Older and pregnant, what was your experience?

OK, first congratulations :confetti_ball:
Second, yes take prenatal vitamins. Do they not sell them over the counter where you are? I bought mine at Walmart without needing a prescription
Third, I recommend also taking folic acid during your pregnancy.
Again congratulationsā€‹:confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

Call your Docs office and speak to a nurse and ask those questions and get the truth

I had my last child at 40. It was as definitely more difficult and I was more tired than when I had my first at 19. But so worth it. We are both fine and healthy. And my son will be 30 in November. BTW I had 10 more children in between my first and last. My last few that were unplanned, we call our bonus babies. So glad we had them.


Healthy babies were born in concentration camps like Belsen Stop worrying youā€™ll be fine

40 with my second. No problems.

I had my first child at 32 and my second 35. Did not worry at all. One is game warden and second register nurse.

I was 37 when I had my youngest and shes now a healthy 8 yr old. And yes you can start taking prenatal vitamins. The sooner the better. I started taking them before my first appointment with all of my kids. I took the gummy ones because the others made me sick.


I was 37 when I had my fourth and my husband was 47. She 20 and very healthy and smart!

My sister had a baby at 50 and all was fine! Good luck darlin!! God will never give you more than you can handle!


Just had my baby a couple months shy of my 36th birthday! She was born healthy and beautiful, no complications. Be prepared for being told youā€™re ā€œadvanced maternal ageā€ā€¦.they tell you everything that can go wrong :expressionless:.
I took an over the counter prenatal gummy my entire pregnancy Because the ones the dr gave me looked like horse pills lol


Youā€™re 35 honey not oldā€¦you need to go get over the counter prenatals and make sure they have the recommended amount of folic acid.


Take some otc prenatal and donā€™t stress. You and baby will be just fine, congratulation!

Take the vitamins no reason to wait and you will be fine I had my last child at 41 perfectly healthy. Stop over thinking and enjoy the miracle. Oh take iron until one week before due date then stop because baby takes a huge amount of iron and if it has to much when born it becomes jaundice.

Buy some over the counter prenatal vitamins

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Buy vitamins where I live they donā€™t prescribe prenatal anymore they let you go to the store and by which ever one you want to take I took them before my first appointment

I am 36 and just had a healthy little boy in May

I was 41 had my 8 baby 35 is not old you will be fine my husband was 41 as well

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I had my youngest daughter at age 41. She was perfectly healthy and my pregnancy went very well.

I had 1 at 34 and another at 36 both healthy babies . Both 6ft 4 now :grin:

I think you should start taking prenatal pills now. there also nature bounty natural anxiety stress vitamin it works wonders.

I had healthy twins at 35

I was 36 and my husband 42 when our second, and youngest, was born. She is a very healthy 18 year old now. Someone once pointed out to me that even though chances of difficulties rise with age the chance of having a healthy baby is always higher.

Eat healthy foods make sure your drinking plenty of water,get lots of rest. Our bodies are amazing. You will be fine. you got this! Congrats!

You should definitely take prenatal vitamins from as soon as you know. The folic acid is one of the most important as itā€™s important for babyā€™s developing spine etc and reduces the risk of conditions like spinabifda so id take them as soon as. I just take a pregnancy multivitamin throughout my entire pregnancy. Your age is fine donā€™t stress yourself :heartpulse::heartpulse:

I was 39 when I found out I was pregnant and delivered at age 40. I had gotten diabetes with the pregnancy and had high blood pressure. And I was put on bed rest for awhile. Delivered my lil girl at 33 weeks and she was 4 lbs and 15 oz. She spent 2 weeks in the NICU and came home. She doing amazing.

Your 35ā€¦not 53 lol it b fine

Iā€™m a single parent who got pregnant at 39 and had my beautiful baby daughter at 40. Apart from being hospitalised twice because of dehydration due to really bad morning sickness, I gave birth to a healthy baby. As long you have a good obstetrician and midwifery team looking after you during your pregnancy and you take your vitamins, folic acid and eat healthily. Every pregnancy is different but the rewards at the end of it are worth it. If you have questions about it, you should discuss them with your doctor and midwife at your next appointment.

