Opinions on breastfeeding a baby that you adopt?

It’s possible but extremely difficult. Formula is just as good as breastmilk so there’s really no need to.

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I think it is possible actually, talk to your Dr about it! It would be a great way to bond with the baby too since you aren’t actually carrying it yourself (which I am so sorry you couldn’t do but there’s nothing wrong with adoption because all babies/kids deserve a loving family) and it’s not weird, that will still be your baby regardless of genetics. I hope you get to adopt the baby and can figure out the lactating thing too! Good luck!

Whatever you desire in your heart, do that :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I would love to know how it works out good luc to you both xz

I think you should, that’s your baby. I didn’t breastfeed for long personally but it really helps new moms bond! I would do some research on doctors that will be supportive.

Not weird at all. If you can get something from the doctor to help you produce milk I say go for it!!! It was be an amazing bonding experience :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Not weird at all. If you can breastfeed by all means go for it! It’s super beneficial.:heart:

Please ask a qualified nurse, midwife, or doctor

How would that even work!

If you can go head down f a problem don’t stress and done!

I need to know how are you going to produce milk. I genuinely want to knoe soni can maybe start again

If you are adopting the baby that makes it YOUR BABY. So yes, it is perfectly fine for you to breastfeed YOUR BABY. Hope all works out.

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Honestly it’s your own preference. Do what you feel comfortable with.

It’s not weird at all breastfeeding is the best thing you can possibly do and if you can’t then formula is the next best thing. Even a combination of both is fine so long as you’re trying your hardest. If you can breastfeed that would be amazing!!

You need start now of that what your wanting. —. Breastfeeding aint all that you still get the bond and closeness. With a bottle two

I think your need to take certain hormones etc. But also unfortunately as baby not been birthed.
You may find it difficult to produce.

Look into local mums breastfeeding groups donations etc.

The only thing I find weird is that your body can produce milk with no baby !!!

I sure it can’t and won’t be sufficient enough. For the long term. +++!

I’m curious on how you’d produce milk.

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You can get injections or/and medication to induce milk

I’ve heard it is possible :woman_shrugging:t2:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Opinions on breastfeeding a baby that you adopt? - Mamas Uncut

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Once you have taken over from.birth mum, the baby is yours, you as a mum get that choice, I think if you can, then fab if you can’t also perfectly fine, it’s your choice as mother, I wish you all the best xx

If you are able to produce the milk then this would be a lovely thing to do :heartbeat:

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Not weird.But, talk to your obgyn about the process of induced lactation. There are alot of great groups on Facebook for breastfeeding and pumping

Sometimes I think people care way too much about what other people think. Once you adopt that child you’re suppose to love it and care for it as if it came from your own womb. You do that how you see fit. If breastfeeding your child is the best option for your family, go for it!

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Try it if you don’t like it stop. You could always express your milk.
As soon as that baby is yours you’ll know what’s best (for both of you!)

I know a lady who adoped s new born and she had induced lactation I worked out just fine for her and the baby ,if you want to try I think it would be good for both you and your baby. Good luck

Honestly girl, if you want to breastfeed that baby then breastfeed it. It will be your baby and if you think breast feeding it will be best then go for it. Theres people at the hospital that could help you with info on it. It’s going to be a tough journey but you and baby are the ones affected so if you think it’s best. Go for it!


You can always get milk from a milk bank if induced lactation doesn’t work. It’s another great option. Good luck!

The minute my son was in my arms he was mine. Breastfeeding or not. But I had moments where I had wanted to experience it. There is nothing weird about it. If wet nurses were a thing back in the day, there is nothing wrong with a mom wanting to me as close as possible to her child. :heart:


Breast feeding is the best thing for both you and the baby. Will require hormones at first. I applaud you for being willing to do it. Create a bond like no other

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I’m intrigued now lol

How would you produce the milk?, xx

If you produce milk feed the baby there is nothing weird about it

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If you can then do it.

If its something you want to do and your able to do then go for it! It could help with your skin to skin bond. X

You do what ever you feel comfortable with. It will be your child no one else can tell you what to do , only if you ask for help

I don’t mean this in a horrible way at all I’m just interested so I hope you don’t mind me asking! But how can you breastfeed a baby that you haven’t given birth to as surely the milk develops when you are pregnant? x


To each their own. But personally I hated breastfeeding. I only breastfeed the first 3-4 months and I was over it. I thought it was pretty painful process. :woman_shrugging:t2: Best of luck though! And how awesome for you for wanting to experience that and do that for the baby it really does have its benefits.

Yes it is possible dear, nature her with love she’s yours to love

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If you can lactate, do it. And good luck x


I did, he’s 2.5 and we are still going! If you have questions feel free to message:)

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Its your baby. Breastfeed. And do not worry what anyone thinks its your child. No ones business. Itll also help you bond…

See a lactation consultant pronto there are meds and steps you can take and if you get your milk in before the baby comes you can start a stockpile in the freezer.

