Pregnant and scared: please help!

I remember the day vividly my husband and I discussed how happy and complete we were with our two kiddos. Not even a week later… boom. Positive pregnancy test. #3 was on his way! I too went into complete panic mode not knowing how we could manage with 3 kids in general let alone financially. Yes, it was a huge shock and it took the entire first trimester to wrap my head around it but I did. We did. Our third little man is already 2 and we can’t imagine one second without him. You will find a way together. God decided y’all needed a bonus blessing! Good luck Momma!


If yall decide not to keep the baby, there are MANY people who can’t conceive and would love to adopt your baby. Abortion should NEVER even be considered. Remember, God doesn’t make mistakes and if He brings you to it, He will bring you through it.


Abortion, and adoption. You have options. I’d suggest talking to hubby unless you really think hes not going to be supportive. You’re not alone, you guys are in this together


Girl my hubby had a surgery to stop more babies and it failed terribly!! We had Layla after the surgery and are now experiencing a son in april to add to the 4 kids we had when we planned to not have anymore landing us with 6 kids. Trust me not in the plans what so ever but here i am less than 10 wks until our son arrives and I know every has a purpose even if we cant see it. Its ultimately your decision so do some soul searching before you make any irrational decisions.

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God dont make mistakes and a solution will be forthcoming for you. Chin up it will all work out.

A baby is a gift from God. Abortion is murder.


Abortion IS an option and there is no one else’s beliefs that matter more than your choice.


We had to change our work schedules. He work 7am till 3pm and i work 7pm till 11pm. If you want it to work you make it work. Thats down to you.

There are resources out there that can help you. I would find out what help you can get where you live.

Please please please don’t get an abortion. Keep the baby and make it work, or find a loving family for that baby. Tons of people and couples that want to adopt.


To even consider abortion is selfish! You had 3 years from your last baby to get on birth control, get your tubes tied or your husband get snipped. If you didn’t want a baby that bad then you should’ve been had all of that done. Either give your baby up for adoption or boss up and bust your asses harder to take care of your baby. You made that baby. It’s not right to murder him/her.

I’d bless someone that cant have a baby, theres so many awesome couples out there that been waiting and waiting for a blessing.


You have options honey. Adoption or abortion are absolutely options. Talk to the hubs. You’ll find a solution. :slight_smile:
Keep your head up. If you need to talk, I’m available.


I didnt see anywhere in this post where she asked about peoples personal opinion on abortion??


Please do not abort, it IS murder and there are SOOO many couples praying for a baby, u can give the baby to a desperate family


Children are a gift from God, might not fit in ur current life right now but it will. God Bless U and ur family


My husband and I are trying to adopt.

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First of all…BREATHE!!! Take a couple days, let it sink in, have a good cry if needed, and then you’ll be able to think much more clearly

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It takes two to make a baby so it takes two to make a decision don’t worry God has a plan so follow your heart :heart::heart:


adoption. abortion. you have options!


I realize this may not be the greatest option, but maybe find a different job for yourself for after the baby arrives, at a daycare working ‘school hours’ and that way you can have discounted child care as well. For a few years until your child is school age.

Accidents happen, have an abortion its still early just a bunch of cells. Dont keep a baby you don’t want or is going to disrupt your life and finances. Abortion is easier to live with than an unplanned, unwanted child.


Your baby is already here, just too small for you to hold, snuggle, see it in your arms. Abortion is never an option. The choice for another child is over, it’s already here!! There are multiple resources out there to help you, just because your life is comfy doesn’t mean another arrangement wouldn’t be. If one of your older kids had an accident and, say broke their back and had to be in a wheelchair for life would you just ask the doctor to “put him out if his misery”? If course you would not. If your husband were to get sick, unable to work, would that mean you’d divorce him and replace him with a healthier version? Of course not. If you have bread crumbs in one had and a loaf in the other which hand holds bread? Both of course. Your new baby is like a small crumb, but still a human being: your child! That’s exciting, congratulations!! Logistics do work themselves out with determination and courage. This just may be the child who will one day care for you if you need it! Relax, take a breath, write down your resources, talk with your family and friends. Your family needs the parents to be the leaders and develop a new “normal”. When you are looking at the face of the little son or daughter you have together created our if love you will be so grateful that you chose the path you did and not be sad thinking about what could have been. I now have grandchildren but as a young mom I was left with 3 children under the age of 6 and was going back to school for myself. I had a lot of adjustments to make that were not easy. Today as I okay dollhouse with my granddaughter I would not trade anything I did or struggled with, it was a short time in my life. This is not always easy, but the choices are, now move on and create your new version of a comfortable, happy life. None of us know what tomorrow will bring. God bless you and your lovely family!


