Needing advice on how to parent my 5 year old

Definitely see if putting your sin in activities help. I put my son in every sport I could. While it was a lot for my family it helped for a time. When he was 13 they diagnosed him with ADHD.
I think 5 is too young to be diagnosed with that. My opinion only.
I would say, redirect, discipline, consequences.

A belt should do the trick :woman_facepalming:t3:


My 5 year old is exacly like this … phewww im not alone

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My son wasn’t like that, you told him not to and he didn’t. Probably because his sister already did it. My grandson on the other hand, that child, you have to Jedi mind trick, him! Time outs, nose to corner, standing up works with him.

Have you been whooping that ass? Don’t think so or he wouldn’t be doing that crap.


Boredom, pent up energy, needing attention, talking to his Pediatrician M.D might be helpful. Typical, for high energy children to act out if not pychically and mentally challenged and structured.

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I’m not like promoting hitting your kid but my son acts the same way some days
And I try the taking something away time out, going to bed early and it does nothing
Ever since he was little and Iv honestly could count on one hand the number of times Iv actually had to do it but all I have to do is start counting 1…2 and he knows if I get to three he’s gonna get whack on the hand (literally the softest tap does the trick), just gotta find the one weird trick that works
Also to add I have to now “pow pow” the cat when the cat doesn’t listen, y’all ever had to grab a cats paw and tap it with a straight face cuz the cat isn’t listening to you. Parenting is interesting

Put him in sports let him work all that out in a proper manor

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As crazy as this sounds a probiotic may help … research has proven a definite link between the gut and brain that causes behAvior difficulties … lots of asd Spd and adhd kids have marked improvements with the addition of a probiotic …

I removed cheezels cheetos type snacks from my boys diets and replaced them with similar items from the natural chip company I swear they were reacting to an E number or something … our lives are very much calmer now … good luck
You are not alone well done for reaching out

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Ah, possibly ADHD. Does he have structure and routine? How often does he get real playtime?


As a grandmother I see my daughter in law going through the same exact thing with my grandson he just turned 6. What you need to do is take away their favorite toys. Limit watching tv shows, no candy limit the sweets he eats every day, good healthy diet. Get him outside to play every day. The hardest thing to do, is to sit down and talk to him without getting upset or raising your voice. That is really hard when all you wanna do it yell at him. Send him to a counselor that could help. Try every possible Avenue before putting him on medication. I pray you find the solution. Get other ppl involved grandparents, aunts, uncles whatever who ever it takes. Check on any support groups in the area not for him but for you. Stay strong.


Get him evaluated for O.D.D (obsessive defiance disorder)… if that’s what he has he literally can’t help acting the way he does and no amount of discipline will help.


My oldest is only 2 but since we had our second little one my oldest gets to be more hard tempered and defiant if I havent given her attention or taken her outside to burn off energy and get fresh air. So if there starts to be a chaotic day I stop and take her out to play or if the weather is bad we read a book or do a puzzle together, she usually sits in my lap and usually by the end she is in a much better mood and more willing to cooperate.

Have you had him checked for autism or adhd?


When my four year old son with type one diabetes was being an absolute hellion, our pediatrician told us to take his stuff away and bust his rear end so he knew he could not act that way. Only took a couple of swats and no toys or privileges for a few days to turn him around. Plus being farm people we gave him chores to do. Nothing drastic, just enough to make him understand you had to work to get what you want. He earned his toys back. Five minutes of raking, pulling a lunch sack of weeds, picking up pine cones. He’s a heck of a man today and using the same technics on his boy. Love our pedi! Made a world of difference in our lives and his.

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Pretty scary the amount of people on here recommending belts/other tools to hit their kids with…


Bring him to the doctor! It COULD be ADHD but he very well could just be a little boy :woman_shrugging:t2: best thing to do is get him to see someone. He could be angry at the world, and not know how to let his anger out! My boyfriend was like that as a kid, and after he learned how to let out his feelings he was waaaay better. Hang in there momma!:heart: do what feels best


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He is only getting your full on attention when he breaks something. :woman_shrugging:

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Can you tell him to run around the garden or run around the house 5 times, everytime he does something… As soon as you exhaust him, the better

Sounds very much like ADHD or similar. Jacinta Manning can you help this mumma out??

