Needing help with naming my daughter after my father Richard


My daughter is Michelle after my god father michael. I guess find something close & know that is because of him :smiling_face:

Richard in Spanish is Ricardo you can make it feminine and name her Ricarda :slightly_smiling_face:

This is what I found: Richard, correctly, only forms two feminine names - Ricarda and Richenda.

Regina? It makes me think of Kings and their Queenly counterparts.

Ricarda and Richenda are the female names for Richard . GOOGLE :slightly_smiling_face:

Name her Richard but pronounce it like the Cajuns pronounce Richard (Ri-chard)

Do not name her Richard!..a girl called Dick is gonna have a hard time.

Richard, sometimes called Rick. How about Ricky

Call her Richie. Super cute

Named her Ricci instead :blush:

Ricardina I work with a girl who has that name

Ricki or Rikie, spelled different, pronounced the same.

Ricki is cute for a girl.

Richelle, Regina, Richetta come to mind

Ricki, Rachelle, Richie, girl you do you

Richlynn, Richlee, Richie?

Rachelle, Richa, Richarda, Richie,Riki,Ryann,

Rickie, Ricky, Ricki

Riccie or Ricksie, Rixie

Richelle, Rickelle, Richene, Richleen, Richlynne, Richena, Richeline

Rochelle, Ricki, Rachel