping skills. Most mental health problems can not be cured with some vitamins.


As far as therapy goes they wouldnā€™t commit her unless sheā€™s actively suicidal, not just thoughts. Or a harm to others. I hope she gives it a try. Therapy can help wonders

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Sometimesā€¦ People are born with chemical imbalance in the brain.
I deeply deeply regret not getting on meds sooner.
Iā€™m gonna be 30 next month and Iā€™ve wasted do much time.


You need to accept this just as if she had any other illness she needs the meds. Iā€™m a long time user of antidepressants and finally have the right meds to help me. Let her doctors do what they theyā€™re trained to do. Donā€™t ask her about her therapy visits, itā€™s a private conversation thatā€™s not shared with others unless she admits she wants to hurt herself or others. I know you want to control this but she needs her own space or it can become much worse.


If you can get your hands on some St. Johns Wart herbs for making tisane ā€œteasā€ it will dramatically help if drink twice a day. You need to drink for atleast 2 to 3 weeks to build up in your system before you start noticing a difference but its ABSOLUTELY worth it! Also Ashgwanda herb is great for mood and sex drive! Good luck :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

Medical marijuana
Patches, tinctures, drinks, edibles, inhalers, even flower
I would avoid antidepressants they make it worse


B12 with Folic Acid/Biotin and B6ā€¦Sublingualā€¦not to expensiveā€¦having a space for relaxation with a Zen moodā€¦candlesā€¦soft colors such as grays to help with calming affectsā€¦hugs for your daughters journeyā€¦I truly hope she will find what works the best for her xo

I Felt this. We are going the the same thing and without the meds I think we would end up at the hospital. When you find one that works it is a game changer for your child.


I have struggled with depression and anxiety my entire life. It can be either situational or a chemical imbalance. Situational depression, you might be successful in treating without medication. You can not treat a true chemical imbalance without medication. My quality of life as a teenager was horrible because I was not adequately treated. I self harmed. I thought about suicide all the time. That is no way to live. Itā€™s not living, itā€™s a path to dying. I engaged in very risky and reckless behavior because I truly was suffering so much that I did not care if I lived or died. We are only given one life and everyone has a breaking point. Side effects to medication are a small price to pay for quality of life. For wanting to live. Please, I am begging you to consider this. Medication gave me my life back. Follow the recommendations of her doctors. When self harming is involved, you are past the point of homeopathy. As long as she is alive, you can manage whatever side effects she might be having from meds. Sending you all the love. This is such a difficult situation :yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:


Magnesium glycinate 600-800mg daily. We all need this mineral regardless. My 13 yr old takes for his migraines but man has it improved his mood overall. And his migraines seem to be good so far :crossed_fingers:

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Valerian root under the tongue is also used for anxiety

Magnesium and vitamin D are huge for me. No caffeine. Eat good food and drink tons of water. Then get into something fun and empowering like karate/Tae kwando or horseback riding lessons. a talk therapist. And more one on one time doing something calming or fun. Sheā€™s not alone. I struggled and learned everything the hard way. Now I can help my own daughter deal with her mental health.


If she has a phone, please get her to message me, if she doesnā€™t want to talk to a therapist. Maybe talking to someone the same age as her going through a similar thing might help her? I have anxiety and BPD and I would love to talk to her and make a new friend in the process. Iā€™m also just turned 18. If she wants to, pm me for my number or other social media and Iā€™ll happily chat with her x


I know Zoloft works wonders for some people, Iā€™m on Effexor ER and itā€™s amazing and I donā€™t really have any side effects other than it makes me sleepy.

Microdosing mushrooms

Please make sure she understands there is no shame in getting help. In todayā€™s world, there is an abundance of ppl dealing with depression, anxiety.

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I will say I am shocked the last couple of years the information I found out on what effects mental health. Through experience, the thyroid messing up, womenā€™s hormones, the lack of even the slightest vitamin, allergiesā€¦ all effect tremendously mental health, as does nutrition. Which makes complete common sense when you think about it. Food is what gives us the things we need for our brain to work and also run our body. So if you eat crappy you think crappy. Always, second opinions. Doctors arenā€™t Godā€™s and mess up.
So I would say first get a blood test and get a physical done.


Vitamin D x2 a day
And St. Johnā€™s wort 1x a day
Vitamin B12

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I go through this with my son . Anti depression drugs make him far worse and the hospitals drug them up and then release them! The mental health system in this country is in terrible !


