Needing advice about anxiety and depression

I was at a point where all I could do was cry. I realized that was very wrong. I called my Dr’s office, she was out but I got in to see another Dr that same day. Was prescribed a medication whiched made a HUGE difference. He also told me to find someone I could talk to every day just to vent and not hold everything in. Getting daily exercise is important too- even if you just walk around the block.


Find a doctor specializing in mental health. Psychiatrist prescribe proper medication & a psychologist helps you navigate your emotions & feelings. Best of luck to you.

None of us want to be on pills but sometimes in order to retrain the mind and body its what you need. I was on sleeping and depression pills for perhaps 6-12 months, during those months I didn’t focus on anything but myself, I ended up pulling myself off them once I came around and got myself into a better place. I haven’t been prescribed pills in maybe 2-3 years now, I still have my bad days but the difference now I’m able to catch the bad day before it comes and when it does I have strategies in place to deal with the overflow of emotion. The pills allowed me to open up to new ideas of healing and actually give them a try, which in effect worked. It was a mission and a half tho, ill tell you that. It wasn’t easy. But I’m here and ever grateful I went on that journey.

Also remember, find something where the Benefits outweigh the risks. It’s gonna be some trial and error


A psychiatrist is your best bet for evaluating need for what type of prescription meds. Some depression is event based. For some people, they may need an antidepressant just like a diabetic needs insulin and for a lifetime. Better to take a Med and enjoy life than to need it and be miserable.

Be honest with your dr about your feeling with the medications. And let them know if you have questions or concerns. Unfortunately dr and other providers see a lot of patients these days so be your own advocate. If the dr rushes through, then ask the nurse your questions. Ultimately it’s your decision about taking medication or using other therapies like counseling, exercise, meditation, etc-sometimes you’ll find a combination of these things is best for you but you have to do some of the footwork. Good luck to you!!

If you had diabetes you wouldn’t be worried about “relying” on meds - I love my meds and hate myself without them- go to a psychiatrist instead of a family dr, they specialize in this treatment- you wouldn’t go to a family dr for cancer treatment so go to the specialist for this

Get a therapist,to talk too,then a md to give you the right med,phycharist I have sufferered for a very long time,pills help talking helps also depression runs in my family my mom,brother and my daughter

My Zoloft & Busparin are a blessing to me. The anxiety, panic attacks & depression are SO much better. I will never stop taking them! Good luck to you!

Please go to a mental health clinic. My husband had issues with anxiety, depression and anger issues for years. It took a little while to get him the right meds but he is doing awesome now. This is much more common than you think. Talk to a professional who deals with these types of issues, not your family doctor. I wish you the best of luck

I suffered unspeakable anxiety. I had to travel for work, but I couldn’t make myself go sit in a restaurant alone so I did drive thru meals. I was terrified of flying, just the thought of walking on a plane made my palms sweat. My daughter married and moved from the USA to England and I wanted to see her. I went to my doctor and had a discussion, he did all the do you feel you will harm yourself questions. I finally said I am not despondent, suicidal or anything else. I have super high anxiety in certain situations. He gave me a prescription for an anti anxiety med and I’ve flown to England twice plus flown all over the US. And the good news is I can do it all without medication. Talk to your dr.

Please look into all natural CBD products…I WILL NOT take meds ever again for my anxiety…People dont understand once you start these meds it horrible coming off them and the side effects are awful…CBD is my best friend honestly and no you don’t get high look into it…research it…you will be glad you did…

do you have a short of hobbies that you like doing. as for myself i enjoy doing bead work just to keep busy or sometimes do puzzles

Everyone’s body is different, so, what has worked for me may not work for you… mine was very low dose and taken as needed as what i deal with is situational and i haven’t taken them for years now as I’ve learned other techniques…but i have taken hydroxyzine- which basically calmed me for the moment and worked more like a sedative. Citalophram I’ve also taken… out of all, celexa was the one that worked pretty well for me. Also, I discovered low Vitamin D can contribute to depression and body aches…so i was on that too…and i also decided to attend mental health counseling…i struggled with that though because i have social work/ counselor training myself…but it really did help. Please make sure to find a dr that really listens to you because you know yourself best and it may be good to seek a therapist…and don’t feel ashamed

If it is possible, I would suggest seeking help from a psychologist and psychiatrist combo. They will help you find out what is triggering the depression and help you find what medicine would work best. The psychiatrist will prescribe the medicine and the psychologist will help you talk through the issues you have while the medicine, if any, will help to regulate your body chemistry.

