I mean you can name him what ever you want but realize what it will be like for him growing up…
To be honest i thought of Al before Ted🤷♀️
Kids will tease no matter what name your child is given. I personally hate my own name because nobody ever says it right or spells it right.
Isla Bundy want to help out
It’s a no from me. I immediately thought of Ted bundy
How old is your baby? This is old news…name your baby what you want!
All I think of is Al Bundy
Kira Bundy Steph Bundy
Well then…
Will forever be linked to a serial killer or a dumb character on married with children. I personally am not a fan…… but it is unique.
Al bundy wasn’t a serial killer… he was a legend & knew how to throw a football… now sells shoes in a mall… maybe bundy isn’t a good idea
If everyone compared a name to someone or something else,we will have a lot more interesting names out there.
Your child will be his own unique perfectly created human being.
And also. You as a mother would know. A mother always knows. You do not need any approval from people on social media.
Just remember it’s the child who has to live with the name, for their whole entire life, not you. If there’s any potential that they could be picked on or bullied because of their name, why risk it? Kids are vicious enough without a child’s parent giving others even more ammunition to hurt them with. I say save it for a cat or dog and find a more suitable one for your child. I actually thought about “Al Bundy” from “Married with Children” first, but I mean it’s either the name will likely be associated with some poor shoe salesmen barely able to eek out a living or be associated with a mass murderer. Doesn’t seem like a name I’d personally want my child to have to deal with, but it’s your kid, so I guess whatever you want to do, but just remember they will be the ones to have to live with it - forever.
Yeah thats an awful name
Maybe name him something sounding like it but use this one as a nickname… it might be tough for your kid to live with the teasing and bullying that comes with it …
Nick name can be dropped later on… Official name can’t be easily changed …
Terrible name. Please spare your child the burden and give it a better name.
All the cute names out there and your thinking Bundy.
I went to school with a kid who’s name was Bundy toker. His mom named him after married with Children (Bundy) and his last name happened to be Toker.
Ted bundy? You’ve never heard of him? Or seen the movies? Yes… he was a serial killer…
Please don’t do that to your kid!
Hahahaa does it matter
Funny…I instantly thought of Al Bundy!!
Don’t do that to your kid!!
I live in Idaho and all I can think of is Ammon Bundy !!!
Makes me think of Al and Peggy
Reminds me of married with children, not a serial killer
First thing I thought was “Like Ted Bundy?” Please NO!
After seeing this post… I’m now wondering if Ted and Al are related.
You might like it, but the world has a different view on that name. How would you appreciate your parents naming you Manson or Magnotta… the child has to live with it. Not you. If you really want to use that name, consider changing YOUR name to it… just a suggestion.
Well, he will either be associated with Ted Bundy. Or Al Bundy which I immediately thought of. You may like it but with this world today. People have a different view of that name.
So you’re saying you already know what the majority of people people think about the name; you’re just doing your confirmation biased research to find another moron that thinks it’s a great name and not to let people name shame you. Got it!
Tell them you are naming the child after TV stars…
He will be taunted for all his life… there are names similar. Id consider the emotional well being of your child, before naming him Bundy. He will hate the teasing and might wonder why you hated him, to name him that, as he gets older. ( I have a son named jeremiah. ( He claims I hated him, to name him after a drinking song). He thought about legally changing it. He hoes by jerry. No one all thru his school years evet called him jeremiah. They all called him jerry. I cant stand the name jerry. It sounds dorky. Looking back, I should have come up with gary or something else to save us both, drama.
It’s setting ur kid up… name your puppy bundy not your son
If you’re sick of being told that just wait until your poor kid has to live with that name. Common sense says don’t.
Oh lord… No. No. No. please don’t do that to your child
I would say no, the kid would get teased day in and day out. It’s just not worth it
I mean in automatically think Ted bundy
Just say you want someone to agree with you.
No, everyone will constantly bring up Ted Bundy. It’s really not a good name, the poor kid would be teased over it forever, it really wouldn’t be fair to the child.
Hilarious my initial thought was Al Bundy
Lmao never heard of Ted bundy or Al bundy but randomly “loves” the name yea not buying it you know exactly where you got it from and why you love it. Own it and tell everyone else to eff off. Not their kid not their business.
I thought of Ted Bundy
I’m guessing he’d get pretty tired of hearing about the association with Ted Bundy… might not feel too kindly toward anyone who saddled him with the name either…
It’s your kid I mean you ultimately have the choice but personally I wouldn’t because the poor child would be constantly compared to Ted Bundy the serial killer
He’s like the most known and televised serial killer right now, with multiple documentaries and movies made about him in the last few years. If you haven’t heard of him, you gotta be living under a rock.
I had a cat and named Bundy best cat ever.
Ted bundy comes to mind
I think of all bundy lol
Adolph or Hitler isn’t a good idea to be naming anyone either.
Isn’t Bundy trade marked
Name that baby what ever you want girl.
Think of Ted Bundy or Al Bundy
Yeah, my first thought was serial killer. I mean name your kid what you want but don’t be surprised with the negative connotations that come along with it.
Alcohol is completely irrelevant to asking people what they think about a name? It is quite possible you were drinking when you wrote this
Just don’t … do u like the name lucifer and Adolf too?