Needing advice about my wife and I's sex life?

Experiment with more toys maybe different size dildos or vibrators that you both can enjoy you can use them on her and she can get satisfaction and you can get off on her being satisfied and after you guys 69 for a bit then have some fun together

Size doesn’t matter she obviously loves you or she wouldn’t be there don’t be disappointed in yourself because she probably loves having sex with you so enjoy

It’s not the size of the shop it’s the motion of the ocean.


What’s so funny I see a lot of laughing…:thinking:


If she says she’s fine about it, she probably is! Maybe she got it because of your insecurities, to make you feel better. If that made you more confident, that may be what changed. Be direct and ask her about it but I don’t think its because of your size.


Don’t ask questions you don’t want an answer to, but don’t giver yourself the short end of the stick either. If your relationship is how it’s been your fine… as for the sex part add something you would like you don’t want it to be the same thing every time take her to a sex shop get some hand cuffs or stuff to tie her up throw some ideas at her and see if she would like to try those with you communication is key

Chante’ Burt Lauren Brown Jon M Burt this is a good laugh


Husband says “let it be”


It’s not the size of the boat, is the motion of the ocean


She married you right ? So she loves you no matter what the size is. She didn’t bring it up because she thinks it could hurt your feelings. She might just want to try different things. Talk about it go to a sex toy store. Read 50 shades of grey.

A dude who’s clearly insecure about himself posts for some advice and all you broads can do is laugh. Trifling.:yawning_face::nauseated_face:


My husband says get good with your tongue


Why call her out? If you’re both happy, then be happy and don’t bring negativity to it by needing a call out.


do not call her out , she was being nice not to make you feel bad for something you could not do anything about.


Don’t call her out…
get good at other things. Wink wink
…not saying your not good or anything …just blow her damn mind with other things :slight_smile:
Best of luck to you buddy!!!

This is why foreplay is so important in a relationship. To some women size might matter to others if they are in love with that person it doesn’t. Adding sex toys to a relationship is important to spice things up if both parties are comfortable with it. If she is making you feel like you are not good enough then evaluate what else is wrong in your relationship because most of the time is not just the sex that is wrong. For some Having an emotional, spiritual and soul connection to their significant other is more important than physical activities. Find what’s important to you and what will make you happy. If she’s not the one you will find someone who’s Truly OK with your size. Whatever solution you find make sure that you accept your size as well, If you are constantly insecure and seeking reassurance it can also take a toll on your partner.

Let that ish go and bang the sh!+ out of herrrr​:muscle:t5::smiling_face::ok_hand:t5::yum:


She might not have known that it was so much better until you got the extender… that doesn’t mean she’s a liar, even though you feel a little cheated


Maybe you just weren’t reaching her pleasure spot? What if she wasn’t doing something the way that made you feel good—would you just let her keep doing it her way, knowing it isn’t working for you? No. Pleasure should be mutual…


I wouldn’t call her out but I would sit down and tell her how you feel.


Sometimes the guy on the smaller side has better tongue game. My man is pretty much average but his tongue game is on point!


Don’t confront it is like her asking you if a pair of pants make her ass look big you’re not gonna be honest and say yes…

Let it go, you and her both know your below average. And for her to put the effort in to make yours and her sex life better I think that’s great. I also think it’s great she didn’t want to make you feel bad by confirming your small penis, which can hurt a man’s feelings. Seems like your being a bit insecure but try not to be. She obviously loves you. :cupid:

There are many areas that will excite her if you work on your techniques in other areas perhaps this thing wont bother you as much or she won’t even need it because she will be satisfied from all of the other stuff

If she said she’s fine with your size, I’m betting she probably is. But with you bringing it up, she may have felt like you were insecure about your size and that’s something she thought would help you. Anything new and different is fun and exciting in the beginning, doesn’t mean that what was going on before was bad at all!! It’s like the honeymoon phase all over again because it’s new.


If you were the one who bought it perhaps she figured you were looking for more reaction so she gave it to you. I feel like you are dealing with insecurities and that’s ok but don’t project those feelings onto your wife. She married you and she married your penis. Be grateful for her and explore more ways to please each other while learning to love yourself :heartpulse:

What ya can’t do with your hips, do with your lips… that’s what my bf says anyway :joy::joy:


Let it go and spend your time enjoying some good sex…“tis not the size of the wand me dear but the magic it produces”. Spend more time playing and size won’t matter.

Sarah Diveley I just can’t with some of these questions :rofl: :thinking::flushed:

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I wouldn’t make a big thing out of it


Do not call her out. Im about positive your lady loves you too pieces. It’s just a toy. Enjoy each other’s time. Intimacy is about a couple coming together as one showing care compassion AND love for one another. Sometimes kinky sides show and that’s awesome to.

P.S. There are no 2 men or women who are built the same sexually. Everyone looks different and have different sizes.


