Pros and cons of an epidural?

Definitely get the epidural!

I had my first with one (8lbs) and my second without (9lbs 13oz) not by choice. Granted, their sizes were very different, but I felt the recovery for my second was much harder. And not getting any break in between contractions to breathe really sucked. I was 4cm dilated before I went into labor, so my contractions started at like 3 minutes apart.
With my first son, I was laying there laughing and smiling while they were prepping to have me push, and also between pushes lol

I won’t lie - having my second all natural was definitely interesting as far as feeling him come out and all that… but I still very much vouch for the epidural. Because you also don’t want to wait too long to ask for it and then not be able to get it. My son came too fast for me to get it the second time.

ALSO - you get the shakes after no matter what. It’s not from the epidural. I had it with both. Your body just went through something crazy, so it’s sort of in shock.

If you can do it without, more power to ya… but my contractions went from FML to what contractions? With the epidural

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It’s up to you momma. You can do it :slight_smile: I didnt have one with my 2 kids and dont plan on it either with this baby. BUT if you do get it it’s okay too!

There wasn’t any kind of “coming down” I didn’t feel all messed up or anything, the numbness just slowly went away. Talk to your doctor about to effects of an epidural and don’t let anyone tell you what you should or should not do other than your doctor. I had so many people try to shame me for getting an epidural but I would 100% do it again.

I had an epidural and it didn’t affect my healing time. I’ve also nursed my son since day one and it never affected my milk either

I get how she would say it effect the healing process, I was in labor for a little more than three days (not Braxton hix, full blown labor) and when I finially dilated enough to get the epidural I was completely done with the whole thing. Because I didnt feel anything I pushed way harder than what my pain tolerance would of allowed without it and ended up needing so many stitches (up inside my vagina) that my doctor actually lost count of how many stitches she gave me. I ended up tearing so much internally that she said I was only a few millimeters away from tearing into the rectal cavity, at which point I would of been rushed into surgery. Because I didn’t feel the pain I forced the labor and ended up hurting myself much more than i would have if I had been able to otherwise.

Had my first child at 15 no epidural! Had my 2nd child at 39 no epidural! You can do it!

It’s a personal preference. I have high threshold of pain. 2 babies no meds. Had a hysterectomy and no meds afterwards, broke down our house cause we were moving 2days after hysterectomy…oh did I mention I dislike needles so I avoid them when possible lol

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I’d say do epidural but it is your body so 100% up to you

I’m a mom of 5 and had no Epidural but I choose that because I already had a bad back and I heard of women having issues of back pain afterwards. For me it wasn’t worth the risk. I think its totally up to you. There is no shame in getting one if you want!

LOL get the epidural :wink:

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With my first I had prodermal labor for 3 days before she arrived. I got one dose of pain meds through my iv. Just had my second 3 days ago. I labored for 14hrs with only one dose through my iv.

3 babies. 2 I had no pain meds ( NOT by Choice) and for one my middle child I was able to get an epidural. There in no change in recovery at all. And yes I would of wanted the epidural every time and if I ever had another baby I would again beg for an epidural. My epidural labor was the only labor I was able to enjoy. The pain is miserable and ruins the birthing experience if you ask me. Get the epidural!

Breastfeeding, but avoid cheeses and anything that upset your tummy, cause what you eat, is what the baby eats, basically.
I gave natural birth, and honestly, it just feels like you are taking a giant poop.

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I went without, but I only have one child so i can’t compare. I had 25 hours of labor ending with an episotomy when my daughter got stuck in my pelvis. Honestly it sucked, but i still didnt want an epidural. You got this girl! Go into it determined. I knew from day one that i was NOT getting one, so it was not a question, not an option. Those that “are gonna try” will end up giving in simply because their mind isnt really in it. My healing was very quick!

Plan to not get one and then if you feel you need it, get one. There’s no shame in changing your mind or admitting that you feel like you can’t handle the pain. But to be honest, they don’t always work so I wouldn’t go in thinking “this will take all of my pain away.” That’s not always the case. I had a great experience with my labor with my son when I got the epidural and I felt no pain. I felt everything with my daughter and had 2 failed epidurals the second time around. Just talk to your doctor about what you feel and they will give more advice.

I had my first without, and my next 2 with. With my first I vomited so much from the pain of the contractions that by the time I needed to push, I was too weak. “Why anyone would choose to put theirself through that when there is another option” has been my motto since my first one was born 29 years ago!

