Yeah it doesn’t sound like he is really in this and wants it. I would leave now before you get anymore involved with him.
Throw. The. Whole. Man(child). Away.
My bf of 3 years, lives 1200+ miles away, took time from vacation for his kids and then surprised myself and my son with a visit as well. (unplanned)
The “right one” won’t have you questioning shit.
Not to sound harsh but you sound like you have no value in yourself. Please realize the example you’re setting for your girls.
Keep in mind you are teaching your children how a man should treat them;by your example
Sounds like a shit show, get your girls out.
This is not what a blended family is there us no reason for him to spend all that time with his ex and allowing ur children to be treated differently will bite u in the ass when they get older ur their mom ur supposed to protect them allowing ut bcuz u like the sex with this guy isn’t cook at all
Yea just leave girl.
Fan Question Tell her to leave her alone Daina Drinnon
You need to leave him sounds like he’s not really with you at all
Leave, your kidding yourself if you think it’s gonna get better. 3 years on and this shit is still taking place…
Go take your girls and be happy in your own place.
Never live with family from either side. That’s a disaster waiting to happen…
If he doesn’t treat your girls like his own, then why are you still even there…
Don’t be a second choice
Work clean and cook for you and your girls somewhere else away from this trauma and stress and abuse.
Your children do not care about the sex or your heart break. They deserve the best life possible. The praise, unconditional love, All of it. Go start a life that revolves around them and you will find your true happiness. Pray on it!
I’ve been through this exact same thing. And you yourself could only give 3 reason why you stay. The sex, your children’s love for him & you’re afraid of heartbreak. None are valid enough to stay though. The love your kids have for him is nothing compared to the love you deserve.
Get you and your children your own place and eventually someone worthy of your package deal will come to you…
Free yourself from this relationship. It will hurt for a while but you won’t regret it.
You are selling yourself short. He’s not over his ex and doesn’t sound like his family is either. You and your children deserve better. Don’t settle for someone who will more than likely break your heart and your kids hearts as well. Also, I feel like you two should be in your own home at this point and on the same wavelength when it comes to religion and such…all that is pretty important especially 3 years into a relationship. I also feel like children should NEVER be referred to as baggage…I mean you both had kids coming into this relationship. Doesn’t matter where that idea is coming from…especially if you live with family members who are saying that. With all that being said, I would move on.
How would you feel if one of your girls were the one asking this question? Would you support her to stay with a manchild or would you help her leave and make a life for Bery and her kids? As a parent you’re given the example for your girls to know how to be treated by their partners. He will never change and you’re only hurting your girls. Men come and go but your girls will always be your girls.
Out of everything I’ve read the only thing that matters in that post that should stand out to you is The kids ! If your kids are not being treated fairly that’s when to hit the road . I ain’t about to stay with no body who treat my kids different , idc idc. Yes you will be heart broken but you will get over it , your kid comes first
He still is in love w his ex. There is co parenting and there is codependency which he obviously has to her. Theres no reason why you all dont have your own home. I’d never bring my kids to live in one room in my bf, parents house. That screams unstable from the get. You work ft, he should also have a ft job being a parent w a child to care for n not living w his parents. All of it screams what you need to do
Honey this aint a blended family…
You are teaching your daughters how a woman should be treated. Seriously, if you don’t set good boundaries with men, don’t expect them to.
This relationship is very toxic. It seems like he cares more about his ex then you! You need to think about you and your children! If I were you, I wouldn’t stick around and be the second choice! I hope things get better for you!
I would take my kids and leave and i wouldnt look back!
Take your kids and go. Not worth the drama for one second. #bye
Hold on- if you Take … you , him, and the ex , the bf Mom, etc… out the equation of this HOT MESS … and witout even consider all that crazy Drama … YOU STILL HAVE CHILDREN (DAUGHTERS ) THAT DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS!! What about their Life… They matter. I would kick him to curve with the quickness or kick rocks myself. Your being used and manipulated and put down constantly and your just laying like a doormat ( thats up to you) but your children deserve so much better and they deserve to see their lives better & to feel wanted and loved and accepted and apart of a family and to see their momma happy and treated like the special lady she is. Remember to look at this through your children’s eyes and see what it is teaching them , that will stick with them for life. If it was your Daughter (s) in this type of relationship or life style what would you tell them??? What would you want them to do ???
Never settle for less than you and your kids are worth
The fact that you come with “baggage” and he doesn’t says it all…walk away. He doesn’t deserve you, his family doesn’t deserve you! I have a blended family and if I ever heard anything like that, I would not be apart of that family. Fucking garbage!!!
Please… please have more integrity than this. The reason your heart is breaking is because you’re staying. He and his family have shown you they don’t want you or your kids in their lives. Let him be. You will find a MAN that will love you and your kids without all of this interference.
I feel as though you are attracted to the color red. Red flags?
Only three years in run never gets better just worse this was me when. I first got married. He was still having sex with his ex.
Ew girl why the hell are you lowering your self worth? Leave his ass. Your kids will thank you later.
