Needing advice for getting rid of lice

I’m not gonna lie combing their hair out is time consuming. Get rid or nix from the pharmacy. It should come with a comb. You will need to get the furniture spray too for your couches and the beds. Wash the bedding. Vaccum all the carpets. All stuffed toys should be placed in plastic bags for 2 weeks or discarded. Home remedies don’t kill the eggs . The stuff from the pharmacy does. My girls had waist length hair and I got them out without cutting it.


Get a box of hair dye for you and shave their heads. It’ll itch like a mother but that’s what my parents did to me :joy::joy: worked better than any lice shampoo or anything else directed specifically for lice.


U can get slpice from a pharmacy it kills and disintegrates them n eggs its a lil pricey I wanna say 30 or 60 a box. But u might only need to use 1

We tried everything, my girls have super curly hair, nothing work. We even tried the super lice treatments but we did this once and it was gone!!

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Mayonnaise works like a charm and it’s cheap and nontoxic!

Conditioner and a nit comb every night.with my girls with thick hair coconut oil

Lice free spray worked really good on my child when she was 2. It wasn’t strong and it comes with comb also.

When you get rid of them put some tea tree oil and add drops to water. Spray and comb heads daily. Lice don’t like them smell and it won’t break your wallet. It works great. Both my grandkids had out breaks at their schools but we miss the lice that year.

The doctor will prescribe things if you need it. Also they make zap combs that zaps them and kills them and the eggs without chemicals on the head

You have to pick diligently. No magic tricks.

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You need to get the treatment and sit down and use the comb and get all the eggs out, then you need to put their toya, blankets, pillows in trash bags and put them in the dryer on high heat for at least twenty minutes, then 3 days later treat their heads again. And no you are not a bad mom… it happens to the best of us

There are many lice products available. Shampoos and Combs for the hair, sprays for carpet and furniture, all the bedding needs to be washed and dried at high heat.

I had to buy treatment for super lice when my kids came home with it. Honestly it happens so there’s no reason to blame yourself. Just make sure you treat all areas they were and hats and brushes as well.

Cover scalp head in mayo or vaseline for a while, they need air to breathe

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Lice treatments aren’t really working anymore. They are now being called super lice bc they are immune to the lice shampoos. I would try some home remedies and tea tree oil in shampoo and conditioner will keep them away once you get rid of them. Its a long hard time consuming process

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Coconut oil every other night with shower cap and shampoo with bug stop shampoo

Lice shampoo, bleaching hair?

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Mayo! Lather and put a walmart bag on. Let it sit for a few hours. It smothers the lice and conditions the hair. Makes the eggs and bugs come out easier.

Coconut oil the head and bag up all bedding pillows and stuffed animals. Treat car and carseats, carpets couch and chairs all need treated. Treat combs and brushes

I made my daughter use the comb every bath time. After school we would sit outside and I’d pull the eggs out until they were gone. I vacuumed everything everyday! Put her stuffed animals in bags for 2 weeks. Only let her sit in one chair. Used the spray. It was horrible!

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Buy the kit from target and use it repeatedly until its gone. pick them out as well, repeat as needed. Wash all bedding and Lysol furniture like couches and etc.

It’s important to treat your whole house and cars as you are treating there hair or it will keep coming back… I always throw stuffed animals in bags double bag them wash everything that can be washed in hot water I even spray and vacuum carpets… make sure to empty vacuum after and keep stuffed animals or anything with cloth or hair in bags for a few weeks… I use a leave in spray for school and put tea tree oil in shampoos… I also comb through every 3 days and so far it’s been months clean… your kids having live is not even close to being your fault I live in Iowa and I’ll tell you they don’t even send kids home for it just a letter… they still sit with other kids and spread it around… your doing good momma it’s alot of work but worth it

I tried everything I could think of when my daughter got it and she has very thick hair I finally ended up getting a bleach kit and bleaching her hair which I hated doing but it worked… I have put tea tree oil in my shampoo and conditioner ever since

DONT FEEL LIKE A BAD MOM! I did when my kids got it ( 1st and o ly time they ever had it ) but its something you just cant help. I shaved their heads but when i got it from them i used the rid and the lice spray and the lice comb and got rid of them all fairly easily

After you’ve treated them put Tea tree oil in everyone’s shampoo

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When my daughter got it a couple years ago I went to a “lice lounge” it’s a salon that specializes in lice it cost me a pretty penny but the knowledge I walked away with was AMAZING! Lice starts to die after 2 hours off a host and is completely dead after 12 hours so focus on removing it from the head! I suggest a metal lice comb and multiple times a day! Nothing I repeat nothing kills lice other then being off the host so don’t waste your money on things at the drug store! You need to comb all live lice and eggs off the head! I watched them do it to my daughter hair strand by hair strand! See if you have a place around there that does it!

