Just hush and be glad her needs are met. Are yours?
Bro listen to me, Just let it go and beat that thang up!! She wants to make it work with you bad enough that she went and discovered a gadget like that lol. Now as embarrassed as you are about it imagine how embarrassed she would be if others found out that’s how’s she is getting pleased. YOU NEED TO BE HAPPY AND BE QUIET Bc she found a way for you to please her and didn’t leave you for another guy or going behind your back. 9.5/10 other women wouldn’t even waste their time.
I’d let it be. For both of your sakes. If she’s diggin’ it and you don’t mind wearin’ it then it’s all good! Don’t look for trouble sir.
This isn’t a moms page?
So woman need diff sizes at different times so I would not b upset, she may switch it up, enjoy her and let it go
You have the nerve
Say something, you feel betrayed and have ever right to say something
Let it go man, you gain nothing but calling her out
Just because it hits differently doesn’t mean she didn’t enjoy herself with you.
Yogi yogi said it best!!! She made it work. She loves you. …. Next chick might cheat . So yea
If it was an issue she wouldn’t have married you she’s happy with you trying new things don’t mean your not satisfied if you didn’t like it throw it out and length isn’t as important than you think some men are too big and it hurts if your wife says she’s happy with you but you worry if your pleasing her there are other ways
She’s your wife for a reason. People like to experiment and explore lots of different things. She sounds like she just wanted to have fun and for you to have fun pleasuring her. She probably knows you’re insecure so she was trying to help you. In my experience the smaller ones are better because you’re actually trying to please her. Bigger guys think thats all they need is a big one to please but they’re very wrong. It takes time and effort. Just be confident in your abilities and your new gadgets. Explore safely and responsibly and all will be well.
Do not “call her out” about it, but DO communicate with her about it CALMLY.
She may have been trying to be sensitive and delicate with how she discussed it with you (men are known to be a bit… touchy… about things like that in general) and even if YOU would not have been as bothered by her words as other guys in that situation, just like men tread lightly when discussing a woman’s age or weight with her, women tread just as lightly in general about mens dicks and especially when it comes to their sizes.
Now all that being said, she may have been overall satisfied and you relationship (as far as she was concerned) ran deeper than sex and for some people, that can more than compensate for size as far as enjoyment gone.
Orgasms and how strong they are, are more of a physical reaction to a physical stimulus than anything, which is why you can have a woman who is used to average or bigger than average end up happily married to someone who is smaller in size and not fully be bothered by it.
Now her buying an extender for ya may have just been her trying to spice things up a bit.
So until you know her exact reasoning, tread lightly and be nice with how you discuss it and if her downplaying bothered you more than if she said ‘I have had bigger and physically, it was better’ at the time, just express GENTLY YET DIRECTLY that in the future, you would appreciate her not sugar coating and just let it go, dude.
Women who do what she did usually are trying to be respectful, kind and gentle with how they are addressing a potential issue kinda how a guy does not out and out sat that a dress makes their woman look old or fat, but will instead say they want to see her model this other potentially more flattering outfit and maybe picking up more healthy foods at the store himself.
Address it,but be nice and be calm while doing so.
Are you getting satisfied? If so let it go if you both r happy if not let her know so u both can fix the problem.
dont sweat the small stuff…sorry could not resist
Let it go, she married u so clearly she is ok with u natural but also enjoy ur wife!! Obviously she’s wanting/willing to explore, play, introduce new things, spice shit up, and get ur lady off!!
Coming from my girl… “You have boldly gone where no man has before” we still use toys… Plenty of them!.. Embrace the fact she wants it “with you” and explore any idea you or her have… It’ll just get better! I promise!!!
She loves you more than she is worried about the size of your penis. That’s love all that extra stuff in the bedroom is equally yours, enjoy it
Hey if your both happy now leave it be but I would want my husband to talk to me
So if this was a woman who’s husband said she was anyway displeasing y’all would jump on him like white on rice. Have the same energy
Don’t do anything you are uncomfortable doing even even to make somebody else feel better. If you’re uncomfortable with it don’t do it. I would also communicate your discomfort or communicate yourself self conscious feelings and maybe you guys can work it out. But don’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with If you feel like it crosses a boundary or it hurts you in some way.
If she brushes you off or dismisses you that’s a red flag that needs to be addressed. Your feelings do matter and your self esteem does matter more than someone’s sexual pleasure whether you’re in a relationship or not.
