TMI this should not be on Facebook. Where are the censors
Work with her , she’s working with what you got
I wouldn’t worry to much about it. I myself am a bit on the adventurous side when it comes to bedroom stuff. And it bugged my husband when I finally told him I wanted to try new stuff. But he realized that I didn’t love him any less just I just felt comfortable enough in our relationship to simply ask for what I wanted. I believe she is doing the same. But give her the old school loving( no play things) and see I bet she will still enjoy love time all the same. But in the end you will have your answer.
Geez Louise happy wife happy life… least shes not gone somewhere else to be satisfied
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Sounds like problem solved dude.
if it works for you too, let it go
This is not the place for such a topic!
Get over it…if she’s happy, all good!
You admitted it was below average. Be happy and keep your mouth shut
Learn English first- my wife and I’s ??? So bad.
Next time she asks if she’s fat say no I love you as you are, then buy her a gym membership.
Ok this is the problem in today’s world. Everything goes on Facebook
Just go get yourself an “extra tight” pocket pussy make yourself feel good king:joy: when she ask why you got it say no reason
As long as your both enjoying it now why question it.
Be happy she’s happy. Least she’s trying and not out getting the real one
too much information.go see a doctor…
Talk to your wife, the internet can’t read her mind! However it does sound like you are insecure despite your wife telling you she is happy. I’m sure she loves you and just wanted to spice things up little, & there should be no shame in that
She married ya so there’s that! Keep er happy/pleased & youll have nothin to worry about. I certainly wouldn’t keep bringing it up.
Consider joining the swinger lifestyle
If you even need to ask this question its time to go
Get a copy of the Kama Sutra and try all the different positions.
Don’t be silly. She loves you and were both willing to try something different, and it worked. So why are you mad? Because she didn’t want to hurt your feelings? Think.
Sounds like she was happy with loving you no matter what size you were… so you changed it up and she liked it… let it go and be happy she loved you regardless of your size… dont make sex the main ingredient to a relationship… make it the icing on the cake… there is soo much more to a relationship than sex…
Let sleeping dogs lie… Definitely do not ask any question you don’t want the answer to loving each other is more than your physicality… Imagine if your wife had a vagina with this circumference of a cantaloupe… And she asked you honey do you mind?.. Believe me when I tell you she doesn’t want to hear the answer to that and neither do you so focus on what’s important… Love making is infinitely more than the sum of its parts.
No place for this type of message
Pick your battles, mate.
I’m not even touching this with a 10 inch pole.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that she likes you how you are. If it was all about the penis and she actually required a larger one, she’d go get one permanently attached to a dude. They’re everywhere.
Get another extension
Go with the flow. Life aint all about sex.
if your member cant get it done then use hands and mouth, so many options to make up for that issue
Master your tongue game if your pecker’s too small.
Let the ego go and expand your bedroom adventures
What’s an extender?
She just wants to spice it up. Don’t feel insecure!!
100% Do not call her out.
She married you didn’t she.
I mean, I tell my puppy he has THE biggest squirrel I’ve ever seen…
One will get you more sex and the other one won’t so choose wisely
Call her out on what. Lol.
Oh good Lord. Facebook hasn’t censored THIS!
They make extenders for dicks? Lmfaoo
They gone start making silencers for em next!! Pft pft!!
Hot dog down hallways.
changed it for the better? ~
Don’t ask questions you may not like the answers too. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Some things should not be shared on the internet and this is one of them,
Bro. You admitted you were smaller than average. She likes the extender bc you don’t reach the spot. How are you gonna be mad at her for your small wiener? Grow up. A tiny penis doesn’t get us there
If your sex life has improved just let it go. Isn’t that what it’s all about. All the best.
Call her out on what? Enjoying sex?
You asked her about it and she said it was fine…then bought you an extender. Idk where I come from “fine” means just fine or good enough…so why did she buy something after telling you it was a good size? I think she should be held accountable for a bait and switch at least. If she wanted some extra peen she had the chance to say so. Instead she says it is fine and clearly it isn’t fine enough.
My husband loves my vajayjay but I got this awesome tightening cream and it makes it extra nice. he loves it either way so no worries
You ever switch positions during sex? Doggy is a favorite but sometimes it’s nice to be folded like a pretzel. It doesn’t mean we don’t still like doggy. Works the same way with size. Just make sure you’re both getting off and you’re golden pony boy!
Why can’t people compose a simple sentence any more? This guy definitely needs help and forget about his sex organ. His wife may be tuned out because of the way he talks.
