Opinions on the name Bundy

I’ll normally always say use the name that you love and don’t think about what others think BUT in this case please don’t do it. He’ll get referenced to it and he’ll get picked on over it


Well, I have a dog named dahmer but I don’t think it’s a person name with out thinking of Ted bundy

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I don’t know how it relates to alcohol, but I immediately thought of Ted Bundy… most people will


You name your baby whatever you want, don’t listen to anybody else. it’s your baby not theirs.


Honestly who cares what anyone else thinks? It is YOUR child. Name YOUR child what YOU want to. I LOVE unique names. I thought of Al Bundy instead of Ted. Lol. Go for it. If it makes YOU happy do it. All these negative Nancys are miserable do not let them kill your vibe!!

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Ted Bundy is what I immediately thought

You’d literally be giving them the name that was the last name of a strangely idolized serial killer. Please spare the child and ridicule and choose a different name


I think it’s more of a name for a pet but the choice is yours. I personally wouldn’t if you’re really set on it maybe use it as a middle name x

My first thought was Al Bundy from married with children. The serial killer didn’t even cross my mind.

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You’re setting your kid up for a lifetime of references to Ted Bundy.


Here’s my thoughts about naming babies: We may love a certain name but we’re not the ones who have to live with that being our name.
Yes. Bundy is in fact the last name of a serial killer, a type of alcohol, and the last name of a irritating tv character.
Not knowing this prior doesn’t actually change that.
Put yourself in your child’s shoes, how would you feel being named after something like that? How would feel about your classmates or coworkers reactions? Comments would definitely be made both about your child but also about you to your child. If you’re being honest with yourself I’d imagine that you probably wouldn’t have appreciated the name and definitely not the comments.

I can’t tell you what to do, but I would definitely consider thinking of a different name you like just as well without all of the baggage this one will come with.
If you’re absolutely set on it, perhaps use it as a middle name rather than his first name


We were this close to naming our son Dillinger but decided to pass down a family name instead.

Immediately thought of Ted Bundy. Normally I say name your baby whatever you want, but in this instance… Suuuuper bad idea.


So I’ve already seen this one before? Is this another person wanting to name their child Bundy or the same person still stuck on it because if it’s the same person I think this is a sign you need to change the name LMAO

Yeah first thing I’d think of hearing that name is the serial killer…


Honestly, the first name that came to my mind was Al Bundy.


If you are OK with children and adults referring to your childs name as a serial killer, because it will happen, then do what you do. But don’t act surprised or shocked or upset when it happens. You know it’s going to happen, So why even put that on that child?


This is a joke right? It’s a terrible name, imo.


Please don’t do that to your kid. Normally I don’t care what people name their babies, but you’re setting them up for a lifetime of ridicule. Maybe keep it as a middle name :woman_shrugging:
Like you’re sick of hearing people say it’s a serial killers name, imagine actually being the one having that name?


Do what u want just remember the child lives with it :heart::heart:

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While it is a unique name, you (unfortunately) will be setting your child up for ridicule and judgement. Eight out of ten people will think of Ted Bundy and not AL.


I don’t think of Ted Bundy when I hear that name… all I think of is the man who scored 4 touch downs in one game at Polk High and then ended up selling shoes :woman_shrugging:t2:


Don’t do it… Everyone will always be thinking of a serial killer when they say your child’s name :open_mouth:


It’s the the name of a serial killer and a disgruntled low life shoe salesman character through the 90’s. Pick another name. There are better names.


I go through the whole rhyming game and all with names before I name my kids just to make sure they’re not called Rick the dick or something… I would say just think about the child growing up… Would you want to be named Bundy? Idk

I call my child of lucifer more then I actually use her name :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: long story short your kid that was his name before he became a killer so :person_shrugging: xxx

Only Bundy I know is AL bundy but it’s your child name them what ever you want. Forget what people think. It’s your child and no matter the name they will love you as much as you love them :heart:

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For one it’s not a cute name, for two most people will definitely just think about the serial killer there’s ton of people who know about him and you must be one of the very few people who do not

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Normally don’t care what people name their kiddos, but this along with a few others should just be a no brainer. Think about your child and how THEY would feel or be treated, not yourself. You and your child WILL get backlash or bullied for you naming them that. Don’t act all surprised when it happens because you’ve been warned by people you know and the people of the internet, which you made public by asking. There are a billion and ten names and a lot are unique if that’s what you are going for. IMO, that’s like naming your child Lucifer or Hitler.

Name your child what you want, just know the consequences of your choice.


Ted Bundy is the first thing that comes to mind. I believe people should name their baby whatever but the baby will absolutely be bullied by people and teachers will think you’re crazy.


Don’t do that to your child.

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Do you have any alternative names picked out?