Ok so if you are below average and she was still willing to marry you than she loves you. Adding toys to the bedroom spices things up doesn’t mean that she lied. If using it doesn’t make you happy then talk to her. My fiancé was unsettled about toys until we experimented and now he will grab them before I do.
So long as you are both happy with the experience then it shouldn’t matter. Enjoy!!
Just go with it at least you dont have ed like some men i know
Maybe ask her what she likes about it? Try different techniques? Women have different pleasure spots. Sometimes it’s the cervix, sometimes the Gspot, and others. Ask her. This is the perfect opening to explore other options. For women, sex is a small part of the overall relationship- the emotional connection plays a huge roll. Just be open and honest about how you’re feeling. Don’t go at the conversation with anger and hostility. She will just get defensive and likely angry. Tell her that you want to help please her better and you can see that the extender seems to do that well. Do you try different positions, naturally? Maybe research positions that will get you to spots that pleasure her? You could also try a sex therapist? Just be open and willing to discover other things. If nothing else- you found a way to pleasure her- nothing bad about that
That’s a thing?? To think I faked it for a decade because I loved him when this could have been an option Maybe I should clue his gf in
It’s awkward and uncomfortable and I’m sure she didn’t want to hurt your feelings… what’s the big deal adding something in to aid in enjoyment of your sex life. What do you plan on getting out of calling her out?! An “I told you so”… go with it and have sex.
I’m guessing you asked her if she was ok with your size before she went & bought the extender?? If so I’m wondering if she saw how much it bothered you when you were asking, so she went out & bought it thinking it would help your self esteem. Just a guess as I don’t know anything about your relationship. It did sound to me like she really loves you & is fine with your size! I’m also with a guy whom is on the smaller size & in fine with his size. Doesn’t mean we don’t bring toys into the bedroom. We bring toys on as it keeps our sex life exciting & neither of us gets bored
What’s an extender lol
What’s an extender asking for a friend
Both are probably pleasurable to her! Smaller penises do a better job at hitting the gspot anyway!
Ask yourself…would it do either one of you any good to “call her out”? Individually or as a couple? And is it worth it when she might have been saying the truth, but now she enjoys both ways…
Why are people scared to have an adult conversation with their partners? Communication is key
She still wants sex with you. If she didn’t, then you should worry. My fiancé looooves watching me use toys and even uses them on me himself. But if your feelings are genuinely hurt just talk to her about it. Toys are normal and it honestly sometimes isn’t about a size issue it’s just something “different”.
She loves you very much if she was willing to add something to add spice. I know of guys that use or play with extenders for added turn ons. You have a good wife and sexual partner
If I were in this situation, I woulda ask myself would I be more offended by the extender or to find out she’s sleeping with a guy who is bigger? I think there could be worse things then her loving you enough to still find a way to be fully satisfied with you instead of doing like some women I know and straying and causing even bigger issues for your relationship!
She May be doing it for you because of your insecurities
She’s your wife and she loves you. So she had to lie to you to save your feelings. She lied to you for you. Dont be mad at her about it. She loves you and wants to stay with you she could have easily cheated and chose to get you toys that will help you help her. And who knows she may have been completely accepting of your size before but be thankful you have a wife that wants to experiment new things with you. This is not a big deal.
If you are uncomfortable with it don’t use it. If she has a problem with it say bye
Can yall imagine if the role were reversed with say maybe a woman with small chest, people would freak saying what a hunk of … this guy is
(Also I can afford to go to Facebook jail anymore so sorry if I confuse yall)
She knew what you were packing when she married you, so she has to be ok with it. I would just let it go.
I say let it go and enjoy (if you like it), if you don’t like it, say something!
Call her out? Maybe she didn’t know what she was missing? You want to guilt her?
Yeah and if you don’t discuss it with her it could cause animosity between y’all. Just gotta make sure it’s the right time and place.
If you agree that you have a small penis and your wife purchased a ‘temporary prosthetic’ to enhance your sex life, what is the problem? Wouldn’t you want her to have amazing sex with YOU as opposed to not having sex or getting it elsewhere.
The reality is, sex toys and devices can assist with issues like this. Think of it as augmenting your sex life.
She don’t like your penis and she don’t wanna hurt your feelings. Don’t be mean about it tho cuz then she won’t have sex with you anymore.
Men judge women unfairly on their body parts to our faces ALL THE TIME and we aren’t allowed to say shit. He wants to act hurt.
Go toy shopping together! Online works if you are shy. Find some things you both like and just roll with it. If she’s loyal, loving and caring then you have nothing to worry about in the pants department!