To the OP.
I think your son has strong signs of having ADHD.
Have you seen a paediatrician after all?
I know the school/daycare can fill in a questionnaire, you fill in one as well and that can give the paediatrician an outcome.
My eldest daughter has ADHD and she’s on medication everyday.
I was extremely hesitant at first because I didn’t believe in ‘drugs’.
However it’s been amazing.
My daughter is happier, her sisters and I are happier too.
I’m not pulling my hair out on a daily basis anymore.


Some comments do head in the same direction.
My son when starting school did not obey anything there. So I started a list. For every time going against the teachers orders I told him, I would take three toys. For every time mistreating a fellow student I took two toys and for every bad comment I would take one toy. As I started I put up a big garbage bag where said toys would go. And I started with small and not favorite stuff. Just to let him experience this is real.
I do not believe in any form of physical violence. It is not right to use 100 and more pounds on 30 something pounds, just because you could.
Worked miracles here.

I haven’t read all the comments- but also look into PANDAS

I had issues with my daughter as well. She was diagnosed with adhd and odd.

All these people stating smack the child if he does have adhd smacking him ain’t gonna help nor will it smack the adhd out him


Spank. Take toys away. No tv iPad computer etc. No desserts. No fun at all. He is basically grounded.


Could there be an underlying issue. Have you mentioned anything to his doctor etc xx

It sounds like ADHD. My son is non stop even when he does something he’s not supposed to. Even when disciplining it takes him longer than others to process what he’s done. The way I understand it is his brain is processing stuff faster than ours so in the moment he won’t process what he’s done as “unacceptable” behaviour. Until later on. My son is only 4 and has very obvious signs of ADHD.


It might be that he get attention not that I’m saying you are not giving your son attention but my son is 5 ad well and he is at an extremely difficult age and just seems that he needs that little bit extra attention and patience and sometimes they do things evan if it’s bad attention…but just be patient I know exactly how you feel I have sat so many time crying but they just need us to be strong for them as well take a long bath with a glass of wine good luck mommy wishing you all the best


Have you thought about therapy. Sometimes there is a reason why that may be mental. Not always but sometimes it can be

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There’s loads of reasons a child can be acting out this way. Is he like this everyday? Does he display this behaviour at school? Is he like this when at other people’s houses or outings? Maybe speak to the school, express your concerns maybe there’s an underlying cause. Has there been any changes or upset to his routine? Or maybe he’s just an active child who needs to keep busy? Some children have difficulty understanding.


He probably needs more physical activity.
I see parents bringing their kids to parks for fifteen minutes and then complaining the kid acts out.
When my child acts out it’s always because she’s got too much energy or she’s bored, or she’s upset by something.


Oh gosh! He sounds like he has symptoms of ADHD. This doesn’t seem like attention seeking behavior…it sounds like he’s honestly not able to slow down.


Sounds like m ADHD my 6 yr old daughter was the same way and that’s what they diagnosed her with. But instead of going the medication route I changed her diet around and got her some sensory toys to use as well


Have you ruled out any medical issues? People are quick to say smack him ! :rage:

Cut out all red dye from his food. It will make a huge difference and usually takes about 2 days before it’s out of his system am you will start noticing a difference.


My son has ADHD & now that he’s older I know it’s HARD for him to control himself. Now he’s turning into a teen & when he starts to act out I sit with him & let him talk. That way he can express how he’s feeling & understands the behavior isn’t okay because I too can express my side. I will say the times when he’s being “difficult” is when he’s not feeling noticed/appreciated, poor diet (too much sugary & processed foods etc), & not being challenged enough. There are a lot of resources just remember to follow your instincts because you’ll know what to do in your heart. Disciplining with force is not at all the answer. It’ll most likely make the behavior worse & have negative long-term effects into adulthood. Don’t get me wrong, we take things away & he is actually grounded right now but it’s not out of anger or frustration. I really wish society could learn about child development at an early age. You got this. The world is heavy right now🥰


I was just wondering if he d been checked for adhd

ADHD maybe or have you had your doctor check for autism etc

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It bothers me how many people feel that there is something wrong with him. Boys can be very destructive some worse than others. A lot of the times it’s because they just can’t release all that pent up energy. I am not saying that you can’t get him evaluated but it seems like doctors are throwing out labels left and right. We label not on lab work but on just common behavior. I know there are many opinions in this area and mine won’t be the popular one. You just have to be consistent with discipline, do your best to create a safe environment and in time it will get better. Of course like I said if you feel better go ahead and get him evaluated. My son that was very much like this is now 16 and no longer like that but I did use discipline and I was consistent. If they are left to continue the behavior it could get worse in the sense that they have no respect for you or for others. But I have also seen boys just grow out of the stage.

