Needing potty training advice

My youngest daughter is 2. And I think she is ready to potty train but is sooo stubborn. I will put her on the potty, and we’ve sat there for almost an hour and her not do anything, but as soon as I take her off and put her in a diaper, pull-up, or panties, she pees in them. I also wake up, and she has taken off her pants and diaper and had peed on her floor. What do I do?!


Obviously sounds like she isn’t ready


My daughter was like this for a little bit. She was too scared until after she turned 3 and then she was ready. We had to try multiple different potty chairs until she found one she would use. We also did small surprises to encourage her to go.

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Sounds like she’s not ready hon. No worries.

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Ugh. So my knee jerk reaction is to spank her! Peeing on the floor is absolutely not acceptable. But yes she’s not ready. For the toilet. Try getting her something smaller? She might not know what to do with it. So ask her if she has to go then put her on the toilet with her pull up still on. Don’t worry about the time limit. When you limit the time, you limit her, and that’s not going to make things go any faster. You definitely have her in the right direction but the issue isn’t the potty training it’s peeing on the floor. She knows it’s supposed to go somewhere. Start there.


Stop. And try again in a few months. My daughter was interested off and on for almost a year. She just turned 3 in Aug and was fully potty trained in a weeks time when SHE was ready.


My little one had one of those minature potties and it was in the restroom. Whenever i would go she would go in with me, she didnt use it but she would sit there and i would explain to her. She would start asking me questions about what i was doing on the toilet. I did rewards for her using the potty, candy and a fun chart with stickers. And i did diaperless, she had a few accidents but got it quickly!! But she also used the potty 2 times and didnt use it again for 6 months so it can take some time! But i recommend the little potty snd its nice for emergencies if someone is using the restroom!

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This book help me a lot. I definitely recommend it.

Pediatricians recommend to begin at age three but each child is different sounds like she may not be ready. But she may need a little more motivation to.

When she is ready dont use pull ups or diapers. I fought my boys through months of potty training. Someone gave me that advice when my daughter was ready to start and we never looked back. She was trained in a week or two. It’s all about timing if she isnt ready now just wait a little longer. And maybe try some bib coveralls or footie jammies something that will make removing the pull up a little more difficult until you get there

okay but what can I do I have a 3 year old and she was potty trained suddenly after we told her she was having a sister she started peeing in her bed and I’ve even tried waking up throughout the night to go wake her up to use the restroom & she does go but she still somehow pees herself

My daughter jumps off and then pees on the floor. 2 is a fun age!

Sounds like she’s not completely ready… make it a fun thing when you introduce the training potty though.

I am currently potty training my 1 year old. Its a battle but consistency is key. both of my girls were potty train fully by 2 years old. I bought my son a cow potty for like $12 on amazon and he loves to sit on it and “try”, but when he actually does have to pee he gets up and squats next to it. I tell him no and put him on the toilet as soon as he starts. Kids always have little tells if they need to pee you have to learn and watch for them and when they start showing the signs then rush them to the potty chair if she uses it reward her with something (we do stickers, carrot sticks, or string cheese) and always clap when she goes in her big girl potty! Get her excited about it and getting the rewards for doing it will all help.

If you are a stay at home mom commit yourself to three days straight put her on the potty 15 min on 50 min off . Put a piece of toilet paper in the toilet before she sits down and tell her to see if she can pee on it. Treat her with her favorite juice. Keep her drinking so it will give her the urge when it’s time to sit back on the toilet.

My daughter was the same. She would even take off her diaper and put on her underwear and then pee in them. I ended up putting a tarp down putting her potty on it and then grabbed a bunch of books and toys. I also had a reward bucket so that if she was successful she got a prize. Then I set a timer for every 10 minutes and put her on the potty when it went off. One time she was standing beside the potty when the timer went off and she peed so I had her try to clean herself and the mess on the tarp (of course I helped her) she was sk disgusted with having to clean her mess that she did whatever she could to avoid it again.