It is very important that you make an appointment with a Therapy Group. They will do an intake and ask you questions to see what kind of therapist you need to see. There are psychologists, social workers and psychiatrists. I have been in therapy for many years for anxiety and depression. I have also been very successful in overcoming so much. And I have been on medication and am still on medication. The most important person you will talk to will be a psychologist or a social worker. The psychiatrist is the doctor who prescribes the medication. It is hard work to succeed but you can do it!


I would rather rely on doctors instead of ending up dead because you couldn’t handle it anymore. It is okay to use medications. It is okay to also meditate and go to therapy.

You are not alone… as to the pills, many different options these days and side effects not what they were on others… but ask doctor if you not totally cool with the one he/she prescribed… why this one? Common side effects? If I find it’s not working (or working right) what would be next step? (Which other similar meds, etc…) I was diagnosed with evening panic attacks and best doc I had been through them himself!! It’ll get better…

Anxiety is a pretty common thing especially in the uncertain times we are living in. I suffered Anxiety 11 years ago… I went to a psychiatrist and was given Clonazepam. I didn’t want to be dependent on them…thankfully just carrying it with me everywhere…in case I needed it, helped me feel better. My anxiety only lasted a few months. Its the worst feeling ever. So sorry you have been suffering for so long. Going to church also helped my soul feel at ease. I hope you can over come it. :pray::pray:

I had bad anxiety for years. Doctor gave me Xanax as needed. It really helps on anxious days. I don’t take everyday. But it really calms you down on those terrible days.

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I was in a depression for awhile. Pills never worked for me. It made me worse. Talking to a Dr. is able to help you! Talking will help you. Don’t give up.

Because of COVID I was very anxious and depressed I constantly was crying My Doctor put me on Zoloft I feel like a new person

I take effexor. It has an anxiety component. I had really bad social anxiety. Meeting new people (especially when I knew no one) was the hardest. Parties, baby showers, weddings. I could never go alone. When I had post partum depression, dr put me on this. We didn’t even speak about anxiety. But the anxiety melted away after about a month. It’s been a life changer for me.

I have been on Prozac for about 20 yrs i love ot i dont even know im pn it no side affects. My daughter just went on it last month she is happy she did.It has changed my life for the better. Try it if you do not like it go off.Do not be scared

I think you have to try them and go from there. It took me 6 different kinds to finally be good where I am at. But, you should also give counseling a shot!

ST John Wort is an natural herb. It helps with depression and anxiety. Try using organic soaps, deodorant, laundry detergents and cleaning supplies instead of stuff with chemicals in it. You may have hormonal in balance that can cause you to have depression and anxiety. If your hormones r messed up it can cause all kinds of problems including depression and anxiety. Try this and God Bless!!

Keep trying different meds. Just know they can take about 6 weeks to see the full effects of them. I’ve struggled my whole life with depression and anxiety. It got much worse after my second child. I’ve tried over 25 different meds since being a teen. Finally found one that didn’t give me side effects and it seriously saved my life. Now that I’m on the other side (mostly) I will never go back. It’s a chemical imbalance. It’s a disease that needs treatment. (I ended up on Lamictal which had no sexual side effects like the others for me)

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For anxiety I take buspar. It’s a pretty mild. For depression usually Wellbutrin, but I always try to keep my dosages as low as possible.

I take anti depression meds. Low dose
No side effects I can see and been on them for years. Ask about Celexa or its generic

I take my depression and anxiety meds and ask God to help me get through everything.

I’m taking them you have to get the right dose,Before medicine , interview at least 3 dr. To see who you want to work with watch out fore food allergy like sugar and chocolate hard.

Go to a behavioral health specialist that is trained with these type of medications. Most primary care providers do not know enough about them to prescribe the correct type for your symptoms.

First change your doctor. I’ve been blessed with some doctors who actually seem to be interested in me. There are some wonderful doctors out there. Don’t settle for less. Speak up and request a different doctor if he or she has no time to give information or answer any questions you may have about the meds he prescribes.

I’ve been on Buspar for 20 years…just a mild anti anxiety which helps me alot…

I’ve taken anxiety medicine for 5 years now and so worth it…

I’m sorry to tell you that you will always have a battle going on but the truth is that you are going to struggle with it. The medications are going to have side effects until you get on the proper one and the proper dosage. I can also tell you that you are going to have good days and bad days but once you have your system in balance the battles won’t be as bad. I am not going to sugar coat anything… until you have your hormones and chemicals in check it will be rough going but it’s definitely better to have the help from the medications than to be without it. My family can tell you that I am definitely better than I was before.

I use Lexapro which helps with both anxiety and depression. talk to your doctor about this.

