Pregnant and scared: please help!

Everything happens for a reason each baby is a blessing and yes its more money n childcare etc but we figure it out n it always works out… I’m a single mom of 5 I work n live pay check to paycheck half the time I’m robbing peter to pay paul but I still keep going n I get through YOU GOT THIS

Give the baby I will take care of it


Talk about y’alls options having a family member or a close friend watch the child so y’all can both still work there is also assistance for child care if you have no other option or look into having someone adopt there are plenty of families wanting children.

You may qualify for CAPS THAT PAYS FOR CHILDCARE,and your not Stupid your Human things happen


Your body, your choice. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for your choices, whatever it may be.


Do you have friends or family who would be willing to adopt the child? This way you can still have a part of their life, but from the outside.

It will be fine think economic & just love it

You have a few options. It’s up to you. Just don’t do anything you’ll regret

So get an abortion. I mean you know what your stance is on it. People always say you never hear anyone regret having a baby but they regret getting an abortion. That’s bullshit. I had an abortion and it didn’t bother me at all afterwards. I couldn’t give that baby a proper life at the time and that baby will never know and never did know it missed out on life. I know that after this baby I have, if I had any more I would be taking away from the two zkids I do have
Do they deserve to barely have ends meet because I brought another kid into the world ic ant afford. Idk u know whether it’ll bother u or not


Lady what a blessing. This baby will be. God will provide you will see love every min of it.hhope you have a good pregnancy and god bless you.

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A lot of people in here that seem so against themselves :roll_eyes:🤦
Adoption and abortion are both very valid options for you if you and your husband come to the conclusion that another baby just cannot be possible right now.


Every baby is born with a loaf of bread under their arm.

Dont know if ur religous but god knows what u can do an when… U got this breath


Why I can’t stand women. Some sick ass bitches in here!!


Do you have any stay at home moms around?

I was in the same position having 4 children already and youngest was 6. I found out I was pregnant again and freaked out also. I did have my son and went on maternity leave and extended it with half pay. It was so hard financially during that period but improved once I returned to work. The daycare was expensive but with ccs it disnt break us too badly. We just learnt to skim and scrape with everything else. My baby is now nearly 7 and I’m so so blessed to have all my 5 kids :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Adoption??? And we would gladly adopt!


You got this it will work out

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We are currently going through the same thing, although for different reasons. I was also upset and freaking out, but I am coming around to it because I know it always works out in our favor. They say God never gives you more than you can handle. But I also believe that God gives you the power and strength to handle ANYTHING. You got this mama!!

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To everyone saying “dOnT AbOrT aDoPTtTiOn!”


Adopt please dont abort


Everything will be fine :heart: you have a loving husband good jobs and 2 amazing children. This child is a blessing even if you don’t see it yet. Don’t make a decision you’ll regret every time you sit down at the dinner table and one of your babies is missing :broken_heart:


Contact Planned Parenthood for counseling. They do more than just abortions.

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Abortion or adoption is always a good option to look at.


In this day and age there is no such thing as accidentally getting pregnant! Suck it up and pay for daycare. You can find a cheap enough one for one kid. Plus your 3 year old must be in daycare cause it isn’t old to be in school. So don’t know how your situation would be any different


Maybe a person you trust can take care of your baby instead of a daycare … a friend, or maybe an aunt… idk. Think girl… there is no impossible… just breath and think of who can take care of your baby

Things will work out. I was a mom of 3 with no intention of having another and ended up pregnant. My husband and I didn’t have good jobs. I was young with no skills and stayed at home, sadly we barely made ends meet. I opted for adoption. Had a family picked out, met them everything was good to go. Then I almost lost my son. It changed me in ways I never imagined. I was on bed rest for 5 months and in that time I bonded with my baby to be. He was born and we still struggled, but it motivated me to go to school and get not one, but 2 degrees in which I now work at an attorney’s office as a paralegal. My kids are now adults, 1 in the Marines, 1 in a great relationship with a great job and having a baby, 1 joining the Marines and one in college for forensic technology. Things have a way of working out. Maybe you’ll qualify for daycare assistance, maybe you find ways to make extra money or cut expenses, maybe you have mom friends or family who can help babysit. You’ll make it through this. And if you don’t pick a family and do what you feel is best for your family.


