Opinions on the name Bundy

Hey. Just wondering what people think of the name bundy. I'm so inlove with it but im sick of being told I'm naming my child after a serial killer. Which I have no idea about or alcohol. Which I don't drink and haven't for over 10 years..

This is just my opinion, name your kid whatever you want. If you are worried about him being made fun of for “ted bundy” a man that most kids/teenagers/ young adults have no idea about, maybe find a name that has “bundy” “bund” in the longer name and give him the nickname Bundy. If any teasing does occur its most likely going to be from the generation who knows about Ted Bundy and they are adults and need to grow up.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Opinions on the name Bundy

I personally hate the name and wouldn’t do it because the poor kid will be called Ted Bundy his whole life.


Name your kid whatever you want.
Just keep in mind that people are mean.
He’s going to have to be the one that lives with it with the rest of his life. Not you.


My first thought was Al Bundy from Married with Children :woman_shrugging:


Bundy as in Ted, or Al? Lol Bud Bundy Jr. It’s an ugly first name for sure. Jmo

Oh I just wouldn’t. Even if you really love the name, you have to think about the fact that they are the one that has to live with it. People are mean and will always find something to be nasty about, but don’t make them such an easy target x


Remember your child has to grow up with that name.


Please don’t do that to your child :woman_facepalming:t2:


No! The answer is no!


I guess it’s better than Hitler… poor kid is gonna be called all kinds of names, ted bundy, king kong bundy,AL bundy,parents these day I swear, that have to have some unique name for their kind to show just how cool they are, give the kid a fighting chance in life and give them a somewhat normal name


your child can always change their name later on in life if they really want to :woman_shrugging:t3: if they decide to do that, support their decision. either way, your baby your choice! i personally like the name lol

Why would you do that to your child.


Your child your choice! If no one likes it stuff them if u love it !

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There are some names that live in Infamy. That is one of them.


Your Child Will Be Teased Tremendously Don’t Do It…


I agree, don’t name your child that. Maybe get a cat and name him that or a hamster or something but don’t do that to your child.


Your child’s generation won’t even know those references. If you love it, go for it.

I’d say no makes me think of Ted Bundy​:flushed: and al Bundy :rofl:lol


Maybe as a middle name but not a first name.

People let’s keep in mind people name kids after horrible people all the time. Just the other day at play time I saw a group of kids name Donald, Kyle, Derek, and Kim.


You might like it, but your poor kid has to live with it.


Yeah no don’t do it also the way you said this whole thing is odd


Reminds me of Al Bundy. Don’t do it!!!


No , pick another!! It’s on a par with naming him Hitler.

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No…it’s no different to Adolf…

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Know your child will go through life as Bunny.

Serial killer…how can any educated person not know this


If you like it, that’s what should matter.

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Yeah bundy [Ted bundy]] is a well known serial killer from years back

Your child will be reased issa no

I’d try and get a full name and see if Bundy can be a nickname instead?

How do you not know about Ted Bundy?
I’d do a little research on him and reconsider that name.
You might like it. But the poor kid will have to live with it.

I wouldn’t, seeing it immediately made me think of the serial killer as well…
Unfortunately he has ruined the name for eternity I believe.

Keep looking through names, I’m sure you’ll find another that you’ll really like that won’t remind everyone of something awful :slightly_smiling_face:

To me bundy sounds more like a nickname not an actual first name

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I wouldn’t do it, a snotty kid in my kids class was enough to put me off a name when I was recently pregnant let alone a serial killer :grimacing:has a bad energy around it now :sob:

Yeah, i dont like to tell people they can or cant do somerhing. You should look up the serial killer and find out a few things. You will be setting your child up for a lifetime of unwanted persecution and stereotype. I strongly encourage you to explore other options.

I wouldn’t setting them up for negativity for life:( I’m sorry!

I wouldnt i immediately thought of the serial killer.

Reminds me of ted bundy

Hard pass for me. Like the others Al Bundy and Ted Bundy are all that come to mind…

Nope. I automatically think of ted bundy.

I’d say name your child what you want. I liked how the word asphyxiation sounded so I derived my daughter’s name from it. Her name is Aphixia


Your kid your choice! People name their kid Purple or Rice so whatever lol

I like the name Sundee

Our beloved staffy was named Bundy :paw_prints::cry:

No way. Love the name if you want but leave it at that.

If you love your baby, don’t do it :sweat_smile:


As soon as I read bundy I automatically thought of Ted bundy. I personally wouldn’t want a name affiliated with someone well known for horrendous crimes but at the end of the day its your decision and your child.


This is just my opinion, name your kid whatever you want. If you are worried about him being made fun of for “ted bundy” a man that most kids/teenagers/ young adults have no idea about, maybe find a name that has “bundy” “bund” in the longer name and give him the nickname Bundy. If any teasing does occur its most likely going to be from the generation who knows about Ted Bundy and they are adults and need to grow up.


Automatically think of Ted bundy. Don’t do that to ur kid.


