“I’m sick of hearing people’s opinions so I’m asking the internet for their opinions”
Dahmer is way cuter.
Watch some of the documentaries and then come back to whether or not you want to chose that name. But like others have said, it’s your choice, maybe make it the middle name?
Not gonna lie, my immediate thought was Ted Bundy. I’m all for naming your kid whatever you want, however I’d rethink that one if I were you. Just Google the name and I think you’ll agree.
I mean, I immediately thought of Al Bundy. But yeah, I guess Ted comes to mind, too.
I was thinking AL Bundy from Married With Children. GO POLK HIGH!
Ok, in all serious-Ness, you may want to rethink it. People are going to associate the name with either Ted or AL Bundy. Same as the name Adolf.
Who gives a fck what people think Or say
Your setting them up for torment and teasing even if you are not as informed about these things linked to the name of your choosing you still need to consider the repercussions your child could face due to said name
I went to school with a kid named after a serial killer. He didn’t have a fun time in school.
With all the negative attention that it’s getting right now I would feel like I’m putting a target on my child’s back. I think watching some of the documentaries is a good idea to do first. Then make a decision. Your child your choice.
I think most people will think Ted bundy straight away
I was thinking of Ted Bundy who you may not know but trust me others do
My first thought was Al Bundy
Serial killer is the first thing that comes to mind
I named my son Kyson because I loved it. Now he’s 13. I feel so bad every time I’ve heard him try to tell someone his name. They always think he says Tyson no matter what and he has to spell it and they say Oh, then they forget and call him Tyson anyways lol. It’s aggravating to him. I wouldn’t have done that to him had I have known. Just a thought
get a fish, name it anything you like. save your child a lifetime of criticism.
Well I’ve never heard of Al Bundy but it’s a good name sure heard a lot worse & some I can’t even pronounce
I live in New Zealand and the word “bundy” is a slang word used to call some awful/shit/stupid/ etc
Not to mention the serial killer. Why would you do that to your child
I personally dont like the. I would not name my child that. But people are always going to have some kind of opinion. I got looks and comments over naming my son Adler. I got the same over my other son when I named him Abel Thane. I like them. Some people dont. But we cant all be named Adam and Sarah.
That name is a Tragedeigh 2.0
Yeah we know actually why this name was picked. Just dont
Erm normally I would say screw it but Ted bundy sawed a woman’s head off. Penetrated one with a hair spray can. He killed a 12 year old. The list goes on. I really wouldn’t pick that one.
Remember mom… Your child does not stay a baby forever… Yes it sounds cute, but often kids get bullied at school over a name as well, even if it does not make sense to you… Think of him and his future and what his name represents. If the meaning of his name is serial killer, then whenever you’re gonna call him, you’re speaking something negative over him, as a meaning of a name is very important. At the end of the day it’s your choice mom. This is just my way of thinking when it comes to naming your child…
Good luck
If you love it then use it as a middle name maybe. But not a 1st name
I was thinking AL Bundy from married with children…it’s your child you name him!
Ted bundy abducted, raped, and killed over 30 women between 3 states. He was very publicly put on trial and ultimately found guilty and executed. He is one of the most “famous” serial killers out there. Several movies and documentaries about him. Kids will not be kind when they are old enough to realize who shares his name regardless of whether or not it was intentional.
I dont think alcohol, but I do think serial killer. Think into the future when he’s older… there is a chance that it will cause him some grief. I know people will say it doesn’t matter and you do what you want, but I believe you have to think of the child in this instance, not just yourself.
Yea instantly thought of Ted Bundy but then thought of AL Bundy so maybe as a middle name maybe I’m all for having names I connect with but I’m careful who was named before with it so that it’s not negative or anything. My boys names are all Biblical lol Christian John David and Asher Jeremiah Noah lol so far they are good with their names!
The first thing I thought of was you’re a cunt you’re a dick you’re a Bundy. It’s like a insult word in NZ
Sounds like something you’d name a dog
Ted Bundy is one of those people that people are always going to know about.