Um so she’s enjoying it and you want to make her feel bad for that? But don’t want her to make you feel bad for being below average? If she’s satisfied and your satisfied who really cares how you get there
What is an extender? A strap on? What exactly are you mad about? Because she liked a toy you guys played with? Isn’t that the point of toys? To like them
What do you hope to gain from addressing the issue? Just getting something off your chest? Does the extender physically bother you? Who benefits from you addressing this? Will addressing this create any positive changes in the relationship, or will it only serve to create further emotional discomfort and potentially resentment?
She is doing nothing wrong. She sleeps with you, not like she has slept with someone else. She obviously loves you and she has worked out a solution that makes both of you happy.
Toys and extra things with that are your friend. Not your enemy
I’d be more offended if my partner wasnt having a good time during and didn’t do anything about it or say anything about it
Dude. Sex should be pleasurable. If it is not, people don’t do it, they cheat or they leave. Do what works. Leave ego elsewhere. There is nothing about this that is her fault, and nothing to confront her over.
Be happy she’s willing to screw u with the extender & not go out & cheat. Apparently she loves u for u so be happy
id call her out. ur obviously not comfortable with it.
Be glad she isn’t cheating on you
Let it go! You want to please her that’s why you did it right?
There are ways to satisfy the both of you. She can have her turn, then take care of you. Be glad that she’s communicating with you about this sensitive subject, and just communicate about your feelings. Sometimes people just need a little more, or a little different, for it to feel good. There’s nothing wrong with that. I’m sure you want her to be happy and fulfilled with your sex life, jut like you do. Just communicate about your needs as well. There’s no reason for both of you to not be throughly satisfied, whatever it may take to get there.
She can’t help what feels good , if she didn’t care before and she married you she loved you so obviously what’s in your pants wasn’t important to her . But do yal have kids ? Woman’s bodies change so much after every birth so it might not feel the same anymore . She’s human , our bodies change over time kids or no kids and that’s not anyone’s fault . Be happy YOU can please her no matter what that means or looks like
Just becbecause she enjoys a toy doesn’t mean that she wasn’t satisfied with you as well. Dont internalize this too much. I’m sure it’s got to be a difficult position to be in. But if your marriage is otherwise good and happy…why rock the boat? If she is happy enjoy it.
Pick and choose your battles wisely…if both of you are satisfied…let it go.
Don’t start up an argument/disagreement over something like that. Some women say what they actually mean with actions…at least she’s “saying something” either way and she’s working with you (extender) instead of working against you or with another guy.
She was happy before. She is happier now. So why guilt her because YOU think she MAY have lied. Is this lie worth a divorce? Lol. Because that’s like a fast track for a huge fight.
Some of y’all are just mean. And those of u saying be glad she isn’t cheating are way messed up, there is no excuse for cheating and for a shit reason like that is just pathetic. I don’t think u should come at her like she lied. I do think u should have a frank discussion with her about your sex life. Full honesty from both parties so stuff isn’t bottled up or misunderstandings happen.
Just because you’re insecure about your package doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be allowed to experience pleasure.
Better than cheating😇
If this was a female saying something about her guy in a content like this, most of you would say to leave him. Or say tell him how you feel. Why are most of these comments negative towards him?
I think I would start by just being thankful she’s finally enjoying your dick, and not someone else’s.
Bigger is not always better. The size should not be the most important factor but most definitely technique matters. What possible good will it do to fight over it. As long as you’re both satisfied just go with the flow and enjoy each other.
She obviously loves you and didn’t want to cause you any pain since she’s planning to be with you forever try to let it go
She obviously doesn’t want to upset you or hurt your feelings because she loves so many more important things about you. Considering she found a way to make yours "work"for her rather than replace you is a testament to her commitment to you.
“Calling her out” in your words might actually be projecting your insecurity. If its inhibiting your pleasure that’s one thing but turning it around and accusing her of lying because she shows more pleasure is…well…petty? Choose your battles wisely.
She said shes fine with it not she loves it she didnt lie. She loves you. You cant change it. She is ok with that. Let it gom
You should be grateful your wife accepts you the way you are. So what if the extender makes her get pleasure. Relationships are not just about sex and you should be grateful there’s something out there to help you out.
There’s nothing wrong with using toys. Your still pleasuring her. At least she didn’t go out and find someone else!
If it was a female asking, yall would be answering differently. You can’t tell a guy to “get over your insecurities” and then tell a woman differently. It’s not fair. He has a reason to feel the way he does and although she may have done something to help, she told him one thing and then went behind his back and bought an extender which goes against what she said. I get what yall are saying but come on, he needs to be validated too. She could have talked to him about it honestly and mentioned what she was wanting to buy instead of just buying it and assuming all is well. Talk to her about your feelings.