I tried to potty train at 2 because she was showing signs of bring ready, but like you she didn’t want to learn. So I held off and when she was 2 and a half I tried again. This time I decided to just put her in panties (unless we had to go somewhere) and took her to the potty very often and made sure to be ready to clean up any accidents which wjere inevitable. It took about 2 weeks, but after that there where no accidents.

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2 is too young! My daughter was ready at 3 and we only used pull ups for two months before she was dry every night. I put a small potty in her room near the door in case she needed to go to the bathroom but couldn’t get there in time. Worked like a charm!

Then shes not ready.

Sounds like she isn’t ready don’t force it as it will take longer. Best to wait till she tells u

Have her sit until she pees. Give her anything she wants to keep her happy and push the liquids. When she does pee, immediately reinforce her with something that is highly motivating to her (candy is popular). Let her have a 5 minute break and then repeat. Increase the breaks by 5 minutes if she can get through the break without an accident. Once you start the process, do not put her back in a diaper/pull up unless it’s bedtime. Hope this helps and good luck! :blush:

The one thing my doctor will my it’s his pediatrician told me was that I’m sick and they’re wet underwear a good 5 to 10 minutes afterwards put in the bathtub wash them up and put them in tomorrow and where and if she pees again but the plastic bag back on the floor and have her sit in it eventually she’ll get the clue and she ain’t going to like the wetness and she should start using the toilet got my kids potty trained within 2 weeks

My son was 3 before i potty trained him. He was just ready… dont put too much pressure on her or you. If she’s not ready just leave the nappys for a few more weeks and try again another time x

This is part of potty training. Start by talking about how nice it is not wearing diapers and shop for (cheap) knicks together. I ended up doing Gina Ford Potty training in a week. Also use a diary of when she pees and encourage her to go on it just before, don’t have her sat on it for hours.

My little girl was stubborn and very hard to potty train. We got her a little potty watch, u set it for so long and when it starts playing music she goes to sit on the potty and everytime she does something she gets a piece of candy or something of ur choice. My little girl loved wearing the watch just bc it was pretty pink lol


We rewarded with a treat when my grandson used the potty.

Omg my daughter is 2 as well and also having a hard time potty training her

She’s 2. When she’s ready she will. You can encourage but until she is ready you’re fighting an up hill battle.
Every parent struggles with this. I had a kindergarten teacher tell me she never saw a student in diapers.
That’s all I needed to hear as a young struggling mom.

You’re letting her get away with naughty behavior she will keep doing what you don’t want.

Take the diapers away in the day put under wear. On her diaper at night be firm with it .

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Put a potty in her room an let her have access to big potty. Let her know potty is for pee-poop this is where you go.
Naked training worked for us.

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I did the cheerio in the toilet for my girl and fire in the toilet for son and last girl was trained by her sister Big sister sat on big toilet and little one sat on potty back wards lol it worked

Put some Cheerios in the potty and make a game out of it. I have all boys so it would be slightly different lol, but have her potty on them, and give her a reward after.

My youngest would go to kindergarten for a half day and Never had an accident. I was working at my church’s mother say out. She would not have an accident there either! But the minute we got home she would! One day, after changing her clothes after an accident, I lost it! I went and got her training pants and put them in the bathroom. Told her if she had an accident, she had to clean herself up! Within 2 days, she stopped wetting her pants!


Ditch the pull ups. They just confuse them. My granddaughter is two 1/2. She does well on most days but some days she is just too concerned with other things to use the potty. We still have to remind her every hour or so. We only use pull ups at night or if we have a long car ride. She knows the concept of using the potty, she can use it just fine but there are still days when she wets her pants. Time and patience. Some can train at two. Some are closer to four. Just depends on the child. My older granddaughter is four almost and was trained by 2 1/2. One day it will just click with them almost overnight. Good luck!


