Needing advice on head lice!

The shampoo can really dry the scalp out…try putting a spray of olive and tea tree oil in it. And I’d use tea tree oil from now on in every ones hair and spray that all over lice hate it.

When I was little my school kept having repeat cases of head lice and the thing we found that worked was hair dye… my mother was dying her hair and had some left over so she dyed mine as well and I never again got a case of headlice from school…

Also a cheap way to treat the house is to mix white vinegar and rubbing alcohol. And spray everything. Yes it stinks but it dries fast and smell leaves when it dries . It dries the eggs out and kills them . You can even put this on your and his head to make sure there dead and to help heal your scalps. There will probably be people to say this doesn’t work but my daughter’s long curly hair kept bringing home life from elementary school till I was so frustrated and out of options I was crying and happened upon this tip . And WOW It worked like a charm . Now you have to use oil or something and still comb the nitts out your hair but sense you have done that . Thos should work .

as a retired school nurse…the shampoo is very drying and that may be what is causing the itching. Getting out the nits (eggs) is the single most important part and the comb can’t get them all and despite what the shampoo says it doesn’t kill them all (esp. the freshly laid ones) Be sure to reshampoo at the appointed time. Meanwhile pull out every little egg and even better is if he doesn’t mind cut his hair as short as possible. Most of the time the lice legs have adapted to either straighter hair or curly hair and that is probably why your daughter is safer but continue to check. Think about the chairs, etc that they sit in. I would put garbage bags over your pillows, etc. and put backpacks, stuffed toys, backpacks etc in a plastic bag for 2 weeks. Don’t treat your son with mayo because with his itching he could get a minor infection due to eggs being in mayo. It is such a frustrating thing so hang in there.

I’ve never dealed with lice until last year. Because my daughter’s 8 and she borrowed stuff in the classroom. Great. So I went and looked for those lab where they treat you. Its 200 a head! So I had to do old fashion way. Boil everything. I did all the lice treatments you can buy off the counter. I bought those comb that blinks light when it sees a bug. Let me tell you. After few tries. I couldn’t get it out. So I shaved all 3 kids hair. Then my daughter all of sudden became the coolest kid. Lmao. Then now I teach them not to use anyone’s stuff. I don’t care if its bff. No lice is coming back. I pray that was only my time I’ll encounter them.

When my daughter got it I used a hair straightening iron on high to go through her long think hair after I treated her head, it burned all the nits that were left on her head after the treatment, then I just recombed through her hair with the nit comb to remove them

My niece had them and we could not get rid of them until we put Vaseline in her hair and wrapped in plastic saran wrap for 24 hours she has tons of hair so it was a lot of Vaseline and it was a nightmare to get out it took about 2 weeks of washing a few times a day to get out but she never got them again.

I went through this as well. Only I had a one year old and was terrified to use the treatment in her hair. I asked her doctor she said to get a cheap bottle of conditioner. Pour it heavy heavy HEAVY on her hair while it is dry. Let it set for about 10 minutes then use a nit comb and comb through it. Wipe the comb after each strand. It works!!! Actually better than the kits you get. I now do all my kids at least once a month like this just to be on the safe side.

my daughter keeps coming home every two weeks from her dads with it :pensive: it gets expensive out of my pocket because he won’t treat his house.

Stuffed animals and your pets can give them places to hide.

If you have medicaid your doctors can prescribe stuff that works amazing. My daughter has hair down to her butt and got it from a friend and its the only thing that works on the dang things

Don’t forget to treat all of your home. This includes stuffed animals, pillows, etc. You can put them in the dryer or put them in air tight plastic bags for a couple weeks.

Olive oil! Put it all over your heads. Put plastic shower cap on. Sleep like that over night. Wash when you get up. Seriously! It works like a charm!

Get Baby Aveeno I know Walmart has their own brand. The Medicine dries out the scalp. I see no harm in doing your son’s hair like you do your daughters. Also place all your pillows in the dryer on high heat for a half hour. Also an apple cider vinegar / water combo rinse helps get rid of nits

Tea tree works good. You can use the comb but also have to pick the nits. Maybe try teaching your kids what they look like and they can help clean your head.

Also place a couple drops of tea tree oil In Their shampoo it will help deter them from coming back

Mix tea tree oil in your shampoos and mix a bunch with some conditioner and let it sit on your heads with a cap for some hours, and comb some through mixed with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil before bed make sure to massage it into the scalp, the scent is strong but not terrible you’ll get used to it, but it’s effective and natural and doesn’t damage the hair or cause much irritation like the kits and chemical shampoos.

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Boil combs, brushes, hair ties, barrettes or anything like that and keep hair oily until next treatment. Also I spray all stuffed animals or put them in bags for while

Sounds like your doing everything right.Ive used the nix ultra and it works awesome.I’d just keep checking everyones hair for the next few weeks and keep washing things they come in to contact with.

i had to repeat every two to three days for almost 6 months n changed my daughters school only way i got rid of them n old fashion at home hair cuts i did the same mayo mixed w vinegar every two days or so its a process

They sell a type of oil called tea tree oil. I put a few drops in my daughter and never had to worry about the lice. It works wonders I swear!

Not sure where you are but headrin is absolutely amazing for getting rid of lice

Tea tree oil is amazing! We used blue Listerine it’s the only thing that we can find even the doctor stuff that would get rid of it! Now we just put tea tree oil in all of our shampoos a knock on wood we haven’t had an issue since

Tea tree oil shampoo is 4 dollars for a big container at walmart generic version tea tree they dont like the smell

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White vinegar will loosen the " Nits" that you need to get out or they will come back in 3-5 days as the young babies mature. Just rinse with undiluted vinegar after the nix. Do not rinse until done combing.

You have to wash everything, sheets linens couch covers blankets treat the car pillows pillow cases everywhere! Along with the host use a light against the scalp it takes forever and many treatments wash everything in super hot water

Mouthwash with alcohol you pour it on your hair while in the tub let it sit on your hair for 10 to 15 minutes and it kills everything you will have to use the comb to get the eggs and knits out

Louse bites can itch for a few days, the best way to get rid of them is to go to Walmart or cvs and buy a METAL lice comb and olive oil let the olive oil sit on their head for a few mins then comb out throughly may take a few hours comb until you aren’t getting any nits or bugs out I worked as a lice tech and bag up everything for 4 days they die without eating and nits die as soon as they come off the shaft.

My step mom put alcohol in my head. And my mom would go in inch. By inch and take em out with her hands and pop them on the sink.
My teacher suggested she dye my hair the same color to kill them but we decided to go the old fashioned way lol

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The nix and shampoo only kill the bugs…not the eggs. You have to use the comb and go through it section by section.
I also noticed lice loves clean hair…my daughters both have had it and I don’t put product in thier hair. I have really curly hair so its always full of hair product. My girls sleep with me and I never got it lol

This is deff not a safe way to remove them first time around but it works old days they Poured Kerosene in and immediately washed it out I don’t recommend

I literally had to go through my children’s hair strand by strand

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Living in the amazon its a constant issue i use coconut oil with mint and mot ball…yes the mot ball we throw in our closets and soak the hair with it weekly and it helps to keep them out…have tried many shampoos and medicine on my kids hair and it just ends up damaging their hair…

Spray carpets and vaccum. Spray every inch of couches and beds and then vaccum. Chairs with fabric. Everything a bug could climb on or an egg could fall in that touches hair. Lice have a 33 day life cycle from egg to death. Tea tree oil in your hair will prevent you from getting them again even if you share the same pillow with someone with it. But not the shampoo or conditioner with tea tree oil, that stuff is fake oil and will do absolutely nothing to keep lice away. Recheck hair every 3 days like clock work for 4 weeks.

I used tea tree oil and coconut oil, slathered his head in it at bed time with a shower cap and viola gone the next day! Used dawn dish soap to get the coconut oil out

I didnt read thw whole post but theres something called tgel is a shampoo super cheap put that in there hair with a plastic bag over it to where all the air is out and leave it on for about 2 hours and you can do mayo too. It wont hurt youre kids at all with the chemical shampoo ive always gotten big ole burns in my head.

We had an epidemic here in the mid 90s. Where the products weren’t working. You need another mix treatment now. And do your son one more time. He still has it. When it works you stop itching immediately. Dont forget the brushes and combs you use. Treat him again now

Take a jar of Hellman’s mayo to your hair and cover with a shower cap overnight. Wash out in the morning they should be gone

I would put mayo on there hair with plactic bag while they slept and rinse out it morning and they and eggs would be dead then comb

After using the lice kit I used the comb and rubbing alcohol daily to continue getting rid of them. Because I colored AND curled my hair with a curling iron I didn’t get them.

The mayonnaise for 10-12 hrs works better than Nix AND it conditions your hair

Throw stuffed animals in the dryer. Also dying your hair kills the lice too.

Tea tree oil / shampoo (or put the oil in the shampoo)

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I had to take my daughter to a place called lice exterminators but I live in Oklahoma and she kept getting it as soon as I would get rid of it it was ridiculous. Might see if your state has something like that place. She’s never had it again.