This may not be something you approve of but you could always try THC, itā€™s what I use. But I would recommend an indica strain. You can get it in almost any form so she doesnā€™t necessarily have to smoke it. You could do edibles. Flower. THC cartridges. Itā€™s a very natural way to treat it. I use it for a variety of medical purposes. Including BPD, PTSD, depression, insomnia. It truly is A natural way to treat almost anything.


Trintellix 20mg and Wellbutrin 300mg works daily for me w/o side effects. I heard of putting an ice cube on your collarbone and sliding it back and forth can relieve anxiety. I use Propranolol 20mg twice daily for tremors but it helps with anxiety too. It will lower your HR and BP though. And sometimes I need a 10mg at noon to help calm my tremors and anxiety too. I would also look into CBD products.

I used to take CBD and that helped for a while but quit. I had a prescription for lexapro but absolutely hated it. Tried marijuana gummies and that helps but of course has its own effects too so not necessarily a good option for functional in the work place. Now I take propranolol as needed and itā€™s helps a bunch and doing yoga helps me center when my toddler isnā€™t around to interrupt.

I have struggled with depression do not let her go off her meds for any reason unless you ask the Dr.
I told my Dr how Iā€™ve been feeling as a mom & person she just told me mood pills are better for depression than a physch drug. Try mood stabilizers versus a physch drug.


If you are okay with it, try weed. It has helped me get through my anxiety and depression. Just do like a few times through out the day.

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Vitamin bā€¦st John wartā€¦check her iron itā€™s probably too high or too lowā€¦exercise to get natural.endoephins goingā€¦vit d is essential as is evening primrose oil xxx

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Alsoā€¦no to smoking pot or taking cbd product. I am a smoker since I was 15ā€¦Iā€™m 42ā€¦and inswear the stuff depresses me. I go through time of not smoking to clear my head because I get down in the dumpsā€¦just saying from experience itā€™s a depressant xxx


Big old fat blunt helps my depression


So look I get worry about side effects. But she needs help. Get her on meds and save her life.


I studied the bible ā€¦ Iā€™m not a religious freak or anything but it taught me how to handle situations changed my thinking and morals done it ten years just recently stopped I didnā€™t commit to church or anything


You need to talk to her doctors about this. I understand the desire to not pump chemicals into her body, but they will have the best ideas.


I took Prozac for my severe anxiety and I had no side effects. People also really praise lexapro

They just gave me latuda for depression and Iā€™m scared to take it, because of all the side effects. I have anxiety too and occasional panic attacks. Iā€™m trying to exercise more and take vitamins daily too see if it helps.

My husband and I use CBD for many things, including depression and anxiety.

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Therapy, meditation, a class that interests her, a magnesium supplement and exercise. Thatā€™s where Iā€™d start.

Her case is too serious for all natural treatments. Take the medical advice.


prozac is doing wonders for me

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Look. Iā€™m not trying to scare ya but I had severe anxiety and depression when I was that age and never tried to treat it. I ended up self medicating with drugs and alcohol. I almost ruined my entire life. I donā€™t remember most of my 20s. Went and spoke to someone and got put on meds to take care of my mental health issues and have been sober going on 4 years. Help her before she helps herself right off the face of this earth.


Mama youā€™ve done a great job! Till now. She has trust in you to share these feelings and feels safe with you. Mental health is absolutely as real and as serious as physical health. Get her to a psychiatrist and a therapist right away. There are partial day programs too. Get her the help she needs. Take care of her. She needs blood work too, cbc, tsh, vit d to start with. These can rule out any physiological causes. Medications are not bad. Insulin has side effects too, but if she were diabetic you wouldnā€™t deny her that. You got this mama!

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I have found magnesium glycinate helps me with maybe both but for sure anxiety

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I work in mental health and honestly as much as I would love to give a great organic natural relief, if it is bad enough, the ingredients that are in these meds will balance out her chemical imbalances. I work with people who have anxiety and depression to people who have multiple personalities and schizophrenia. I always teach good coping skills, but sometimes those are enough.


As someone who took antidepressants she will have to take them and find out if the meds works for her or not. I canā€™t take Zoloft Bc it made my depression worse but lexapro was great. Herbal non medication remedies are great but wonā€™t be effective at this point. She needs a strong treatment Bc sheā€™s at risk for harming herself. Make sure her talking therapist and her psychiatrist work together with each other and you on the best path forward. Itā€™s a lot of work to get healthy and sheā€™s going to need grace going forward. Even on meds sheā€™s not going to magically becoming a normal functioning person.


Medicinal marijuana :raised_hands:t4:


Wellbutrin works for me for anxiety/panic attacks, and ashwaganda

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She can do a test called Genomind and it tells you all the mental health meds plus a few other kinds that sheā€™s least likely to have side effects from and ones that would be good for her specifically. Itā€™s pretty neat and most insurances cover it for free

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Research microdosingā€¦message me with any questionsšŸ–¤

I have been on anixety and depression meds along with therapy since 16. I honestly could t imagine life without it. I know you want to go all natural but just think if she had diabetes or some other type of issue wouldnā€™t you want to treat it? Sending good vibes and prayers


If you break a leg are you going to rub some colloidal silver on it? No.

There is no shame to getting treatment. The mind is a part of our body that needs help too.
Help end the stigma.


Therapy for her AND therapy for YOU.
Youā€™ll be better equipped to handle the situation and youā€™ll be able to relate to what sheā€™s experiencing in therapy.
Tell her itā€™s a safe place to share and what she says or shares in that room STAYS in THAT ROOM.
Biggest thing is she needs to feel/know that it is a safe place to share.
Find a younger therapist, a female. Sheā€™ll relate to her more.
Iā€™ve faced the same thing with my youngest daughter, and the same mental health issues.
This is really the only non-medicated route I know and itā€™s worked MIRACLES with my 14 year old.
Give the therapist 3 sessions before you look into finding a new one. Sometimes the first one isnā€™t a good fit, but you wonā€™t know that until youā€™ve gotten past the assessment meeting and at least 2 regular sessions, time enough for her to get comfortable.
We make it a ā€œgirls afternoonā€, always hit Starbucks up on the way there, joke and kid in the car, and just relax and have a good time on the way there and back.
Weā€™re in the process of seeing if there are underlying conditions such as hormonal imbalance, thyroid issues, waiting on lab work results to come back.

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DARE, it saved my life! No not to be confused with the 90s drug program lol. DARE is a thearpy program for anxiety and panic disorder. It has a handy app for your phone, a book as well as webinars and zoom meetings one on one. It saved me in my darkest moments and I cant recommend enough.

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Start her on vitamins B12 and magnesium! Also some probiotics!


Pleaseā€¦ before you let these Drā€™s put her on any medicationsā€¦ get all the information on them ā€¦ I have been on depression meds most of my lifeā€¦ what the drug companies donā€™t tell you is they are not meant for long term useā€¦ and I have not been able to successfully quit taking these drugs without major side affectsā€¦ but I was prescribed them for over 20 yrs nowā€¦

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So cannabis could go either way. I have ptsd, anxiety and depression and find cannabis makes my anxiety worse.
It took 3 diff meds to find the one that worked best for me and I had no side effects on it.
Also read the book ā€œliving with itā€, itā€™s amazing to get to know what ā€˜ITā€™ does and how you can live with it :blush:
I hope sheā€™s able to find the best treatment :heart:

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Marine. Suicide survivor. Bipolar. Post partum. Survivor of alot of abuse. PTSD - of multiple different kinds. I say:

A. Get the meds. They help. They arent permanent, if they dont have to be. But they help you level out and get you to a better place while youā€™re working with a therapist so you can handle it on your own later in life.
B. I absolutely support non pharmaceutical assistance (on top of therapy and meds, if needed). My friends (who did the meds for a long time) found massive help through yoga, meditation, accupuncture and chiropractic adjustment, combined. They didnt cure anything, just helped manage it through physical relief and personal self awareness.
C. Creating healthy routines and diets that are strict, supportive and to my liking worked best for me. From sleep patterns, to screen time, to hygiene routinesā€¦ ive got them all covered. But keep in mind an adolescent body does not have the same requirements as an adult, and routines should be made accordingly.
D. I follow a strict self acceptance policy. When i hit a low or high, after years of going through it, ive learned to accept that it is a part of who I am. I am a fucking badass, regardless. And these lows and highs are temporary, and unavoidable, and survivable. BUT, i allow myself to live through them. My ONLY personal requirement for myself after hitting rock bottom over and over again and getting tired of it: do not let myself fall as hard as I did last time. Whenever I feel it coming on, or if I find myself in the midst of it, and didnt realize it before hand, I just remind myself I need to stay one tiny step ahead of the last time. Whether that looks like ā€œi brushed my teeth one more time than I did last timeā€ or ā€œive completed everything on my task list and stuck to all my routines and reached out for help immediatelyā€, either way I have won the battle this time. Itll come again, Ill deal with it when it does, but knowing that I was able to do just one tiny bit more this time will encourage me to stay strong when it comes back around.
E. DO NOT be afraid of getting away from things that make you feel like shit. Bad food, bad sleep routines, BAD ā€œFRIENDSā€ - you dont need them. You will feel better, be better, and stay better if you allow yourself the right to be happy and healthy, despite how it makes others feel. True friends will support you leveling up, no matter what that looks like. Cancelling plans is okay. Changing your favorite drink is okay. Being different is okay - being different from others is okay, changing and being different from a version of yourself you dont want to be anymore is okay. Its okay, its your right and you are entitled to it.
F. Understand what you are doing, why you are doing it, and how you can do something else. Self harm is usually a physical manifestation of internal turmoil. You are in so much emotional pain that you try to subdue it by inflicting physical pain - because it forces your brain to focus on the physical pain, which is often more easily managed than the emotional, you get temporary relief. But working through the emotions, why you have them - even if its just a chemical imbalance, and not caused by a trauma or situation - how youve been coping, how that makes you feel and how you can change it. Ive heard people who self harm use a rubber band and tug it when tempted, and let it snap back. Its better than cutting! People who smoke or emotionally overeat, chew gum. Fidgeters buy the toys or doodle, etc. Find a different outlet that doesnt harm you.
G. Look into helpful practices on social media platforms like Pintrest, etc. I have breathing straws that help me. Little bamboo straws that focus your breathing. Or there are grounding techniques for anciety attacks that incorporate the 5 senses in a pyramid way. That has been a LIFE SAVER for me. Forgive me for not knowing the proper order of it, but its something like 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can feel, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste.
G. Support systems are critical. Healthy understandings of the situation, the goal and the plan. People who have been there, professionals who have treated it, friends who share similar interests, craft groups, sports teams, think outside the box.
H. HUGS. Minimum of 8 a day. Affection, especially physical affection can do alot to help. Personally I hate being touched. But when Im having an attack i can literally start to shake so bad I look like Im having a seizure. The only thing that stops it is being held - compression. I dont know the full science behind it, I just know that there is significant science to support it. A deep, long lasting hug can pull me out faster than anything. And I promise more hugs will not hurt. But absolutely 8 a day, minimum. Real, deep, loving, supportive hugs. HUG your baby with all your might, every chance you get, while you still can.

Iā€™m sure I can come up with more but thats whatā€™s helped me. But SERIOUSLY, Iā€™m not a professional, only a survivor. Please consider the treatment the doctors can offer. There is a reason they are there. If uou dont like a doctor, change. But please dont be averse to medication. Ive lived a long life without them, and i can tell you now that im on them, they really are worth it. And there are a lot of different options to try, so you can find one that suits your needs without miserable side effects. Good luck!

Stop eating crap and walk in sunlight 30 minutes a day. People refuse to see or admit how much food and exercise affect mood.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Natural treatments for mental health? - Mamas Uncut

I struggle greatly with severe depression and generalized anxiety I have lots of panic attacks talking to a therapist or psychiatrist really does help once your better able to distinguish your feelings or triggers it becomes much easier to cope with them so talking to the therapist really helps with your understanding and they will be patient with you and help you work through your issues and not just throw you in a ward they will actively work to help. And if sheā€™s still uncomfortable about talking to a therapist reach out to someone who has similar issues who is struggling or who has those issues more under control and they can understand and give coping techniques if youā€™d like to reach out and her talk to me I would love to help. Iā€™ve learned lots of helpful coping strategies.


Talking helped a lot with me. If anything have her get ahold of me and she can talk to me. Iā€™d stay away from benzo But honestly probably get a lot of hate for this but weed helps me a lot with my panic and anxiety itā€™s. I am bipolar, schizophrenic, anxiety, depression, paranoia disorderā€¦ the list goes on and on.


Medical marijuana is a life saver!


Something that never fails for me is getting outside and walking. Any form of exercise is good for the body and mind.


She definitely needs someone she can talk to. Finding the right therapist is like finding the right pair of shoes. Sometimes you have to try on many before you find the right fit. Exercise, meditation, journaling, aromatherapy, CBD oil may be ways to help alleviate anxiety and depression. However, working in the psych field, it may be something she may need to take a lighter antidepressant for. I would have her meet with her doctor to see what he/she may recommend she do for treatment to help manage this.:blush: Anxiety and depression are the worst!