Don’t wait to get help like I did, oh how I struggled for years. I have no family support either. I have an amazing Doctor and after his gentle prodding. I am seeing a therapist, a lot of things have come up. Still a work in progress, and I am taking medication. Seek help, even if it means finding a different Doctor. Take care of yourself, because no one else can

My husband started having episodes of depression and I got him into therapy. The doctor put him on one anti depressant after another and they did nothing. She then put him on Ridalin 5 mg and he hasn’t had any issues for the last 15yrs. He can stop anytime and no side effects. Apparently Ridalin works different on adults than kids. It sedates kids but gets adults moving like normal.

I’m so sorry I want you to feel better why not try you can always stop taking the pills

I have been on anxiety meds for 20 years and have had no bad side affects and has never made me feel bad. My husband had a stroke in early 2000 and got put on an antidepressant. When my husband passed away 6 months ago they put me on a second one. No side affects and no bad feelings. I couldn’t have gotten through without them. You need to find a Dr. that will listen to you. They start you out with small doses. It takes several weeks to know if they help. If it helps they will increase the dose till you find the dosage you need. Sometimes you have to try different meds till you find the one that works.

My son deals with the same thing and we really didn’t want him on medication. He talks to therapist every two weeks and it has really helped him a lot, maybe try that before medication

Yes I take several different pills for my PTSD sometimes they work sometimes they don’t sometimes doctor don’t care about what is wrong with you it’s like pain pills they give you something to try and cover there own butts I would try a different doctor to get their view on treatment for you
I hope this helps you

I battle both anxiety and depression my doc put me on a medicine that works for me and been on for three years know

It can really help out a lot. There is no shame in needing it either. It is better not to be in denial. Then you anxiety and depression affects others.

My son is paranoid schizophrenic and he started taking Cymbalta . He also has anxiety really bad. Anyway i cant believe the difference!!! He says he he feels normal and is actually able to go out and work a job

Having never really dealt with either of these issues … I feel knowing that you need to do something half the internal battle is won , Good Luck!

As a longtime antidepressant user and 10 years on a very low dose of Xanax I would be a wicked person. The anxiety attacks can come out of nowhere and put that up with depression makes me either a great narcissist and or a person who wants to end it all With the right medication and counseling I can function as a human being.I have a wonderful husband who keeps me pointed in the right direction. Finds new doctor and have a sit down with them. I have a great family doctor that takes care of all my Meds and will take the time with me if I need it. When I broke my leg I didn’t want an orthopedic doctor. I want my doctor. I won’t trust anyone’s

Go to a doctor that prescribes natural ways and there will be no side effects.

I was and won’t go on them your either super high or rock bottom I don’t want that so I just deal it’s life nothing I can do about it

My experience was one where the doctor picked up on my anxiety, and gave Rx. I talked with the pharmacist for questions I thought of after talking with dr. Ask your pharmacist for side effects and what to expect.

Google DBSA for a support group to learn from others how they deal with depression and anxiety. There is a great Group in Johns Creek!!

Medication can affect one person differently than the other. It might take awhile to find what will work for you. Most take about 6 weeks before you notice a difference. Counseling would be helpful to help you get to the bottom of your anxiety and depression. Just like medication it could be trial and error to find a good counselor. If you don’t feel like your getting anything from one counselor don’t be afraid to ask for anonymous one. Remember you are trying to help you. Good luck to you young lady. :heart:

I suffers from panic disorder for 32 years and they never found anything. that worked. Haves had a panic attack since I started Celexia. It was a blessing. Prayers for you

I don’t have a PHD but I do have experience. I’ve been told that depression and anxiety is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Antidepressants are the only thing to treat and maintain them. It’s finding the right one that works with you. That could be a roller coaster for some. Took me 3-4 different ones before I found the one (Lexapro/Escitalopram). I take it before bed to help me sleep, going on 10 years now. You won’t believe the difference.

You need to start with a good psychiatrist for meds and explanations. Then get a great counselor or therapist to talk to. A multi approach. Be assertive…do not pay attention to stories on this site.

I had to go on meds for my depression. My doctor could tell had sad I was feeling. I am dealing with cancer. If you can take someone you trust so they know what the doctor is saying. Write down any questions you might have. There is nothing wrong asking and getting help. You got this.

It may also help to keep a journal , and try to pinpoint the things that trigger you , wishing all the best

I never got anxiety pills, my doctor told me what I have is “ normal “ and brushed it off, never gave it a second thought and never spoke about it with him again. I started smoking weed and that usually helped with my anxiety and depression tbh.