Help her play with the potty by putting a baby doll, or her teddy bear on it. Let her sit on it for a few minutes, let her up, and then take her back after 20 minutes. Kids can’t tell time and really have no concept of time anyway. Your daughter has control of potty training, not you! Relax, don’t disapprove if she has an accident, just keep taking her potty and praise her when she potties in the potty. Use pull ups only at night. They are like diapers and kids are used to going in a diaper. My best advice to you is: kids don’t graduate from high school wearing a diaper. So kids do get potty trained eventually! Relax and she will too!


Give her a treat. At first give her one for at least trying. Then once she starts going in the potty only give her one for pee and two for poop. Also don’t make her sit her there for an hour. Do 5 minutes. I’ve worked at a daycare for two years and this has worked. But also I have dealt with kids that aren’t just ready. Let them make the decision when they are ready!:slight_smile:

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Don’t use lull ups, they are the same as a diaper and she knows she can pee in them. Let her pick her own panties at the store, as soon as she wakes take her to the potty then return every 30min. Making her sit there for longer than 5 minutes (at the most) does absolutely no good. Reward her when she goes. My youngest went to the bathroom with all 4 of us almost everytime we went, he was potty trained in just a couple days because he knew what to do after a year if following everyone else. Lol. Be patient, if she pees in her pants be kind & say something like “oh no! Your princess undies arent pretty anymore!” (Or whatever is on them).she also may not be fully ready, she will tell you when she’s ready

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Sounds weird, but try laying toilet paper down in the potty first. My son wouldn’t poo in the potty. I asked him why and he said he didn’t like the water hitting his butt. Maybe thats what happens with her since girls have to sit for everything. It can be a little scary when that happens. Just a thought.


I had one like this. I took away allvof the pullups panties potty chair and said " I am so sorry you are not big enough to use the potty . It is ok. Someday you will be a big girl and be able to use the potties. Every day for the next 2 weeks she asked for her potty and I said Oh I don’ t know you really are not yet ready. Aftee 2weeks I said I guess we could try again. She used the potty every time from that point on.

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Actually, you are doing good. Get her used to sitting on it, no pressure. Tell her what a big girl she is. Let her have books, small toys, sing songs, whatever she likes. Eventually, she will just catch on. No child has ever never been potty trained due to the parent picking the wrong method.

Make it fun. Get a little board and everytime they use the potty they can put a star by their name or give a treat when she does. Try about every three hours going to the potty and act like you have to go and give her praise when she does. My son was broke in a week.

First find a potty chair with music once you pee in it then have her choose some panties that she like with princess on them or whatever third once you put them panties on her never go back to putting pull ups on no matter if your going out after awhile she won’t like the wet feeling she will stop. A lady taught me this for my daughter and it worked great.

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You show her. You practice for brief periods. Keep potty close by. When she is ready she will potty train herself. Emphasize we want dry pants like big girls. Praise NOT punishment or any treatment or words that cause her shame or anxiety over potty training or she wont have anything to do with it. Patience. Not all kids are ready at 2 but she will eventually.

Persistence and lots of patience!!! They have to connect that potty in toilet type of thing. I always had the best luck with sticking them in front of the tv or electronic and giving them fluids until they pee! Once she does it and you praise her it will start clicking a little more!

Leave her alone she’s not ready. Give it a break for a little while and try again. At this point it seems everyone is frustrated. It happens like magic when their almost 3 ( just pee first) and now my almost 4 year old is potty independent on on numbers 1 and 2. After the break start back up by watching potty videos on YouTube, then go to dollar tree and get a plastic bin and fill it with crappy $1 toys and candy. Put it up high in the bathroom and tell her if she pees in the potty she can pick a prize. I did that and she instantly pulled down her pants and peed in the potty :woman_facepalming: then it took another 4 months for her to get tired of dirtying her panties with number 2. She’ll get there before kindergarten that’s all that matters.