The doctor can prescribe something really good. The over the counter stuff is worthless & a waste of money.

There are shampoos for it then launder everything!!!

Soak hair in vinegar for 15 mins. Rinse out the use rid lice treatment. Follow steps on box. Then I rinse with vinegar again after. Did the treatment that way one time and the lice went away. I didn’t have to do it after7 days like they recommended.

And then always put tea tree oil in your shampoo. It keeps lice away

It sounds gross but mayo. As it suffocates them. Need to look up for how long. I never had to do it…

Lice shampoo it once and comb through it then continue to comb through it with an very fine toothed lice comb for a week and dip in vinegar after each comb through. And at night put olive oil on your hair and theirs I know it sounds crazy but it works. And then once it’s gone keep product in yours and their hair lice don’t like “dirty” hair and having products in it at all times keeps them away. I just use a very light hold hairspray to do that with. And launder and change bed sheets nightly. Along with laundering everything that can be and anything that can’t be put it in a sealed trash bag for a week or longer to suffocate any possible lice.

Wash hair with cooking oil

I’ve used tea tree oil, Mayo, and olive oil. The Mayo and olive oil need to stay on overnight. I put tea tree oil in their shampoo and washed all of their bed things in the hottest water and hottest setting on the dryer.


Just shaving their heads will not get rid of it. When my boys had it, I shaved their heads and they still had tons of eggs and a few bugs. So I shaved heads, treated them with the lice kit, then I took my fingers and a comb and picked them out. Some even one by one. Scan their entire heads. It’s going to take a long time. But it’s worth it. Yourself is the harder part, if you dont have someone to help you with your head… you’re going to have to take the comb over every piece of hair after you treat it. Also set up designated rooms… you gotta clean the entire room then once you treat the kids hair make them stay in there until every room is clean. Things you cant wash, you can dry on high heat for a while. Get the spray for your car…wash everything you can. It will take an entire day… just have to stay on it.

Heat is your new beat friend!! Treat EVERYTHING!!! And then do it all again. Wait a few days, then do it again. Rinse and repeat for eternity.

Spray stuff with bleach comb through with conditioner with comb after u do the team it will help get the knits out and do this for about a week make sure u r bleaching combs and brushes or just get new ones wash all bedding and vacuum everything or put in hot dryer

Lice comb it’s behind the counter at any pharmacy. always worked for my mom and she had 6 girls who always had it.

All the linen in the house will need to be done the same day you treat the kids and yourself. You definitely have them too. Vacuum your floors, lounges and mattresses, cushions. Tea tree oil. And honestly I’d shave my boys heads.

Pick ad many live out with a lice comb. Then, Wash everyone’s hair with a lice kit. After that, keep everyone’s hair greased. Coconut oil, leave in conditioner, something. Dont feel like a bad mom they like clean hair.

Look up The Lice Angels on tictok, etc! Their products are AMAZING and better than anything else!

We used an electric lice comb and it worked amazing! None of the shampoos worked for us

Smother everyone’s head in Cetaphil. It smothers the lice and they die. My daughter had it and it was the worst. Ifeel your pain!

Mayo!!! Sounds crazy, I know. Literally put a whole jar of mayonnaise on each head. Grab a shower cap, put it over saturated mayo hair. Put a towel over their pillows and have them sleep like that. Lice will suffocate in the mayo. In the morning, wash their hair. Tea tree oil behind their ears also helps. Walmart also sells a spray and shampoo called Fairy Tales. It helps keep Lice away. I spray my daughter with it everyday. I spray it on her backpack too.

Also after completely treated, a quick spray of hair spray before school. Lice cant stick to it. I have 5 girls with bottom length hair. It works.

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Telling you right now go to Amazon and get the lice vacuum comb. It works amazing!!! I tried EVERYTHING. Mayo, hair mayo, olive oil, electric lice comb, lice spray, shampoo, all of it. Only thing that worked to get all the louse and nits was the lice vacuum comb.

Real Helmans mayonnaise saturate the head wrap in Saran Wrap and leave for several hours then wash with shampoo, worked every time when my kids were young

After treating heads for lice, throw away the pillows and buy new. I had problems getting rid of sons lice until I did this.

Use mayo on their hair and your hair too. Leave in overnight. Comb out in morning. Wash then comb out to make sure all of them are gone. If not repeat. Baby oil works just as good. The oil or mayo suffocate the lice.

