Older and pregnant, what was your experience?

Had my last at 39 very healthy now 2 year old I got my perinatal vitamins from my doctor you can make an appointment as a maternity check

I had my son when I was 36. Iā€™m 75 now n heā€™s 38

I donā€™t feel like 35 is old!

Iam 34 nd just gave birth to my 3rd bbyā€¦ my healthiest bby by farā€¦

I have two very healthy twins at 40. Take your prenatals

I had my first at 35 and my second at 37.

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I had two wonderful boys in my late thirties if I had listened to all the so called problems I would have never have been so blessed as I am today with my perfectly healthy now men children are always blessings from A Good God

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I has my first child at 44, very unexpected, decided on having a amnio which resulred in showing us she has a missing chromosone which may result in some issues in the future however upto now she is coming up to 3 and is so bright and lively, wouldnt change a thing x

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I will deliver at age 35. Just had a healthy baby at age 33. You will be just fine. I had my 1st at 16 so quite an age difference.

My last two I was 39 and 42. Perfectly healthy.

I was 38 my husband was 48 and she is perfectly health and you should start taking prenatal right away

You can take an over the counter prenatal vitamin, make sure it has folic acid

35 is not old!!! I had my 4th child at 35 and it was the best gift ever

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Flintstone (or any other vitamin) with iron will be fine. I couldnā€™t take prescription prenatal and was told to take Flintstones with Iron.

I just had our 3rd at 41. :person_shrugging: As far as prenatals, you can get other vitamins, but make sure youā€™re taking folic acid. You can get that at any drugstore pretty much. Good luck, im sure youā€™ll do great.

The only true risk is when you go to your appointment all hormonal and someone says ā€œat your advanced maternal ageā€ā€¦jk (kinda), I had my perfect, beautiful baby boy when I was 35. No health issues at all. His father was 43. :blush:

I was 37. Heā€™s perfect :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I was 27 when I had my first and was 35 when I had my last. Both of them Healthy. Now both grown men.
They also tried to scare me with all the ā€œwhat if, and the possibility of ā€œ. No. I listened to God and my heart.
And as far as prenatal- start them. You may be given a prescription for them when you go to see your doctor but for now - I suggest taking them.

I had a baby before 40 i had her during covid and i was 39. Breathe and take the joy of being pregnant. You will only make yourself go crazy if you donā€™t enjoy

I was 35, he was my first child also. He was healthy, not too big not too small. No health problems whatsoever. Only issue I had were labor painsā€¦lol!!

Youā€™re only 35 hun shouldnā€™t be high risk unless u hve other health issuesā€¦praying for a healthy pregnancy

Had both my boys in my 40s. Both healthy critters.

Ik was 42 toen ik ontdekte dat ik zwanger was van mijn dochter en ondanks mijn leeftijd een wolk van een prachtige dochter die nu bena 11 is geen stress hoor komt allemaal we goed

Had my first at 36 second at 38 you will be fine, you can wait til your appointment no worries everything will be fine, my cousin just had her second daughter last week and next month she will be 40 everything was perfect :pray:t2:

I am 35. She is perfect.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Older and pregnant, what was your experience?

Why is that age old??? I was 35,heā€™s now 3 and Iā€™d love to have another now.its definatly not old,kinda upset me that u think it is.dont worry ! X


I was 34 when I had my second daughter. Her father was 41. Sheā€™s now a healthy 13 year old teenager. I never took the prenatals because they caused so much constipation for me. I think youā€™ll do just fine! Try not to overthink itā€¦just hydrate, choose healthy foods and your appt is right around the corner :heart:

I was 35 when I had my fourth child. I was high risk because of my age. So I had to go to extra appointments and get extra testing done. She was a scheduled c section. I had the c section a few days early because of my blood pressure spiking. But she was born perfectly healthy. A little over 9 pounds. Sheā€™s 14 now and hasnā€™t had any health issues. I hope my story helps ease your mind a little bit. And if you donā€™t want to take prenatal vitamins then at least eat or drink things with folic acid. Itā€™s good for babyā€™s

my last pregnancy was 2005

Iā€™m 37 and had my 4th baby last year, and Iā€™m currently pregnant with my 5th due next year, so far no problems or complications xx

