Needing advice for getting rid of lice

Vamoose which you can get at any pharmacy store. It’s a cream that kills both types of lice. And you don’t have to do repeat treatments. Please get all bedding and stuffed animals and throw them in the dryer. Do not buy furniture spray it’s a waste of money. Also ivermectin with you can get at any co-op you can mix a few drops in water in a spray bottle. Spray the scalp and rub and leave it. They will be gone.

A bath oil…they cannot attach to the head…drench your hair in bath oil…and use a lice comb to comb out…

Sei if there a place that comes to your house look up Nola

This is going to sound crazy, but my grandmother used the over the counter lice shampoo, vinegar and mayo on our heads when we were little. She did the lice shampoo, washed with it, then coated our hair with mayo and poured vinegar on top and let it sit for 5 min or so then rinsed and repeated with lice shampoo one more time. We had a bad bad case when we were young and this got rid of them. Also be sure to strip down their beds and treat the mattresses too.

If you have to cut their hair they will be under 1/8 inch to get rid of the nits. Personally I’ve shaved my head 3 times so I got rid of mine and only had to worry about the kids. But resultz if you get it at the pharmacy works amazing and all gone with one applications. Nix doesn’t work!

Firstly. Lice prefer a clean scalp and hair shaft. Thats why mayo works well, oils suffocate them and don’t allow them to cling to the hair or head. Start with a lice treatment. Lice shampoo is better as a preventive while you treat the home and prevent reinfestation. Wash everything they come into contact with in hot water and dry it well. Dont forget stuffed animals and carseat covers, bedding, the works, they make a spray for things like couches and matresses, I’m assuming your boys have short hair so a robicomb will work for them to zap the adults too. My cousins used to deal with it alot so ive picked up quite a few tricks lol. For your hair definitely keep it oily for a while, use hairspray.

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When I was a kid my parents used kerosene and I did the same for my kids, wet the hair completely and rub in only for a minute and wash out with regular shampoo, than comb with lice comb, this works immediately


Mayo or vegetable oil. Slather and saran wrap their heads. Keep it on all day. Wash all bedding. Vacuum every cloth surface. After rinsing their hair with warm water, no shampoo yet, use a bit comb and comb out all dead bugs and nits. Then wash their hair with any shampoo but add teetree oil to it.

I put s few drops of tea tree oil in the shampoo. and bought a comb that removed lice and eggs. They never came home with them again and my daughter had long hair.

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I know this is going to sound bad because it is and I’m sure it’s awful for your hair. I had super long hair when my house caught it. I used a lice treatment, poured rubbing alcohol all over my head after showering, and my mom used a lice comb twice a day and got them out into a ramekin of rubbing alcohol to kill them. The best thing you can do on top of whatever treatment you go with, pick them out with a lice comb

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A few drops of Teatree oil in your shampoo and conditioner Will prevent you from ever getting it and if you use straight tea tree oil It can actually kill everything to

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Olive oil and mayo with shower cap for 30 min and tea tree oil in all your shampoo

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Dawn dish soap worked for a friend of mine.

Part of being a parent…I think almost every person has had to deal with at least one child getting lice.

Nix shampoo then sit there and pick all them out lmao or leave Vaseline in there hair for a night and wrap it with a bag and they’ll come out lol my mom always use to do this me when I was younger so I didn’t have to cut my hair off lol

I’ve heard tea tree shampoo and conditioner then wash everything

Peppermint oil, tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil in a spray bottle with a little bit of conditioner, spray hair before school n you should be fine, my 4 were kept lice free using this technique

Buy the nix. Take all your bedding to a laundry mat dry on super high heat. Bag all stuffed animals in tightly tied trash bags and put in a shed for like a month or put them in the dryer too. Use hair products once gone lice don’t like dirty hair. Use the nix comb on yours and their hair to remove all eggs. Spray all furniture and bedding with the nix spray. It’ll be ok!

Vacum everything empty outside including mattresses throw blankets and pillows in the dryer bag stuffies and hair treatments

Tea tree essential oil/shampoo. Kills on contact. You still have to comb all the nits out though.

Nitty Gritty and some Hedrin Once. I know it doesn’t sound as friendly but I used tea-tree and nitty gritty and Vaseline and there was always a couple left over. Use tea tree to prevent a comeback. We haven’t had a single louse since. Top tip (although not great in lockdown) Do the treatment somewhere other than home and go away for three days. Lice can survive by biting you but will be dead by the time you get back.

To get the Vaseline out, coat hair with shampoo before washing…

Good old cheap Mayo from a dollar store and a grocery store bag … coat the head with the mayo cover with the plastic bag let set for an hour get a metal lice comb and comb through it with tha mayo still in it then wash as normal or you can get dog flee shampoo ( without oatmeal ) put on dry let set for the time for flees and follow directions… repeat every 3 days … wash all bedding in hot water , dry high heat , pray bed with Rid … if your kids have stuff animals run them through the dryer twice high heat or stuff in air tight plastic bags for 10 days

get medicine from Walmart, clean,clean, laundry, pillow ,beds, stuffed animals and sweep sweep sweep

Gold bond smothers and doesn’t let them grab hold of the hair.

My daughter kept getting lice. I tried just about everything to get rid of them. I finally called my doctor and he gave me a prescription for some heavy duty stuff. She hasn’t had them since.

Wash your hair with regular listerine. Keep shampoo cap on for 24 hours. Wash out with prell shampoo. Get rid of eggs with clear product.
Comb comb comb! I got this recipe from a holistic doctor years ago…

Go to pharmacy…get live shampoo…
Vacuum rugs couch everything, bag all stuffed toys…
Vacuum for few days in case you miss eggs…
You will get through this…make sure you use comb

Coconut oil with lavender & tea tree Oil did the trick for us. Combed through numerous times, picked eggs out with my fingers that the comb would miss, blow drying her hair after every shower…
It’s such a task! Definitely have to keep up on it.

Trust me. Shave their head. Wash everything. Vacuum. Be done

Lice shampoo use daily or use mayo they dont like the eggs in it. Wash everything in hot water

Dawn and vinegar!!! Works wonders!! Then wash everything what you cant was bag and put in the garage or outside!!

Any type of oil. Smother it on the head. And leave it all dad and night.

Clean absolutely everything in your house. Stuffies, bedding, pillows, coats etc
Anything you don’t want to wash toss in the dryer for 20 minutes or so.

Put tea tree oil in all of your guys shampoos and conditioner.

Cover hair in conditioner (slows down bugs and let’s you see what your pulling out) and comb out all nits, eggs and bugs. Just when you think they are all gone … do it again for another hour lol

Repeat all steps 2-3 days later to ensure all are gone.

Easy way … buzz the kids hair and dye your hair. If you don’t want to change hair colour just dye your hair the same colour as you have now. Instant lice killer lol

100 percent olive oil saturate hair totally massage into scalp leave in over nite wash out with Dawn dish soap and comb out repeat daily works wonders believe that

Put a plastic bag over hair while sleeping

Any type of conditioner. Completely coat the hair with it, (it immobilizes the lice. Its too thick for them to move) use as much as you’d like put a shower cap on them and then wash the following day and repeat one more time. Or you can buy the lice treatment at Walmart.

Whatever treatment that you use…you have to go thru and slide the eggs ‘nits’ off the strands of hair. You literally have to sit them down in good light and go thru their hair. Do it for a couple of days because you won’t get them all the first time. CHECK YOURSELF!! Don’t feel bad. Lice doesn’t jump into dirty hair. We’re clean and when my daughter was in school… she’d get it. She’s got beautiful thick longgg blonde hair. It would take forever to get all of it out. GOOD LUCK!!

A200 bug killer you can buy it at any pharmacy

When lice was going round my school my mom used to wash my hair once a week as they attract clean hair and used a vodka x tea tree oil treatment. She brushed this through my hair and let it set in!

When I was younger the only thing that got rid of it was putting vasiline in my hair…leaving it in for about 20 min the combing it out strain by strain…the vasiline helped get the eggs out better…yes it will leave ur hair greasy but it wrks…less chemicals too…

The HEAD LICE VACCUM COMB!! ITS A LIFESAVER!! I HAVE 6 KIDS AND WHEN ONE came home from school with it it took me 6 months to finally get rid of it!! All those products you can buy the lice get immune and its hours of work for you the parent. The vacuum comb takes less than an hour to use and its AMAZING. WELL WORTH EVERY PENNY SPENT!!!

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Plus those over the counter stuff is NOT good for your child’s head or skin with constant use.

The only way to get rid of it that I know for sure works is to buy tea tree oil and mix it in with an oil (I used olive oil) completely saturate the hair and leave it on the longer the better repeat every few days until they are gone. I tried everything I could buy over the counter nothing worked.