Call the pediatrician. There are prescription strength medications that you can use. Treat all bedding, stuffed animals, carpet, anywhere these little bastards could hide. Make sure to not use a hear source (ie hair dryer) with most lice treatments because it can be flammable. Some lice are resistant to the over the counter treatments.

Ivory dish soap will kill the lice also fleas but wont kill the nits(eggs) best to call your dr some insurances will pay for medicated shampoos.

Cocoa cola smothers eggs and lice

After you do get rid of it but tea tree oil and put in the shampoo that’s what I do when my kids were younger and it worked great they hardly ever got it

Vamoose. Works great. Follow instructions. Bug bombing too. Dryer for everything. Hot hot hot. Wash and dry. Bag up things that cant be washed. And youll be all good!

Just get the lice shampoo and go through their hair with a comb and pick out all the dead ones.
Get someone to pick them out of your hair for you.

Lice X Control brush/vacuum I bought it coz it says it’s a great tool just waiting to receive it🤞

Lice centers of america. My daughter got it everytime she went to her dads for 2 years. Went to the lice center havent had it since. 2 years of over the counter amd prescriptions was horrible. Hands down we get it again we willgo to the lice center. Been lice free for 2 yrs

Once rid of it try Lice Be Gone they have a shampoo and a spray u can use everyday… The shampoo can be used to kill lice also. We my kids was in school we used it and it really works

Baby oil for an hour then wash as normal and remove eggs.

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Fairy tale lice foam and shampoo

Saturate hair in 100% Argan oil!! If left on for an hour an a half It suffocates the bugs and unsticks the eggs from hair for easy removal!!! Also doesnt damage hair!


Pick em all out :woman_shrugging:t4:
Bug shampoos come with a “bug comb”.

Drops of tea tree oil in the shampoo… also tray the hair with it. The lice don’t like tea tree and when used regularly should prevent infestation

Spray vinegar until all hair is wet. Let dry. Use metal tooth comb. To get all nots off then coconut oil all over. Put plastic bag or leave in as long as possible. Brush again. Repeat as needed. Only thing that worked for my daughters and myself.

Don’t forget to spray car!

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Robi Comb!!! My daughter was allergic to most of the shampoos. And it’s so much safer for little ones to not get in their eyes. No chemicals and can be used more often. Loved it!!!

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After getting rid them get shampoo with tea tree - keeps them away. I use Palmolive Naturals anti dandruff 2n1 which has tea tree and eucalyptus.

Coconut oil for the entire weekend … then comb them out

Mineral oil , shower cap for a few hours or overnight … comb comb comb. Dip your comb in boiling water after each section . I spray a salt a vinegar mix as well … follow up doing the same for atleast 2 weeks

Boys I would shave their heads and be done with it. Otherwise, get used to picking. It can take up to a year to fully eradicate. You gotta wash and dry and bag up everything. And pick their hair daily. :woozy_face:

Get the good stuff on-line or you’ll be doing this all over again in a couple of weeks! Clean every piece of cloth in your house too. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Kids bring it home from schools all the time.

Conditioner to slow them down and a blow dryer to move the hair fast. Pick those F**** out with ur fingers and in a bowl of water! Had to deal with them a few times do not feel bad feel bad for the kid at school who’s parents let it get bad enough to spread. The lice killer I found out doesn’t work no more they are tolerant to the stuff

So it’s absolutely disgusting and you won’t want mayo for a while, but my mom would coat my hair in mayonnaise (it suffocates them) before bed and have me sleep in it with a shower cap on (since you have Littles maybe do it during play time when you can watch them) , then the next day she’d go through with a lice comb and pick out the dead bugs. Repeat till its gone and use lice shampoo if it won’t go away

When I was younger my sisters friend gave her lice. My mom tried everything and it eventually spread to everyone in the house. My mom called a hair salon and they told her not to waste any money on the treatments go to the store and buy Vaseline. Put the Vaseline in their hair with a plastic bag. Leave it over night and wash it out in the morning. The Vaseline suffocates the lice and makes the eggs not stick.

Once you get rid of it put a few drops of tea tree oil in your shampoo and conditioner. Lice hate the smell and will not stick to hair washed with it

Flat iron. It takes a few times but it will work.