Pretty close to bindy which is a good name. Of course if you’re not from the states not everyone will know its a serial killer last name. I liked dahmer and I got a ton of backlash. So we went with osmond

My parents named me Anastasia and My entire life it was always referenced weather or not it was royal anastasia, your highness, or princess anastasia. And then the Disney movie came out and you can only imagine what came of that. Luckily being a princess is not a negative. I can only imagine what Bundy would get and it is associated with a very famous negative thing. I would think about it long and hard and decide is your love for a name is worth the risk.i love my name and would not change it but it is associated with a positive.


No excuse these days for not knowing! Wealth of information at your fingertips called Google! The child is the one that will have to deal with the name, not you!


Here’s an overview of why this is a bad idea…

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Maybe use it as a nickname?

Between Ted Bundy and Al Bundy you’re setting your kid up to be picked on and bullied in my opinion


Google Ted bundy…he murdered women all across the country after he escaped from jail he murdered a bunch of women in a sorority house and a few more people just in one night…then theres al Bundy whom character is famous for being a white trash pos dad who hates his life…idk about u but I wouldnt want my kids name to remind people of either of those names

Ultimately it’s your choice but remember your kid has to live with that (and the backlash) for the rest of their lives… Not to mention any trauma being picked on may cause… If it were me, I would just pick another name …


It’s just an ugly name, doesn’t matter who it’s after.

You don’t……you don’t know who ted Bundy is? Everyone knows who he is and what a terrible person he was. How do you not know? I’m sorry don’t mean to be rude but do you live under a rock or something? Highly confused how you don’t know who he is

Nope bc i first think ted bundy

I think because of this wave of true crime obsession, people will think you named him that because you love Ted Bundy. He will be associated with a serial killer his whole life. Its not like naming him Ted which is common and has other associations. Bundy has one infamous connection that’s not going away anytime soon.


If it wasn’t a child killers name, it would of been a nice name for your bubba. Honestly please think of the bullying the child will get.

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Nick name, I wouldn’t use it as a real name.

I thought of Married with Children and then the serial killer. You may love the name but its not a good idea.

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It’s terrible and you can’t claim to not know who Ted Bundy is, that’s just b.s

You can always say you named your child after Al Bundy from married with children :rofl:
If you like the name Bundy, keep it and don’t listen to others


Well why would you want to name a child that? Have you read about Ted Bundy? He was a monster, I wouldn’t want that name associated with a child.

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Not even a nickname lol

If you don’t know what the name means and keep hearing people talk about it, then look it up and see for your self who the man Ted Bundy was. And maybe that will change your mind.


It’s your child name him what u want Ted Bundy was his name and I’m sure people have named their child Ted People need to grow up I say go for it

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I personally wouldn’t pick that name, but at the same time it’s not my child. You’re probably thinking the generation he’s gonna grow up in won’t know a thing about it just like you didn’t know anything about it. My kids who obviously weren’t born in the 70s even knows about the man. As I said it’s your child you have the right to name it whatever you want. Just think about how he’d feel about it once he’s older. Bc he will find out about that horrible person one way or another. Good luck with trying to make your decision.

I used to know a dog called Bundy he was so cute

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Not only Ted Bundy horrible man
Also Married With Children family name was Bundy
Al Bundy dumb as a rock you wouldn’t want that name at all

I have three questions for you:

  1. Whose baby is this?
  2. Do you like the name Bundy?
  3. Why do you care what people think about your child’s name?
    Name your child whatever you want your child to be named. It is really no one’s business.

I mean, I say do what you want to do…Screw what other people say or think. But on the same hand, he may be made fun of, treated different in school etc. I say do what you want to, but also think in terms of later in life.


When I was naming my son I thought “will this get him made fun of” cause while I can raise a child with a kind heart, others don’t. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


At the end of the day, Its really all about what you want… and remember, its your kid, so its ultimately your decision…
but in all honesty, I really think you should pass on that name…not only does it remind me of Ted bundy, and of course Al Bundy,
But the firsr name as bundy just sounds weird to me for some reason…
like I said, its ultimately up to you,
But i think the name bundy would be better for a big dog, or cat! Js…

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I googled it & it says less than 100 people ( 5 ) have the name Bundy recorded in the social security database between 1880 & 2019, as a first name (it’s Google so it may be wrong :joy:). That would be an inclination that just about everyone associates Bundy with Ted Bundy & not a great first name choice… but it’s your kid. Just think about the things that he’ll grow up dealing with if that’s his first name is all.


Jeremy Ohw :joy: the shit I come across on these mom pages

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Don’t do it to your child.


I know some folks who named their kid Dexter. But Bundy? Nah

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If you like it, go for it. However, you’ll need to accept that whenever people hear Bundy, they will automatically associate it with Ted Bundy who wasn’t just a serial killer, but a necrophile and a shit human being.

