Older and pregnant, what was your experience?

I was 45 when I had our little girl, and you just need to take care of yourself, get some multivits, and they might decide to do extra scans etc…also they put you into age brackets of either MAA - Mother Advanced Age (I liked this one NOT!), as usually not allowed to say “geriatric mother” anymore or MM - Mature Mother - don’t let this bother you just need to be a bit mindful of ensuring you keep track of things and attend the extra appointments if offered! Every case is different and the birth plan might adapt based on your own circumstance but they monitor it all and just ask loads of questions Anyway main thing is they will give you all sorts of stuff to read and you just need to ensure to attend all appointments and make decisions around checks on the baby from the perspective of blood checks they do from your blood etc and then they give you results etc takes around 10 days to get them back. The hospital and midwife team advise on all of this as have to pay extra for some checks but up to you if you do them or not! They will then monitor you throughout!


I was 43 when I had my daughter. She was fine as well as the pregnancy. I only had one overt as the other was removed years before. I was surprised! I also went into menopause after her birth. I had a normal delivery. You will be fine!

I was 45 when I had my last child. Do not stress your age. Take prenatal now.

Had mine at 35 he’s the healthiest of ALL my kids. Lol Also the craziest. :sweat_smile: My pregnancy was a breeze tho it had regular pregnancy woes suckage.

36 baby fine an healthy

I am 37 just had a baby when I was 35 and my so was 37 we had a beautiful perrlfectly healthy baby girl❤️

My first baby I was 32 and had a very high triple test but she was born 100 % healthy and without down syndrome. We went onto have a second child at 35 and my triple teat was normal and he was also born healthy.
Congratulations on your pregnancy :heart:

My mum was 45 and her and baby were healthy, I have a friend who’s partner (male) is 68 and baby is healthy

I was 38 having my 1st baby. She was born a week over her due date, was induced in the end. She was born extremely healthy weighing 9lb 4oz. I took folic acid and vitamin d up until 12 weeks. I didn’t know I was meant to continue with vit d until she was born.
35 isn’t old these days xx

Same as us our little one was a surprise I was 35 and my husband 42 but she is perfectly healthy and a beautiful 3 year old! There’s 9 years between my 2 so it was a shock for the first few months but we winged it and couldn’t be happier! Congratulations :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Don’t be worried about anything, we were the exact same age as you and your hubby when we had our daughter, she is our only child and i breezed the pregnancy, it was great, I thought I was an old mum to be but I know women that have been older, including my own mum who was 40 when she had me, i was a surprise,:rofl: , out daughter was planned , we just didn’t rush into having kids that’s all, all i remember is taking folic acid when i was pregnant, just speak to your health care worker and I’m sure she will put your mind at rest x

I had my last baby at 38 and husband was 45 no problem’s with me or baby at all apart from emergency c section because he had pooped inside me, we were both absolutely fine and can happen to anyone at any age, good luck and try and relax and enjoy your pregnancy

I have my second baby at 35. Totally healthy. I took prenatal before my first appointment. They did send me to high risk because of my “advanced maternal age”.

Methylfolate is the most absorbable form of folic acid. I would suggest finding a prenatal with 800mcg daily.

Take pre-natal vitamins NOW!!! Have a good diet and treat yourself to delicious rich foods. You can do it! I was 40 husband 49 - we have a healty wee 2.5 year old girl.


I’m 34 and dad is 40 currently carrying our 2nd child together my 5th. This pregnancy has been healthy and flown by X

I had my last kid at 38- pregnancy was rougher then when I was in my 20s but now he is a healthy 3 YO

I was 40 when I had my son. One thing I would mention is that your AFP screening may have a false positive. It’s a test to determine birth defects. Don’t panic if it does, they will usually do scans to verify. Mine came back high risk twice(pregnancy at 35 & 40) for Down’s Syndrome but was told it could be due to my age, that they factor in. Had ultrasound and all was well. Offered amnio, but I declined since ultrasound showed no evidence of Down’s. Other than that just be prepared to have more aches & pains than the younger moms. Congrats :heart:

Take the prenatal vitamins your baby needs them. I had my last at 35 and my husband is 12 years older. Had 2 healthy babies

My mom was 41 years old when i was born. So don’t worry.