And just to add if you cannot do it do not beat yourself up! I couldn’t breastfeed because of meds I take for migraines. And the bond being able to feed our kids gave to my husband and other family members filled my heart with joy. Nothing like having a rough night and being able to get a shower while my mom fed Will or Kadie :heart: or hubby getting up for those 4am feedings :heart:


Discuss it with your husband. Think about it… wait to stuff is finalized bc until the baby is here biological mom can still keep him or her and if she isn’t sure, she is keeping the child. Go to an adoption agency…and look onto that option.

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Breastfeed! It’s not weird! Do what’s best for your baby!:two_hearts:

Good luck!

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I don’t personally think it’s weird. I think it’s wonderful!

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Try but if unsuccessfully, believe you will be a great mom.

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If that’s what you wanna do … do it !

Fabulous thing to do and it is possible but takes planning, ignore judges who say its weird because it isnt xxx

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If it’s what you want, do it! They make pills that induce lactation now. It’s so awesome! Even if others find it weird, once you adopt that baby, baby IS your child.
I don’t find it weird, I’ve breastfed my great nephew because his mom was overwhelmed with both babies crying for food and was still trying to get in the swing of surprise twins. I had her permission in that circumstance. If you’re comfortable, nothing else matters :heart:


It’s an amazing idea. Alot of work!!! Maybe meeting with a lactation consultant would be helpful. It’s a SLOW process but you would need to start the process of lactation before baby is due. Get u a pump and begin with pumping. Yes u will probably get nothing but in time u will slowly start to notice drops then supply. I urge u to work with a lactation consultant during this process because ot can be difficult. But if u can’t dont blame yourself ur a great mom.

Breast feed if you can

How is it possible? Do you have breast milk?


I have no idea about the breastfeeding part, but I just wanted to say how truly wonderful of a person you are! :heart:


Go for it ! Its a great way to establish the bond :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts: its a lot of work on your body be prepared for lots of snacks and stay hydrated.


To each their own. I’ve had guardianship of my brother’s baby since she was a month old. She’s almost 7 months now 2 weeks and having her my boobs swell up and started leaking milk. Scared the crap out of me I didn’t know that could happen until my mom explained it to me.I didn’t try though,I bottle fed all my kids

I would let someone breast feed my child so no I don’t think it’s weird


This is so beautiful please do it!! :white_heart: Currently 15m breastfeeding mine.


No lol absolutely breastfeed your baby if you’re capable of it!


There are companies that collect breastmilk from moms who are already pumping. You might be able to look into that donation program. You can also talk to your doctor and see if there is anything to help you lactate. My concern would be lack of colostrum and the possibility of you not producing enough :woman_shrugging: I’m not sure how that would work but you could always talk to a lactation consultant

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Not weird. I have 3 sisters and we have Ll wet nursed each others babies. If baby is hungry and they are getting fed that’s what’s important.


I mean that meet the fockers movie he had a whole silicon boob so ppl understand its importance. In local breast feeding groups you might find more support and even donors of milk :blue_heart:

As long as your baby is fed and loved, how they are fed isn’t important. I have a friend who adopted and breast fed, this was back in the 90s. I know it took her working hard before the baby came to get her milk to come in. Good luck and bless you and your husband for creating a family! My mother also couldn’t have children so me and my 2 siblings are all adopted. Families come in all kinds of ways.


As a mom you will ALWAYS be criticized. Rise above it. Do what you know to be best for you baby to the best of your ability and then , (when you do something like this and go above and beyond for your baby -wow!), tell everyone else to shove it.


Adopted or not you are now a mom! I think it’s incredible :heart: also in a lot of cultural it’s normal for kids to get fed by any auntie. ( I’m talking about breastfeeding) I Coming from someone adopted into a family.

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That’s a a wet nurse type… yes. You can. That bond will be strong too

Are you producing milk? That’s the only way you’d be able to breastfeed

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I never knew that that was even a possibility. It’s amazing what our bodies can do! Go for it if that’s what you want to do. Good luck :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

If you can why not? That would be a wonderful way to bond! Good luck!!

It is true you can breast feed the baby it will take time for milk to come in so be patient nipple stimulation will help also good luck and it’s an amazing way to bond with baby but remember if it becomes too much and doesn’t go your way fed is best. Good luck

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I am mind blown that this is possible and not in a negative way I just didn’t know. But I think that’s Amazing and a Wonderful way to establish that connection with baby

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If you can, that’s giving the baby the healthiest start. Do whatever is right for you and your baby.

After you adopt that baby is yours. You get to choose, and no it’s not weird to bf your baby.


I breast fed both of mine. My son untill 2yrs old.The more they nurse the more milk you will have.You will have to start pumping regular a few months before the baby is born or be forced to supplement.

I have 3 babies of my own, breastfeed 2 of the 3, I am close to each of them in individual ways. Breastfeeding is so convenient and ready to go(no bottles to clean and carry, no formula to purchase and prepare). Your baby, if you can commit to breastfeeding, do it!!!
Hugs to you and your family!!!

