Opinions on breastfeeding a baby that you adopt?

Not related, but anyone know how to stop milk production? my kid is 2 years old and I haven’t breastfed or pumped since she was 6 months and I’m still producing, is this a forever thing?

I personally think you should go for it! Just because this baby didn’t come from your womb doesn’t make him/her any less of your child, if you’d do it for your birth child I don’t see any reason you couldn’t do it for your adopted child. Breastfeeding is an amazing experience (coming from a breastfeeding mother) for both the mother and baby. The bond it will create between you and your child (birthed or not) will forever hold a place in your heart.

Not weird. If it’s in your heart to try, go for it!

If you are producing milk or going to try to induce producing milk with hormone therapy, I support you. Wet nursing has been around for centuries.

I say go for it why not ?

Breastfeeding is not just for bonding,
It helps mum heal inside after giving birth
And baby gets something , Science up to now. Cannot replacate, the pure nutrition
From her milk. And germ fighting from mums system, its the, Best baby will ever get. :thinking::+1::grin:

Not weird at all, that mother and baby bond is so beautiful and you should do what feels best for you. That is your baby and you are their mother :sparkling_heart:

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Breastfeeding is great for bonding… if you can get the milk then absolutely… but it doesnt make you any less of a mummy if you end up with a bottle. Good luck :kissing_heart:

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When you hold your baby for first time alone take off your top and bra. chest to chest cuddles will help stimulate your milk flow. Stimulate your nipple and breast too use ur fingers and hands. Baby’s cry will be needed. I breast fed all mine and when a baby is really really crying my boobs go very uncomfortable and I’m sure they would fill up. :sweat_smile:. When baby cries, maybe try stimulation them expressing to get the flow going? Best wishes to you!! Ps … Buy nipple cream and many breast pads :heart: