Natural treatments for mental health?

Take a couple hits of Mary jane. Seriously helps


Unpopular opinion: CBD or THC. I am an adult but those have been LIFE SAVERS for me.

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I personally think THC&CBD are two awesome things to consider


Marijuana 100%ā€¦donā€™t even have to smoke it if thatā€™s the concern. Can do edibles.

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Good Day Calm Chocolate is the only otc I have found that works for my anxiety.

Pot can make things worse for some people. So that wouldnā€™t be my first go toā€¦ especially if sheā€™s dealing with authorities. Try to cut out all dyes and sugars and preservatives in her diet. There are a ton of ways to help and alot of groups that can help you Natural Cures Not Medicine Group Natural & Holistic Living NATURAL HOME REMEDIES & CURES

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Everybody saying Marijuana needs to be cognizant of the fact that it may be illegal where OP resides and could cause more issues trying to get a hold of than not. Additionally, it may exacerbate the symptoms. Itā€™s worth trying but you canā€™t guarantee that itā€™ll help. Iā€™m bipolar and marijuana of any kind gives me horrible paranoia and anxiety. So yes, you can try it, but it isnā€™t the cure all and donā€™t be discouraged if it doesnā€™t work for your girl.


Good for you for helping her deal with it straight on and being open to options. Will help her immensely. :heart::heart::heart:


inositol, 5-htp, st johns wort

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I use cannabis. Its the most versatile and natural substance.

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Please do not try marijuanaā€¦as it made my anxiety 10 times worse. I would not risk that. Please do not be afraid to try an antidepressant. I know they can be scary but mine saved my life. I hope that she feels better soon.


I agree with Amanda Brown . I have extremely bad panic attacks from thc. Cbd is good for evenings. It makes me sleepy and hungry.


She needs to talk to someone therapistā€¦ or a person not close to familyā€¦ writing in journal helps


Mary Jane Iā€™ve had anxiety and depression since I was was a small child. Prescription meds made me worse I quit taking them years ago. Mary Jane is a life saver for me


My daughter is taking the Olly brand stress and is doing really well on it. She had bad anxiety and started taking this year, her Senior year of high school, and she says it really helps. Itā€™s over the counter. Hope your daughter gets well soon!


Daily vitaminsā€¦B complex. Nutritional diet. Sleep. Little caffeine. Little sugar. Self help research. These five steps helped me dramatically. Yesā€¦I thought it useless to try. If you can convince yourself you can stop the anxietyā€¦you gain confidence. Feelings of disconnection ( out of body experience)can be a major problem while having an anxiety attack. Which can scare you even more

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I would definitely not take the weed route. talk it all over with her provider. Weed made my exhusband severely manic and anxiety worse. Weed is not for everybody.


CBD oil, get the food grade kind and she can just add it to her food. I got mint flavored to help mine and added it to ice cream, it was slammin and eased my anxiety so much. If thats not enough talk to a doctor about a medical card for marijuana, if not applicable in your stateā€¦move.

For her depression you can try the light therapy lamps. You can get those anywhere.

The Anxious Truth is a great podcast that covers a lot when it comes to panic attacks and anxiety and other anxiety related conditions :slightly_smiling_face:

CBD oil plus therapy. No shame in it.

Dee Hudgens RN, MSW, LSCSW
12351 W 96th Ter. Suite 108
Lenexa KS 66215
913-491-6876 x 105

Is a psychologist that I dearly love you should give her a call

I think you should check if she has any vitamin and mineral deficiency. Maybe changing her diet and including some supplements will fix the issue. Also, adding some type of exercise may work as well. Walking/jogging 30 min a day or even yoga.