I was always told, its not the size, but how you use it. So enjoy the new found you, she loves you, that’s special :sparkling_heart:


Size don’t matter rather how he uses it counts more

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Maybe she was/is fine with your size, but the extender reaches new places and added a little spice to your sex life?
There’s nothing wrong with that.
My fear for you is if you DO call her out, are you sure you won’t make her leary of being truthful with you the next time you have an important personal question?
I bet she didn’t lie.
And I bet you’re happy with her as well…
If she spiced it up, and changed it up a little, wouldn’t that also cause YOU some added/different/new excitement.
What then…???
Would that make YOU a liar?
No. Not in the least.

Let it go.

I think you need to tell her how you feel cause that honestly at least to me is a little insulting to you


Why would you call her out, she wasn’t necessarily lying, she said she was fine with your size and she enjoys the toy and you, both are fine no?


Really god dang on here y’all are fucking nuts is the problem

Take this shit behind social media man, damn

Size got nothing to do . Be a man and use it right.

Below average is under 8


Let it go and enjoy your new found life

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Kinda messed up that she just up and bought it for you… I’m assuming without asking you first? That’s messed up

You’re going to call her out for trying not to hurt your feelings? You need to look at it from her perspective, too. She loves you and doesn’t want to hurt your feelings on something you can’t change. It’s a touchy subject to bring up. Of course the extender feels better, it can reach things your penis cannot. That’s just reality. The fact that she bought a toy to help your sex life instead of cheating is enough to prove how much she cares about you. Now another thing…are you getting sexual satisfaction as well? It needs to be a mutual exchange. Sounds like you guys need to sit down and have a heart to heart. The way you said ‘‘call her out’’ is aggressive, and shows that you might throw your weight around in conversations, which could be why she never brought it up. It should be patient and open dialogue between you both.

I mean…. I did this with my husband. But it’s just because I love him and want to have sex with him but also want to really enjoy myself as well. Like having sex with him is good and all, but it’s not always completely satisfying either on its own. I would leave it be. My husband knows how I feel about him. It sounds like your wife loves you and wants to keep herself to you while still fully enjoying things.

Tell her that her pussy isnt tight enough but that your completely fine with it. Then buy her some kegel balls. Just kidding. Thats the petty in me. Just have a heart to heart with her about it.

In my opinion size DOES matter, so if your wife says she is happy with it, believe her


I’d say don’t call her out because at the end of the day yes she bought the toy but she chose you instead of running off to someone else :blush:


To be honest, really big ones aren’t that great. They hurt going all the way lol smaller is better imo, all the main nerves are in the clit anyway. It’s fun to experiment. And toys can def be used to experiment without seeking a stranger instead. So just have fun with it. Who tf cares if she likes it bigger or smaller, she likes doing it with you and it’s supposed to be enjoyable for everyone.

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She was being kind and didnt want to embarrass you.

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If you still get off then enjoy it and don’t say amything

You go out and buy her a toy, that would rock your world, with her! Surprise her, keep ur sex life alive, cause as u get older, u don’t have as much fun, cause u hurting all the time! Lol! Enjoy!

I wouldn’t necessarily “call her out” but if it’s something that’s bothering you, definitely talk to her about it and let her know your feelings. Holding it in will just cause more resentment. She may very well be fine with your size but wanted to spice things up a bit. That is completely normal and healthy, as long as you both are on board.


Spicing things up is alil different than having a problem with ur size. If she really had a problem with ur size she would have moved on to a guy with a bigger size. She loves u and just want to try something different


What will calling her out on it do for you? Cause an argument and then when she calls you a little bick mofo, you really gonna be in your feelings. Leave it alone and be happy you are pleasing her now.


Oh yeah for your info no women is ever fine with a little peewee.


Maybe sit down and speak with her about it, explain how you feel and let her explain the reason for the toy. I get it must be difficult and make you self concious

She married you, tf more do you want?


Are you enjoying it? If yes than :shushing_face:


She was probably not lying to you. If it was working for you all that time. The purpose of the toy is to enhance the experience. obviously if you make it bigger it’s going to feel different. That’s all.
Its like if you are now satisfied but used a toy to enhance the experience. You are probably going to enjoy it more.
Stop bringing insecurities into your bedroom because it kills passion.
Just enjoy that your spouse is sharing that with you


There’s a chance she bought it cause she felt maybe u were bothered by it size then afterwards realizing she was also.:woman_shrugging:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Needing advice about my wife and I's sex life?

How dare y’all tell him not to say anything. His feelings are valid

You have every right to voice what’s wrong. Openly communicate with her. Maybe the extender enhanced something she didn’t know would

Also toys are a great enhancement in your sexy life and it may be that


maybe it was your willingness to try something new that made it better and it isn’t about the size? don’t overthink it. size isn’t everything.


