Older and pregnant, what was your experience?

I had a healthy baby at 39 and another at 43.

Definitely take the prenatals now. Folic acid is very important for a healthy spine formation! Congratulations.

I was 31 when I gave birth to my last child and he’s a healthy baby boy with a photographic memory he is now an actor and model and it’s not me so don’t be afraid of the age have your baby how are you and your child will be very healthy and happy do you not feel pressured.

I had my son when I was 40. We tried for 20 years.
Would never have been truly happy without him.

My mom was 35when she had me! And they tried to make her get the test where you see if anything is wrong but she wouldn’t because it was dangerous at the time! But she was healthy the whole time and to make matters worse her tubes were tied!

I had 2 healthy girls at 36 and 38…take your vitamins iron especially

After trying for a while I had my son at 39 a daughter at 40 ad another daughter at 41 all doing fine and short deliveries

I had a baby at 36 and two of my daughters were 40. All babies were fine and healthy

I was 39 when I had my last one.(I turned 40 three months later) She is 12 now, healthy (rarely gets sick) and in grade 7. Doing very well in all subjects. Pregnancy went well and my easiest birth. In labour 3 hours and 20 minutes start to finish. She was born 5 minutes from the hospital with no drugs.

Had my last baby at 35
She was a healthy 9lbs 5 oz.
Had no complications whatsoever.

You’ll be fine. Had BOTH my kids after 35. I work in healthcare and can tell you its normal. Youre normal. Congrats!!

First of all congratulations. You will be ok. Stress isnt going to help you and your baby.

I had my son at 37. All good. He turns 18 this month…
I found a website then called mothers35plus. I lived in Europe then. Not sure if it is still running but i read then that in 25% of women have their first child over 35 years of age.
Sending you light and love.

You will do great your still young

I had my 1st at 18. My 2nd at 21. My final 3rd at 41 and all went well. I have a healthy 7yr old now

35 is not old to have a baby

You will be ok, don’t let the doctors tell you different, don’t let them stick no needles in you for no fluids, because I didn’t, they will try to saythings to scare you but don’t do it just pray about it, I was 37 when I had my last child

You will be ok just take care of your self.

You’ll have Healthy, Beautiful baby!!!
My first , I was 35, my 2nd baby, I was 37 and Had a Homebirth ! My kids are Healthy and happy… oh and another thing… I NEVER gave my children “Puppy shots”, (vaccines), they never got sicker than having a cold!!! :hugs:

You are fine, and the baby will be also. You are not that old. Usually after 37 years old is when you see a higher risk in those not so nice things that I’m not going to bring up. Testing is done extremely early now too. Enjoy your pregnancy :yellow_heart:

Do what can, eat healthy take it easy on yourself and No vitamins until dr. Gives them

Folic acid at least…I had babies young middle & last at 38…all healthy…my daughter had her first at 36 beautiful healthy girl

I had a very healthy 8lb boy at 36 and another one 22 months later at 37

My mom had me at 43.

Take the vitamins now… Don’t wait

You can buy prenatal pills at your local walmart/ CVS/ Walgreens off the shelves

I had my son when I was 39 and my husband was 45 we had lost a baby boy the previous year he only lived 3 weeks and never came home from the hospital My second pregnancy I went to a high risk specialist and followed every instruction stopped working early even though we couldn’t really afford it so my story is one out of two Best of luck to do exactly what the doctor says no changing kitty litter boxes take it easy even if you don’t want to and good luck with the new baby certainly brings joy to your life of course when you go to birthday parties you’ll be sitting with the grandparents not the parents

My Aunt & Cousin Successfully Bore Babies @47 Years

You can get your vitamins over the counter! No need for prescription.

I had my first kid at 20 and he’s 15 now, i had my daughter at 35 and she was premature but now very healthy normal like any normal baby. I’m pregnant again just a month or so after giving birth, wasn’t planned but I’m more than happy for another baby brother she can grow play and grow with. I don’t see age as a factor to having a healthy or unhealthy baby it’s in God’s hands but you gotta do your part in being healthy as possible while your pegnant.