Place a lg t-shirt on her, no diaper! She will not like peeing on herself. I have potty trained many babies in my daycare with this method. Only takes a few days. Never failed! Just keep a mop handy until she gets the hang of it. Dont forget to use a lot of praise!

Sit her on the potty and let her drink water, juice, milk etc as she watches her favorite show. Then when she absolutely has to go and does, make a really big deal about it. Tell her how proud you are! Clap and do a dance. Then when she doesn’t go, on the potty, she may not like it because she’s wet and has to stop playing to change clothes.

Just wait until they’re ready. About 2.5. They’ll learn it quickly. It’s too early for them to control it
I asked my 2.5. Every morning, diapers or cute underwear. One day he said underwear and I reminded him he can’t pee in underwear. Done. I know not all that easy for some kids. Don’t rush them.

Take her to the bathroom once every half hour to a hour. Run the water in the sink. I never used pull ups at all remind her what a big girl she is in panties. Pull ups are just a diaper in my book! Stop liquids at 6 depending on what time she goes to bed at night make sure that’s the last thing you do before bed! She may not be ready usually around 2 and a half is better.

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She’s not ready. Don’t push her. Have her go when you go and pause her for trying. There aren’t many high schoolers graduating in diapers. She’ll get there too.

I had a potty chair and at 1-2 hour intervals would put my daughter on potty chair and let her watch a video. When she would go we would all carry on like she won the lottery and give her a small reward- cookie, stickers. It took some time but she bought into it and later would put herself on potty chair just to get a sticker.


My daughter did the same I had to be patient and wait for her to be ready took her til almost 4 years old to finally be ready on her own… one day she just pulled everything off and went pee on the potty. I also tried the sticker charts etc to encourage her along the way

My advice let her pick a potty chair or seat and take it slow I would let my girls sit on there potty at first in there undies to pee because they didn’t like the water or the air on there butt after a week they both found that gross and took undies off to pee also a lot of telling the big girls wear undies baby’s wear diapers some say 2 is to young and it is for some but all 4 of my baby’s were out of diapers by 2.5

My mom poured warm water on my privates as i sat on the potty so that i would go. To this day running water makes me have to pee

I’m a firm believer in when they are ready they will do it. My oldest would bring me dry diapers after going on the pot . I had done nothing towards potty training. Only 4 accidents that happened during illness. My youngest was trained at the babysitters her accidents were to many to count.

Do you bring her in with you while you pee? Take her you, sit her on her training potty (get one if you don’t have one), and you sit on the potty and pee. Explain to her what pee is, and it is a natural thing to leave the body. Mommy, daddy, older siblings don’t wear diapers. When she goes potty, give her a special reward, and ONLY if she goes potty.

She obviously ISNT ready. You are ready and the kid isnt. Accept that and wait. My oldest pt at 4, my middle was fully day and night trained at 18m bc I was pt’ing along side her brother. My youngest I tied 2x to pt and just stopped and let HER decide. Day after her 3rd birthday she asked to use the potty and that was that.

I would suggest getting a board and stickers with her favorite character and once she gets to the end of the board she gets a special treat. I also suggest getting a potty seat to eleviate any fears

It’s been years, but I took my daughter to pick out her own panties, and she liked them so much, she didn’t have accidents in them. I used pull-ups at night.

I had no problem with my son, he was completely potty trained by age 2. Good luck

Put the potty chair away for a few months and let her be. Sometimes they are just not ready.

With my son we just switched to undies and I put a potty chair in every room of the house he hated being wet and started using the potty real fast will do the same with my daughter in a few months

I took mine every 30 mins . they will learn faster that way… Had my oldest traind at 16 monts and youngest 18 months… Have also trained 3 grand babies this way. Only took about 3 days for all of them

She obviously isn’t ready - and making her sit on the potty for an hour sure isn’t going to work -

Are you using a big potty? She may be afraid of falling in the big hole.