Hey 35 is a perfect age !!! You may need more appointments just to ensure everythings okay. But do not panicā€¦ i am sure you will be fine, especially if age is you only concern. Look after yourself, that means mind and emotions too. Lots of tlc, self care and self love. Your body is more than capable. Now coach your brain to believe it too. Youve got this. Congratulations huni xxx


My 4th i was 37 hes 3 and perfectly healthy x

You are ok to take prenatal vitamins now if you want and the appointment being that far out is fine if you donā€™t think anything is wrong. If you feel worried about it then you can go to a plan parenting clinic and asked to be seen and just fill them in.

My mum was around her 40s when she had 3 of my baby sisters, all healthy :grin:x

I was 35 when I fell pregnant with my youngest, his dad was 47, so I understand concerns, I was the same. But I actually had a brilliant pregnancy and it was the easiest labour of all 4 of my kids. My son is 20 mths old now and heā€™s healthy and happy. I think you will be absolutely fine :blush:

Prenatal vitimans should be taken straight away, if trying for pregnancy they should be taken before too and after when breast feeding, they aid in the growth of brain and spine and give you other needed doses of vitamins to help baby grow healthy. Iā€™d go down the chemist and grab some now as you donā€™t get prescribed prenatal vitamins you just buy them from your local chemist over the counter. Itā€™s best to start with one and see how you go with it, some make some wemon a little sick but you do get used to them i found after a month or so after taking! Congratulations and your definitely not too old!!


Iā€™m 34 pregnant with my first currently 34 weeks pregnant and only vitamin Iā€™m on is vitamin d nothing else, my little man is healthy and doing fine, but the hospital have told me Iā€™m an older mum, not sure y

Corse Iā€™m 30 heā€™s 42 we have a healthy baby boy and I didnā€™t take an vitamin or anything during pregnancy

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Take the vitamins, eat healthy and relax.


35 is literally only just classed as an older mother, Iā€™m sure you will be absolutely fine! :purple_heart:


Yes I had my second at 36 Everything was all okay

Itā€™s fine to take pre natal vitamins the now . I had my last baby at 42 my eldest at the time was 23years old. Yes I was tired but thatā€™s normal , more scans etc . Had him at 40 weeks normal pregnancy. Youā€™ll be fine just take things easy and I wish you all my love x

Start taking a pregnancy multivitamin make sure it doesnā€™t contain vitamin A. Make sure the multivitamin contains 400mg folic acid. :heart::heart: xxx

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Start prenatals now they sell them over the counter. I was almost 32 when my 4th was born. I ended up having gestational diabetes but my baby girl came out healthy about 5 days before my induction date. 32 is still young I get patients 42 and pregnant, you will be fine

I had my little boy at 40 he was completely healthy and is 13 months old now.

Iā€™m 34 and had gestational diabetes but had a normal birth and now have a healthy baby girl whoā€™s 5 weeks old and I took folic acid/pregnacare before having my first appointment

Idk about age but I do know you can buy prenatal vitamins over the counter at the pharmacy.

I had our little girl August 2020 I was late 35 virtually 36 husband 39 few days later 40
She took us by surprise too!!
Had no complications or health
I only had blood thinners during and after pregnancy due to family history
I did get referred to as a geriatric expected mother on many occasions xx

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I havenā€™t got kids but if it helps my mum was 41 and my dad 49 when they had me and Iā€™m 21 nowā˜ŗļø

Prenatal should be taking right away. My mom was pregnant with her last child at 40 and my dad was 48. You got this. Congratulations

My sister had her first and only at 42. He is 21 now and very smart and healthy

Iā€™m almost 33 and just had a baby on Valentineā€™s Day. he is a very healthy happy fun little babe. you will be fine babe and congrats :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

Iā€™m 34 and 26 weeks with my 5th! Still not classed as ā€˜oldā€™ you will be fine and age shouldnā€™t be a factor in babies health either. X

I had my daughter March 2020 at 39 and my husband 48! All absolutely fine here :blush:congratulations xx

Old you say! I had my son at 41! Heā€™s five now! Full of energy and life! Just make sure to go to all your doctor appointments. And listen to your body, eat right, donā€™t take on stress. And you be ok, you can handle it! Blessings! And congrats

I had my last child at 36 my partner was 46,perfectly healthy child :baby:

35 is still young, Iā€™ve had plenty of friends having children in their mid 30s and early 40s. Just go with the flow and try not to worry about it.