If you’re sick of being told you’re naming your kid after a serial killer and he isn’t even born yet, how are you going to feel hearing it for the rest of your life? How is he going to feel living his entire life with that name? Not only will he deal with the repercussions as a child, but also as an adult. Just about everyone he meets, including prospective employers will have a reaction and most of those reactions will be negative.


My question is why Bundy ?? It’s an interesting name and I get wanting different :slight_smile: you’ll never find my girls on pens :stuck_out_tongue: what do you like about it, middle name to go with it?

The name bundy is English and it means free. If you want to name you child bundy name him bundy.


Just remember that they have to live with your choice. What’s cute for a toddler, might not be for the CEO of a fortune 500 company. My name was an old person name that I hated as a child, but works perfectly for the old me. And for everyone that says it’s your choice, it is; but the child has to live with the nicknames and harassment. Been there, done that.


When I first hear Bundy I don’t automatically go to Ted. I went to married with children…The Bundy’s. It is just a name and as a first name very rare at least you’re not naming him Ted!

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1 of the most notorious serial killer ever.Do some research for the child’s sake…there are numerous documentaries or just Google it.But to each their own…

I’m confused if your from America and over the age of 30 how do you not know who Ted Bundy is? I first thought you meant to type Bindi like Steve Irwin daughter. Bundy does not sound like a pleasant name to grow up with.

I just think last name when I hear it

You’re setting your kid up for a lifetime of being made fun of.

Why would you do that?

Bundy is associated with a very well known serial killer and most are going to make that association.

Do your child a favor and give him a well thought out name. Kids can be mean in school and you don’t want your kid being bullied for a choice you made.

Think of the long term not just because you “love” a name now.


Somebody once said to go to Star bucks. Get a drink and have the name you want on a cup. And when they say it out loud remember how you feel about it.
Personally, bundy is a no go for me.
And I can only imagine what kids would call him throughout school.

Or the family name of the family on “married with children”
But never heard it as a first name,
If thats what you want to call him do it
Your baby after all

Al Bundy that’s all the bundies I know. I was told naming my daughter Skylar that it’s a mans name or strippers name. Her name is Skylar and I can’t see her any other way.

I personally wouldn’t name my kid that just because if you’re sick of hearing those comments now just think about how sick of hearing them he will be. He will be hearing the Ted Bundy comments his entire life.

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My only suggestion is to see past the cute cuddly baby stage. Picture him as a kid in school and as an adult. Can you see him as a child and a successful adult with this name then ok, go for it. However, if you think this name could cause potential issues in school or as an adult, if it will result in disrespect such as not necessarily being placed on the top of the interview list because it isn’t necessarily the most professional name for an adult, then maybe use it as a middle name.


Lol. That’s a hard no

Definitely immediately thought of Ted Bundy the serial killer and that’s exactly what most adults will think when they hear it

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Sure and I think Dahmer, Attilla, and Hitler are available as well


By the time your baby is born these people aren’t even going to remember who that was but I would suggest no but it’s your baby it’s your decision you do what you want don’t worry what the people on Facebook says

Please don’t. Universal Advice: choose a name that is easy to pronounce, easy to spell and will not subject them to teasing, bullying, etc.


It was my maiden name for years. For the love of all things holy do not do that to your child. Evvvverybody will always have a comment about it.

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What rock have you lived under that you dont know of Ted Bundy


Dawn Glawson don’t lolll

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Brennan is a good name

Look up to see the popularity of the name for a first name. If it’s not really popular there’s a reason.

Just name him Kaczynski🥴

Why would you want to name your child something that will get them teased and bullied about.


Mmmm I just wouldn’t.

People will literally bully him his entire life. Ted Bundy is the most popular Bundy and where most people’s minds go when you say it. Maybe you should look up what he did and it’ll help you🙃


Just try and remember what it was like for kids when you were young to be picked on because of their name

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Just tell em “ yea so you better be careful and nice to him “ :crazy_face: I loveeeee that name :heart:

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Sorry but when I hear the name Bundy I think of the show Married With Children (Al Bundy) or the serial killer Ted Bundy. If you don’t know much about Ted Bundy I recommend looking him up and familiarizing yourself with him and you’ll understand why that’s where peoples minds go. There was recently a movie released about him,
Many documentaries, books, etc. He is one of the most famous serial killers ever.

My first thought went to Married with Children and Al Bundy.

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Don’t do it. Pick a different name.
You could get a cat or a hamster or a dog and name them Bundy instead. But not one for you kid

You don’t know who Ted Bundy is???

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You’re telling me, you don’t know who Ted Bundy is? Are you old enough to have kids? :joy:
Shit who cares, name your kid what you want. Just be prepared for what comes after.