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When people recommend marijuana please research the benefits and differences of CBD and THC. My brother is bipolar has anxiety depression autism paranoia and anger issues. The CBD gummies helped him drastically. THC is what gives you the ā€œhighā€ while CBD is just the health benefits

If your daughter has a chemical imbalance then she is actually sick and needs medical and professional help to get better. If she was diabetic you would put her on a special diet AND exercise AND insulin. Without the insulin she would die. Homeopathic treatments are great but they are not a cure all. If she has a chemical imbalance she will need medication to fix it. I would suggest going the Homeopathic route but mentally prepare your self to add medication to the mix as well. Mental illness is life threatening just as diabetes, heart disease, and kidney infections. And just as you would treat those with low carb or low sodium diets, exercise, and cranberry juice, you would also treat them with professional medical care and medication.


I have been with severe depression and severe anxiety since i was 12 and i still cant find something that works for me im 30 now ! Sorry to hear that i hope u find the help ur daughter needs !! Wow i never thought about using weed i might just consider it !!

Marijuana can work, indica but definitely research specific strands because they have different effects. CBD Oil, Damiana helped me personally and I hear ashwagandha is really good as well.

Mary Jane, marijuana, cannabis, thc/CBD. Smoking or eating or liquid or vaping. None of it help me just even doing a little bit. Didnt help me. It didnā€™t help me calm down, or help me go to sleep to calm down. It made everything come at me twice as hard. My anxiety to my chest hurts making me cry, and my breath to wiz-ing. Depression more bury in to the bed. Scared of the world around me twice as more. Me hearing the voices and seeing shadows just as hard.
But I have seen the good of people taken it. It does work for them. You just dont know the out come of it.
Some times with depression I have to force myself to make those first moves of the day. The more you sit there in that moment of depression itā€™s going to get worst. You have to tell your brain to stop. And pick yourself up and try your hardest to look or do something else. Even if itā€™s getting out of bed and just go walk with ear plugs in listen to music.
Anxiety can be a little harder because thereā€™s a lot of different forms. For me its driving where I just have to pull over and take a break. Or when my brain just over run with so much going on at once. And you have to stop your self and just focus on just getting the.dishs done. Look into your library, they have books you can borrow on those that have helpful info also. So does Amazon that you can get or get on a kindle.
And I also go to therapy every two weeks. I have talk to them about the crazy stuff and they havent lock me up. It more Iā€™d your going to act on the harm of yourself or others. If you have more questions you just let me know. Iā€™ll do my best to answer them. I hope together yall can find something out.

Medical marijuana is what I would suggest. My mom has bipolar depression and extreme anxiety. The only thing that has effectively helped her was medical marijuana. They have many options for usage such as edibles, vape pens, and oils. Do some research on it and talk to a doctor about it and see if itā€™s what could work for you!

Tryptophan. Still used in Europe as first line on anti depressant. Itā€™s the only substance that creates new serotonin. Taken at bedtime or youā€™ll get the deep sleepies

Ashwagandha is excellent and magnesium, l
L-theanine but check with a doctor. Running is excellent and personal therapy to learn coping skills. Gyided meditations through the app headspace are great. Also vitamin d can help with stress and anxiety. Sounds like your daughter needs a crash course on self care and learning boundaries. I struggle still to this day and these have all been fundamental on getting better without prescription meds

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Ashwaghanda helps me. I self harmed as a teen, Iā€™m 30 now and have panic attacks. Ashwaghanda is a vitamin you can get from any regular grocery store and it has helped me a lot. Also, therapy when I was younger helped and more structure - I got involved with ROTC and it saved me/changed my life. But know that anxiety doesnā€™t always stem from something preventable, she may have a chemical imbalance which is totally normal but itā€™s unfair to expect her to get better with sunlight and ā€œhappy thoughts.ā€

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Try meditation. or Reiki.

Why is it everyone has to use a drug?

EXERCISE, I kid you not, has kept me sober for 12 years.