I am concerned that this post is going to make you feel worse and not better. Believe me, I’ve been right where you are. I did not expect to have three children and when the pregnancy test was positive it took me 1/2 the days to get up enough courage to talk to my husband about it. My choice was to keep her, and I’m at the stage now where I can’t imagine any other choice. However, I would never tell you my choice is the only choice you have or that you are somehow a bad person because you are scared you can’t afford this unexpected situation. No one but you and your husband will understand what the next 18 years will do to impact you. I guess I would really just choose to go and get comfort from your husband. Delete this post with all its judgements. If you need advice then go to someone who will not judge you for doing what you think you can do. Not someone who is created to be a fixer only. I know you have this. You just need a breath and some time to get used to the decisions set before you. When faced with something that really scares me I always ask myself what is the worst thing that could happen. That answer usually gives me an idea of which way my thoughts are leaning. It also will usually not be as bad as I think it’s going to be. Hang in there, mama. You’ve got this. :purple_heart:


A baby is another one if your kids too young to live outside of you. Get a 4D ultrasound and see for yourself. I’m not on the screaming bandwagon of hell and damnation. I’m a mom, a nurse, a grandma, all special roles I have. Congrats on your new family member. The details will fall into place. Remember this baby is also your husband’s child, and your children’s brother or sister. It is not all about you

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You could always try to work opposite shifts. Thats what my husband and I are doing to avoid daycare. It’s hard but the times we have together are even more special

A live in Nanny maybe. Grandparents? Friends? I bave a few friends that watch my daughter sometimes

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I mean you can get your tube tied nor burned can’t just depend on him to get snipped

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I am a single mom of 3 now. I had a 16 year old and 11 year old when I found out I was pregnant and was on birth control . I was high risk on complete bed rest when the father left me 2months pregnant then spent the rest of my pregnancy praying to get through each day. Here iam now she is almost 3 months and god has made a way for us each and everyday . I’m still not able to work cause she was preemie and the doctors haven’t cleared her for daycare . I had no idea what to do or how I could restart my whole life over all alone again to raise another child alone he abandoned me after 3 years soon as he found out i was pregnant but I will keep pushing forward to give her the best i can.


Blame your husband also.

First, give yourself the time and space to process all this and all the ways you honestly feel about it. Second, don’t feel obligated to listen to anyone’s half-assed opinions about your choices, because they are just that - your choices. You are neither an angel nor a demon - you’re a woman. A partner. A mom. A person. And your life is your own to guide. Third, an idea: have you considered working for an online school? I was working online when my daughter was born, and it allowed me to care for her throughout my work day. If you decide to go forward, that might be an option. And finally: take care of you, Momma. No one can serve from an empty bowl. :heart:

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Give baby up for adiption if ur dead set on not wanting the child u can keep ur stability till its time to deliver then take a leave of absence or payed vacation. Stack money for the next 9 months to cover anything wile recovering once u place the baby up for adoption u can go back to your normalcy. Just am idea…i had an abortion once i dont regret it. A year later was pregnant again and kept the baby here am i 12 yrs later still struggling. Working a dead end job and trying to work hours thats puts me home w her its almost impossible …do what u feel is best for you and your family weigh all the options. …you do have options dont let people tell u u dont.good luck in whatever option you choose …it’s ur life not theirs. Make sure u n hubby are on the same page n that he supports what decision yall make.

Ok… so it’s not planned but it has happened. Try to stop stressing (as difficult as that may be!). These things have a habit of working themselves out. It really is a great thing! Sending love. X

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No protection? Seriously. NOT the babys fault!


Should’ve used protection :woman_shrugging:t2: youre irresponsable


Get an abortion? Or be a surrogate mother? Dont have to keep it to ruin your life


i think 1st port to stop in is talk to your husband, after all it is also his resposiblity as to what steps/discissions etc , it takes 2 people to make a baby not 1 . And lets face facts in the heat off the moment it is very easy for a man not to withdraw in time so it is not just you who is at fault for this, so dont beat yourself up about it, but do have the talk with hubbie before it is too late for all options

I’m a grandma, I have eight grandkids, you will be ok, I remember being in u shoes, u will make it work, a new baby how exciting you must be, you can always hire me for u nanny lol, my babies are grown and I really miss them being little.


Amen, their people out their that can help, you just have to be careful. It will be great.

Momma it will work out . Been there . My daughter age 4 ask for a baby brother or sister. I told her to ask God ( doctors said I couldn’t have anymore no birth control since her birth .) Her frist show in tell in kindergarten was her baby brother. Living on my income babysitting due to then husband being hurt at work . We made it my son is now grown his own family of his own, his wife is a cancer survivor and son just like him.