Go natural on your 1st so the next 2 you know why you are getting the epideral

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Personally loved my epidurals. You don’t feel “drugged” and my healing process was just fine. No issues I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I feel like I got to be present and there for every moment instead of in indescribable terrible pain. I got to enjoy the birth of my kids. :woman_shrugging::heart:

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Women birthed babies for centuries without pain meds. It’s not impossible. I had my one and only without any pain meds

Girl get the epidural. I regret not getting it for my first.

You will know better what your pain tolerance is once you are in labor. Make a decision based on that. Either route is just as good as the other when you are bringing a new life into the world!

I got one with all three of mine. I felt pressured into the first time and it was a bad experience. Some med they mixed with it made me itch like crazy. And I couldn’t feel anything. They had to tell me when to push. The second was induced and it was taking so long for my water to break they suggested it I told them about my 1st experience and they said that they wouldn’t mix pain meds in with I got it. My water broke 5 mins later and I still didn’t feel anything. With the last one I held out as long as I could. The nurse thought I was crazy because I asked her what a contraction felt like cause I didn’t know I never felt them with my first two. But I felt them that time. It wasn’t too bad till my dr broke my water. Than it was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life. So I got one but i told the guy that puts it in that i wanted a low dose i didn’t it want it strong and he did good. It took the edge off but i could still feel what was going on. A great experience. Everyone is different. Think about your pain tolerance and don’t let anyone talk you into doing anything you dont want to do. You can’t get that moment back

I’ve had natural and epidural and I’ll be getting the epidural when I go into labor later thus year. I healed the same with or without.

I wanted the epidural but I had a surprise birth at 32 weeks and didn’t have any time for it. Recovery went pretty much how I figured it would, no complications though. Not sure what breastfeeding has to do with the epidural…your milk won’t come in right away so it wouldn’t affect the baby. I mean tons of moms get the meds and breastfeed.

I didn’t have an epidural or pain meds and I will say the pain with labor is excruciating plus some :confounded: BUT the pain was gone immediately after he was out, and I got up to go to the bathroom right after having him. It was nice to not have a catheter or be bedridden to me!

With my first…it was great… Second one? Helped jump stsrt active labor BUT did nothing for pain. Then with my last… Had a csection… So if you can… Go without.

I tried hard not to get one but it was either that or I was going to flip out on my baby daddy (I squeezed his finger and he said it hurt :rage:). I never felt drugged. Or had a come down after mine. I was up and walking 2 hours after he was born. I also have not had ANY back problems from my epidural and the guys that did mine was AMAZING. If I had to do it over again I would still get the epidural. I wasn’t in pain after he was born and I got to enjoy our kangaroo time.

Epidural girl! There is a reason these were created.


Epidural, I thought I could do it without and after and hour of my water breaking I got mine, it was excruciating pain. They have the epidural for a reason

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I got so sick of the epidural. Puked and could barely hold my baby also have awful back problems from it. Did my next two without anything and felt great was up and walking and nursing my baby.

I had one without epidural and not by choice. I had three more after him and got it every time. I ain’t got shit to prove if I can do it pain free Imma do it pain free😂

Difference is astounding. I wouldn’t do it without.

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I’ve done both. Go as far as you can, and if you need an epidural, get one. Do what you need to do, you’ll be amazing either way.

After birth and everything the pain isn’t that bad. I loved the epidural

I have 3 kids and each birth was different, 1st epidural, 2nd induced, 3rd NO DRUGS lol. And i would go natural again. And honestly (very low pain tolerance person here) it really didn’t hurt. It burned a bit, and it felt like i had to poo, but the pain was tolerable and i was up and walking with in 20 minutes of having my 3rd.

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Ask yourself this. Would you get a tooth filled without it being numbed up? Of course not.

By the way when you don’t get the epidural and tear or end up with an episiotomy you will get shots down there in that super sore area to get sewn back up

Hard facts. But true.

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I had epidurals both deliveries only thing I hate is in the spot they put the catheter I have back issues. It constantly hurts

It’s good to have a plan but when you get into labor things may change so my advice would be prepared for whatever comes. Things can change dramatically once you are in labor. I wanted a water birth and after 20 plus hours of labor I was screaming for an epidural which elimated the water birth idea. The epidural didn’t work. It made it hard to switch positions. But I have no regrets, I did what I had to given the circumstances. Labor is extremely different for everyone and even from the same mother when comparing one birth to another. But I did get up immediately afterwards.

pian wise I chickened out and had epidural with my 2nd , Nurse said I would be there 12 hours . started having serve back pain . told nurse I couldn’t do it for 12 hours . put in epidural layed back down got checked again and he was crowning. 15 minutes and it was over .