I was 38 and my husband was 44. We have a beautiful 16 year old healthy and happy. You have way more time for them after you grow up.

I just had a baby girl on June and Iā€™m 36 and my husband is 42 and my baby she is in good health thanks god

I had my son at 35 and my daughter at 41. Theyā€™re now 27 and 21, there is absolutely nothing for you to be anxious about, sit back relax and enjoy the ride.

You can buy prenatal pills over the counter and take them as soon as possible. I delivered my only child at 37 yrs old. She was a whopping 9lbs 7 Oz 20.5 inches long . At 41 weeks. She is a very healthy and smart girl.

I had my 6th and 7th children at 38 and 40, it was hard work, but Iā€™ve pulled through it all, they keep you young and fit.

Sorry ā€¦ but when was 35 and 42 considered old and unhealthy to have a baby?


Youā€™re good. Start your vitaminsā€¦ had my daughter at 33 n my son at 35 they my daughter was early (27weeks) sheā€™s very healthy and smart my son 2 weeks early just cause he was readyā€¦ my husband and I have the same age different are you n your spouse juggling two full time (him/I ) jobs is rough but worth it

Honestly the first trimester they will only see you once a month until your fourth month, then they start seeing you every 2-3 weeks until your last month then they see you every week. Donā€™t panic! The choice is your wether you want to start taking prenatal snow or later when the doctor gives you some. Take folic acid.

My bff had a beautiful healthy baby at 47ā€¦my sis at 42ā€¦good luckā€¦stay healthy!

I had my last baby at 36 he was healthy weight was 8lb he is now 13 and growingā€¦ he was by far my biggest baby my other 4 before him were all under 5lbā€¦

Donā€™t worry about your age! Enjoy your pregnancy! I would get vitamins into your system now! We donā€™t get things like that prescribed, I took a all round pregnancy vitamin right through my pregnancy! Good luck with every thing :blush:xx

I had my first at a 22ā€¦second at 37 my husband was 42 ā€¦both healthy and happy boysā€¦I did take pregnancy vitamins which included folic acidā€¦ First thing my midwife asked if I was taking folic acidā€¦ I think its a good idea to.

I have a friend that had her first child at 25 and her baby was down syndrome, my mom was 41 my sister had down syndrome, mortal of the story, " donā€™t worry about how old you are, donā€™t stress enjoy your pregnancy, everything gonna be alright" donā€™t take the joy of being pregnant over something you canā€™t control , 35 is not old, enjoyā€¦ by the way I have alot of friends that has had babyā€™s way over 40 and they are healthy.

35 is not old. It just means the right time has come. Embrace itšŸ„°


Take the vitamins and relax. I had my daughter at 42ā€¦you need all the sleep and rest you can!

Im 37 and my is 39 40 this year and we have an 8 mth old x

I worked in OBGYN. That is not too old. They just follow a few different guidelines for mothers above 35. Iā€™ve seen women in their early 40s have perfect pregnancies. If youā€™re generally healthy, donā€™t worry. They will talk to you about everything when you see them. They wait so long so they can hear/see and measure a fetal heartbeat. If women went in the second they found out, it usually would cause more stress.
Definitely start prenatals. If itā€™s a money issue, you can talk to your pharmacy and see if there are any options.
Deep breath!

I am 44 and currently 36 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby girl!


I was 36 when I had my youngest. Was the easiest pregnancy and amazing birth x

I had triplets at 40 all healthy

I just had twins in May and Iā€™m 36!! Everything was fine! I did have to see a high risk doc bc it is considered advanced maternal ageā€¦ but they were healthy and I had no complications!

I had my son at 45 and his dad was 55, heā€™s lovely and healthy and one year old soon.