I highly suggest a combination of naturopath, Reiki or healing energy, counselling and self empowerment coaching program

Try asking the GP for beta blockers and a referral to CHAMs the childrenā€™s mental health team. Also if you can afford to go for private online counselling x

Idk if youā€™re religious but I had this problem when I was first married & every day Iā€™d put on the armor of God, Ephesians 6:11-17. Helped a lit

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Get her started with a low dose antidepressant just to get her grounded. I found that celexa works the best for me with no side effects. Iā€™ve been on Prozac and Effexor. The right antidepressant can work wonders for chemical imbalances that canā€™t be fixed with the homeopathic route. Some people just need a little help either their brainā€™s chemistry. CBD is an awesome natural route to go though, in addition to medical help. It doesnā€™t have to be all or nothing. A little bit of prescription help as well as homeopathic may just do the trick for her. Iā€™m sorry she is having these problems. I know how hard it is being the person in crisis and I canā€™t imagine watching my child go through it. Do whatever it takes to get her the help she needs. :heart::heart:


I learned box breathing, 4-6 breathing and progressive muscle relaxation! It helps me so much!! I also took CBD which was very helpful as well. I am now on medical cannabis but thatā€™s not an option for everyone especially under certain ages.

I have bipolar disorder. My daughter has/had the same issue urs does. I had thought medication would be beneficial but was leery as itā€™s not great to medicate adolescents in such a way. I found that weekly therapy was what worked the best for her (after trying meds). So, I suggest therapy and trying to find the root of her anxiety. Antidepressants can cause suicidal thoughts in teenagers - as a nurse I watched my daughter closely and realized the antidepressants caused more depression than without them.

Running. It has helped me A LOT. It letā€™s me think things through and push through blocks.

Balanced gut health helped too. A good gentle cleanse and rebuild with a probiotic and probiotic have helped.

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I would suggest an energy worker. Such as Reiki.

Vitamin DĀ³ levels between 60-80ng/mL (research total body wellness levels of vitamin DĀ³)

DĀ³ levels 30-50ng/mL are only for bone health so that the body can continue to get food (natural order of necessity).

(bonus: with enough DĀ³, your lungs can use it as antimicrobial surfactant to protect the lungs from viruses & bacteria)

Like I said, do the researchā€¦ also, thc/cbd does work to reduce stress, anxiety, & depression, it is actually addictive & the withdraws are hard emotionally if you find yourself without after using for a long & fairly steady time.

If sheā€™s self-harming she needs cognitive behavioral therapy with a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist. I would follow their advice, not strangers on Facebook.


Magnesium, meditation and exercise.

Yes exercise releases the feely good chemical in your brain. Bubble baths and music. I pray but I know not everyone is religious thatā€™s just me. Hot shower. Spa day. Just a bunch of relaxing things you can find and think of. When I had to move a second time I started getting panic/anxiety attacks and it scared me bc I didnā€™t know what was happening. So I feels ya. Iā€™ve had what sheā€™s had and try to just help her relax (: also drinking water helps to

Cymbalta helps me the most

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Olly goodbye stress & anxiety vitamins have been a newer addition to our household. So far so good. I will likely keep them aroundšŸ’œ they make kids ones too.
Lots of brands make some sort of anxiety vitamin. I recommend looking into themšŸ˜Š


Donā€™t do the meds, the side effect is suicide. Get her into yoga, Pilates,
Running, maybe even help with sick children at the hospital.

Try taking her to your or mediation classes or do them at home,I would suggest cbd oil or if mediation is necessary pregabalin is better than the other stuff they give u,itā€™s not supposed to be addictive.Also I have found the more I can get out of the house and be around trees the better I feel

Check out: Mental Wellness Warriors & Mental Wellness Solutions with Amare. All natural supplements. My daughter & granddaughter suffered with depression & anxiety for years but are now off all mental health pharmaceuticals.

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Going to the hospital for in or out-patient help is a good thingā€“not a negative.