Oatmeal bath. Soak his head in it, it should relieve itching. Afterwards try itching cream on his head. Make sure you got the eggs the clothes he wore car seat brushes hes used make anything he had contact with has been cleaned. Might even try benerdryl cream on the his head

Smother/lather Coconut oil. I dont even buy the shampoos. And metal combs. And add tea tree oil to shampoo n conditioners to help repel .

The doctor can prescribe a stronger medicine my niece got it and it worked immediately

Treat his entire room-bed rugs, clothing drawers, etc. Bag up ANY and ALL soft or stuffed toys.

Get a nitty gritty comb and make sure u get all the eggs out or they won’t go. The best comb is the nitty gritty xx

Coconut oil smothered on your head. Let sit over night. Wash with dawn dish soap and apple cider vinegar. Blow dry on high heat, straighten…getting close to scalp…on high heat. Repeat every 2 to 3 days. High heat helps kill eggs.

The lice shampoo will.make your head ich the next day my daughter complained of the same thing for 2 days after its normal i believe

You should also bomb the house and then vaccum and wash the vacuum well after.

I’ve heard that hair dye will kill them so maybe now is the time to try a new hair color!

Nitty gritty combs are fab, my youngest has really thick curly hair and nits love it! I sit her in the bath smoother her hair in tea tree conditioner then go through it with the comb, rinse then give it a good wash with the tea tree Shampoo,condition again then go through it once she’s out the bath and do this every night for as long as it takes xxx

Apple cider vinegar is a god send, pour it over leave it on wash out and U don’t even need to comb it hardly! Only trick I use!

Stuff animals in black garbage bags for 48 hrs. Or put them through the dryers as well.

I always heard to shave the boys head and repeat the shampooing process .

Use mayo with shower cap. Helps the hair and kills the lice and eggs

Could be irritation from them biting? Just keep going through with conditioner and the comb x

Use a blow dryer. Get his head really hot. The heat will kill them. Do it over your sink make sure your sink is clean. Then after u have his head all hot shake his head or run your fingers through it and see if anything is in the sink u can do this for yourself as well

After itching for weeks your son now it’s a habit it will go away .

He may just be itching because he knew he had lice. Psychological??

I also buy fairy tales shampoo off of amazon

I am a mom of 4 and dealt with lice so much. First bag any and all stuff animals, I let them sit for a week. Vaccum off any sitting furniture then buy some sort of spray for lice for furniture. Treat kids hair with Vamousse. It is expensive but I find Nix and any other kind to not work. Vamousse is where it’s at. Treat and then pick out eggs and repeat in a week. Due it to your daughter as well. Even if you dont see it they could be still hiding. For you you can always call your local public health and they will be more then willing to check you.

use head and shoulders the kind with old spice in it.

My daughter’s got those critters and it was such a pain . I bagged all stuffed animals, dolls with hair, washed all pillows and bedding, cleaned all brushes, combs, hair ties, bows, hats ect… sprayed and vacuumed all carpet areas, Use a ROBI COMB FEQUENTLY and use FAIRY TALE SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER

Don’t share hair brushes or anything else

Coconut oil is good too. Dont worried about the Mayo it is actually a good conditioner sounds like you have all your bases covered it could be that the shampoo somehow made his scalp dry and he’s itchy or it could be eggs hatching you might want to duplicate his toast today

I know sounds stupid flea and tick shampoo

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Once you get it gone, please buy some real tea tree shampoo!!

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Do your car… Kids stuffed animals

Awww poor dear . That sucks .
I heard Hair dye helps.

If you have pets wash them too

Tea tree oil works everytime

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Lice bites itch for around a week so he may be clear but still itchy

Ive heard tea tree oil works

Don’t forget stuffed animals.

good hair cuts, use the treatment as directed and then some flea caret sprays also work for lice so use that on all surfaces bag all stuffed animals and fluffy toys for 2 weeks in tight trash bags. wash all bedding

When my step daughter had lice REALLY BAD (she has long, thick, curly hair), she gave it to me and my boy’s. I have long, thick hair and NOTHING seemed to work. I finally tried Lice Free (can purchase at Walmart, target, or any drugstore). It came with shampoo and a comb as well. It worked SO AMAZING! you need to retreat EVERYONE a week later, and I used the shampoo daily, and picked out eggs and lice, daily. The eggs will hatch, so it’s important to get rid of those as well. Some baby lice are tiny and difficult to see, hence maybe the scratching. I retreat a week later, with same brand, and 4 days after, I used vamousse, which worked good, too. H but the more hair you have, the more treatment you’ll need. My hair took 3 boxes.
But I washed and cleaned daily, also used a flea and lice powder treatment for my carpets and rugs. Even after I washed, I treated, then washed again. You need to literally clean and disinfect DAILY. Some items I threw away and purchased new. But everything needs deep cleaning; garage, attic, all rooms, all clothing, blankets, rugs, stuffed animals, hair brushes, EVERYTHING!

