I thought about naming my daughter after my dad, who’s name is Richard but I can’t seem to come up with a girl’s name. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Ciarha, Char, Richelle
Richie, Ricky, can be spelt differently Rickee, Rickie, Rikki
Maybe as a middle name.Richi. It’s hard.
Instead of a first name do it as the middle
Look up meaning if the name Richard. richi is one it sounds girli.
Ricarda is Spanish version
Chard, the ch sounds like Chardonnay.
Rikki❤️…my daughter’s name as well
What is ur dad’s middle name? May be easier. My granddaughter has her uncle’s middle name, Leslie. And it fits nicely
Richenda, Rickie, Rikki, Ricki, or Rikkie
Reese Shea (maybe too much of a stretch)
My husband tried to get anyone to name a girl Richetta. No one dis.
Chardalynn, Riquel, Charity, Charista, Charlayna, RichiLyn
Ricarda in Spanish… with the O at the end it means Richard in Spanish
Richanda(Rishaunda pronounced)
Rochelle or Charlotte?
The meaning of the name Richelle is: “Rich and Powerful ruler; Derivative: Feminine form of Richard”. From Google lol
Chardie (Richard in anagram ) pronounced shardie
Richarde is the French feminine equivalent to Richard.
Richie would be super cute. What was his middle name?
Char. Ricarda. Rich. Carda.
Knew a lady whose name was Ernest Franklin. She had a sister named William Charles. Go with Richard.
Richelle it’s my one daughter’s middle name
Richenda and Ricarda… These are the feminine names for Richard, Thus you can get Rikki, Rikkie, Ricki, and Rickie… Also Risha is a short name for Rishenda (It is my sister in law)
Maybe use Richard as a middle name.
My friend had done this also… named her daughter Richelle.
Ricarda and Richenda
Richardson means “Son of Richard”!
I like Ricki or initials
Darchi? Richard backwards without the R
Also came up with Daria but took out some letters.
I would look up the name Richard in other countries. I have a friend who had three daughters. The first ones name was Grace and the other two had different names but the meaning of their name was Grace in a different country😊.
Ricarda, Rikki, Richenda, Richardine, Richara
Richarda, Richilde,Ricarda, Richelle
Rikki… my dad’s name was Richard.
Richarla… Ricarla… Rickayla.Rickyla
A little out there but how about Chardonnay? The “chard” from Richard…
Went to school with a girl, her name was richana
Rita Marie :::pretty name
I knew someone who had a little girl Ricki… loved it
Ricki or Ritchie (both girls names)
Maybe Richard as middle. Or like Richelle
Rikalle I just made it up lol
I knew a Rickie Mae! I loved her name
I knew a girl named Ricci (pronounced Ricky) …she was beautiful and unique:purple_heart:
Ricci (ri-chi) - Nina Ricci
Ricayla or Dixie (if he has ever gonna by Dick instead of Richard).
Richie. Or use it as a middle name
She’ll be fine if nothing else just name her middle name Richard and she’ll be proud of it when she gets older
You could look at the name RICHARD and make a name out of his…
Does he shorten it to like rich or dick?
Dixie would be cute!
I used my dad’s name for my daughter’s middle name.
Richelle … Kind of the same as Michelle and Michael…
My dads name is Richard (Rick) and my daughters name is Rikki!
Ciarha, Ria, Char, Richelle
Ricki you know like Ricki Lake?!?
Richarlyn, Richy-ann, Richandra, Richael, Richana, Richnella, Richane-lee just some suggestions🤣
My husband had a cousin named after her father Richard. Her name is Ricca. Very unique, I’ve always liked it.
You could wait & see if you ever have a boy? If you can’t find any names
My name is richelle (after my dad richard) and everyone always called me ricki growing up
Richelle bit pronounced ri -shelll so its not to masculine … kids are mean
Chardae. Ricardae. Ricki
Reshard . Rishard Reershard… a girl for Richard…
I know a little girl called Ricki-lynn
Ricky such a cute spunky girls name
Ricci, Ritzi, Ritchel, Richae, Rishey, Chardee, Charie
Raylynn, Rycardo, Rachie
Ricki. love the name for a girl
Ricarda it is a Spanish feminine variant of the Old High German name Richard.
Richarde. (Rish-ard)
Name her Richard and tell her of her history… she will be quirky… artsy… and hang out with the band kids!
My grandfather was Ravan Doyle. My daughters middle name is Ravan. If you can’t come up with a first name you love using Richard, then use Richard as her middle name. My daughter loves to tell people where her name came from & she’s 22 now.
Rickie, as in Rickie Lake, a wonderful actress and talk show host. She was in Cry Baby, The Winterbourne’s, and several other movies.
That’s a tough one. I’m seing basically the same suggestions which to me aren’t particularly appealing. Unless you can think of your own unique version, maybe try a version of his middle name instead. Good luck.
I’ve got a girl cousin named Ricky…I used my dad’s middle name for my daughter…it’s Dale, but I spelt it Dayle
I have a little girl in my kindergarten class named Richenza.
I have a friend named Richonda. Named after her dad richard.
My mom named my sister Rhoda Michelle after both grandfathers, Richard and Michael.
My little girl’s dad has the same name. He was gonna name her Richarda. Nope…
Mix round a bit and call her Chardri…always have ricci, or ricky x
A girly name with Richard as the middle name would be my choice, but there is Richelle/Richael, Richenda, Richalee Richlyn, Richina (l
Similar to Regina).
I have a relative named Ricki-Lee… I think it’s super cute!
Our daughter is named Richelle after her dad Richard
Richa Arden?
Richa means hymn or verse, Arden means place of solitude, great beauty.
I know a girl named ricki. I love the gender neutral names
I always liked Rikki as a girls name
Raquel in Spanish is similar to Ricardo or richard
Richards is the female version of Richard. Maybe Raquel or Rachel
In our tribe, we take the last syllable of our father’s name. For example my Grandfathers’ name was Mimik, my fathers’is Mikjum and mine is Jumbin. So I’d suggest Chardelle maybe
My niece’s middle name is Richelle you have to make it flow through the whole name though…
My grandfather names was Richard Davison, and my name is from his Da - Richa… Daricha
I know someone named Richelle and they call her Rikki
Richelle, or just put Richard on her birth certificate, and call her Ricki
Richenda is the female version I believe. I could be wrong x
Rikki, Rikkie, Ricki, and Rickie (and any other spelling with the same sound) are the only feminine forms of Richard I know. If you don’t mind going a little off, Ricarda and Richenda are the only other two I could find.
Likeke is the Hawaiian name for Richard.