Remember every child is different and will respond differently to everything you try. It’s going to take time and patience to figure out what methods work best for your kiddo, so stay strong.
I would do some research on what are some proven methods for behavior modification, I know it’s gonna be a lot so write down the things you’re not using or haven’t tried. I was told it take 3 weeks to see results, and to implement only 3 things at a time (so 3 & 3). For example; positive reinforcement, consistent punishment (we bought a kitchen timer so my nephew can keep track of his time, we keep it on a shelf near his timeout stair, and you’d be surprised at how well he responded to it!!!) is REALLY important: the same punishment for the same offense each time no matter what. Modify his schedule, kid’s his age need 10-13 hours of good sleep(there’s a chart you can look up), and definitely eliminate processed foods and high amounts of sugar if you can (this was HUGE with my son, his energy level went from 500 to manageable!). Also, talk to him like he understands everything, he probably doesn’t, but explaining everything will help him comprehend the hows & why’s of his actions.
Most of all hang in there!!! I know it’s hard and you’re exhausted from it all, but you can do this!

What’s his diet and sleep schedule?

Too much Sugar is like crack to a 5 year old. I also have a 5 year old boy, who is genuinely a good kid 90% of the time, but when he gets a certain amount of sugar- be in a drink, candy, or anything- he turns into a completely different person. Like a switch, he can’t help it. He does not listen, can’t sit still and becomes destructive. Crazy. Just something to think about, I would analyze what he’s eating/drinking, maybe try to pinpoint if it happens more often after a certain snack or at a certain time. You will be surprised how much sugar is in food and drinks you normally wouldn’t even think about!!
Also sleep. Being overly tired can imitate symptoms of ODD, when actually they just need a nap or bed.
Being a boy mom is hard, Hugs! :sparkling_heart:

Talk to a pediatrician. Maybe he has adhd and can’t control his behavior, in that case no matter what u do it may not work. Good luck momma, stay strong​:heart::heart:

sighs I dont know why you parents this days never spank your kids.?..a good ass whooping would do! I’d say black moms discipline with a iron fist that’s why our kids dont make us cry. I always tell my soon to be 7yr old son, I’m your momma, I gave birth to you, it’s not the other way around…you either listen once and comply or you get a whooping, period. But always apologize and explain to you child what they did was wrong and that’s why they got belted, mine learnt that way and he NEVER repeats a mistake.


This sounds like he doesn’t have much fear. I would talk to a doctor. But then again we don’t know you so I think you should use your intuition

Time out chair and be consistent!!!

Soap and a good spanking worked well for most of us reading this…
Guess these days that is not acceptable’ but we end up with the civil disobedience we are seeing as a result of change in direction…good luck


Have you considered speaking to your dr? He may have a medical condition that causes him to be hyper active like ADHD? That’s what it sounds like to me. My first cousin was similar as a kid but wasnt diagnosed til the age of 9 after my aunty finally took him to see a GP.

Please please please speak to your doctor. My son is also adhd, and did things like this. I would cry constantly, and pull my hair out. It truly sounds like adhd. Just know that he absolutely can not control it, and no amount of spanking will make him better. It is a psychological issue, and needs to be addressed with medication. My son sees a specialist, and the first thing they tell you is that it is a neurological problem with impulse control. Its like trying to stand in a room full of 50 people and having a conversation with every person at once, while trying to do homework. You can’t just stop, you can’t just turn it off. That is what these kids go through every minute, and no amount of spanking will fix it. He needs medical intervention, and it is not your fault. Seek out medical care, and you will see the light at the end of the tunnel, I promise. The medicines out there today will not put him in a stupor or make him feel drugged up.