I have used Cetaphil when my daughter got lice last year, she hasn’t had it back yet.

Fairytale lice shampoo and leave in spray to repel. Worked great the 2nd year no lice.

I have thick hair and I couldn’t get rid of lies with any treatments. My big fat Greek wedding had just came out so my dad suggested we dose my head in windex. It didnt irritate my scalp, and I had no more lice.

And dye will kill it

Rinse with vinager, blow dry and id use a straightener

Dealt with lice with my daughter once in k and once when older after a summer camp - this stuff is the bomb for maintenance when they are little and all the snow gear is piled everywhere In The classroom- didn’t have a problem during school after she started using this - we did it ever Sunday night. We also use Paul Mitchell Tea Tree shampoo/conditioner just because we like the product but the tea tree in it probably doesn’t hurt :/)

Also I second bagging the stuffed animals!!! And make sure you concentrate on the seams of the mattress/couch with your furniture spray. And don’t forget your vehicle/car seats! After it dries vacuum your seams. And yes for sure rinse and repeat because of their life cycles.

They sell a lice repellent spray. It has rosemary in it. We had our dd’s hair in a pony tail and sprayed this in her every morning before school. Never had lice.

Use that daily to keep them away

I used to get get lice all the time from school when i was younger. My foster mom treated my hair, then used mayonaise, and eventually i dyed my hair blonde (it was already blonde) and thats what did it. As well as treating everything in the house. Boil brushes and any hair care item yall have used as well as sheets, blankets and pillows. Fair warning, if you choose to dye yalls hair, its going to burn from the bites. Try to keep him from scratching. Just a heads up. But good luck.


After dealing with a lice outbreak from hell on our 6 year old with SUPER THICK hair 2 years ago we’ve been super paranoid about lice. once school
Season is upon us we put a little bit of tea tree oil in our conditioner or just in a spray bottle with a little water as prevention. Lice hate it.


I’d shave his head n cut urs shorter :person_shrugging: my daughter got it every single spring for years. Last time she got it i had my sister cut it super short and bought her Fairytales lice prevention shampoo from Amazon. She hasn’t had it since. My other daughter has only had it once n it was hell cuz she had thick hair…my sons hair is kept trimmed short so he never gets it.

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Comb through hair twice a day for the next few weeks. They will be gone very soon. That really is the best thing you can do. Your son is probably just scratching from irritation due to previous bites. Tea tree definitely helps to keep them away. They don’t like it. It doesn’t kill them though. It’s more of a deterrent.

1 treatment rarely is 100% effective bc it doesn’t kill the nits and it is so easy to miss a single 1. My youngest daughter has had it twice no one else was affected but I did her hair every other day for a total of 3 times and did the nit comb everyday. I do suggest like the others have said purchase a metal lice comb it works so much better. Use repellant daily afterwards

Make sure you replace your hair brushes but also, you have to get the eggs… check behind the ear, lower neck especially if he has long hair or uses ponytails or head gear ( for sports or headbands etc) you may have to use your fingers to remove the eggs… if need to bend him over a towel or bathtub and brush the hair to remove any live critters… I promise it works . Your baby girls hair type may not be adequate for their environment, which is why she’s not struggling,same thing happened to us when they were younger. Good luck momma!

My daughter had hair down to her butt and I treated her for over 18 months off and on until I cut her hair and still to no avail could I get rid of them… Then I found a lice clinic near me and went and bought one of their special combs that grabed the nits and bugs… It literally got every egg… The comb was 15 dollars but I never had another issue getting rid of them.

If you have listerine you can pour it on let it sit for 20 mins than rinse it out it will smother anything live.q make sure you go through and pick the nits out or they’ll hatch every 7 dsys

Tea tree oil and coconut oil let sit on hair with bag for 30 min to an hour then comb through the hair with the nit comb and then shampoo out

Lice Free is non chemical, safe, and very effective. You must treat 7 days after the first treatment, and comb out all the dead lice/nits.

Children get lice quickly because we don’t blow dry children’s hair. When I was a senior in high school I worked at an elementary school and I would go with the nurse and help her look for lice in the children’s hair. The nurse would tell the children that lice like clean hair. Just because you have lice doesn’t mean your dirty

Best thing I ever did was bring my daughter to one of the professional Lice elimination places. If your area has one, go. It’s worth the $.