I feel…… not good about this.
Your wife loves you, she chose you, she married YOU. Maybe she enjoys big D’s some too but I don’t think that’s wrong. I wouldn’t tell my partner (if I had one) that his D was small even if it truly was, that’s a trap are you kidding me? You say it wouldn’t hurt your feelings so she trusts you and says yeah and then you get hurt and you make it a big deal when it wouldn’t have been if you would have just focused more on the fact that she loves you, she chose you, she is married to YOU. I think it’s okay to feel the way that you feel but also…. how is she going to “fix” the problem once it’s said out loud? What do you want her to do about it?


She may have just extended grace for sake of saving face. We humans do that. Or, she was fine and now even finer…
How would you have felt had she told you she also felt it was not enough?
It was a loss loss position to put her in.
She provided a solution.
Maybe next time try seeking solutions yourself before putting someone else in the middle of your pain or feelings that way the pressure is not in someone else.


Try to look at it as a win! If you were feeling self conscious and now you know she’s happier, that’s awesome for you! I understand what you’re saying and the feelings you’re portraying but maybe she bought it so that you’d feel better about yourself? If it’s causing you to be upset (not just thinking about it) I would ask her. :wink:

Not every woman enjoys a big one I prefer a small one they are definitely more fun :wink:

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Maybe she could tell you weren’t being truthful about your size not bothering you so she bought the toy to appease you. Maybe she didn’t know it would make her excited. Either way, it’s your insecurity. You absolutely can tell her but wording it as calling her out feels like you are trying to catch her in something. Seems like you wanted an issue.


Let it go…she loves you for who you are and what you have!
That’s like saying just cuz you introduce other toys into your sex life only cuz the original way wasn’t satisfying each other! Always fun to try something different once in while :wink:

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She dident want to hurt your feelings bro ya u have every roght to express your feelings to her and you should but just realize she must love you because a small package is a big No for alot of women.Just stating some truth here

Although your feelings are valid, what would bringing it up to her do for the situation? Lots of couples use things to enhance sex life. When she tells you it’s fine, it’s because she cares about you and obviously doesn’t want to say something to hurt your feelings. She didn’t lie when she said it was fine. I’m sure it is for her. I just don’t see what turning this into a thing will accomplish. Plus it seems you may already have a complex about it. Don’t blame her for that.


You get pleasure and give pleasure. When we get married we choose to support our person. She isn’t on another dude she got something for you both to use and enjoy so deep breath and bang away !

At least you have a sex life. Leave it alone! Some of us just have a body to sleep with and no sex


I’m fairly certain if she wasn’t okay with it this whole time that yall wouldn’t be married im js :no_mouth:

My hubby is not as average but not small. We use toys he actually introduced it to me and it was a game changer. He will tell me to use it or if I want to use it. Don’t see it as a negative!

I mean calling her out solves what? Shes happy. Are you happy? That’s all that matters. Right?


Even guys with bigger have a hard time finding the spot…just enjoy it….it’s still you in control of pleasing her…

Just go with it bud if your both happy just enjoy it:)


Leave it alone. Don’t rock the boat and cause a problem that doesn’t need to be caused. Happy wife, happy life.


While I do think open communication is key, toys are tag team partners, not opponents. If you’re both happy, that’s all that matters!

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Let it go. Just make sure you are both being generous to each other.


If you’ve openly expressed your insecurities maybe she bought it to help ease them. There’s nothing wrong with shaking it up and adding to the experience so maybe it should be viewed as just another toy


Buy her a trap strap hold up her boobs y’all both pissed nobody is getting none except maybe the first person who smiles

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I don’t think a man wrote this. I can’t imagine a man writing about his undersized penis. Geez

Better is better worse is worse just be happy that shes happy with you and your extension rather than telling you shes happy but secretly being dicked down elsewhere.


She told you she was fine with your size maybe to spare your feelings. You should leave that subject alone.

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See a therapist. Facebook don’t care.


Communicate with her your feelings are valid as well.


Let it go. Don’t go digging and looking for something. Yall are still married so obviously you was doing something right before the extension.


Let it be what else can you do

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Small peni* feels good and large peni* feels good. Both feel good.
You don’t hate vanilla ice cream just because you try chocolate.


Communication is the key without it there’s nothing you have a right to voice your opinion just like she does. No reason to fight about it just say what’s on your mind and no fighting about it your feelings are hurt bothers you she still loves you because she’s with you but still yall need to communicate more.


You have every right to voice your concerns. Your happiness is just as important as hers!!!


Its called compromise maybe she wanted to spice things up

as long as you both still get off then it shouldn’t matter

Better leave things alone

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that’s horrible of her smh

are you a man with a small goober or a woman with a small goober🤔

Be happy that you have a wife

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Needing advice about my wife and I's sex life?