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Turn him over and blister his ass a few times​:bangbang::bangbang::bangbang::bangbang:show him who the boss is!!

Rassling is a great way to get energy out . Get down there with him, its a great bonding experience. For mom and dad both. Its a good way to establish boundaries, while doing something fun. 7 Best Tips for Roughhousing With Kids That Will Improve Behavior

Kids with ADHD do this
I have one who is 6. Got him into behavior therapy and it really helped both of us.

I call bs saying that a child with ADHD does not learn from a spanking. My daughter who is now grown has ADHD got spanked. ADHD or not a child has to know right from wrong. Each child is different in how they learn so that is your choice as a parent and your job to know what works. I don’t agree with ADHD medication. It makes them a zombie. Kids with ADHD are very intelligent,special little humans. Try giving him coffee or match powder green tea. The L-Theanine in the tea helps them focus and calm down. There are also supplements that can be used.

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First rule out any behavior or disability issues. My 7 year old was very wild and would do dangerous things he has autism not diagnosed with adhd but I believe he has that as well. Structure and routine are key with any child. Parenting is hard anyways especially these days because life is full speed people work so much just to make it and family has kinda taken a back seat. Good luck hope it gets better remember each day is a new day and they aren’t little forever. Pick and choose your battles :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sounds like he is a seeker. When he’s breaking stuff like that, that’s a form of stemming. I have two kids on the spectrum, one with adhd and Tourette’s Syndrome as well. That sounds like you need to get into your pcp for an observation referral, friend.


Give him chores…small chores of course, but he’ll be helping and it’ll give him something to do.
We have a very active 6 yr old…we try not to have a ton of down time(it’s tough and busy) he has a sport almost every night after school, if he’s busy there’s never an issue…it’s when he gets bored sh*t hits the fan!

My son is 17 months old but is very energetic, rough and destructive. We have to find ways to get out his energy. Taking him to the park and letting him run it out, swimming, playing in the yard etc. maybe trying to find ways for him to expel some of that boy energy could help.


Have you talked to his doctor? I would ask them. They may refer you to a specialist.

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A good ass whooping goes a long way


What does the father do to help out with stopping this behavior?
Sometimes it takes two parents on the right level to be able to get kids to act right. Encourage good behavior maybe try giving him something he loves when he does show that he can behave correctly.

I know this is hard on you as a parent. I often felt like I was failing my overly active child . He would do outrageous things and I would just wonder what I was doing wrong. This is just how some personalities are. Keep giving your son channels for his energy. Keep re-enforcing that destructive poor behavior is not acceptable and will incur consequences. I know how hard it is. Also talk with his pediatrician find out what programs are available for children with behavioral issues. I know it’s hard but you are your sons voice and guardian angel. You will get through this.

He needs a jungle gym in your backyard fast. And you need to tire him out during the day. He sounds like he might be bored and also understimulated.


Yes keeping boys active. 2 weeks ago my 4 yr old son (5in January) Hung on the towel rack in our bathroom and now there’s a really big hole in the wall.
I take him to a park near our house and we walk about a mile. I’m not saying reward bad behavior, because there r plenty of times he doesn’t get to play at park due to his behavior but the walking calms him n me.

Sounds like my son . He is in second grade and he has high functioning autism. It’s not easy some days but the doctors have helped me deal with this. I would talk to his doctor and go from there

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He is full of energy… find something he likes that will use up the energy like going up & down the stairs 6 times… Medication is the last resort… scheduals are the best up @ 6am no nap sleep @7am … spanking is allowed in canada 3 yrs ago … Happy energetic healthy growing boy… be happy not in front of a tv or computer instead!!!


Discuss w his pediatrician. This doesn’t sound like a simple behavioral issue, just based on the bit of info provided. ADHD & high functioning autism both tend to present this way, especially in boys. Also, food allergies/sensitivities will cause a kid to act wild.

I’d say ask the peditrican and go from there. However from experience I’d say have him evaluated for autism and then again for ADHD. My son was the same and it was so hard cause he couldn’t verbalize things and he was so out of control. He was a flight risk after opening the door and running twice. Ya I’ve had my run in with cps too because of the behaviors. However we found out he’s high functioning autism and with a level of adhd is crazy, he’s on 5meds to help him function to be socially accepted. Even then we do tss services for school.