God will provide. A baby is a blessing


Omg we are supposed to be able to afford them? :tired_face: I’m doing this wrong!

But no I get it I would be horrified if I got pregnant right now . I don’t have any advice but my heart is with you and I’m sending good vibes to the situation.

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Give your child life. If you 100% cannot figure out a way to make things work then look into adoption. Things have a way of working out. Your child deserves to live. You will have more regret killing your baby than you will giving your baby a chance at life. Who knows this could be a miracle in disguise. Also if you are asking this question here I can tell you really do not want to have an abortion and are only trying to make yourself feel better by getting opinions from people you do not know and have nothing to do with YOUR life.


First, breath. Talk to your husband and go into stork mode. Save as much as you can because it does make a difference.

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Choose what is right for YOU. Don’t let others shame you about adoption. Their lack of ability to produce isn’t on your shoulders just as the emotional burden of giving up a baby would never be on theirs. It’s always easy to tell someone what We feel we would do. Do what’s best for your family. Discuss it with hubby. Sending good vibes.


Please do not abort!! You will regret it…I have been in your shoes except my ex told me to abort or he would leave, and his mom tried to convince me it was best for us and my other 2 kids. About a yr after I had my baby girl I left him, raised 3 kids on my own w no child support. Look into child care assistance programs offered in your state as well as other family programs you may qualify for. And family!! And church!! The ONLY way I survived was thanks to my mom(RIP​:broken_heart:) and the grace of God. Prayers for you and your family. I beg you do not take advice from the baby killers. They will be judged when their day comes, dont be one of them​:pray::pray::pray:

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If childcare is the fear… maybe getting a nanny would be cheaper… some places even have nannyshare and it makes its cheaper per family…

Whatever you choose is your choice girl!! Stay strong and positive vibes! :revolving_hearts:🧚‍♀


I agree with Ashley Beck. This baby is God’s will. You will make it. You both have excellent jobs, etc. My husband is the youngest of eight and was raised poorer than poor. I am the oldest of four and wore alot of my cousin’s hand me downs. We decided we only wanted two and had two boys. Now that we are older, our boys have their own families, I can said the biggest regret I have us that we didn’t have at least one more.

All these people talking about abortion. You are entitled to your opinions. I believe it is a baby at conception. It’s life is planned out, down to the day God will call it home.

Please don’t beat yourself up for allowing this to happen. It isn’t your fault. Your Husband put off his vasectomy. It took the two of you to make this baby. It was conceived out of love.

I don’t know where you live, if you were close to me I would gladly care for your baby. I have cared for babies and children for forty plus years. Congratulations on the life growing inside of you!!

Have you considered adoption? :heart:

Raw batter isn’t a cake, raw fetus isn’t a baby.


First of all: YOU CAN DO THIS!! I hear that you are SCARED!! I would be too. But, you will find away. I’m old and wise. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that everything will be okay. Try to enjoy this blessing.

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Radical idea! Mind your own uterus. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Well. I have a 4 yo, 3 yo, 1 yo and pregnant. I will have 4 kids 4 and under. I do work…jus at home. And no paycheck. We had to cut a lot of extra out so I could stay at home. But we make it work.

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It’s meant to happen. I’m holding my sleeping oops-baby right now. He’s the sweetest angel on Earth. My husband also put off getting snipped (which he definitely was further encouraged to do now :joy: and now he tells all guys they should go get it done if they don’t want more babies because it really ISNT as big of a deal as he thought.) Save save save. Cut down on everything. You can make it work. You are freaking out right now. Breathe. Take a minute. Check your budget. You can make this work. Your little sweetie will be worth it. :heart: You can do this. Message me if you need someone to talk to.

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Can’t y’all make like a group for this? I liked this page but not to see this stuff.