I didn’t do it with any of my 4… but with that being said, my labors were all under 4.5 hours… had I of been longer, it may be a different story… I would wait and see how you labor. My thinking was, I wanted to be able to walk after having my child. And I also knew someone who had an epidural and they couldn’t walk for a few months and it scared me, lol

I’ve 3 epidurals 2 natural with ni pain meds at all. It works differently on everyone, my epidurals al worked great and lasted throughout delivery, but I di have short 2-6 hour deliveries. However I opted to not get an epidural after the 3rd time bc it messed up my back. The pain for me of childbirth is not worth getting an epidural, once the baby is out you feel almost completely pain free and recovery from childbirth feels much like periods do.

I had a epidural with all 4 of my kids I was fine afterwards.

There is no “coming down”. Its not an opiate or something. You’re a little numb for a bit, that’s it!


I have had the epideral twice and idk what y’all mean about the healing process being quicker without one. I was able to get up basically an hour after baby arrived. Didn’t have any issues with healing. No tearing, no stitches exc. Sure i had a bruise for a few weeks where they put it in but it was worth it for a pain free birth :heart:

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I skipped the epidural with both of my babies… for my second I studied hypnobirthing and had a peaceful, painful, but not intolerable experience. The pitocin was the worst part of my first delivery

Neither method is better than the next. Do what works for you

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Really depends on your pain tolerance. I had epidural first one and did not second. If I had to do over I wouldn’t have on either. I also breastfed both. I will warn you I do have a high pain tolerance. Either way will be a distant memory after you take your bundle home.

Get the epidural lol… and idk why people say they couldnt walk afterwards cause it never made me that way… I got up and walked around and everything within 30 minutes and could’ve done it sooner… it just makes u feel relaxed and kind of numbs u from the waist down


I had originally wanted to go the natural route, but I ended up getting pitocin which made the labor pains SO MUCH WORSE and I ended up getting an epidural. I enjoyed the labor with an epidural but if I had to do it over, I might try laboring in water first.

I’ve had 3, one fully natural and two inducing using potacin not with epidural. Highly encourage natural over potacin. Did get a shot of staydahl for last two when contractions were really hard and not far enough along in labor. Potacin speeds up contractions and makes them harder than natural.

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Plan to not have one and if you can’t take the pain, you can get one! I myself my first I wanted to go with out and ended up having one. And my second I didn’t get one, myself personally would try again with out if we have another. It doesn’t make you any less of a mother to get one! At the end of the day the pain will all be worth it no matter how you do it.

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There is no coming down after a Epidural. I had one & thankful I had it.


So I had a VBAC with my second (planned c-section with first) and I swore up and down that I wouldn’t get an epidural. Ended up getting one after about 14 hours and was only 3cm, 2 hours later I was fully dilated which probably explains why I caved so suddenly. I actually got to sleep a bit, was up and showered an hour after and was able to go home.

Epidural for sure. Mine was perfect no issues. Was able to nurse once i got out recovery

I’ve had five kids all with out an epidural and 2 where big babies and it hurt but it was worth it and breast feed all of them as well and when need yes I used formula when I needed to but that wasn’t often.

My first: no epidural…my second: epidural… Experiences were day and night… To this day I still regret being afraid to get an epidural with my first. I strongly recommend that you have one…had my first been as easy (because of the epidural) I’d probably would not have waited 13 years to have my second… beautiful experience, no pain


Plan to go in without it, but if you get it, it’s fine. I started without it, but caved after 14 hours of labor. Glad I did because I labored for 35 hours until having to have a c-section because I stalled at 9 cms and her heart rate kept dropping

I planned on not getting it and my pain was so unbearable I ended up getting it. Honestly healing process wasn’t bad. Thanks to my sons fat fist being on his fat head (in the end that saved his life) he tore me. So in all fairness thank gosh for the epidural honestly.

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I was in so much pain i was vomiting, was only at 3 cm, got the epidural, i could breathe again. an hour later started to feel a little pain again (nothing like before) and called the nurse she checked me because I asked, not thining i was near ready, and was at 11cm ready to push. Went so much faster and smoother because my body stopped fighting what it needed to do.