First off you never said if you actually had your brain checked out to see if there is a physical reason for your anxiety and depression or if it is life history…like did something in your life trigger it …So I think you should find out if your mind is normal first…befor you take any meds …Second I think you need to learn to meditate…third …you need to learn visualization techniqes to try to bring you to calm…if you can find a hobby …running…painting…put your words to a poem …Something …I hope you find some good information

These types of meds work differently for different people.
Best to get a mental health plan from your gp and find one that will work with you to find out what works best for you.

Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor questions, and let your doctor know your afraid of taking them.
There are so many different types of medications for anxiety and depression, so if you have problems with them, let your doctor know. It could take awhile, to find the perfect combination that helps you. My daughter has tried many, but she finally found the right combination snd it has changed her life. So go for it. Also… don’t be afraid to discuss with a prentice if sibling you trust, because you can bounce things off them.
Good Luck, and God Bless.

Look into a holistic doctor. There are many natural and lifestyle changes you can put into place that, with the right combination, may work for you. Some examples: make sure you aren’t D deficient or low (most people are), there are herbal supplements, are you getting enough sunshine and exercise, would you benefit from therapy to deal with underlying issues, aromatherapy, are there other things that need to be added or taken away to help you naturally have a happy and fulfilling life? Medicating the problem is generally easier then fixing it and sometimes medications are the answer but often there are a lot of more natural paths that can be explored that conventional doctors refuse to try.


Over 80%success rate of never repeating or returning.Possibility of never needing meds again.

Meds can and do help, but you should also be using “talk therapy”. There are a lot of companies that offer “telehealth” appointments and most of these are paid through insurance. Please look into it at least.

First things first, find a new doc. I can’t begin to tell you the difference it makes to have the right doctor. One who listens to your concerns and is truly caring will help you onbthe right path.


I was so depressed there are years I don’t really remember. I finally went to a Dr, and got on medication. My life is so much better. All my friends and family noticed how much happier I am. Please don’t hesitate to see a doctor and find a medication that works for you.

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Get a different doctor. One you feel comfortable with.


Please see a psychiatrist for med management.


Contact your county mental health clinic tomorrow ! You do not have to feel this way or do it alone. I wish you the best. Peace

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My daughter takes all natural Holy Basil daily. She loves it.

Be sure to seek therapy also, medication is not a magic pill, learning positive coping skills will be helpful and the right therapeutic team can help you understand how the combination of verbal and medication therapy can help
No different than understanding any medical conditions
Good luck, you’re doing the right thing by asking questions and seeking help, never be ashamed
Hoping you begin to feel better soon, you’re on the right track :+1:t2:

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Read Wheat Belly and quit it immediately. Eliminate sugar as well.

St. Johns Wort twice a day and Valeria root for night time sleep

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Ask about a daily regimen of magnesium.

The meds r suppose to level things out.

Celexa is good. Used it for 20 years

You need talking therapy, and medication can help,

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Try natural remedies!

I’ll never give up my happy pills

My doctor explained that once I had my anxiety under control it would help with the depression. Also if you were a diabetic you would think nothing of taking the medication. This is no different, it is an illness and if medication can help you, then why not? Sweetie, it can be managed. Do what you have to do to feel better. Please keep us informed❤

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Try the meds until one helps.

Please contact me on FB messenger and id be happy to share my experiences.

Celexa for many years no issues at all.

Also, meditation helps a lot

Find out why or what’s making you feel like this in the first place.
Medication is not always the answer.
After years of different meds, nothing was working…and what did help gave me horrible side effects.
The anxiety brought about panic attacks as well.
After two years of ignoring my Dr, I finally gave in and made appointment with psychologist, in a group setting.
I could kick myself for waiting so long to do so, because this is the only thing that has ever helped me.
You learn what brings on anxiety, and how to get through episodes.
I no longer get those panic attacks, and my anxiety is almost non existent.
Try it.
Especially since you don’t want to go the medication route.
Because when you get right down to it, there is NO MAGIC PILL to make it go away.

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Read up on saint John’s wort it might help

Been there, done that and have taken these pills for more years than you’ve been here. It’s just a matter of asking questions and finding the ones that work for you. It may take a little time and dont expect them to work right away. When you start feeling better you just take a maintenance dose. You take other pills like BP. vitamins and that doesnt scare you. This is just another illness.