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Speaking from someone who can’t have kids have you considered the option of adoption?


Your husband should be your best friend and the person you go thru this with. You need to tell him. You didnt make this baby on your own…


– If the pregnancy is in the first stage, which is a period of forty days, and aborting it serves a legitimate purpose or will ward off harm, then it is permissible to abort it. But aborting it at this stage for fear of the difficulty of raising children or of being unable to bear the costs of maintaining and educating them, or for fear for their future or because the couple feel that they have enough children – this is not permissible.

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God bless you and I hope everything works out for you.:two_hearts:

This baby your carrying is a gift from God.


It’s meant to be! That little human inside of you is part of God’s plan for your life and your family’s. The financial stuff can be worked out - it’s stressful but minimal compared to a lifetime of regret! You’ll never forgive yourself if you abort your baby and your children’s sibling. Instead, welcome that beautiful baby with open arms. (This from a mother of three) Prayers for you Momma!


This post is disgusting and for every one comment of REAL advice and thoughts, there are a ton of disgraceful ones. If you choose to do an abortion, for whatever reason, that’s between you and your maker. We all answer for our decisions in the end. I have a HUGE problem with the fact that there are so many women on here talking about abortion like it’s getting a shellac manicure. It is not a form of birth control, it is not a choice to take lightly. You choose to do what you have to do for you and your family, but PLEASE have a little dignity, respect for life, respect for your body, respect for the men and women who fought for your right to have the decision to make and stop referring to abortion like it’s a trip to the dollar spot at Target. That behavior is embarrassing for women and absolutely disgusting as a human being.


If your husband has a good job you probably wouldn’t qualify but there is daycare assistance.

Also some daycares charge cheaper for the 2nd child if they have a sibling in daycare

Depending on where u live there are tons of moms groups that would help h I’m sure

Some of y’all are rude af. This girl is terrified and obviously regretful. This page is to be there for others, not judge each other for what outcomes they’re considering. Girl I don’t have ANY advice for you other than to give yourself & your husband time to really think through your options & do what’s best for YALL. Hugs & good luck momma :purple_heart:


I’ll adopt :heart::heart:
But in all honestly do what’s best for you and your partner I wish you all the best!

Are the posts on here even real?? The only posts I see are super dramatic.


If you have a genuine love for babies and children, there are creative mom friendly jobs in childcare! I have 3 kids, and for awhile after our third was born, we couldn’t afford not to have the extra income. I worked in childcare and preschool centers where I was able to take my youngest with me (free of charge as an employee ) and worked the same hours as my older school age kids. I later licensed through our city and had a small in home family childcare, which afforded me to contribute financially while still raising my own kids! Not to mention being “mom” to some great kiddos that was very rewarding as well!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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maybe grandparents can help out with daycare?

I can understand being scared but talk with your husband first! He may ease your stress.

Adoption is always an option. Please feel free to reach out to me as I know several amazing family’s trying to adopt if you choose this route. :heart:


God wouldn’t have given you this baby if he didn’t have a way for things to work out! :pray:t3:


They have assistance from the state you can look into for vouchers that can pay full or half of the daycare costs. Also, maybe a babysitter on would be cheaper

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Keep telling yourself what’s meant to be is meant to be. Try not to stress. This happened to us in August, I was on birth control and waiting on my husband to get snipped, our youngest was a year old and we decided that since it took 6 years to have her (our oldest is almost 10) we were done with the pregnancy battle and we were good with 2. Then I found out I was pregnant without ever messing up my birth control. We were totally freaked out for the same reasons. Mainly money. But after about a week we just decided it wasn’t planned but it would be embraced and we all got very excited. Then in October I miscarried and dealt with alot of guilt for being scared of having another baby in the first place. Please try to relax. You’re going to get through it, there is always a way. For us we decided that I be the stay at home mom until our youngest is in school and it’s not easy at all money wise but with a strict budget we make it work. Had to let alot go, but we are surviving. We also couldn’t do daycare and didn’t have a baby sitter. I’m not saying do this, I’m just saying there are ways and different options out there. Mostly what im saying is try not to stress, for the health of the baby and you. That little life needs you right now. Needs you to be healthy. You can do this.