Wear it over to her house and confront that bitch
Take a page out of Elsa’s book. Let it go. If it was a real problem, she would’ve left you.
She’s probably happy either way. Different things make me happy on different days. I can have several types of orgasms, from s nice tingle, to little ripples, to big kapow. None are better than the other, each is just different. Sometimes I’m fairly quiet but you can see the joy on my face, other times I can be fairly loud. It’s all good!
Also as we get older & have kids sometimes things are stretched or rearranged. Just like you may try different positions, it’s good to try different ways to achieve pleasure.
She married YOU, she loves the totality of YOU, she goes to bed with YOU, she is happy with YOU.
Let it go and enjoy her seriously. Whats wrong with you for even posting this. I would let you go for that dumb ass
Okay if she’s getting hers by the extender you need to go on Adam and Eve’s and find stuff for you to make her feel better for you they have all kinds of stuff
You might want to experiment with sensual foods or syrups like chocolate or caramel. Make a foreplay set up. Maybe some lubes warming, cooling, flavored etc. Maybe some sex toys to add pleasure. Like a bullet or vibrating cockring. They also make these ribbed things you can put on the penis that might give her extra pleasure besides you. Love is what matters the most. So don’t feel bad or like its you because she changed. Never let someone make you feel less. Its always good to discuss these things with your partner. Maybe she likes some foreplay get some outfits , blindfolds, sex gsmes, ropes , handcuffs , a paddle something maybe she needs some gas up before she goes lmao Some times the foreplay is what sets the whole mood. Especially with bullets it makes it more sensitive and easier to umm yk
Is it really worth the battle?
Count your lucky stars lovely.
She is/was fine. She enjoys the sex even more when you wear the extender. I understand how this can feel hurtful, but being mad that you can tell she’s getting more pleasure is misplaced anger. It wasn’t a lie. This is very similar to when a guy that isn’t even worried about his size gets upset that his lady enjoys sex more when they use toys. It’s just an added perk that makes it feel better for her. Let go of the anger, express your feelings, and try to move forward having more fun knowing that you now have a way to pleasure her even more. (Especially if the pleasing is reciprocated )
I guess I’d be curious what you’d call her out on?
It’s like any toy really, adding them doesn’t mean sex wasn’t fine before but it’s meant to enhance it.
I would talk to her but I’d be careful not to project your own feelings onto her behavior. I’d speak from how it makes YOU feel not what you think she is thinking/feeling.
Plenty of couples add all kinds of toys.
You let it go! She was thinking of you and after hearing you say you felt inadequate…she found a way to help you. Now, if it bothers YOU…you need to speak up. But if you are both happy. Leave it alone. Be glad she listens to you!!!
She’s happy either way. Just let her know how you feel but don’t be like you lied because she most likely didn’t.
She’s okay with it because she loves and wants to be with you. Don’t be offended by the extender, it’s nice to Introduce new things into the bedroom
It’s sad that grown ass people are laughing at this. And you wonder why things are asked anonymously. Smdh. Shame on y’all
I’ll be the first woman to say that size really doesn’t matter… As long as you’ve got a man who’s willing to explore. However… You’re missing a big opportunity here… Explore new things… Orgasms are good, but that… Uh … full feeling… It’s a different kind of “O”. Don’t let your insecurities get the better of you.
Kristie Craig , Nikki Stafford
Grow up, she is into you, if this helps her be more sexual…all the better, unless it interferes with your pleasure.
Is my ex-husband finally admitting his problem??
To all of the women saying let it go:
How many of you beg your husbands to open up and be more emotional. This husband is doing just that.
Let’s just say that a lady came on here saying the same thing, except about her tits. Saying that she has small boobs or they’re saggy from motherhood. Her husband said it was fine. But then proceeded to buy push up bras so that they appeared to be bigger and better.
How would you all respond?
Let it go bro she’s with you and not someone else just have fun and do what she likes
Oh hun. Poor thing, I can understand how you could be insecure about this but you have to understand it’s fine and she is obviously okay with this. Explore things with her, she loves you obviously no matter what.
Don’t worry too much
I agree with these ladies. Let it go.
She might have got it for you because your insecure about it? That’s what I’m thinking anyways.
Krystal Knox , mabey you could get me an extender
I wonder if you told her to get bigger boobs or a bigger butt she would be so willing to please you and everyone would tell her to get over it