Try this. When having sex switch positions and without her seeing, you remove the extender and see if she says why did you remove it then its time for a talk. . If not then let it go. And just be glad you have someone.
Mayb i just have a short vag or something but i dont understand the obsession with large willies. They hurt
She might try a bigger one and enjoyed it.
Stand up for urself mister that’s not fair to u wat u hv is wat she gets if that dosent satisfied her then let her know wat time it is
Don’t sabotage your sex life. Ssshhhhh
Could always buy her a pussy pump see how she reacts
She’s happy. Let it be.
Your wife needs a new man
Aimee Walsh Amy Smale no idea why this is on my feed but felt I had to share
Ben Hawes this is brave from you mate. So proud.
Gary Gerald Good on on you for seeking help.
forget all that. there is vibrators & pocket pussies! the important thing is that ya get along & have a similar agenda.
Sky Jay Woodbrook useful tips for you love
Shut up now. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Enjoy & dont ask questions …
Happy wife happy life??!
Happy wife happy life
Do you want your feelings hurt orrrr y’all to be happy with a little white lie because she loves you!?? Answer that first. If you want your feelings hurt ask her. If you just wanna move on because y’all want to be happy accept the white lie!
You sound like a troll. But you doing good, don’t be an idiot now.
She already cheating my guy
I thought this was A Group Where We All Give ONLY Very Bad Advice 2.0 almost made a fool of myself!
All these selfish lovers on this post smh
Don’t over think it, just reap the rewards,
At least she aint cheating
Let it go, dude. You’re just gonna start unnecessary drama…
Listen to the smart lady Janet Cooper
If it’s working and you both are satisfied…why open your mouth to find fault?
Not appropriate for fb
Maybe try penis enlargement . Not the gas station pills, but there’s gotta be something safe and effective by now lol
I would say just let it be. Its only gonna make things worse if you bring it up.
Men and their penises. You getting laid as well. Be thankful.
Jeremy Shrauger we were just talking about this.
I have a good sex life now and I’m am pissed
You Ungrateful asf u have a tiny thing and she sucked it up for u cuz she loves u lol
Something like…”ha, I knew I had a small dick”??? Shut up dumb ass. She’s accepted you, be greatful lol
Let it go and enjoy.
How are you going to be mad about your wife lying about your penis being small?? Seems like she loves you…
Call that biotch out!
Call her out on what?
Hey it’s about enjoyment and pleasing eachother go with it and be happy together. It not about ego it’s about loving your significant other.
If your wife is happy why does it matter? And what do you have to “call her out” on? Being fine with something about someone’s physical form that they have no control over because THEY LOVE YOU regardless isn’t something to be called out on and now you’re both getting cough the bigger end of the stick instead of just you. You can be fine with a burger but still want steak, bro. Get over your small dick and know that making your woman happy in bed, regardless of how it’s done, is what counts.
Just talk to her about how you feel
Let it go and leave it alone. Remember, a happy wife means happy life
This is gonna come off harsh, but dude get over it. You have a winning personality. She chose you. She married you. She found someone she felt so compatible and comfortable with that she was actually willing to put up with a baby dill for a pecker. Only thing calling her out is gonna do is cause a fight. If you’re that insecure about your pipe game, develop serious tongue skills. Average pipe game can be dealt with when mad tongue skills are involved. There’s your advice. Best of luck.
It shouldn’t matter what you think!!! Your job is to please your wife!!! Be thankful it’s a toy you BOTH enjoy and not another man!!! This is YOUR problem and YOUR lack of self-esteem. This isn’t about HER. If you have that much grief about it… go see a therapist!!! Don’t “call her out” on it. I mean… if you really want to piss off your wife to the point she DOES go to another man… by all means… go ahead. If my fiancè had an issue with pleasing me… I would leave his ass too!!!
Let it go! Don’t bring it up because it will just make it awkward and can ruin it all. If you’re both happy no need to say anything. If you’re self conscious about it there’s nothing you can do about your size so no need to call her out on anything
If you are a good man and treat her very well and love her truly and deeply, then I promise you, the size of your package is not that much of an issue. If you have a happy home, and you’re even willing to try new things and spice things up with toys. I wouldn’t worry if I was you. Seems to me that your wife loves you alot and cares about your feelings. I wouldn’t call her out on anything except for loving you and wanting to make sure you feel good about yourself. And that my friend is love.
I would day don’t embarrass her maybe it felt good even being small but a little more can reach areas that fells great so the experience is inhanced she loves you and wants to continue a sex life with you and is sleeping with you no outsiders then she is working with what god gave you and is inhancing her ecpxerance with you be glad she is there