2 is young …I had 9 children and never started at the age of 2

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It doesn’t sound like she’s ready most pediatricians will tell your the child will tell you when she’s ready she’s still young

You parents who want their kids to start training before they are ready just blows my mind. When they are ready they will let you know and if you force them be prepared for them wetting beds, pants,and everything else…karma?

I used little rewards when they went in the potty. A sticker, a little candy or maybe a tiny toy and I made a big deal out of it.

Leave her alone, she’s rebelling against the pressure. She will figure out the sensation, be prepared for accidents. Don’t tell at her, it will make her feel she did something wrong. Let her tell you how she "did it by herself "

It sounds like she ready .2 for a girl isn’t too young .make a game out of it rewards.

My son wouldn’t go no matter what until I ran out diapers one night and said “well, looks like you have to go on the toilet now because the store is closed”. He was very concerned and went on the toilet like a pro. I was the dumb and lazy one I guess for not making him :joy:

She’s 2, just keep being a mother to her! Don’t be in a hurry to potty training her, geeze, let her be a baby. She’ll grow up fast enough.

My sister learned from a Daniel Tiger episode on her own. May be worth a try watching the episode repeatedly until she tries on her own

Make it a game I did it with both my sons within a week they were potty trained

Sleeper with zipper and turn it around and put zipper in back and pray lots…

We pinned toys to the wall and snacks where she could see them. When she used the toilet she got to choose one. Worked

Potty trained all 3 of mine during the summer and they were about 2 1/2

Put her on the pot and turn the water on she will pee in the morning when you go take her with you turn the water on she will get in the habit

She obviously isn’t ready. Don’t force it. Go month by month. Try again in another month.

Use incentive if he goes to the potty for a week she can get a small toy or candy make it award system for going potty loses points if in diaper

Keep her in panties don’t keep switching back and fourth

Listen. Let me save you time, money and tears. Girls go when they darn well please. Leave it alone. Shell do it on her own.

Bribery! She gets a piece of candy everytime she pees in the toilet.

My pediatrician asked me if I ever saw a kindergartner in diapers , relax

She might not be ready for potty training. Let her go when you go. I baby sat this boy in a few wks he was already to. In a month I didn’t have to say anything he done it all by himself

Put her on the potty chair, and turn on the sink faucet…the running water makes them go…lol

Don’t put a diaper on let run down her leg a few times she won’t like it

Potty treats for going in the potty.

Go potty with her. It will make her feel like a big girl

Tell her you will give her candy every time she pees in potty

Give her one m&m for peeing 2 for pooping. She’ll train quick.

Make her clean her self up and the floopr

I didn’t waste my time with my kids. I started asking at 2 if they had to go potty. If they said no ok . When they were ready they’d say yes n go . We made it a big deal and they loved it. I’ve potty trained my 12 that way and it worked. Kids will do it only when they are ready


Neither of my girls were ready at just 2. My oldest was successful at 2 years, 9 months. My youngest will be 2.5 in October and I’ll try again with her over Thanksgiving week when we’re all home. But what I’ve learned works best is patience and not making a big deal out of it. If she’s really ready, it’ll work. If she’s not, even sitting on the potty all day won’t help!


Start first thing in the morning. Wake up before her that way you are up when she gets up take her straight to the potty. If she goes give her 1 treat. Take her to bathroom every 30 minutes or so. If she goes give 1 treat. I use lemon heads with my girls but only give one that way she ain’t on sugar high all day. After a few days slowly stop giving treat. If you dont like the treat things give a sticker or something simple like that.


Make it fun give her rewards

Read the “oh crap potty training” book. We started potty training my son at 19 months during quarantine when I was home for 2 months. It only took 3 days for him to get it.

We printed out a potty training chart four our daughter and everytime she went she would put a sticker on the chart after so many stickers she would earn a reward and if she went to the potty without any accidents for like 2 weeks we took her somewhere fun