Needing advice about my wife and I's sex life?

Please message me, similar situation with a lady’s perspective.

Just dick her down with it and all will be well. Lol.

Also some of these people are jerks in here. Ignore them.

If she isn’t willing to fuck you without the extender, she isn’t ok with your size. Toys are a nice addition to sex. But if they’re needed, then the sex partner is satisfying.

Communication is the cornerstone to any marriage.
If you have a problem, say something.
Come at it in a real way, not accusatory. Set the tone for a discussion.
Perspective is so tricky. Because it may be just a misunderstanding.
I hope you find peace with it and find a answer that eases your mind. :heart:


Be happy she’s happy and loves you enough to protect your feelings. Why cause an argument?

I don’t think this is truly about your wife. You don’t have as much self worth as you should. The size of your penis doesn’t make you less or more of a person. What you do and how you treat others is what truly matters. Try to accept your body for what it is and love it. When you have negative thoughts about yourself try and think of a healthier way to think. Also try to be mindful of your thoughts and if they are actually truthful. When you were intimate with your wife you were trying something brand new and exciting and it felt different for both of you. Don’t let your insecurities bring toxicity into your romance with your wife. You two will someday hopefully be old and gray and still loving each other hopefully. Focus on your love for each other and connecting emotionally and spiritually. Accept both of your bodies for what they are because they are beautiful no matter what. Just my opinion. But I also watch my mom die of cancer at the age of 61 so I think if the big picture. I wish you peace and happiness and love :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

I’m actually sickened at half of these comments… Like grow up!

If she got you a extender , I’ll be real she’s most likely not satisfied with what your working with. It does not mean she doesn’t love you or plans to seek someone else. The fact she got you that shows she’s trying to satisfy the both of you fully. I don’t feel it’s fair to say she lied bc she was most likely sparing your feelings. If her vagina had gotten loose over the years would you be able to admit that to her ? I doubt it bc you know what it would do to her confidence. Or if you even always told her since the beginning she was tight or went and got tightening cream.

My best advice is try a different position. Her on her back with her legs both together above her head pushed back. The best sex I had came from this position from a man that was below average. Give your all too .

Hope this helps

Let it be be happy she dealt with this long

we all lie until we feel comfortable.
Take it as a compliment she had the balls to suggest it.
Suck it up and put on ur extra inches and keep ur woman happy :ok_hand::metal:

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You are to be proud that she found a way for you to please her, don’t bring it up

Fist her see if that works :joy::joy::joy:

Why call her out? Maybe she knows you’re a little bit sensitive to the issues so she didn’t want to hurt your feelings she’s with you because she loves you most of all


She probably didn’t want to hurt your feelings bc she loves you. I mean there’s not really anything you can do about your size other than what you’re doing🤷‍♀️


Let it be, and research other ways to pleasure her…. A penis doesn’t have to be everything…


I mean, to me it sounds like you’re insecure and want to take it out on her. She found a way to spice things up and continue being with you! She could have went out and cheated! Be thankful!


The fact that most of the reactions are laughs is really disheartening. Be kinder, have some compassion. To answer the question directly, I’d bring it up to the wife, because to let it fester and brew would only give the potential for resentment or misunderstanding. If it turns out the wife is fine then great. If they were trying to spare feelings, then I hope she can be honest and gentle about that.


The extender is not the only way to pleasure her, it’s just another way to pleasure her. Buy yourself a toy that she can use on you too. Enjoy all the different ways you can experience that pleasure together. Also, talk to your wife about how you feel.


Just be glad she went and got something to use with you to spice things up instead of going somewhere else to get her pleasure. Maybe you guys can start exploring other toys to spice things up in the bedroom too.


Are you satisfied with the sex, if both partners are not satisfied, the is an unspoken problem. That if not resolved sooner it will become an issue. How about buying some type of toys that satisfy both of you. Yea an extender satisfied her, but does it satisfy you or does it only make you feel insecure. Look into all these type of toys that can satisfy both of you. There is plenty out there.


I broke up with my ex over his micro crooked member. I tried to tell myself I would get used to it that it would grow on me. I really liked him and wanted to make it work. Eventually I did the mature thing and told him it wasn’t working out anymore. Hopefully your wife can be honest with you. Best of luck!

Nothing wrong with trying new things n experimenting. She is fine with it as is. But who doesn’t like it bigger? It’s a whole new experience. Think of it as u being two different person in regards to size for her. U being able to give her pleasure being both person. Before n after n that’s the big picture. U get the job done!

I think maybe you meant to word this differently. You’re hurt and seem to struggle to communicate this hurt because you feel she’s made a choice to do something which you feel is contradictory to what she expressed when you asked. Ultimately, people saying things like “get over it” or “just enjoy it and be grateful” are dangerous sentiments if someone’s insecurities are affecting their mental health and relationship with other people, in fact it ruins relationships to tell someone to suck up personal hurt without being open about it. What I’d advise is to calmly and civilly discuss why you feel her buying the extender has hurt you. Point is don’t be defensive or going for the jugular because she may have only done it because she thought it was what you wanted, talk it out! Don’t let insecurities become hate :slightly_smiling_face:

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Something new produced a reaction beyond her control. I wouldn’t assume she was lying because she had a great time. The extender was attached to you, and she enjoyed her time with you.