Rachel Long, please tell me you see what I see?
5 laugh reacts
You and your kids deserve better!! Teach your girls that they (and you) deserve to be respected and no one has the rite to treat you badly.
Y’all both just place holders for until one of you find something better. Do your kids and yourself a favor and end the situationship. You already know that it’s not good or healthy for anyone involved and you know that the longer you stay the harder it’ll be
I would leave asap… you and your kids have no ties to him. He’s not a significant person in your life. 2 years from now you won’t even know who he is anymore. You and your kids deserve so much better.
I feel like these posts are fake and created to strike a nerve so us moms are like WHAT THE FUCK this cannot be real. And then we proceed to comment our opinions
Leave now. He is showing you who he is, so believe him. He wants to (and his parents want him to) be with the ex. You are the only thing standing in their way. You should come up with a solid exit plan and bow out gracefully. Take some time for yourself and then find someone that will make you and your children a priority.
Leave I’m blended we have 6 kids and never once did we issues with ex’s I left my ex husband cause he cheated and a mamas boy and wouldn’t be home with his kids I work and I left 7 years together
You need to stop making excuses. This is not good for your kids
Why are 5 of you staying in one room? There’s so much dysfunction here. You need to put your kids first.
THIS WAS A LOT. . . . .OF:clap: DRAMA. GIRL RUN!! Give your babies the sanity they deserve.
Rip that bandaid off and heal. Move on. He doesn’t value you if that’s how he treats you. In a few months, you’ll be so happy you did!
Get out!! Those poor children!
I think Dr Laura is a Nut Case. She did say one thing that makes sense. If you are single, do not introduce/live with, anyone you are seeing until the children are 18 years old.
You need someone that will treat your kids the same as theirs…no favorites. Trust me your kids see it too. Your kids can feel and see if the difference in how they are treated by him and his family. If deep down you know it isn’t right just leave. I know it’s hard but you can do it.
5 in one room? I’d kick him out just for the space . What is wrong with you, put your children first.
Oh god what a waste of time!!! Life is to short to put up ppl treating you and your kids like that!!! And I believe that is she said Yes U wouldn’t be there… to me your his second pick!!! Nope Nope second to none for me and should be for you too!!! She is first to him and his family
That’s toxic honey.
You want your girls in a situation like that? Because that’s what you are teaching them.
Do for you and the your kids, get your life and living situation better.
Ummmm…you only stay together for the sex?! I’m sorry but you’re a selfish mom! You’ve got 5 people in 1 room, your kids are treated poorly by, what seems like, his whole family & you guys are constantly arguing about dumb stuff. You choose to put your children through all of that for sex?!? Seriously? Get out of that situation and give your kids the mom and life they deserve!
my opinion: get over it or get out of it. This doesn’t seem like a blend family issue it sounds like you are insecure and he is undecided! KNOW YOUR WORTH and remember: You teach people how to treat you - don’t get angry when they do what you taught them! Good luck I hope for the kids sake you decide quickly And that you stand firm in your choice.
So many red flags. Yes you should have left when he wanted her back, but since you didn’t I’d leave now. Even if you out into another place together, it’s not going to fix all these problems and the treatment your kids are getting isn’t fair.
Your kids do not deserve to be in or to see you in this situation. You are better than this
Leave. No need to be there. Take your kids and be happy. This ain’t it.
Run! like the wind, it’s only going to get worse.
Buy a really good vibrator, and a 3 bedroom apartment and leaveeeeee. He sounds like a used tool.
Girl… take your kids somewhere else hopefully you have family you can go to until you’re on your feet. All in one room? Living with his parents Wth. How much sex can you really be having??
Look at all you wrote, you already know what you need to do…leave
You can do it mama just leave him
What the hell are you still doing there? Get out now
Solid no…
This is a hot mess express and you need OUT of there ASAP
Oh my Lord… you don’t respect yourself . How can he respect you . Do you love your children ? I don’t think so . You rather have sex than love for your children? He doesn’t love you , he doesn’t respect you. LEAVE NOW!!!
Okay, read what you wrote like someone else wrote it. Girl, you don’t have a mixed family. That’s is just a giant mess. Like would you be okay with your daughters and their kids (your grandkids) being in that situation? You need to get out. Trust me, you’ll find better dick and more stability in a much better man.
Tell him to disappear, he isn’t at his mums he is at his ex’s house. He’s playing you I would run and run far away!
Leave him. No question.
You deserve more.
You work fulltime , you can be so much happier on your own or with a better man who actually wants to move forward. Him and his family seem stuck to the ex… I would let him go , your kids deserve better than that… At least not to be treated as outsiders.
Were is your self respect? Dont you & your kids deserve better?? If this was my situation I would be long gone!!! This is such a bad example of treatement for your kids!
Put your kids first and leave you and the kids deserve better and it doesn’t sound like his parents have any respect either just leave find your in dependence and remember you only have one life you need to live it for you and your kids.i left after 26 years old marriage and I ask myself why did i stay so long I was dumb thinking I was going to get him to change and after all them years i decided to change for myself and a better lfe
Dumb him, you can do better without him.