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First Iā€™d get her in some kind of therapy. Get some blood work done ASAP. Teenagers donā€™t typically eat right, so i can almost guarantee her vitamin D is low. Vitamin D helps w Depression and anxiety. Also b12 effects the nervous system. My daughter was put on a antidepressant and we found out her b12/ and vitamin D was low. I noticed a month into taking that and the antidepressant within the same hour everyday, has made a world of difference. So remember that. Same time everyday for best results. Good luck. Itā€™s tough I know.


I started sertraline/Zoloft when I was 17 cause it was bad and I donā€™t have many side affects from it thankfully

I was her age when I started antidepressants. To me (and based on this post) it sounds like she was a lot like I was. As long as she takes meaning steps (such as eating better, yoga and talking to a therapist) antidepressants can be a great stabilizer until she feels like she can function without it. Sheā€™s old enough to figure that out on her own. The worst thing you can do is try to micromanage her mental health. You should be supportive but donā€™t take control or make it all about you.


Try acupuncture. There are supplements that can help improve mood.
But honestly donā€™t be afraid of ssris. Her brain just may need help making or absorbing chemicals. If she needed insulin youā€™d let her take it.
Anxiety and depression are serious illnesses and people forget they are medical conditions. Itā€™s not always treatable with just exercise and eating healthy.
Also have her evaluated by a psychiatrist not just a normal physician.


CBD oil is very effective treating anxiety and depression. But thereā€™s a ton of different kinds and not all are created equally. I have a lot of experience w this. Feel free to PM meā€¦

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Okay I know this isnā€™t so much as helpful long term but thereā€™s a spray that goes under your tongue and itā€™s called help.
That calms me down on my way into an anxiety attack and 99% of the time means it stops it in its tracks.

As for helping with no anti depressants, meditation & pillow scents etc xxx

Vitamin d, b, check her iron levels, and thyroid; a full physical can answer if anything is wrong or not physically. I use a seasonal effective disorder lamp, and I have been certified in hospital it was actually good for me, It was determined most of my mental health issue was ā€œsituationalā€ and with counselling and proper medication, I was able to fix the situation and become stable.

I went thru that in Decemberā€¦i went to see a psychiatrist and all he would do was send me antidepresants and other pills which only made me worse. I got desperate because I felt I was going to hit rock bottom and im alone with my son. I had him in martial artsā€¦I spoke to his trainer to see if I could go in too and let me tell you it was the best thing that I could have done. Of course at first I still had my falls but now I feel fully recovered. Change her lifeā€¦let her do something she really likes or has always wanted to doā€¦some sport or something spiritualā€¦maybe even a part time job if she can. If you can join her and dont let her give up. No pills are magicalā€¦sheā€™ll get addicted to them and will proberly always need it and to me the pills made me worse. I hope you really help her find what she really needs. :pray::sparkling_heart:

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I second the Olly Goodbye Stress vitamins. They helped me a lot

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Medical marijuana? Or CBD?

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Get her vitamin levels checked.

Hiking, fishing, outdoor activities with running water! When I had anxiety attacks Iā€™d sit by the river and just listen, it helped so much

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I have severe anxiety and chronic depression, I hope this helps. I didnā€™t trust any therapist either out of fear of what theyā€™ll say. If she enjoys activities thrift shopping, hiking (find a spot to watch the sunset and have snacks on hand), yoga (made my own list of poses and have a friend to do them with, boxing practice or mma if it sounds more fun, and finally I have a progression book. I started it back in 2018 and I write 5 things that I love about myself every day and then have notes under that day saying what my thoughts was during the day. Sometimes Iā€™ll go back and read what I wrote a few months ago to study my thoughts progression and if thereā€™s something I donā€™t like I try to fix it. But thatā€™s just me and suggestions, I hope she finds what helps heršŸ’œ

Medical cannabis. Has been my life savor. If she doesnā€™t want to smoke it she can eat it.
I suffer with ptsd. Bi polar. Anxiety and depression. Iā€™m a medical Marijuana patient and I will admit that smoking has and will always be my go to for my issues.
Iā€™ve been on multiple pills for my mental illnesses and truly could not stand the person I became.