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Even if ur child is ADHD or whatever I dont believe n medicating an underdeveloped brain. He needs structure and a safe place to destroy things. Kids dont know anything about anything as parents its our job to teach them n give them a safe place to explore. And dont take this the wrong way but when hes destroying what r u doing?.. Alot of time when were yelling or our kids r destorying were being a lazy parent. When i find myself wanting to yell or “getting on to them” im usually laying down or sitting; being lazy myself… I check myself b4 i check my kids but i do most def check them after! U got this mom.


Play with him. Get outside and Chuck a ball around with him or something, take him for walks. If you already do that then I would consider checking him for ADHD or autism.

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Wall to wall counciling

Sounds like he has an over abundance of energy…like a lot of little boys do! Make sure he has a productive outlet for that energy. Sports, activities…anything! We got our boys a trampoline and they burned off a lot of energy on that. Also a good schedule and routine helps. Make sure that you are giving him enough attention as well. Sometimes as parents we have so many things on our plate that it’s hard to balance. When kids feel they can’t get attention in good ways, then they resort to the bad ways and start acting out. Bad attention to them is better than no attention. And some kids need more attention than others! If none of these suggestions help, I would definitely speak to his doctor. There could be an underlying issue that is causing all this bad behavior. Good luck! Being a parent is definitely a hard job sometimes!


Sounds like a sensory overload to me. Weighted blankets or weighted teddy that he can carry around. Some kids have heavy back packs that help with the excessive energy.
Big exaggerated movements can help calm too. Maybe making a course in the back yard that has big step ups and under, climbing, swinging gear if possible may help too.
Best of luck!!

Talk to a doctor and take him to a behavioral therapist. Both you as the parent and him as the child, can learn new tools and ways to work through it.

In my neck of the woods, we believe in wooping their ass :woman_shrugging:t3:


One of my children had such a hard time controlling herself to the point I actually refereed to her as a demon controlled spider monkey. The herbalist that ran the shop I had to go into one day when this behavior was happening calmly asked me if I had ever tried giving her catnip tea.
Used organic herbs, 1 teaspoon/ cup of water and mixed it w/ peppermint tea. She was small then so only gave her 1/2 of it twice a day. Calmed her down without making her “drugged out”, she was herself and in control of herself.
Turned out she has food intolerances. Can’t have chemicals in her food (no non organic fruit or vegies), also has issues with wheat, non cultured dairy and food additives. It all sends her central nervous system into overload and she literally can’t control herself.
Now she is almost grown and doing great.

Sounds like kiddo need more outdoor play time.

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My son is ODD, oppositional defiant disorder. Look it up, he sound like my son. I talk to him alot and explain things, I’m straight forward and blunt, if he runs in the road I say, do you want to get hit by a car and die? He responds to that, if I would just say you need to look both ways because a car could be coming, he wouldnt hear me. I also manipulate him by making him think hes making the choices, it helps.


Let him run around outside! My boy has to go outside at LEAST once a day, if not 2 or 3 times! They need to run, jump, play, climb, observe learn.

They don’t need medications!!!


Breathe girl, breathe. #1 thing that helped my son was less carb diet, more protein and fats - it made a huge difference. #2 was when he started kindergarten, more play dates outside and he would play hard alllllll day. He’s 14 now and has to be in sports or else he loses his mind…me too :laughing:

My 3 1/2 year old is the same way has shattered flat screen tvs broken laptops put holes in the wall breaks almost all the toys grabs anything you can think of and will dump it everywhere and so on I feel ya mama :heartbeat: I have three toddlers it’s always hectic and he’s my middle wild child and I’ve also tried everything his pre school has exhausted all options to figure out how to keep him calm were on the last option of someone coming in to watch him at pre school to see what they think.

There is an actual psychological condition about resistance to authority. Call a mental health professional now. Nip it in the bud before he gets older and turns into a criminal.

Talk with a counselor they maybe able to give you some professional answerz

Routine ,take him out everyday ,watch foods with high sugar and colours clear boundaries, star chart and reward for so many stars collected…set bedtime etc…cut tv screen time ,naughty step …take toys away for destructive behaviour give back for good behaviour…failing all this go the doctors to rule out adhd etc,good luck x