Dear Mom/other woman…now do you want to be known as the other woman or would u rather ur heart be Happy by ur little girls. who might someday be in that same predicament. Ask urself what would u tell them? Please this relationship is done for…its time to let it ago make ur girls happy again n show them how much a woman is worth. You are wonderful and its time to be Wonderful. May God bless n you n ur beautiful girls
This is not fair to the kids most of all. They deserve to see their mother loved whole heartedly. Would you want them in this situation? Let him go sis
Leave! You don’t have to put up with this…you deserve better
Throw the whole damn man out.
There’s nothing blended about it. You just don’t want to be alone, do all the kids a favor and leave now.
Why is this a question?? You aren’t appreciated so just that alone should be reason enough to say goodbye.
I wouldn’t stand for that at all, I would be out personally, that’s not a family he is clearly making it obvious it’s not a family, when you enter a relationship and there kids from previous involved you commit to that and not make it so obvious they not his. Honestly don’t worry about heart break you will probably find you become and your kids will be much happier away from that situation definitely not relationship, hope your OK I know its hard. Inbox always open xx
Think about what it’s like for a child to grow up in this mess. You can go it alone, seems you do most of it without support. Cut them out, sort out you and yours and be happy.
Okay so your saying you work but stay in one room with 5 people?
he ignores you and gets drunk and lies to you. while you cook and clean and get along with his baby momma?
might not be easy for heartbreak but what is best for those girls you have? Do you know what they see?
with your full time job I hope you saved up to move out for your own place and things for your girls.
I’m with my guy for 3 years now and worked out hve problems he and I had. sounds like your guy just doesn’t want you and your holding on tighter.
sex is not happiness
make up your mind for your children
What kind of sex are you having to make you share a room with four other people to keep a man? I’ve personally never had any that good so I’m curious
That’s not a blended family that’s a hot mess.
Girl leave stop being a dummy lol
Stop being a stupid b**** and leave. Why tf are you subjecting your kids to this? Get your fucking priorities straight and be a good parent like what? Putting a man above the well-being of your children.
Run a fast as you can… your little girls deserve better and you know it!!! Obviously in this case blood is thicker than water to them. They will never treat you or your girls the way you deserve to be treated. They are too into thier blood granddaughter to give yours a chance. Just leave and start a new life while you can!
You need out of that horrid mess !!!
You will be better off. You are working and that plus your love for your kids is all you need. Run. Even if he does love you, its not enough and you can do this on your own. Probably alot more comfortably…
As a mom who has passed hell and back I can tell you leave ASAP… You think you are better with him and even though that you kids love him he doesn’t… Hard to hear that I know… But to tell you the truth you will be a lot better away from all that toxic family… His mother will always want was “better” for him and for them that’s the baby mom and you are just that a package that he got involved with and now can’t get ride of it. She will cover up for him and even if you say that the baby mom is nice to you she keeps calling him… trust 9 years with my ex/babyfather and he passed 3 taking his mistress to his mother’s house and she new he lived with me… Just leave make your life with your girls and the right one will come along on the right time… Good luck and wish you and the girls a happy and blessed life…
Your kids should always come first. It is hell for them to be raised like this. Wake the fuck up and get the hell away from him and that toxic life!
Leave now! Your kids and you deserve better and tbh you need to think of your girls because this crap will affect them
This is sad. You should find someone that appreciates you and your kids!
You deserve better so does your kids
Sounds like none of them are over his ex.
Get u and ur girls out of that shit Jesus if u can sense how ur children are being treated differently then they will grow up and notice that to. Not nice for them and it sounds like u are just settling. Honestly I don’t understand why u asked as deep down I think you know u would be better off without him and all his shit
Girl bye…this man wants his cake and eating it. He dont care about you and your children. He is the worst kind of man to be with. Red flags…have always been there. You blind to let this man disrespect you. He just passing time until his ex wants him back. Girl shine your eye. You allow it.
Your heartbreak is already happening…every day. 1. I don’t share, so him asking for her would have been a deal breaker for me. 2. I can’t imagine my husband and his ex in the situation you described. 3. Three years?? It’s not going to change.
I wish you the best in whatever you choose, but if it were me, I’d choose what’s best for me and my kids, as he is not incorporating y’all into his life.
If your argument for staying with someone is “it’s easier than breaking up and the sex is good” (and considering you’re sharing a room with 4 other people – either that’s a lie, or someone needs to call CPS, lol) that is not a relationship you need to be in.
To you and all the ladies with children, staying in unhappy relationships, with no change or compromise in sight, I want you to ask yourself this: Would you want your child to stay in this type of relationship if they felt the way you feel? If the answer is no, then wtf are you doing?? Your kids learn from watching you.
Act like it.
Honey. Get out now. If he can’t share responsibility and treat your children the same as his own then you need to leave. It’s toxic and your kids will grow up seeing the heart break and pain and it’s not worth it. Just leave now
It’s time to take your kids and leave this chaotic mess behind girl I can’t say toxic loud enough