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I didn’t have an epi with my first and the recovery was way worse

Epidural, please now, right away! Went 58 hours in labor with my first birth! Had epidural , thank the Lord Jesus, with second, no difference in healing. It’s an old wise tail!

My first was completely drug free and I loved it I was up walking around an HR after the worst part was I has a 2nd degree tear. My second was induced without pain meds and let me tell you, worst pain ever… But that birth was good fast and healing time was shorter than the first, I was out driving and doing the shopping and taking the babies to dr appts the day after I got out of the hospital. Everyone is different and every birth is different so it will have to be your decision. Both labors were 6 hrs each with 5 min of pushing. The ladies down the hall were pissed lol

I had epidural with both my kids. First time it was necessary and I progressed way faster after getting it but I think it made me too sleepy. Second time I might have been able to go without it but I still got it and no issues really

I got an epidural, i had decided i didnt want one and would go until i couldnt anymore before considering an epidural… however the doctor ended up giving me pitocin to help further me along (i was having regular contractions but i wasnt dilating quickly enough) and broke my waters. Had i not allowed the breaking of my water and the pitocin i think i would have been able to go through delivery without the epidural… i didnt feel like i was coming down from the drugs, but i did have to wait a few hours to go to recovery because my legs were numb for a long time despite the fact that i felt every one of my 6 stitches.
Side note:for anyone questioning why i didnt object to those things, it was my first time, i was scared and i didnt ask questions.

I had 2 natural 1 epidural I loved the epidural, I wish I had it with all of them. I enjoyed my baby much more. I had no problems, my natural births were harder. So to each their own.

All 3 of mine were induced and with my second I didn’t get it but with my last I got it because it hurt worse then my other 2 . I was able to EBF her for almost 5 months :pray:t3:

Good luck! Epidural saved my life. :stuck_out_tongue:

I had no problems with epidural still breastfeeding after nearly 2 years lol…

My original birthing plan was to go completely natural. 9 hours in I caved and got the epidural and I’m so glad I did because I had a 4th degree tear during delivery. I could not imagine being able to feel all of that. Either way I still felt him coming out it just wasn’t as painful as it could have been. You need to do what you think is best for you. I was always nervous about the needle in the back thing but it just felt like a small bee sting.


I had an epidural with all 3 kids and not once did I “feel like shit” while “coming down” from an epidural…I was able to rest and not be exhausted when it came to pushing…pushed for 45mins with my 1st, 10mins with my 2nd and a push and a cough with my 3rd

I had all 3 of my kids without epidurals. I was in pain, but it was so worth it.

I got an epidural and had no side effects from it. It made everything so much more calm and relaxing! If you can get through without more power to you!

2 all natural hurt like hell but once baby is out the pain is gone

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I did not get an epidural with my oldest or my middle. I did with my youngest and I was beyond glad I did! I had no side effects from it and immediately after they put it in in my case I was ready to push and felt NOTHING! I was even able to get up to use the bathroom after!

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I had an epidural with all 3 and was up to the bathroom 1 hour after they were all born no issues from the epidural

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Epidural for sure. I decided not to take with my 1st baby but I couldn’t take the pain so I changed my mind. With my second I got inducted so as soon as I got to the hospital I took it ! I felt no pain at all. Epidural is best thing ever! Good luck

Epidural didn’t work when I delivered my twins I felt everything my doctor said the babies came too fast and it didn’t kick in till after . Felt like my body was being ripped open by zombies

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I went in with an open mind. I was going to see if I could handle it without epidural. But it was too painful for me, I had back labor. Terrible. Best advice that was given to me was, “You don’t get a medal for not having an epidural.” Go in with an open birth plan. Because things do not go exactly like you want them most of the time


I had my 3rd baby with no epidural…not by choice…but I felt SO MUCH better after.i was up taking a shower 2 hours later .No lasting affects of all the was amazing.The pain was more of a burning pain for me .every one is different as far as pain tolerence .
Wish you luck on your decision

You’ll decide when you get there. I have opted for one each time. I felt it helped me relax and get some rest before the baby came. Labor has to be active before they give it, so getting an epidural is just like no pain at all…your there…you do the work. It can help long laborers like me get some rest (36hrs)

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I did with my oldest a d youngest. Middle 2 all natural. With my youngest the epidural didn’t completely take I felt the contractions but not her coming out. Given the choice i would probably choose and epidural again

Only had natural. 2 singeltons and twins You’ll get through it.