35 is not old. Just go buy prenatal vitamins at the store and take them until your appointment.


Since when is 34 or in your 30s is old??


I’m 36 pregnant with my 4th boy in the last 5 years. All healthy. Prenatal vitamins are great even when you’re not pregnant. Your hair and nails will thank you.

Yes my sister and her husband about your age ,had a beautiful baby boy , he’s grown now but I still think of him as a beautiful baby boy. Good luck

I understand what you mean I’m 31 and just had a little boy 3 months ago and I was made to think I was old at that age!! Strange isn’t it!

I was 40 and my man was 45 when I had my first and only child. You will he fine try not to worry I know it’s easier said than done. Our boy is perfect no health issues he 3.5 now. They may monitor you a little more closely its all good. Congrats!

I had my first child at 35 a healthy 9lb 3 Oz boy and my second at 40 a healthy 7lb 13oz boy. Enjoy your pregnancy xx

I’m 38 with a healthy 18 month old boy. Don’t get me wrong the sleepless nights are worse when older but other than that things are perfect x

My mom was 34 when she had me. Almost 37 when she had my sister. Everything was fine for both.

My hubby was 38 & 40 when he had kids with his ex.

I had my 3rd at 38. Gestatiobal diabetes at end of pregnancy, baby healthy. My sis had a baby at 40. All healthy.

Take the vitamins today.

I’m 41 and due anytime babys healthy and I’ve had a textbook pregnancy.


I had one at 38 and next at 39. They were both perfect. God is so good. Enjoy being pregnant.


I had my last baby at 34. I had high blood pressure prior to pregnancy, but besides that everything went fine. She was born at 38 weeks healthy as can be!

Believe me 35 is not old I was told I could not have anymore after having our boy. Then I fell pregnant with our babygirl when i was 38 and hubby was 43 gave birth at 39 our miracle is 16 now and we couldn’t be happier nor could she. My advice is take all the help you are offered try not to stress to much laugh, smile and enjoy your pregnancy . Good luck x

I’m 36 and my son will be one in December, baby is no.4
But I felt much more calmer being that bit older and have a lot more patience, both me and baby were happy and healthy x

I was three months from making 43 when I had my first and only child a beautiful son who is now going on 17 and makes A’s in high school!! I was miserable LOL I hated being pregnant I couldn’t eat anything but peanut butter and ice cream my blood was too thick so I had to have blood thinner shots in my stomach twice a day almost the whole pregnancy but it was all well worth it. Just make sure you have an excellent doctor I was very fortunate. Even with the blood thinner shots I tried my best not to worry. And I was blessed with a more than handsome son!

Im 36 hubby 41 we had a healthy boy in May 2021

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I had my first at36& second at 38 no problems Blessed I was

I had my youngest daughter when I was 42, no problems what so ever.

I have a 8 month old and I am 39 she is perfectly healthy… My pregnancy was absolutely amazing until the last month Then I was miserable. Definitely take the prenatals go to Walmart and buy them they’re not expensive

I had a boy at 38 and a girl at 40. Both were healthy pregnancies and both my children are absolutely perfect. :heart:

My last baby was at 39 I found the pregnancy harder on my body was my 6th & he was transverse from 20weeks so I found it hard to breathe but he was born healthy at 37weeks I took folic acid from the moment I found out until I was 12weeks

I had my daughter at 40 almost 41 and she is a healthy almost 13 year old. My mom had me at 45. Just take care of the both of you.