He was a serial rapist and killer who killed dozens of women. When I hear Bundy I think of Ted Bundy.
Yeah that goes straight to serial killer for me. Like someone else suggested, maybe name a pet that if you love it so much but I wouldn’t name a child that because they’re going to have a really hard time with that connection
You’d be dooming that chil to a lifetime of bullying.
Are we just gonna forget this absolute legend of a couple?
Just set your child up for years of being made fun of. I’m sure they’ll love you for it.
Truthfully I first thought of Al bundy lol yeah, just don’t. Just because you love it, think of what your child will have to live with. They’re the ones that will have to deal with a weird name their whole lives.
Yeah I definitely think of Ted Bundy immediately. I wouldn’t do it personally.
It would be a definite no for me…
Personally I wouldn’t name my kid Bundy and I have some pretty different names for my kids. That being said it’s your kid. HOWEVER, you should make yourself prepared because the serial killer comparison will ALWAYS come up. He was a sadistic rapist and brutal killer. He’s pretty famous and even has had several movies about him over the last couple years. So how you are unaware is beyond me.
Do it! Just because someone with that name did something bad doesn’t mean that name should never be used again.
Have to admit the first thing I thought of was Bundy (short for Bundaberg rum
Here in Australia)
My advice is it’s your baby and you can name him what ever you decide
Don’t worry about what every one else thinks or says
Your baby will make bundy their own of course and it will be cute!
Personally I am not a fan of the name, it reminds me of al bundy the husband from a sitcom
Honestly momma I think it’s a great name. Kids get bullied no matter what. Name your child what you really want. No one else’s opinion matters. If these mothers want to be the idiots who laugh at your kids name just remember they mean absolutely nothing in your world! Most of them have super lame boring generic names that everyone has and no one wants to name their kids for those reasons🙄
Ted Bundy is where my mind went first on it. Seriously though if you love it use it.
Just name it Manson and get it over with.
It’s a great name for a dog but not so much for a child.
My first thought wasn’t Ted… it was Al (Married with Children). Either way, if you love the name that’s all that matters. Kids will be kids no matter what the persons name is!!
To heck with those Trolls.
I have been experiencing it a lot lately during the Holidays.
What I did notice though is that the Trolls are all male.
What is up with that?
Seriously though!
I wouldn’t name mine Bundy simply because it’s not one I prefer… Ted Bundy does come to mind immediately though. If you have no idea who Ted Bundy is you can always do research and educate yourself and then make your decision from there. In the end, it doesn’t matter what others think… name your child whatever you like and feels right to you.
Sorry I think of Al Bundy on Married with Children.
That was my first thought😞
My first thought was ted Bundy… think of your child’s future. You may like it but he could potentially get bullied if you name him that. If everyone’s saying the same thing then they can’t all be wrong.
Reminds me of Al Bundy from Married with Children, or the serial killer Ted Bundy so that would be a hard NO from me.
I mean yes if it’s Bud Bundy (boy) or Peggy Bundy (girl).
Nah, I couldn’t. Of course as the mother it’s your choice, but just think of your kid’s future. That name will cause more grief than I’d want my kids to have to deal with.
I think of a old man with his hands in his pants and a lady in heals who runs around the house in a spandex skirt dress thing
That is a terrible name, do not name your kid that🤦🏻♀️
A whole encyclopedia sized book of kids names, and Bundy is where you got stuck? Have you considered grade school, junior, and senior high? One plus - it’s non binary. “Bundy huh? Is that your dog or your cat”? Bundy, Bundy, Bundy…it loses all meaning - but is kind of fun, and a little relaxing, to repeat.
My first thought was Al Bundy
gives me Ted Bundy vibes
This is who I think of when I hear bundy. It’s not even a first name. It will definitely bring most people to Ted Bundy, there is absolutely no way around it unless you live off the grid under a rock. Your kid will be called a Serial killer by everyone. I know your kid your choice but please don’t do that to your kid. There childhood will he filled with being bullied.