Try essential oils. Here in Australia a lot of people get really into it. It does help. I use to use an anxious mind blend and it definitely helped with stress and anxiety attacks. Keep a little roller bottle handy to rumb on her temples when itā€™s really intense :hugs:

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I deal with anxiety/depression and I refuse to take a prescription because in the past it has made my symptoms worse. I currently take Vitamin D, super B complex and rhodiola. I feel ok on a daily basis. :blush:

I know medication can be scary and have side effects but sometimes it is the best option


Brilla is a homeopathic supplement that is formulated to alleviate anxiety and other issues.

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Unfortunately until she gets to the right medicine she will have to suffer but the sooner she gets help the sooner she can find a solution! As a mother I would advise that you are honest with therapist when your child says she wants to kill herself then you need to call her therapist or when she is having an episode take her to the hospital! The worst thing is having to fail your child not knowing what to do! There is no perfect answer and there is no one solution for the same problem! All you can do is be honest with her doctors and therapists and when she harms herself you need to take her to the hospital! I didnā€™t know that you can call the therapist when she is having a crisis and there are hot lines and support groups! I got my daughter taken away because she attempted suicide and it was the hardest thing for me because I had never experienced this as a mom! Itā€™s scary but even scarier loosing her!


Iā€™m 38 and just started taking anxiety medications a year ago. Like you, I wanted to try natural remedies etc. None of it worked. Some of the natural ways had side effects as well. My advise is, try the medication. My life has completely changed since taking it. I kick myself in the butt everyday that I didnā€™t do this sooner. The medication has changed my life so much! I take Celexa for anxiety. I have zero side effects. If sheā€™s already self harming, sheā€™s hurting and needs help ASAP!


Figure out the triggers. Heat, caffeine, lack of sleep are 3 main triggers for most people. Teach her coping skills to work through an attack; slow deep breaths in through the nose out the mouth, ice pack or cold cloth on chest, have her use her mind and look for 5 objects of the same color, 3 different sounds (example: TV, fan, clock ticking) feel 2 different textured objects. Donā€™t tell her sheā€™s going to be ā€œOkayā€ instead tell her sheā€™s doing good and almost through it. Talk to her during the attackā€¦
Talk to your doctor about your concerns.
I take Cymbalta with no side effects and Ativan for uncontrollable attacks. Unfortunately everyone is different and sometimes it takes a couple different meds and dosage changes to be right for you.

I was prescribed a good antidepressants nd worked well with my anxiety as well none side effects but my doctor stoped prescribed me them about 3 yrs ago nd Iā€™m bck to square one
Anxiety nd my depression is starting up again

look into Ketamines infusions. they work in a different way than typical ssri antidepressants.

Iā€™ve been on quite a few medications for the last 10 years, but I have found my go-to (and many other friends) is citalopram. It really doesnā€™t have any side effects for myself or those I know, but does work with time :slightly_smiling_face:

Iā€™m also a counsellor so I have seen quite a few clients on this as well and overall I havenā€™t heard any negative or debilitating effects. Most I get is a deep sleep (I take it at night before bed)

I think Amanda is correct the sooner you start you treatment the sooner you life gets better and on the right track good luck.

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Deluxotene (Cymbalta). And she is right, she needs someone who isnā€™t going to judge her and send her to a ward. Sheā€™s never going to to be able to help herself if she canā€™t be honest

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Natural treatments for mental health? - Mamas Uncut

She still a minor and you can promise to her that you will keep her with you if she decide to go to therapy, that the family will help her and she will be involved on all the decisions.


Has her thyroid been checked? Hormone levels? As a patient myself, I would check those first.

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Drugs are not a cure but do treat the symptomsā€¦ so she needs that in combination with a therapist or counselor she can trust.