My parents were 36 and 42 when i was born in 1969. I have a brother 17 years older than me. There were pros and cons on both accounts. I was raised basically an only child, as was he, they were financially more stable when i was born, but they had already done all the fun stuff with him, scouts, 4H, church trips, room mother, they were tired already…i lost dad when i was 30 and mom this last December, her 87, my 52. I felt cheated i didnt have enough time with either of them, but nonetheless loved and cherished everyday of my life. Give it all you got, I think its more common today to have children later and of course medicine has come along way in 50 years, so stay healthy and do your check ups, get a support system and stay active with them the whole road and things should be fine. Congratulations, babies are a blessing!

Ohhhhh jesus!!! 35 is not old, do not worry :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: xxxxxx


I was a week shy of 37 when my son was born, he’s healthy, however due to your age you will get genetic testing done around 12 or 14 wks I think, this will rule out common genetic issues, and you’ll know the sex of your baby too if u want to know, congrats on your little!

I had one at 35 & one at 37 both are happy healthy teens

Hi honey, try to stay calm and enjoy your beautiful gift. I was 38 when I had my daughter with no problems. She is now 16

Congrats. I was 35 when I had twins. They were perfect. You got this.


A lot of folks are starting there family’s at this age.

Take prenatal vitamins as soon as possible do not wait you can get them without a prescription and once you go to your Dr they can switch them if needed


I was 35 and my boyfriend was 39 so close. There was no issue our son was born at 43 weeks weighing 10 lbs and 13 oz! They were very detail ran tests all the time to make sure things were good. There 79 year old men having healthy babies with younger woman. Take the prenatal. Mine were never prescribed but had been in previous pregnancies!

I had my second when I was 37. No problems. If your healthy you should be fine.

I had my last of six kids at 38…she’s my lil bestie now at 13

You are perfectly fine :grin: I just had my wee girl at 37 baby number 4. :heart_eyes: she’s absolutely perfect nothing wrong. I totally understand your worries. But you will get blood tests and ultrasounds and I’m sure you baby will be just fine. And the prenatals just start them now. Don’t stress mumma :heart::heart::heart: enjoy being pregnant :heart::heart::heart:

I was 35 when I had my last child she is 37 and super fine

I had my first baby age 37!!! First baby born happy and healthy so do not worry! Just because you’re older doesn’t mean you will have health issues with the bubba! Just take care of yourself and definitely take your vitamins girl!!! Don’t wait until you see doc….get on them now!

I had my son when I was 34, I had to do it all alone, no family to help me and the dad messaged me a month before I had my son that he didnt want anything to do with me or our son. He told me not to contact his mum. I got straight on the phone to her, luckily she was there from day one. I have always struggled with my mental health. I have insulin dependent diabetes so that had to be kept an eye on, other than that I had no problems, with my pregnancy, as soon as I found out I was pregnant I took folic acid as I wanted the best for my baby.
Please dont worry about ur age, trust me if I can do it anybody can. Its amazing what strength u have x

Just had my 7th baby at age 42 , no health issues with any of them , she’s 6 weeks old and a diva but I wouldn’t swap her ( not today anyway :joy: )

2nd baby at 41, no need to worry x

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I had my son at 41. I did need a C section but he was healthy just got wrapped in his umbilical cord.

I had twins at 51 yrs old. My babies are totally healthy.
Take prenatals as soon as possible. The baby is developing right now. :revolving_hearts:
Congrats!! Babies are a blessing💞

You will be fine. Take your prenatal vitimins NOW

I was 40 and my husband was 53 our baby girl was born 2 months early I ended up with preeclampsia my daughter was 3 pounds when she was born but super healthy no issues what so ever other than being small she spent 2 weeks in the nicu she will be 7 the end of this month you can’t tell she was ever a premie

Had my first at 35, then 38, 40 and last at 44 all healthy and straightforward pregnancies. X

I had my son when I was 37. It was the best I ever felt and he was totally healthy. he’s 34 now

I had my identical twin daughters when I was 35 with a C-section no problems at all. My babies will be 19 in December and I turned 54 yesterday :heartpulse:

I had my last child at 42 and he was a perfectly healthy baby walks 7 months and talks 10 months just eat right and keep active good luck

My mom was 40 and 41 when she had me and my brother back in the 60s. The medical field is a lot better now then back then. We were healthy babies !! My mom smoked too. Relax, you got this !!