How far along are you?

Yes you have to do what is best for YOU not what everyone else says. It is your choice. If you decide to abort that is your choice, if you decide to keep it, then maybe there is family that can help with child care, and if you decide to adopt out, there are lots of families that would love to have a baby that can’t. I actually adopted a baby that needed a home but for different reasons. Prayers for you as you decide.


Theres other alternatives just saying.

Why would you keep putting off getting BC or the snip if you really didn’t want another right now…
This doesn’t sound as ‘accidental’ as you make out - that or you’re just really irresponsible.


Bring that baby to me!

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So many couples want a baby desperately, consider open adoption so you can all enjoy your baby growing together as a family. :heart:

Where does the 3 yr old go for childcare? Maybe work something out with them. Baby’s sleep allot Changing diapers and bottles and supply them for the caregiver. Being an employee at a school will help allot. Maybe a neighbor woman would want some extra cash and not charge what a daycare would? It will be okay it always works out. Congrats

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My brother and his wife decided they were only having two babies after my second niece was born. Six mo later she was pregnant with her third child.
We are not in control of what happens in our life’s God is. He gave you this third child for a reason . The child is a gift from God. You need to sit down and talk with your husband and turn to God and he will make a way ! He already knows what is going to happen and how things will workout for you. It all Is in His plan for your life … We all think that we make decisions in how and when and what but the truth is God is behind all of it. There is a way! You just have to trust in God and he will reveal it to you …
God bless your family and your new little precious gift from God .


All I have to say is that each child comes with his/her own blessings. Don’t freak out. It will be ok. Every child is unique and brings another dimension. Pray to God to guide you.


Adoption. Look into it now. For the couple can adopt right after the birth. Some even help pay for the doc visits and stuff.

Do you have any stay at home moms. I would get in touch with them i watch my friends 2 kids so she can keep her job.

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Trust that God knows you more intimately than even you know yourself. Trust that He will provide a way. :heart:


Curious if all of you women promoting abortion have had deep conversation with post abortive women? It isn’t pretty.

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Have the baby. If you are set in the mindset that you can’t afford to raise the baby, put it up for adoption. I’d start looking at adoption now. There are loads of couples looking to adopt and several will pay you medical expenses along the way.

Lots of infertile couples looking to adopt. Perhaps that’s an option

U now may qualify for free daycare or cheap daycare because of dependents

Do you have and friends of family that could help watch the baby

Babies are a blessing…

we were the same…not ideal…but still a blessing…all grown up now…26…23…18…got the snip after that…haha…

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Just remember what ever you decide to do it will be for a lifetime not just the moment so pray very hard.You have 2 other children to answer to one day.

It was God’s will that he wanted you to love another child and you will ,prayers for you and your family

If you are in Australia those who keep.saying adoption should be aware adoption is no longer a thing! Fostering yes. As a fosterchild I don’t bloody recommend putting your child through it. Discuss this with tour husband not strangers on the internet who have no idea of your life! I have six kids. Life throws at you what you can handle. You do what’s best for your family. So have a good chat to your husband and work this out together.


A baby is a blessing, dont be scared, God has a plan. Just talk to your husband everything will work out. Babies tend to happen when we arent planning on them.

God will make a way. One of you can get a second job part time till child gets to school age. The baby will be a blessing. Depend on God to get you thru. It will be fine.

Just saying but it sounds like you guys were.making choices with your head but your hearts weren’t really in it and I know it’s hard but if your in it together maybe it will work out 3 is a good age for a sibling just make sure to get those appts faster after this one. You are already a great mother and father. Goodluck xxx either way your choice will only matter to you two so please discuss fully and openly because the mistake might be giving away a child when your hearts are aching for another :slight_smile:

right now you may be in denial but you’ll get it figured out and you will get through it I promise. Save every penny you can, and if you still have a lot of stuff from the other two when they were babies that helps too.


Adoption is always an option. But it will work out. There are no mistakes. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


First and foremost you should tell your husband. And you should make a decision together. This shouldn’t all be on you. It takes two to tango :slight_smile:


Look into state assistance for daycare, it cut our cost by about 75%


It’ll work out, maybe a family member could help out babysitting or a good friend?

The majority of abortions are because of a myriad of reasons like this.


Not your fault, took both of you. Adoption is an option.


adoption? abortion?
you have options.


There are no mistakes, congratulations btw, dont stress


If your decision is to not keep and raise this child please consider adoption


I’ll dedicate my next abortion to you


The decision is for you two to make. There are options. Just be very sure and choose what is right for you guys now. And what’s best for your children, future and present.