Dm me I know someone who would love to adopt

I can not believe how quickly people suggest abortion. Maybe we can give this lady some HELPFUL advice before sending her off to kill her baby🤦‍♀️

I know day care is outrageous and not working is not an option. Maybe look into small private daycares. I know many women who have started licensed daycares in their homes and don’t charge nearly what a larger facility charges. We also have church fan daycares around here that work with families to help with the cost. Things have a funny way of working out. It’s completely normal to be terrified. We tried for 7 yrs to get pregnant and when it finally happened, I panicked and questions why we did it. All that time planning and it still didnt prepare me for the fear of how I was financially going to afford this little blessing.


Sometimes things just have a way of working out. Maybe a cheaper sitter? We loved our sitter! But went somewhere else that was cheaper and worked with our schedule! Our child is still happy

Have an abortion if it’s 100% what you want and need, these women trying to force guilt onto you are not the ones raising your children so do not listen to them.


Try having 4 and one on the way. Boyfriend has ok job but ends don’t meet but somehow we get by. I will have 3 not in school daycare is 300ish per kid. I don’t qualify for any job where I would make more then that, plus I don’t trust anyone with my kids. My suggestion is things will be tight but you might have to stay home for a few years or work different shifts so someone is always home with the kids. Three kids really isn’t harder then two.


God will make a way for you
Dont worry…some way some how …he surely will…god bless


I get vouchers for daycare, and as a single mom of 3 I would be homeless without them! But with that, it’s best to contact a caseworker through social services. If you do the normal application online they ring you through many hoops just to get them. I got me a caseworker and she had them approved in a week. I was terrified as well when I found out about #3 and I have no family to help me even still. Social services will help a lot.
When I had only 2 and was married we worked opposite shifts if that’s an option for you.


Look into abortion, adoption, daycare vouchers, and really think about what you want your future to look like.


Was in the same situation 2 years ago. Decided I’d quit my job when the baby came. We cut expenses and lived the last 2 years on one income in a not so cheap city! Although very unplanned I couldn’t imagine life without my little one. She’s our little sour patch kid. You can do it if need be. It’s not easy. Things get tight. Apply for assistance-Wic, food stamps help… Just for a bit.


Strongly consider adoption or taking financial responsibility for your actions. Unfortunately abortion is an option but a very poor one. Use birth control if you’re not equipped to take care of another child. Adoption is a wonderful option… there are thousands of families out there waiting for a child who will give them a beautiful life. Also, there’s a lot of assistance for daycare or find a family member or friend to babysit.


Seek counseling via Planned Parenthood. There’s no reason to feel guilty for not having anymore money,time or resources for another child.


Have you looked into a Nanny? Family to help watch the little one? I’m in the same boat you are in, but with twins.

Adoption is always an option :purple_heart: That’s how I became a mom and it’s the greatest gift anyone has ever given me. My child’s birth mother loved him so much, that even though I know it ripped her heart out to place him with us, she put his needs above all else. I am here if you wanna talk about it. Best wishes to you.


Omg ya just abort your baby cause you do not know what to do…dont listen to these people telling you to do so…makes me sick seriously. I’m praying for you guys that you can find a good babysitter. Things will work out.


Ask grandma and grandpa to help babysit while you guys work when you have to go back


I’m absolutely speechless on some of these comments. Babysitters are expensive, I have 5 children. But adoption and abortion should be the last thing on anyone’s mind all because of daycare prices!! It’s called government assistance until you can figure something out that’s better for your family. I’m pretty sure every mom has been on it at one point or another, and if you haven’t then I applaud you for your hard work. But sometimes it isn’t easy paying for everything, but that doesn’t mean oh well I just won’t have this baby, maybe the next one I will be more prepared.