Not sure if this is helpful, but my mum was 34 and dad was 45 when my twin sister and I were born.
We came at 36 weeks but that’s normal for twins. We are both happy and healthy 28 yr olds. I just had a baby (their first grandchild) and my parents are amazing grandparents. The only issue is that they will spoil my son too much!
Personally I felt having older parents was a bit of a blessing. A calm steady hand and some sound (“old school”) values - whether we listened or not :sweat_smile: - set me up really well in life.
I grew up hearing some of my mates grandparents were older than my parents, but it didn’t mean a thing to me, just laughed it off.
Wouldn’t have it any other way.

Congrats and all the best :heartpulse:

Start taking prenatal now.

They sell prenatal vitamins at store

Let the Lord take over :pray:, Congratulations :confetti_ball:

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Folic acid is important especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy, reduces the risk of spina bifida. So I’d take pregnancy vitamins now. And i was 32 when I had my son, his father was 48 xx

Mum was 41 when she had me. I was a surprise.Mum & I did quite fine. Mum passed away when she was 97. I’m 66.

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I had at 35. By God grace everything is fine. Just take care of yourself and your diet.

Had my first at 41 and it was all very smooth. Try and relax and enjoy it

Buy prenatal vitamins over the counter, drink mostly water and remember if you are stressing out the baby will feel that stress. It will all be ok, congrats on the baby :heart:

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had my 3rd child at 39 and was the best pregnancy and labour

We were 36 and 37
I had my first at 21 and 23 and can say my body struggled a little more being older with my last
I had reduced movement and was induced at 37 weeks to a healthy boy weighing 6p5… now have a crazy little nearly 4 year old
I found they were more thorough being on the older side

A friend of mine, she had a healthy baby, she was 50 at time


I had baby 6 at 41. Everything went fine. Don’t stress 35 isn’t old!!! Enjoy the pregnancy and enjoy being parents x

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I had my 1st baby in February i was 34, 35 in april.xx

I had my 4th baby at 38. All went well. I know its hard but try not to worry.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Older and pregnant, what was your experience?

I was 43 and he was/is perfectly healthy!

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I had twins just a few months before I turned 35…. Both babies were completely healthy and born full term. And yes!! Start taking those prenatal vitamins… they won’t hurt you! Best of luck!

Take folic supplement. Relax and you will be just fine.

Yes, my husband I are older (about thr same age as you and yours). Have healthy twins.

You will be ok put in gods hands

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I had my third at 38 and my partner was 41 she was a surprise to i found the pregnancy and labour really hard and she never slept till she was 3 but she is perfectly healthy

My mom had me at 35 and my brother at 39 we came out perfectly healthy

Go to pharmacy for your folic acid regardless of age take them from day 1. Congratulations :tada: x

I had my first at 33.
Just found out 2 weeks ago that we are expecting our 4th… and I’ll be 38 next month. Quite unexpected but so far so good and the other 3 are healthy as can be. Thought we were done but I guess not!

You should start taking prenatal vitamins as soon as you find out you’re pregnant. My mom had me at 35 and my sister at 39… all is well with us. My SIL had her second at 38 and he is well and healthy. Good luck and congratulations!

My mom was 46 when she had my younger brother and everything was fine and he is perfectly healthy. I would start taking prenatal vitamins now :slight_smile:

Ur hubs age doesn’t matter as much as yours and ur super good idk what they consider advanced maternal age these days but there is a big population of women having babies well into there 40’s…they say if u are advanced maternal age theres a higher risk of certain things but if those things aren’t in ur genetics the risk goes down do a little research to calm ur nerves…ur good momma!!

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