I can’t believe people are really saying abortion that’s just wrong


As a family of 5 i can guarantee you’d probably qualify for a childcare subsidy in my state. Here in PA a family of 5 can make up to 75000 a year and still qualify. Look into you states guidelines.


First breathe. Talk to your husband. Most things seem impossible until they happen (at least thats how its been for us).

Whichever way you choose to take just make sure you both agree and don’t make a rushed decision because of fear of the future. You got this! And congrats :grimacing::heart:


I have 3 kids and am a sahm so I am in a 1 income household with 3 children with not not an insane amount of money. It is possible to survive with 3 children.


Abortion is an option and don’t let all the pro life barf cloud your judgement if that’s what you choose. You’re not an incubator. If you and hubs don’t feel it’s the right time then it’s not the right time. On the opposite end we as parents tend to make a way even in times we don’t see a way! No matter your choice you’re supported!!! Hugs to you!


Talk to your husband, the blame isn’t on just you. Whatever the two of you decide it’s up to you. :heart:

First, talk to your husband. Let him know. If he doesn’t already. Then look into your options. If you two decide to keep it, look into assistance. It’s there for a reason. I don’t know where you are, but it doesn’t hurt to find out. Good luck, you’ll both figure it out.


Abort it. It’s not a baby yet. Do what’s right for you and your 2 existing children. Hugs. :heart:


Scared…??? You have a partner. I’m a single mom with a 1 year old and pregnant with another with no help from the father…if i can afford daycare and bills without government Assistance anybody should be able to. No offense. However i feel your pain hun


Do you maybe have close family or friends that can help? Well talk to hubby first… you have 9 months to get help, assistance, save money, etc… I know it can be hard but babies are blessings no matter what. Good luck and remember baby feels the stress!


Please consider adoption as an option if you and your husband can’t afford or want another child. There are people out there who can’t have kids but really want one. Please consider that🙏


Talk with your husband first, find out how far along you are as soon as possible. Remember you have options. You either make it work, find a family for adoption or go to a clinic and get an abortion. (If you are within a certain amount of weeks you can always take a pill). But think through each option, pick one that works best for you. Not just financial side but emotionally and mentally. Whatever you choose I hope it all works out💕


I was a single mom of 4 kids, ended up taking in my nephew when his mom died and found out I was pregnant. I am here to tell you that you can make it work. It was hard. I’m not going to lie. At the time I was working full time making $12/hr and only getting $356 a month in child support. We had no money for extras and there was times I fell short on having money to buy necessities. But every single month money arrived. Even when I ended up on bed rest for the last 5 months of my pregnancy. You’ve got this! Just be honest with your spouse and let things work themselves out.


Try and find a momma friend that already stays home and offer her some cash… it would be cheaper than a daycare and then maybe you wouldn’t have to pay her anytime your off as well. A little extra cash might be nice for her. Just a thought. Best wishes, talk to hubby you’ll figure it out


Talk things over with your husband to figure out what is best for you. It may be an abortion. It may be you can figure some other path. Do not feel guilty over what you decide.


My husband and I have 6 kids and I am a sahm! It gets tough for us at times but we get through it.


You have options and that’s your choice but everything happens for a reason :heart::heart: sounds like a wonderful blessing


It is okay to have an abortion for an unplanned/unwanted pregnancy.

This is your choice, and only yours. You do you mama :sparkling_heart::muscle:


I totally don’t understand why it’s funny that she’s scared. Just because she has a partner doesn’t make it any less stressful.

However, things usually work out and I wouldn’t make any quick decisions. Perhaps adoption is something you’d consider or hopefully you and your family work it out and keep the baby.


Sit down and talk to your husband. Maybe you can find a stay at home mom or friend who would you could work out an affordable arrangement for childcare.


You have options. I personally could never do abortion, but I’m not gonna shun anyone who’s had one or makes that choice. Just breath and talk it out with your husband. If anything I’m sure youd qualify for some type of daycare assistance in your state. It’s not the end of the world and you arent stupid for " letting it happen". Babies are a gift, and yes this baby was unplanned, but it was created out of love. You do what’s best for your family. Its ultimately your choice.

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Take a deep breath - and see if the family will help with babysitting if that is an option. Or see if your jobs have daycare on-site, I know a majority do, in the state I’m in. There are also lowcost daycare programs available, at least in the state I’m in. Which was suggested to us by the Assistance office, you could try asking there. There are always options available that people do not know about because it’s never really discussed. Which it really should be brought to the public. I hope you have luck in whichever decision you make - how did you do it before? and if you’re a teacher aren’t you allowed a paid sabbatical?