I had my first child at 30 and second at 39 my partner is only a year older then me and all went well, had to be induced as too comfy with my first and second was a booked c section as couldnā€™t be bothered to go through an induction again, both were healthy boys 8.3 oz and 6.11 oz x

With everything that the last 2 years has brought into our lives, I truly believe itā€™s a blessing for all of your family. That being saidā€¦ donā€™t let your guard down wear your mask always when your out of your home, wash the shit out of your handsā€¦if hubby is around others all-day make him strip for you in the laundry room and leave his work shoes. May God guide your family and protect you & your loved ones & bless all of you with a healthy beautiful baby !!

Start taking them it helps develop your baby I had my last one at 33 n heā€™s now 8 yrs old .

I donā€™t think you have anything to worry about. 35 is totally fine

Yes take the vitamins now pregnacare is brilliant and your only 35 which is not considered high risk all will be fine

35 is fine! My mom had me a 42 but I was also last of 8 kids. You will be fine!

My 1st at 34
2nd at 39

No issues at all! Start the prenatal immediately! Take a good clean brand like NFH or Thorne

Good luck and congrats! :yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:

Firat off Congratulations!!! And also My parentā€™s had me at ages 33 and 36.

I had my third after a 200 lb weight loss at age 36. Perfectly healthy all my kids. Enjoy your pregnancy and be positive.

I was 35 and he was 40. No complications. Donā€™t worry momma, you got this!!! Congratulations!!!

The day before my 40th i had my now 2 year old

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I got pregnant at 35. Be prepared, they will call you a geriatric pregnancy.:grimacing::joy:. And I was not very healthy before I got pregnant. I had a healthy baby. :heart:

Im 33 and had my beautiful baby girl 8 days ago. Sheā€™s perfect and healthy

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I was 35 when I had my daughter- she is 15 and super healthy. I would call your doctor and confirm about prenatal vitamins

My Mom got married in 1957 at age 34. Got pregnant, had my sister in 1958, me in 1959 and my brother in 1961. All were healthy. That was a long time ago. Nowadays, 35 is not old to have a baby.

Try the otc one a day prenatal, those have actually worked better for me than the prescribed ones.
Iā€™m 36, I have a 14yo, 2yo and am 29 weeks pregnant.

I would start taking prenatal vitamins. Folic acid and iron. I was taking prenatal vitamins even before I got pregnant. Like a year prior. I had my daughter at 31. I was considered high risk for -RH blood.

I was 36 and fell pregnant with my 5th baby refused the test for downs syndrome as I would have loved it regardless ā€¦need not have worried ā€¦she turned out just fine ā€¦perfectly healthy 17 year old now

I had my first at 35, second at 40, no issues at allā€¦

Definetly get and start taking the prenatal vitamins asap!!! Hope you and baby stay nice and healthy!!! Congrats!!!

I had a healthy baby at 40 ! Hubby was 45,No sickness or anything through out the pregnancy,Congratulations you will be fine :heart::ok_hand:

Mine were never prescribed, I was just told to take them but yes is good to take them as soon as you find out.

Youā€™ll be fine. A family friend had a baby at 55. Sheā€™s now 65 with a 10year old. Congratulations :grin:

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I know a few couples that never had children until their 30ā€™s and their children are perfect. Ask your family doctor about vitamins or go to a family planning clinic, theyā€™ll advise whether to or not. Good luck and may God watch over you and yours

I had 2 babies after 35. Their father is much older. Theyā€™re healthy. I always asked for prenatal vitamins when I made my first appointment. Theyā€™d just call it in. Your GP can prescribe them too.

After years of trying and being told Iā€™d never have a child without IVF I had my gorgeous girl 2 weeks after my 40th Birthday. She was the most wonderful surprise. I had a fabulous pregnancy and loved every minute of it - probably the healthiest Iā€™d ever been! I took the prenatal vitamins as soon as I found out I was pregnant. My daughter is a beautiful, healthy 11 year old now! Congratulations on your pregnancy and enjoy it! X

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I was 35 when I got pregnant my Husband and were married for 16 years when I had my wonderful son I was scared some but enjoyed it at the same time God blessed me during this time. My son is very precious to me. His Father taught him to take care of his mother and that is what he is doing.

I had my fourth baby at 41 & she is 8 & perfectly healthy. I am blessed. Congratulations & enjoy!

I got pregnant at 36 for my first and 38 for my second child, they are both healthy.Thank God.

When our mom was 35 (our dad 36) she had my younger sister. Delivery was scary (but that was 100% the doctor fault) However, she is a 28 year old 3 year experienced teacher and just bought her first home.

I had my first full pregnancy and delivery at 38, TWINS. I had lost 3 pregnancy prior. My twins are going to be 29 next week. Iā€™ll be 67 next month. Best gift God gave me right after he gave me my husband. We were only married 4 months when we found out we were expecting twins!!!

My daughter had one at 39 and he was fine and healthy, beautiful baby boy. Heā€™s 7months nowā€‹:two_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

I had my 5th child when I was 43. Sheā€™s beautiful and perfect. Iā€™m now 49 and enjoying every minute of it! By the way my husband was 54. And I would consider taking over the counter pre natal vitamins. But also consult with your doctor first

My mom had me at 35 way back in 75 . No health problems for me or her. You got this momma try not to stress

40 and pregnant with my 2nd. Toddler is perfectly healthy.

My mom was 42 and dad was47 when I was born. Iā€™m now 80 only thing wrong wit me is that I was well loved ( spoiled)

I was 35 when I got pregnant with my daughter.Even though a high risk pregnancy, she was perfect. I did
exactly what Dr. ordered. You can do this.

Women have healthy babies at your age every day. Take your vitamins and eat well. Get exercise and good sleep and get an OB youā€™re comfortable with Then enjoy the ride. Youā€™re going to do great!

Congratulations! Please start taking your vitamins to help support healthy development of your baby, especially their central nervous system. This is the most important time!

I had twins, boy and girl at 36 years old. I had a normal pregnancy, for twins and delivered at 39 weeks, 7.3 pound twins. They are healthy and happy and both in college.

My mom and aunt had their daughters at 39 years old, both healthy and perfect :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I didnā€™t take prenatal vitamins w any 3 pregnancies and no issue. Iā€™m 33 and pregnant now.

My mum was 35 when she had me, her last of 3 children. I had 3 children when I was 31, 33 and my last 1 when I was 36, they are all lovely independent young adultā€™s now, Iā€™m so proud of them

I too had my first son at 36. Was scared listening to people had.him in ,3 hours problems he was small 4 lb 9oz. But healthy to day 6ft smart and healthy,
So relax and enjoy

I was 35 with my first and almost 39 when u had my second. my boys are both very healthy and no issues, they are 9 and 12 now. go ahead and take the vitamins, they donā€™t always give you a prescription as you can buy them over the counter

I had all 4 kids in my 30ā€™s. Last one I was 38. All healthy. They just monitor and do a few more tests and Ultra sounds. My one daughter just had her second at 38. All healthy and she did the vaccine when she was pregnant. They keep you young.

Had my youngest at 41. Heā€™s was 5 weeks early but healthy otherwise. Now almost 15šŸ’•

I was 35 when my daughter was born and she is healthy

43 when I had my last baby. Perfect pregnancy, labor, delivery, and perfect baby boy! I call him ā€œthe son of my old ageā€! I wouldnā€™t trade him for the world! He has brought me lots of joy!
Ohā€¦ā€¦and my first grand baby was born 6 weeks before him. That was pretty amazing too!

I was 41 when we had our son, he was a surprise. Get rest, eat good, get some good prenatal vitamins, drink lots of water, do what the Dr. tells you and you will do great. They know what they are doing. And if you have doubts get a second opinion, you need to be comfortable and happy with your Dr. I was high risk due to age and high blood pressure, but I had no issues, delivered a healthy boy right on schedule. You got this!

I had my son at 44 perfectly healthy

My sil quit the army to become a mom around age 36 she had a perfect little boy and a few yrs later had another one. You can get pre natal vitamins in the vitamin section of just about any store. (Walmart ). For the best brand, talk to the pharmacist.