Master your tongue, finger game and give it to her right :wink:. It’s not just about the member but who it’s attached to. Talk to her!

If your wife who you lovingly asked to marry you said “ are my breasts too small or my butt to big what would be YOUR answer, and why would you even go there? Your answer would probably be the same as hers and carry the same amount of danger!

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It’s not all about size it’s how you use it at the end of the day she married you she must of knew how big your penis was before you got married. Be thankful she’s not straying away she obviously loves you

I think you should let her know how you feel and just ask her how she feels. Talk about how you can spice up your sex life in other ways too so it’s not straight to the point of how you feel.

You should read up even dr Ruth has things on. It’s not necessarily the size that matters. There’s a lot of other things you can do that make up for lack of things in the bedroom.

Take her to the doctor and have them make her smaller. You might be just fine and she may have a canyon.

She married you knowing full well what she had unless you never had any type of sexual relations prior to being married. My ex husband was well off and I never enjoyed sex with him. After our divorce I met a man that wasn’t so endowed and I enjoyed sex with him a lot more. We are no longer together and I miss “Mr. Winky” Too bad he hung out with an asshole!

Bigger is never an issue if you know how to use what you have.

This is ridiculous, why come to social media about your bedroom issues, go see a doctor or councelling, this is not people’s business.

Might be small but I bet it smells like a big one :crown:


You made her happy that’s all that matter. Never mind that she loves it she love it cause it is you.

You landed a wife…count yourself lucky and be glad she’s open to new things!

  • I posted this further up, as a ‘reply’ to another comment, but wanted to post it as a ‘comment’ itself, so hopefully the poster has a better chance of seeing it! *

I was ALWAYS very self conscious of my small chest!
My husband knew this!
He always told me he loved my breasts, and that they were perfect!

I mean, he must have been happy with them, he married me with them! Right?! :woman_shrugging:t3:
He would always tell me he ‘was a legs man not a boobs man anyway’!

After several years of being married, having kids, all the usual, I would still complain about my small chest, and ASK HIM if they too small? He always said they were just the perfect amount for him!

But one day, HE pointed out a plastic surgeon, who had a great reputation and record, and said if I wanted them done, I could have them done, we had the money!

I jumped at the chance and called for an appointment immediately!!

Yes, there was a moment when I stopped and asked if HE wanted me to get them done? And his reply was ‘I love them the way they are! But if it bothers you that much, I want YOU to be happy with your body!’

I got them done, and I love them!

But……. So does HE!!

I’ve called him out (jokingly) repeatedly in the years since!

“‘Legs man’ my ass!! You just said that because being a ‘boob man’ wasn’t an option with me!” Lol

He always replies…… I loved them then, and I love them now, because they’re a part of you! And I love YOU no matter what shape and size you come in’!

HE brought up getting bigger boobs, because he knew how much it bothered ME!!

And yes, HE enjoys them!

But NOT because of their size!

And from MY perspective, I know I have higher - physical - self confidence since having them done!!

Maybe this guy doesn’t realize, that the extender gave him a confidence boost, and he did something different that made her react in such a way!
Or just simply his confidence itself was an added turn on for her!!
(And said confidence could be COMPLETELY sub-conscious! He may not have even realized it at the time!)

There could be a million reasons!
But I don’t think ‘confronting her’ and ‘calling her out as a liar’, is going to do anyone any good! J/S :woman_shrugging:t3:

Definitely need to have communication on the matter.

Don’t rock the boat . She love you before. Now she’s just enjoying you more . Enjoy :wink:

Let it go. Whatever makes her feel better.

Let it alone and be glad she’s happy

Your getting laid dude…

omg, and we need to know this why?

She def does not enjoy a micro … no one does sorry but that is the honest truth. She obviously wants it to be bigger so she can actually feel it.

Honestly, men need to stop placing such a huge importance on sex in a relationship.
It’s getting old.
Find something else to put value in.
We get it. It feels good. It’s nice. You like to feel manly. Blah, blah, blah.
But its not that big of a deal to most women and you’re not going to get her to take it seriously if she isn’t already :woman_shrugging:t4:

I know guys she’s cut out completely.

Just enjoy! Just enjoy it’s that simple

This post just makes me imagine a tiny little micro penis and a big floppy roast beef looking vagina. I know my opinion means nothing but in my mind you’re both gross! LOL Hopefully that was helpful. Probably wasn’t but here’s to hoping. Actually I don’t care. Have a great day.

Hello Regena whats happening

I’m not touching that one

Tell her you may have a needle dick but fuck like a sewing machine lol

If her pussy to big I bet she will squeal if you put her legs over her head and jam it in her ass just saying

I might have a needle dick but fuck like a sewing machine