My first child passed away and my breast milk was a big reminder of what I had lost my second was so hard on me mentally I could breastfeed I had serious PPD baby blues my third and fourth child I breast feed but with my third he was only 6 weeks old when my milk start to slow down dramatically that’s how I found out number four was on the way I only got to breast feed him for six more month before my fourth once number four came I couldn’t get my milk to stop my fourth is 4 going on 5 and my milk still
Won’t dry up :woman_facepalming:t3: I stopped feeding breast Milk at 1 :eyes: either way I feel a lot of guilt for my number 2/3 because they both struggled with ear infections as soon and I stopped breastfeeding and well as colds number four had an immune system that unheard of lol all and all breast milk is gold for a baby and I think it’s very important

It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve heard in a long time on this group. Go for it, no judgement


I think its awesome! We still have wet nurses today and you can do things to make your body start producing. If it’s what you want to do I say do your research, talk to your doctors, and go for it! It’s definitely an option if you want

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I didn’t know that was possible. Very cool


It’s not weird ! Go for it!

Congratulations Mama! :heart:

I would suggest that you contact your local La Leche league group.
Best wishes.

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If you can then why not?!?! That’s fantastic!

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I think it is wonderful that you want to breastfeed this baby. I will pray that things work out for you to be able to adopt this child and that you can breastfeed them. But do contact your local hospital’s certified lactation specialist. They will have the most up to date information on this for you.

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Literally “nurses” in the middle ages were just lactating women that fed rich people’s babies. Human milk is good for any human baby

I’ve read about it. Go for it. You have nothing to lose and a wonderful experience to gain. But remember bottles don’t mean failure, only a different way to feed your baby. Best wishes. :heart:


Absolutely not weird. It’s beautiful- and if you choose not to- still beautiful.

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You can breastfeed. A friend of mine was a surrogent mother and the original mother was able to take supplements for her to also be able to breastfeed. It’s not uncommon.

If you can do it go for it. People used to nurse other peoples babies. Don’t know the dynamics to start milk with no pregnancy.

Absolutely you can. I’m pretty sure there’s pills that can help start production and I heard that breast pumps help before bubs born. Make sure to label what time and date you pumped milk so you can store for future use :grin: 3 months in a normal freezer, 6 months in a deep freezer (I’m pretty sure that correct but double check with a health professional). And Absolutely make sure the first of the milk is stored. Colostrum is liquid gold to babies. It’s the best for a new born baby. And if you produce too much milk for baby before it’s born, milk banks are always asking mums for milk donations for babies who are either orphaned, or mums who can’t produce milk, or neonatal babies who can’t have mum with them (in Australia anyways)

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ABSOLUTELY :hugs:!! If you can do it, go for it! Best of luck momma :revolving_hearts:

I think that is a huge bonding experience if you are able. I was adopted into my own family as well. Think long and hard about your decision. Be open & honest with the child from the start about how he/she became yours. Family can be very vindictive. My parents were not upfront & a family member told me out of spite & anger when I was only 9yrs old. I spent years feeling like my parents adopted me out of necessity and not love. Like they were doing me a favor. Took me many years to heal. Just be careful. People can get nasty. I wish you all the luck in the world for a better experience than mine… Prayers to you.

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So if you do I’d suggest supplementing at first because it can take awhile for milk to produce if you aren’t pregnant. Not sure if it’ll 100% work but definitely worth a shot if that’s what you want

I breastfed my nieces, they were adopted and my sister was never able to produce milk, so I pumped for them and spend 1 night a week at their house nursing them


I definitely think you should try! Breastfeeding helps create an amazing bond with your child!

Yes you should. Does not matter what everyone else thinks. It’s you that had to decide for yourself.

Not at all…it’s beautiful that you are even thinking of it!!!

I adopted twins from birth. My amazing sister was able to induce lactation for them. She stopped by once a week to nurse and deliver pumped milk. I also was able to get some donated milk from Human milk for Human babies.

In our state, birth parents cannot sign away rights immediately so while in the hospital we had to have permission from bio mom to nurse. We had talked about it ahead of time and she was on board. We had a great hospital and doctor who was very encouraging, educated, and supportive of the adoption plan, and that helped a lot too.

Best of luck!

Do it. Absolutely do it.

Look into the pros and cons. My guess is that it would involve you taking a lot of hormones which of course, could have negative side effects. Talk to your doctor…

Bottle feed your baby…some people cannot and some like me choose not to breast feed…as long as baby is loved all will be well…


I don’t think it would be weird at all! That would be YOUR baby, adopted or not and breastfeeding is the most natural thing you can do as a mom. It would be a beautiful thing for you to do, and I’m sure would help strengthen the bond as well. I have heard it can be tricky to get a supply going so don’t get too down on yourself if it’s not successful, but also remember that it can take awhile even for a mom who gave birth to get things going smoothly, so try to be patient. There are also other options to give breastmilk like milk banks or human milk for human babies just as a fall back plan :slightly_smiling_face:

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