Vinger left I then conditioner and comb threw

First, soak the hair for 20 minutes w shower cap on with Listerene mouthwash to kill all the live lice, rinse and comb out the dead. Second, soak hair in vinegar for 20 min with shower cap on. Use fine tooth nit comb to loosen the eggs from hair shaft. Third, thoroughly coat hair with a heavy hair conditioner and fine tooth comb again from root to tip. Rinse hair. My girls all have thick curly long blonde hair and this is absolutely what took care of the lice. Cheap and effective.

I’m so scared of this day. I hope it never happens. I can cut my sons hair if needed but my daughter has waist length afro hair that I really dont want to cut off.

Following tho

I have a robi comb I use and then soak their head in olive oil overnight. Wash in the morning and go through with lice comb.

There’s a brand called Fairy Tales that makes lice repellent shampoo and detangling spray. No issues since using both religiously.

Prescription Natrona, generic name Spinosad. It kills the nuts too, takes only 10 minutes and DOES NOT cross the skin barrier, so it is safe for kids. I will never use anything else again

Ask your dr for a prescription. It works and it kills eggs too

Tea tree oil!! It really stinks but is amazing for this…

Tea tree oil is lovely. It is natural. Please don’t feel this way about yourself and lice. It can happen to anybody.

you can go to a local treatment place to make sure you get it all, they often have family deals and if you’re squeamish with bugs you won’t have to deal with them!!

Vamousse I think it’s called. My kids got it once and this stuff took care of them with just one treatment

Forget all these home remedies, just get the shampoo at a pharmacy, use it a few times along with the lice comb and spray the couches and where ever else you sit or lay with some rid or simply some bug spray, like fly spray that you can use indoors


I’ve had lice a lot growing up what I suggest because my parents used everything from combing and name brand lice shampoo to natural remedies what really got them is getting minty blue mouth wash pouring it all in your hair and scalp leave it on with a shower cap for an hour wash it out use the tiny Combes after I promise you’ll see them things dead in that comb and repeat the process everyday til they are done for good it kills eggs and adults also make sure your washing pillowcases sheets blankets with hot water and for couches and carpets vacuum good I know it’s a lot but them things are parasites that don’t leave :sob:

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No home remedies…go get the lice shampoo ( i have used a Nix kit) and comb out the critters and shampoo everybody in the house with it.

Everyone is saying how to get rid of them in hair… and I may have missed this advice, but wash and dry all clothes and stuffed animals in high heat. The ones you cant, put in a garbage bag, tie it tightly and put it outside/in a garage for about a week.
High heat wash all brushes, bedding, coats, hats, etc.
RID has a spray you can use for bedding and couches. Vaccum 2 times a day, every day until you Know they’re all gone.


For adults and teenagers hair dye!! They hate it we dealt with alot and since we were 8and 12 my mom just got us the same color as our hair and we never got it again as long as we dyed our hair every 6 months( we lived in a trailer park that was full of lice) for your young boys just use the nix kits less chemicals for them!!

When my kids got them for a second time, I went to a local lice clinics of america. Took a couple hours for them to do all three of us but didn’t have to worry about them again. Just wash bedding)pillows and vacuum any carpeting areas really well.

Tea tree oil!! Few drops in your hair couple hours before you shower, (or overnight if you can stand the oily feeling, wrapping your hair in a bonnet would probably help that!) after you put the shampoo in your hands add a couple drops, same for conditioner, put some drops on new brushes, it’s a MIRACLE WORKER!! Also works good for acne!

Buy a robicomb. $20 at Walmart. Most lice now are immune to the shampoos. Just keep combing, and clean, clean, clean

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Lice drs they’re the best thing I’ve ever used. I’ll never use anything else.

Dog shampoo…it’s not glamorous but it works. Don’t feel bad, lice happens to everyone!!

Treat it with Nix. Comb out hair. You may have to do this a couple times to make sure you get out all the eggs. Using a flashlight helps if either boy has light hair. Wash EVERYTHING in hot water.The stuff you can’t wash put in a dark garbage bag for a few days. Also put tea tree oil in shampoo. You can boil your brushes/combs in hot water. Or buy new ones. Spray couches/chairs/mattresses. Anywhere you guys sit. Make sure you have someone comb through your hair. I have pretty long hair and when my child gave it to me,I had a great friend comb my hair out for me.

I’ve been reading all the comments, but what do you do if your child doesn’t want their hair combed or stuff in their hair period. Throwing their hands moving screaming. How do you do it without making its traumatizing and it ending with they don’t want you near their hair again for a long time.

Vinegar and a lot of combing

Tressemme conditioner. Believe it or not, it works better than Nix. I got lice in hospital and that’s how I got rid of it. Saturate hair with the conditioner and comb with fine comb from scalp to the ends of the hair