I never took prenatal vitamins bc they made me super sick so I took vitamin gummies twice a day for all 3 of my pregnancies so you could take those until your app

Folic acid & vitamin d I would say are the main ones. Donā€™t stress itā€™s also not good for the baby. Just take extra good care of yourself. Thatā€™s the best you can do for yourself and your baby :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I was 42 when I had my daughter, my pregnancy with her was actually easier than it was with my sons,and i had him at 29!! All will be fine!!!

I had my 1st child at 38 and 2nd at 40. Both healthy. Everyone is different. No nausea or anything.

I had my youngest son at 34ā€¦11 years after my 3rd child (surprise) and he was born healthy & normal!!:blush:

Definitely take folic acid now alongside a healthy diet - donā€™t wait as now is a major time of development for baby so call into a pharmacy asap. Iā€™m 37 and a few of my friends the same age have recently had perfectly normal pregnancies and my mother had a baby at 40 and all fine too. Try and relax - Congratulations! X

Ehhh I was 36 with my last baby No problems a happy overly healthy 10# babygirl. Dont stress. Everything will be fine, start prenatal vitamins or wait if u are more comfortable.

I was 33 with my first and 39 with my secondā€¦ Both are healthy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Had my last child at 43. Healthy 9 1/2 lbs girl. No problems.

My dad was 43 and his partner was 42 when they had a healthy baby boy. Iā€™m not sure about the prenatal vitamins if she had them or not. But the baby boy is now three and thriving. If you are worried about anything phone a doc, nurses or 111 (in the uk). Some people go through there most of their pregnancy without knowing they are, that go on to have very health babyā€™s.

I was 38 when I had my one and only daughter (turned 39 3 mos later) and had a smooth, easy pregnancy. 5 1/2 hour labor and easy delivery. Both of us healthy and no problems! I would just go ahead and get over the counter prenatal vitamins or call and see if your Dr. will go ahead and prescribe them. Alsoā€¦.my daughter is now 22 and I have a 3 month old grandson!!:blue_heart:

take over the counter prenatal vitaminsā€¦ they are the same makesure you are taking folic acid also over the counter 400 micrograms dailyā€¦

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I was 33 and my husband 45 when having my daughter , no complications at all x

Omg your gonna be just fine and the baby,donā€™t let yourself worry cause the baby feels that.I was 43 when I had my 14 yr old daughter right now,and she was perfect,absolutely nothing wrong and it was the easiest one.my first born is 41 right now and my son second is 30 and the last the 14 yr oldā€¦Donā€™t worry your still young ā€¦

Had mine at 35 found the pregnancy a million times earlier then when I was 24. My baby is healthy and if I knew what I knew now I would of waited with my first I think 35 is a fab age for a baby

I had my last one at 35

35 is really not that old , I had my last at 36, he is about to turn 5 , try not worry , enjoy your pregnancy, take your vitamins and eat nourishing foods . You will be fine and baby will be healthy

I was 39 nearly 40 my fourth and absolutely fine sheā€™s a healthy 14 year old now no problems at all , just make sure you take folic acid , and carry on as normal embrace it Xx

I was 34 and husband 44. Healthy pregnancy and baby. I bought over the counter and started before I seen doctor.


I was 35 when I had my 1st. He was 8lbs 10 oz now heā€™s 3 healthy no issues. 35 is not old mama.

Had my 1st at 22.
2nd at 35
3rd at 39.
The last 2 took everything out of me. Exhaustion isnā€™t even strong enough a word.

You can definitely have a healthy baby at your age, congratulations! Just be sure to Take a good prenatal vitamin- you donā€™t need prescribed one. Look for one with folic acid (at least 400mg) as well as iron. Itā€™s also helpful if the vitamin contains omega 3 fatty acids / DHA.
My prenatal lacked iron and I became super anemic during my pregnancy and have to take iron pills twice daily (they are NOT fun).