When I did foster care, I had kids who were infested so bad, I lathered cheap mircale whip in their hair and used a slice comb picking the knits (eggs) out everyday…and every 7 days I treat with lice stuff… I did this till I seen no more lice… I didnt go all crazy cleaning, but I did vacuum the house more frequently, changed out pillows, and washed bedding

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I’ve done Mayo over hair under bag and blow dry. Set and then pick thru.

Soak the head in tea tree oil and pop a shower cap on. Leave for 20 mins and wash hair normally. Leave a slight bit of conditioner in, and use a nit comb to remove any stragglers or eggs, wash hair thoroughly again x

When I had lice in my home I did tea tree oil and olive oil treatments every 10-14 days and also put tea tree oil in the kids shampoo and i would run a lice comb through their hair every other day. (You would be surprised that there are companies you can pay to treat your child and I believe your home as well)

Veggie oil!!! I swear on my daughters life this works. Put the veggie oil in your hair. Comb it with a lice comb. Put a shower cap over your head for overnight. In the morning, take the lice comb through it again. Wash your hair with the blue dawn dish soap!!! Take all your stuffed animals. Clothes and bedding. Wash it all in HOT HOT water. Dry it on hot and it should kill the bugs and eggs. My daughter had lice really bad one day and I got rid of it within a week. I was shocked at myself lmao.

Edit to add; make sure that veggie oil stays in your hair for 8-9 hours. Lice can hold their breath up to 8 hours.

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Coke, rid, nix, coconut oil.

Kerosene and shampoo

1st,wash and dry on high heat all items,blankets,pillows,stuffed animals. Buy a fine toothed comb the little black comb & a nit comb. Comb out hair all the time, use a white trash bag or something else white and not textured as a cape for them. I comb my kids hair out in different directions, during and after showers. To help deter Place a few drops of peppermint oil into a spray bottle, use daily and spray down everything! Hair,clothes toys,furniture. It should have a small scent,but not overwhelm. Keep up with it and separate hairbrushes for all children were a big help. I have 3 girls.

Put all the bedding in dryer on hot you can spray bed and couch with lice spray clean hair get out the lice and eggs

Ask a pharmacist for advice, I got water lice one year and had no idea it existed until I asked my pharmacy. Take all bedding to be washed and dried on high heat(pretty sure they make lice laundry treatment) and most importantly, don’t be so hard on yourself. Lice like clean contrary to popular belief, they just make you feel gross. Hang in there, they’ll be gone before you know it

Mayo or veggie oil…slather your head in it and leave it overnight and wash it out with dawn…use a nit comb to.

Shave their heads. Trust me its worth it. But if you dont want to you can get a script from the doctor remember lice like clean heads so that just means your keeping their heads clean lol my daughter 6 times in one year because another girl could not get rid of it snd my daughter is a hugger.

Using anti lice products plus washing everything hot.
Espeacilly the bedsheets.
Id also would color my hair.

There’s also a shampoo you can get at Walmart that if you use it it keeps lice away. Make sure you wash everything too. Bedding,pillows,blankets,sheets, hats,jackets, clothes, put stuffed animals in plastic bags for a few months or throw away. Wash everything you can.

Mayo, leave it on for 2 hours and then wash out with warm water

Keep your kids away from other kids. Home school.

The entire time my kids were in school I made them wash their hair with shampoo with tea tree oil in it and not a single time did they ever get head lice and to get rid of it I put straight tea tree oil on it it kills them

Dye your hair my friend daughter had lice and it work good she dyed her daughter’s hair and it killed the lice

Also, get a lice comb and comb thoroughly every day for a week or two

Please note that anything that you use to kill lice CANNOT be used on their car seats. If you’re worried about the seats also, put them in garbages, tie them up & suffocate them. You can wash the covers per the manuals, with mild detergent. Good luck!

Lice free. It is safe for little ones because it is natural and it is super easy. Just spray it on and leave it. It works. We have tried everything nothing else works. Not Tea tree(I had a spray bottle with water and tea tree in it and spayed their hair EVERY morning), not the regular shampoo, not mayo, not olive oil, not hand sanitizer…nothing, except that stuff.

Pour rubbing alcohol all over the dry hair let it dry and then wash and condition it…lice and eggs die immediately make sure to turn a fan on and blow the smell away from their face and hold a towel over their face so no alcohol gets in their face