My personal experience with the epidural was ok when I had my almost 16byr old but since then my lower back has been messed up and I can’t tell when on news to use the bathroom until it’s almost too late. I advise to try to avoid it. I never had anything with my 4 after my eldest (I have 5 all together)

I was given epidural but was never told about the “magic buttons to keep it going ended up giving birth natural. If you have the pain tolerance then go for it! For me the bad pain was only during labor after was much better.

I had both my kids all natural. I did not want someone to put a needle in my spine.

I’ve done both, and 10/10 would do natural again.
The recovery was 1000x better.
You feel so accomplished knowing that your body was capable.
And it’s way easier to push when your not numb :woman_shrugging:t2:
Also, you will have back aches forever after an epidural, and the headache after is excruciating

I had an epidural I tore with my first and that is normal for a first timer. Didnt feel it. Yes I was sore after the epidural wore off for like a week. I didnt feel liem shit and It didnt take away from the experience. I got one with my second also. I went as long as I wanted and then got the shot. I love my birth experiences.

I had an epidural with all 3 of mine. I didnt have any side effects and was up moving shortly after. I had to though because I had a broken pelvis years ago and the bearing down was too much. Plus my first one was a complicated delivery and a lot of back labor especially with my second one. Go in with an open mind. Just don’t decide right when you’re ready to start pushing because it takes time to numb. Go with your gut instinct. Good luck!

Ive never had an epidural but no drugs is really hard. My first i wanted nothing but they gave me an if painkiller but the second i had nothing and it was so much easier my whole labor was buch easier and delivery was like nothing i only pushed 3 times my first i was pushing for 3 hours. Healing both times only took about a week but i was lucky and didnt tare at all

Good luck is all imma say.

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I have never had an epidural (4 kids and 1 was induced). I will say the induction was the hardest… once I actually feel like I want the epidural I’m about to start pushing… that’s how I know I’m almost 10 cm. I always hear about women having back pain or migraines afterwards and that just sounds miserable. Other than with my first (lost a lot of blood and was borderline for a transfusion) I was up out of the bed minutes after delivery so they could clean it up. I always have them so fast that my feet dont get put up or the bed broken down.

My mom always told me when she had my little sister her head rolled like the exorcist without it. Myself personally I’m a pussy. It for sure gave me back problems but I felt only half of them contractions and wanted to diiieeee.

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Honestly I went almost 34 hrs b4 I got my epidural I was pressured into it by the bio father to help speed things along. I’m glad I got it bc it saved me from having a spinal tap for my C-section be at almost 40 plus hrs of full labor I was ready for rest I hadn’t slept at all by everytime I had started to dose off alarms would start going off bc my daughter would move and they lose her heart beat. Baby was born on the 21 of November at 9:15am at 6lbs 7oz. And still to this day I wish I was able to go by my birth plan. Your 35 weeks you should set one up and make it very known and for breast feeding make sure both doctors and nurses know that you want skin to skin contact as soon as baby is born b4 cleaning and all and no bottles. I took a ton of breast feeding classes they helped with so much also ask for a breast feeding consultant they will come see you same day and help with any questions my daughter had skin to skin with her bio dad bc I was still in surgery but she latched on without a prob almost an HR after she was born.

Walk alot stand up let gravity help you

I’ve done both. 1st: epidural, 2nd: natural, 3rd: tried for natural but ended up getting an epidural because I swear the pain was so much more intense than my 2nd labor.

You CAN change your mind and ITS OK to do whatever you need for you!!! Even if it is something different than the original plan. If you want to try for natural, do it! If you want an epidural, do it! If you want a natural and decide you want the epidural after all, do it!! Its about you and this baby being as healthy and happy as could be! :heart:

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I’ve had one with and one without the epidural.
I was so out of it with my first that I wanted to make sure I was really there for my second. I thought I was good with pain but the contractions seemed to take alot out of me at the time. So for my second, getting it was the best option for me. If I had a chance to have another, I’d get the epidural again. Lol

I never felt bad afterwards like I was on a drug. I was able to move pretty quickly after the epidural wore off both times. First birth I got the epidural before being induced so felt no pain except once when it wore off but wasnt too bad as I wasnt too far along. Second one I tried to go as far as possible and made it to 6 cm and the pain was unbearable that I begged for the epidural and it couldn’t get there any faster.

Had 2 natural one induced one regular

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Oh epidural was amazing never felt any pain with my last!