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Some cannabis strains can helpā€¦and bonus you can get gummies/edibles.
Maybe research vitamins and herbs that can help.
Also make sure her vitamin D and other levels are within normal range.
Yoga,exercise and nature are great endorphin releases.
Try different therapists until she finds one sheā€™s comfortable with.
Good luck Mama!:heart:

Some people also use CBD with results

Melatonin is supposed to help with depression and anxiety. But she should definitely talk to someone first.

Do research on medical marijuana, thc, and cbd

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I smoke the devils lettuce and it sure helps with depression, anxiety and PSTD. Psych meds always made me feel different, and not in a good way

I understand the desire to go homeopathic - however some chemical imbalances necessitate the use of prescription medications. With that being said, Iā€™d highly recommend finding someone who can administer the Genesight test - itā€™s a cheek swab but narrows down what medicines are compatible with her specific DNA. This lowers the risk factor of adverse reactions. Please be cautious with homeopathic - my best friends sister took her life last month and she was homeopathic and didnā€™t want to take prescription medications. Iā€™m not one to hammer on someoneā€™s choices but this sounds like a literal life and death situation.


As someone who struggled the same way when I was younger, and whose mother did nothing, Thank you for trying to help her as best as you can. She will appreciate that more when sheā€™s older.

Getting outdoors always helped. Keeping my mind off of things. And although I donā€™t know your situation, maybe start looking into emotional support animals. You can home train them. So maybe getting a dog, cat, lizard(etc) whatever sheā€™s into will help her. My doctor told me it was worth a shot because medications did nothing for me. My baby girl turned 4 on the 15th, my dog. And she has helped me through the toughest times I didnā€™t think I would get through. I would definitely consider it.

CBD oil. I was using it for my depression and anxiety. Itā€™s a lifesaver. Didnā€™t experience any side effects

Ashwagandha, 5htp and cbd

I have a sun who just discharged from the army.
Before he went in he was a strong minded really good kid.
Know he suffers with PTSD and sever depression.
His been home a month.
Iā€™m following this one


CBD. I too struggle with anxiety and depression and as a teen and I to my early 20s I had been hospitalized multiple times for suicide attempts. I have since turned around to help others who struggle daily as Iā€™m a psych nurse in residential habilitation. CBD oil, and cannabis works for me personally.

As a Mom of a 15 yo daughter that took her life, please do not fuck around. She had a psych appointment the day after she killed herself. She needs meds and a qualified therapist. I thought I had her on the right track and had time, I didnā€™t. Please, please, please, donā€™t wait.


Therapy, lavender and other essential oilā€™s, CDB, THC (if thatā€™s an option for you all).

CBD is the way to go! I suffer from anxiety and depression and it helps me tremendously

Please seek out a naturopath Dr in your area. A healthy died goes a long way and they can also give you supplements to help in the specific areas she needs.

Psilocybin microdose


I really enjoyed the book, ā€œWhen Panic Attacksā€ and found it super helpful. Good luck, mama!

I have had the same struggles and I try to avoid taking medicine if possible, so here is what I have learned for myself: trying different coping methods for different situations and unhelpful emotions, using essential oils (lavender is the best for me), keeping focused on my goals and how I want to live my life. I also use a dbt workbook.
I also want to say, no matter what direction you choose to go, you are trying something and showing your daughter that you care and that her pain matters to you and that is the number one thing you can do. Psychiatric treatment is very individualized, what works for some wont work for others and sometimes what once worked stops working, so just keep an open mind and keep communicating with her.

I didnā€™t know that having a vitamin D deficiency contributes to depression. Get her levels checked. Also, get her in to see a therapist ASAP. While natural remedies are desired, you may need to get prescription meds until she has things a little more under control. Self harm is a cry for immediate help. Please donā€™t wait to get her help.


THC, yoga classes and journaling.

Please please do not go the homeopathic route


I had my son try Calms Forte. It was a stepping stone until he was prescribed a more effective option.

Have u heard of the magical herb called MARIJUANA


DoTerra essential oils. Adaptiv. Is great for anxiety

Ask for boost bars they are non addictive and very helpful especially with anxiety

CBD products are amazing.

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Let her smoke marijuanaā€¦
Whether medical or not, it will help her.
Thatā€™s my advice , take it or leave it.


NEUROFEEDBACK THERAPY LOOK IT UP. all natural alternative to medication basically is brain training to help your brain learn to cope with anxiety, depression, a nunber of things.

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