Bundy was a serial killer and people will associate the name . Don’t do it


Please don’t. Kids can be mean and that would make your child an easy target

Google works pretty good to research. Js.:eyes:. Now… Your the mom & you can name your baby ANYYYYYTHING you want to… BUUUUT… If you name your son Bundy, he will be teased all his life. Think of HIS feelings & coming home crying all the time from being called a murderer or serial killer. Don’t be selfish on his account girl you’ll never forgive yourself. I mean. I guess there IS ppl out there that’ll name their child Dick & don’t care so I guess it’s a toss up on you.:eyes::woman_shrugging::grimacing:

Reminds me of the Bundy family. Married with children :smile:

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I thought of the bogan drink bundy rum as soon as I read the name. :joy:

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Not only is it associated with a serial killer and alcohol… its horrible.


My 1st thought was that sounds like a pet dogs name :woman_shrugging:t4:

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As a teacher I would recommend a lovely mainstream name that won’t cause eyerolling or teasing. People will think he is called Bunty or Bunny.


Do not name your kid Bundy! Idk how you don’t know about the serial killer but everyone else does.


WHO CARES WHAT OTHERS THINK. Honestly if you mean well and have the best intentions then name your baby whatever you want.

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I think its kinda adorable

Dear god do not do this

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Maybe do some research on who and what Ted Bundy has done and think about how horrible some kids and adults can be. I would feel like if you named him Bundy that ppl would exclude him from birthday parties and sleep overs and it won’t be because of your child but who the name is associated with. Maybe even watch the documentary on Netflix once you have done all that and you still feel strongly about liking the name Bundy then its your choice.


Don’t listen to anyone if you like it do it… Maybe your child will make the name famous for something other than serial killing

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I’m all for unique names but my first thought is Ted Bundy. Unfortunately that seems like the general consensus, it’s not a bad name it’s just got a stigma attached to it now- like the name Karen. Nobody wants to be named Karen right now :joy:


Educate yourself and you will soon realise why people are saying what they are. However it is your child and your choice, name your baby what you want to.


Just makes me think of Ted Bundy. No way I’d name a child it.


Dont do that to ur child

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I say go for it there is something with almost every name that someone could find wrong it’s what u like hun

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I would wordy he would be made fun of in school

I know someone who named her kid lucifer, its your kid but keep in mind people will also give unsolicited advice

Personally I wouldnt. His name could affect his future employment tbh…its a name that has bad connections and no boss wants to be calling that out in front of clients

What about Bindi? i think thats a lovely name and very similar :heart:

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Not only is it a bear which represents alcohol but uh, Ted Bundy the killer. I wouldn’t want that stigma connected to my child whatsoever

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If you like it that’s all that matters. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Poor child…he will forever be teased for his name. Educated yourself on #Tedbundy and the killings he dis. And decide for urself x

As someone who named her twins Cain and Abel, even I think this is too much. Hard no.


They would definitely be made fun of. I would never do that to my child but ultimately it’s your child and your decision.

No. Bad choice. Kids have enough to deal with

Your child may be made fun of later in life for his name. I wouldn’t do it

It’s not so much about you loving the name, but more so, what will it mean for your child? What will school be like? Employment? First impressions?


Unless you want people constantly talking to your child about sharing the name of a serial killer and people being creeped out…I would rethink it. Maybe get a cat or dog and name it Bundy…or a fish?

Bundy was a last name. Not first. I see no connection… especially with a generation that doesn’t hear and won’t hear that name much anymore.


Name a puppy Bandy, not a child. His life will be miserable. Or name him Manson, :roll_eyes:

I wouldn’t JUST because I wouldn’t want my baby getting bullied/teased. I know it shouldn’t matter cuz it’s your choice but that’s how people are.

Y’all are thinking WAY to much into the fact the name is also of a killer smfh TONS of people have the same names as killers smfh, I bet if y’all looked it up you can find someone with the same name as you who GUESS WHAT could have also been a killer yet I bet none of you have sat down nd actually thought about that before telling this person that the kid would have issues growing up


You’ve seriously never heard of Ted Bundy?


And what child won’t be made fun of for something? Imagine if you excluded naming children the same or similar names of icky. crazy or deranged people. We would eliminate Michael and Jackson, and a thousand others forever! :wink:
Names like Biden, Jeffrey, John. Wayne… it goes on and on. Ha!!! Name your kid whatever you like

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Think of your child. JUST because YOU’RE “in love” with it doesn’t mean he will. Kids are cruel and they will tease him about it.

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If someone’s kids is bullying yours about the name then it says a lot about these guys parenting. Most of these kids shouldn’t even know what a serial killer & these parents saying don’t do this or kids will bully your kid isn’t addressing the issue, they’re justifying it. It was the guys last name, not his first so I don’t see many kids correlating the two.


Sounds like a nick name or house name

I immediately think of Ted Bundy


I agree that maybe name a pet this. Your child will be picked on his entire life because of this name. If you are that set in giving this name to your child, make it a middle name, definitely not his first.


There’s 2 types of bundys…. There’s TED and AL so yes name him after the one we all like AL!


Yeah that would he a pass. That’s just not a good name. Understand if you choose that name your child will get made fun of at some point in their life. It’s inevitable. Please consider a different name.

Straight away taught of ted bundy

This is your child. I think bundy is a very unique name


Normally I’d say don’t announce your name choice before the bc is signed. Someone will always have something negative to say. But in this case I’m glad you did for your child’s sake. If you use this name your child will always be bullied over it. Please don’t name him/her Bundy. Please Google all names before you use them.