Girl u and baby will be fine. I am 37 with a 2 yr old. Dad is 42. Take your prenatals with DHA. Take it easy. Take naps when your tired. Listen to your body. Congrats. All babies are a blessing.

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Congrats! Not sure if this is a ā€œfirstā€ for you. If so, read a good pregnancy book. I had my 3rd at age 35. Hubby was 47. Just be kind to yourself, eat GOOD things, refrain from smoking,etc & please take prenatal vitamins! My baby will be 26, and sheā€™s a wonderful addition!! Blessings to ya!

Congratulations :footprints: Iā€™m 44 and 30 weeks pregnant I have a 22 year old,17 year old 13 year old and 18 month old,after our 18 month old we lost our baby at 12 weeks due to trisomy 21,so it is nerve wrecking,all is looking good so far this time,I wish u the best of luck,if u have any questions feel free to pm me x

I had my first baby at 37 and my husband was 40. Yes I had to go through a few more test cause of my age but all was good.

Perfect age. I had my last 4 all c sections at 32, 39, 42, 44ā€¦went through a lot of testing with the last 2 but all four were blessings and i really appreciated them and was more mature than with the 2 i had in my 20sā€¦ My late husband and I thought about another one around the time i was 52 but we decided against it.

Hi I am 41 abs everything in my pregnancy is going fine. My due date is Nov 16. Prenatal are a must as soon as u find out ur pregnant. I take the advanced prenatal fish oil and iron and folic acid. It will be ok you got this.

Iā€™m 34 and 18 weeks and baby is healthy as far as i know no downs or edwards syndrome nothing wrong with having a baby in our 30s

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U are right at the age where they say u are the older mother and u will probably be seen a lot more and on the high risk category. U will have more ultrasounds and probably a amniocentesis. It is best to start them now u can get them at any pharmacy or store just look for the higher amount of folic acid.
As long as u and baby look good they will be happy good luck to u

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I had a baby last year ā€¦ Iā€™ll be 40 this year , she is healthy , smarty and full of energy, plus we added her to our already 6 kids , you will be fine


I was 35 almost 36 with my last child. You will be fine!

Had my daughter at 35 and she is perfect. Shes 14 now and hardly ever even gets sick.

My sister had her 1st at 38 years old. IVF. She has a healthy beautiful baby girl.

With the way we eat these days prenatal vitamins are a necessity. The baby will use your calcium and other minerals for its growth. They have prenatals with dhea too. The 1st 12 weeks are the highest risk of miscarriage. Stop drinking caffeine. It increases risk of miscarriage as well.

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Iā€™m 37 and pregnant with twinsā€¦ unplanned my daughter will be 9 when they arrive.

You should take ur folic acid and make sure drink plenty water.

35 is not old for a babyā€¦ I was worried 37 and twins but Iā€™ve had my 12 week scan and had a 17 week private scan last week and due my 20 week scan in a few weeks and everything is just fine

Try not worry or stress (i know itā€™s hard i have days like that) but really just slow down and listen to your body :heart:

Had my first at 35 and second at 44! Both perfectly healthy babies even with me being very overweight. Try not to stress, eat as healthy as possible and Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be fine :slightly_smiling_face:

My youngest daughter was born when I was 37/38 absolutely no issues health wise for me or her. Congratulations :partying_face:

35 is not that old. Had 2 after 35, both healthy


Donā€™t stress, youā€™ll be fine. Iā€™m 37 and pregnant, Iā€™m classed as a geriatric on the hospital forms :sweat_smile: & due in just over 2 weeks. I did find this pregnancy harder than my others which I had in my 20ā€™s but everything is going great with baby so far. Just make sure to look after yourself xx

Iā€™m soon to be 38, my LB will be 2 yrs 4 months. I had a perfectly healthy pregnancy, natural water birth and was midwife led the entire time. Go and buy your prenatal vitamins now, they are essential in the first 12 weeks

Prenatals are most important during first trimester when the brain stem and spine are forming

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