If you don’t want another child don’t have another child. Abortion is an option. Why do you need to financially ruin yourself and stress your family and marriage because you don’t want to have another child. While it lasts having reproductive freedom is really a thing.


The best thing to do is sit down with your husband and discuss all possible outcomes. We were in the same situation no matter what I knew I personally couldnt go thru with abortion or adoption so we had to figure out our responsibilities. I worked extra hours and saved a ton im due in a few weeks maybe look into child care assistance thru the state sometimes its easier to get then anyother benefit. You have options just talk through them and decide together. Look into resources through your state too theres alot of help out there.

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You could give the baby up for adoption. I know easier said than done but its better than struggling and possibly losing your other babies to cps for being homeless.


Dave Ramsey-- financial Peace University!! It helped us alot!!

DES helps with child care…sometimes you only pay some part of it or they pay all depending on your income…That could be an option…a friend of mine had that and she only paid like $30 a week for 2…

Abort ?!?! No ! Are u f kidding me ! Some of yall absolutely disgusting. Sweetheart you both need to take responsibility for this blessing. So sit with your husband and think of ways this will work. Rely on your resources family and friends if need be. It takes a village and its ok. And if you dont want a fourth get birth control or schedule his vasectomy yesterday.


Look up Jordan Page FunCheaporFree on YouTube. She has great videos on managing your money and making ends meet, maybe something there can help you work something out for you little baby

Everything in your life is GOD’S timing… It happens because he wants it to. This baby os a miracle & a blessing. Instead of asking people for advice. Sit down & pray! God’s answers are what you should be wanting, be faithful in prayer & he will be faithful in your needs… Its taken me a long time to learn that, but its true…You are in my prayers


Would you be able to quit your job if you started an in home daycare and watched a few children. It’s a good way to be able to stay home with your babies and also contribute financially :woman_shrugging:


Support & Encouragement For Moms try this page love. You need some support, not to be to ridiculed (not saying everyone here is, just some of these comments are ridiculous)
Do what’s best for you and your family and everything will work out💕


You sit down and think through what you really want to do, then you make that decision for YOU. Regardless of what anyone here says this is something they dont live with in the end. Abortion, adoption, keeping the baby whatever it may be.

If you want a friendly heart to listen, talk to and NOT be judged, you can feel free to message me to chat.


Take the blessing and roll with it happened for a reason been in your situation before it had twists turns ups and downs but my third baby saved us in so many ways


Can you consider giving me your baby to raise him/her ? I’m interested


It is scary but you CAN do it. Not sure how far along you are but you have time to get things in order before baby comes. Im pregnant with #4. Didn’t think I would have anymore. I’m a single mom, make good money but yes daycare is crazy expensive. I get no assistance either. It’s hard for sure but with budgeting and working together with your husband you guys got this!


You can do it though! But if you really don’t want too
… Abortion or adoption babe! There are options! Sit down with him and make a decision :two_hearts: ultimately the decision is yours . No judgement . Xoxo sending hugs


Do what is right for you and what would be right for the baby. I know babies are blessings, but God or whoever doesn’t pay the bills.

I would never tell any woman what to do with their body but this same exact thing happened to me also. And even though it’s been a struggle because I do stay home with them we make it work. I just can’t imagine my life without her. You do what’s best for you and your family but also know that it’s possible. It’s hard but it’s possible and their are ways to budget money, possibly doing something on the side?? I have a friend who sells neora and also works full time but she easily makes over 1,000 a month just selling neora products.

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Some people say you will regret having an abortion but they don’t know that lol. It’s really up to you and what you feel comfortable with.


You can do it, this means both of you. Just do it.

It’s possible if you really want to keep it, won’t be easy but nothing is.

I got pregnant at an extremely dire time under terrible circumstances with my first child. I figured it out. There is always state assistance. We find a way to make it work with the ones we love :purple_heart: calmly developed a plan and execute it as best you can.


You know your options, so you need to think about it.

Terminate an unwanted pregnancy, carry to term and put the child up for adoption, stay home with the child or pay for daycare.


Abortion is always an option.