Hang in there and get on medicine

Do you realize that the theme of your statement is FEAR? I believe that yur condition is spiritual and that it is a spirit of fear that has entered your soul because of trauma in your childhood. Perhaps you can put your finger on the time or occasion, perhaps a car accident or other trauma, spousal or child abuse, abandonment, etc. We can open ourselves up to these tormenting spirits that are not definitely from God, by allowing ourselves to fear. You see FEAR, false evidence appearing real, is the opposite of faith. It takes faith to please God. And the opposite is fear, which is demonically inspired. Fear brings control over a person and that is what satan is all about. God does not control anyone, He waits for us to yield to His Spirit which is good, peaceable, joyful, and all the fruits of the Spirit listed in the Bible. If you want to be free from anxiety, fear and oppression, you have to not only pray to God to help you, but also renounce the enemy and his fear and anxiety and do not open the door to fear by dwelling on the negative things that ‘could’ happen or the past that has happened, that cause us to lose our peace. Satan is a liar, a thief and a destroyer. So in order to avoid him and his characteristics that are manifested in his demonic hierarchy, we have to turn to God and open ourselves up to Him and start yielding to good thoughts, rejecting the negative ones that satan might bring to remind us of to torment us. Fear has torment the Bible says. So close the door to your enemy the devil, and open it to the Holy Spirit by asking Jesus to come into your heart, forgive your sins and be Lord of YOUR LIFE. That way, when you yield to Him and the fruits of the HOLY SPIRIT, you won’t be yielding to satan’s lies and impressions and you will regain or attain PEACE. You are only masking the real problem by taking drugs. That is satan’s next move, to get us hooked on pharmachia, or his potions, that keep us and make us more a prisoner than ever. All drugs have side effects, so avoid them if possible. Turn to the Lord with your whole heart and call on Him and He will answer you and give you peace. Jesus came to set the captives free. Read your Bible as much as possible. That will keep you in perfect peace as the Bible says, whose mind is staid on Him. God bless you, but the first step is PRAY and ask God to forgive your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness and deliver you from this spirit of fear, Renounce satan and all his evil works and don’t yield to that spirit of fear any longer, by reading the Word.

Lots of ways to help yourself
sleep well
Eat healthy food
Drink water

I was told by a doctor that depression can’t be controlled by willpower. If you think do, try controlling diarrhea with it! I have tried almost every antidepressants there is over the last 22 years. I know take 3 different ones a day and I’m doing much better.

It’s personal for everyone. I’ve tried several things at different times in my life, and side effects were an issue. I’ve recently found Lexapro to be an excellent choice to take the edge off, and of course talk therapy, 12 step work, and religious faith are all part of my mental wellness. Not to mention walking, eating regularly, journaling, and meditation. All of it helps a little, there is no one single bullet solution.

Find yourself a psychiatrist that you feel comfortable with. Then do a test ( a little pricey and not covered by insurance) but it will tell you which meds will be more successful than others. I was Wellbutrin for 20 years for depression but had to switch because the anxiety was becoming the problem not depression.

Sounds like you need a different doctor, for one. You need someone who will listen to you and help get you the right meds. And if you’re worried about side effects, start off any med at the lowest possible dose-you can always go up. And I suggest seeking theropy or a counseling. Sometimes just discussing your feelings and why you are anxious/depressed helps more then meds.


Use you GP only to get a referral to a good therapist/psychiatrist. Know that not all medications work the same or work on everyone. The medication are trial and error. Give them a chance to get into your system to see if the really help or not before you ask to changed to something else. Therapy is a vital part to this process. Depression and Anxiety medications can help but the greatest help will come from finding the reason causing them. You can’t half ass therapy, you have to be completely honest if you truly want to help yourself. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck in finding the help and relief you need and deserve.

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I’m sorry you are going through this. It is really hard. I have had anxiety since I was 25 & now I’m 59. My anxiety is under control with medication. I’m not saying it’s for everyone but it’s definitely helped me. The meds do have different side effects. They are different for everyone. For me I had them at the beginning but they gradually went away. I say talk to your doctor & make a plan with them. I hope you feel some relief soon.

Any medication you take will take 4-6 weeks to take full effect. I didn’t want to be on medication until I really needed it, as there are only a few available for me to take due to my diagnosis(s)…

The big side effects I had/have are weird/crazy dreams… but they only last a few days- to a week when I have to had a medication adjustment (which isn’t very often)…

In the beginning it will be a trial and error, to see how you react to the medications… just be patient and open with your dr!

My daughter (23) had her first panic attack and anxiety attack a year ago. It was so bad. She was in the ER! Crying everyday and this girl never cried. I had to sleep with her, she didn’t want to be alone. She didn’t work for two months and than Covid hit so she was home all summer. With the right people encouraging her, therapy and meds she is back working. My daughter is back being herself. It’s ok to take meds! You need to take care of you first. Praying for you!:pray::heart::pray:

Before you start on prescriptions. Try natural based medicines first. High CBD, Low THC helped me a ton!!!