No don’t will definitely be referred to as a serial killer. Look into who he is and you’ll change your mind
I work in health care and see plenty of ridiculous names and this is one of the top 5
It’s ok if I had another boy his name would be Castile Lucifer which not a soul likes but me and my boyfriend lmao! Name him what you want!
When you name your children, you have to think about what kids are like. Kids are fukking mean y’all. They’ll take any name and rhyme something mean with it and then that’s it. As a parent you should try to set your children up for success. While you might like the name and have “no idea” about the infamous serial killer (it’s literally everywhere, movies, books, tv references… I mean Zac Efron played him for Pete’s sake, COME ON!!)
Maybe elect to have bundy as a middle name and something more appropriate as the first. The world is a big ol oyster, just cause you have no idea, doesn’t mean the rest of the world don’t know what’s up. End of the day, do what you want. He can always get a name change at 18 with or without your consent!
Ummmm wtf did I just read!!!
And wtf does alcohol have to do with this? I’m so confused.
Name your child whatever the hell you want. I think Bundy is a cool name. I regret not giving my daughter the name I really wanted and have even thought of legally changing it but she’s 5 now and I don’t want it to cause issues for her as an adult. If you love it that much go for it. The most you’ll get is the initial shock but if you love it do it
Name the baby what you want.
Hell either be associated with a serial killer or a shoe salesman with no life.
Maybe save that name for your pet?
A kid with that name will be bullied… a cat or dog named Bundy and people will think it’s cool.
If you do go with Bundy as a name for your kid please homeschool him and save him from the really mean kids that will say really mean things.
I think of al bundy lol
Only if you want him to score 4 touchdowns for Polk high!
Can’t change history whether you know it or not. The name will alwys be associated with the famous serial killer Bundy
Look it up if so many people are telling you it’s not a good idea.
Yeah im sorry but no…whether you know who bundy is the world does and sadly you need to think about the repercussions that your child will face because of your name choice…
Why not just name the baby Hitler
I can only think of Al bundy or Ted bundy. Both are really bad and setting the poor kid up for a lifetime of torture. Please don’t name your kid that:unamused:
Please don’t do that!
Yeah there are two famous Bundy’s. One is a serial killer and the other is an idiot. Doesn’t really matter if you don’t know that, it only matters that the rest of America does. It’s your kid, but you can’t be shocked and upset when he’s picked on relentlessly for it.
Ted Bundy or Al Bundy lmao
On the bright side- don’t have to worry about other kids in his class having his name. Downside: no souvenirs with his name on it
Even Ted’s unimpressed
Maybe use Google since everyone’s has pretty much said no and have a read
Sometimes I think this stuff can’t be real questions
It’s a no for me. Having said that though, I’ve always been kinda surprised by the popularity of the name Cain. The Bible story of Cain and Abel made that name a hard no for me too.
Life’s hard enough let alone being called that poor child
I’m sure someone out there has named their kid Manson or Adolf. If you like Bundy, use Bundy.
Ted bunch rings a bell their is a local running for office and honestly it’s all that pops in my head when I see the vote for me signs
All I think is Ted Bundy
Here in NZ if we call you a bundy we’re calling you a fucking idiot
Imagine how hard life as an adult would be with that name. How many jobs would pass on him….
I do not like the name and have nothing to do with Ted Bundy , I personally will never named my child after a serial killer because the world is already a mess and full of bullies, if you like the name so much try to find a variation of it
Its not about what you like; its about what’s best for your child. The name is synonymous with serial killer, and your child will spend his life fending off stupid comments. So, find another name.
I just read the name and Ted Bundy popped into my head
The look your son might get a lot when he tells someone his name Sharae Jones
Ted Bundy is all that comes to mind! How about Bohdi?
Personally it’s I no from me kids can be cruel and I’m sure he will endure teasing later in life with that name so I’d personally avoid a name that may endure my child teasing later on even if I loved the name just not worth it plenty of amazing names out there to chose from.
seems more fitting for a dog if you have to have that name.