Maybe instead of a therapist find a support group with people that have the same issuesā€¦


Mental health is a struggle to get diagnosed and a struggle to get the right medications. Some homeopathic medicine might work, I have suicidal ideation and none of the over the counter or herbal supplements helped me. I would be dead if not for prescription medications for a chemical imbalance in my brain. Please use extreme caution when trying different medications, vitamins etcā€¦


Hi! Therapist here. I would look into a partial care program or intensive outpatient program to start out with - especially if she was recently hospitalized/in the hospital she can have intensive services while having access to nurses/psychiatry where you can explore your options! Everyone reacts to medications differently. What works for one may not work for another. You can also look into a type of therapy called DBT- dialectical behavioral therapy. Look into grounding techniques in the mean time to help for panic/anxiety. And reassure her that the goal isnā€™t for her to be hospitalized itā€™s for her to be safe. Creating and sharing a detailed safety plan with you will be very helpful- being able to identify what does she need in times she is experiencing symptoms(you to listen, be present with her, distract her) as well as what warrants going to a crisis center/ER to be evaluated. Hope this helpsšŸ¤


I take my pharm - everyday ! Nothing natural going to work -
As mom ā€™ if thinking self harm !
Psy hospital - best place. Dont risk losing your child ! Because she be mad !
My son 14 - he lost his girlfiend & best friend - killed themself - mental its hard year
Im covid worker - too, that was 2 years ago.


CBD oil! Good nutrition and maybe try some essential oils!

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Rescue remedy by Bach can be found in health food places


You should take her to check her vitamins level. Try to take her to Emotional Healing classesā€¦Goodluck!


Hi! Iā€™ve had depression, anxiety and BPD since I was 14. Iā€™m also someone who had self harmed for a very long time. Self harm clean for 3 years now. Just tell her to breathe and take it easy. I take Lamotragine for my stuff. But I also took Seraquil (idk how to spell it) at night because it helps me sleep. But you have to do whatā€™s good for her. If she needs a friend or someone to talk to, go ahead and PM me. I also use CBD gummies and CBD vape, and the oil as well. It helps me so much with anxiety. But it will make you a little sleepy and relaxed (vape and gummies) I hope nothing vut the best for you and your daughter. Hope it gets betterā€‹:pleading_face::heart:

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Antidepressants never worked for me. Mood stabilizers are better. I also suffer from the same thing plus a few other things. They helped me so much better.

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I have come to find Zoloft and a therapist to be the best. I have had little to no side effects. I have friends and family that use it as well. Wishing you the best


Iā€™m no expert but perhaps try hypnosis? Seems maybe since she doesnā€™t want to talk about it may be an option?

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You need to start with therapy

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Not sure if there are community outreach programs for therapy some are more non traditional services to help kiddos ( called CCS in WI) has very much helped my daughter. This may help her work through what she has going on. Thoughts and positive vibes for you and your kiddos.

We use a local chiropractor that does anxiety adjustments. Along with Rescue Pearls. That has worked wonders for me

From a mother who has lost her 16 yr old to suicide, do whatever needs done. Whether itā€™s medication, therapy, natural, group therapy, outpatient or inpatient help- do everything you can possibly do to help her! If she says sheā€™s fine get help anyway!!!

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You Can try CBD, maybe a med card, meditation has always helped me. Get her a journal and have her write in it. It can be everyday, multiple times a day, or even every other day. To me itā€™s different than talking someone because it still gets it ā€œoff your chest.ā€ You can also try a therapy dog/cat/animal or they have horses and other animals that can help. Unless she is talking about physically harming herself or others they wonā€™t legally take her anywhere she doesnā€™t want to go.

Last thing I would be worried about is side effects. They all come with some. The real problem is getting her on something that can balance her moods before she hurts her self permanently and some therapy.

Try plant based omegas but also get her to a counselor as any med whether natural or pharmaceutical only treats the symptoms, not the root problem.