Questions about c-sections and tubals

Hello! I am having a c-section in Sept. I would like to hear experiences with that. Also, I will be having my tubes tied at the same time. How was your experience with that? I also will have a four-year-old when this child is born she was born naturally, but the delivery was horrible as we both almost died. How was recovery afterward? When did you go back to work and normal activities? Thanks so much


I had a tubal with my last c-section. The recuperation wasn’t different from the tubal. The c section was about 6 weeks. Can’t pick the 4 year old up until your post opt visit. Some do fine. I’m a ninny and suffered. You’ll do fine. Good luck!

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I didnt have a c section but with my tubal after my son i was super sore and bruised from my belly bitton down but other then that is was just like healing from giving birth

After c section you will need to wait 6 weeks to go back to work. Do not lift more than 10 lbs. About the second day you will develop abdominal pain. That’s due to gas buildup. The only way to get rid of that is to walk. Be active. Avoid seasoned food Use a pillow across your stomach when you cough so it doesn’t hurt so bad. Clean incision every day. If you notice quite a bid of redness or drainage after about a week notify your doctor. Your going to be ok as long as you follow orders

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Had tubes tied with my 3rd c-section and there was no difference, in fact recovered quicker.


I had both done on the 13th of last month and I’m still trying to get over it. But your doctor will tell you things you can and can’t do. I have a 1 year old and now a almost month old. Be prepared to be sore when you cough sneeze and everything. All body’s are different so you really can’t go by what ppl say. Right now I’m having stomach problems I haven’t eaten a Decent meal since I’ve gotten out the hospital and I’m guessing from have my tubs tide I still hurt. The most odd thing is my body is rejecting the stitches and there poking out of my skin.

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I have a very very similar story!
My oldest was 4 when my youngest was born. My oldest was born vaginally but got stuck coming out and it nearly killed us both. He wasn’t large so it was decided that we would have the youngest via csection.

I healed faster from the c-section than i did from vaginal birth with my oldest because of the lack of trauma. I still had to follow the lifting guidelines…but…
I had the c-section Tuesday. Was out of the hospital thursday. Was doing housework Friday. Went to the park on saturday. And driving by monday.
I stopped taking the heavy pain killers sunday (I’d really only taken them at night) but continued to take the ibuprofen. You’ll also want to make sure you take a stool softener. Ask for a binder for your belly that will help a lot.


This is my 2nd c section , first one I almost died . My 4th kid and u aren’t suppose to due much of anything for weeks. Getting fixed thru the belly button this time. With getting fixed They say its suppose to hurt bad and periods are suppose to be worse than normal but mines terrible as they are already. Unfortunately I have no one to do what I do at home cooking, cleaning, raising kids , taking them back n fourth to school etc so I’ll wing it like last time. It took forever to heal due to me having to continue life as if I wasnt cut from hip to hip.

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I don’t have my tubes tied, but I had a c-section. I found out baby boy was breech at 36 weeks and I wasn’t willing to do the inversion procedure so I scheduled my c-section…ended up going into labor at 36 weeks and 4 days so I had to have the c-section early. I was TERRIFIED and legit blacked out from a panic attack. Turns out…it went so smooth and everything went amazingly well. I had heard horror stories of c-section surgery and recovery but it was not anything like I expected. So don’t assume it’s gonna be bad at all!


I agree with the pillow on your stomach when you cough. The uterine massages SUCK after ç section. I almost punched the nurse. I had a c section a year ago and still don’t have feeling at the incision area.

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I will be completely honest and tell you recovery from a csection is HORRIBLE and extremely painful.


I was refusing a C-section bc I had already had two Vbacs and 8 births. But we found out while I was in labor that it was twins, so I consented to the surgery and decided to get the tubal. My recovery was pretty standard, I swelled more though than anything before, my ankles looked like tree stumps. I had a torn muscle from coughing while still pregnant (that shit hurt so bad) and a hernia, but besides that, I tandem nursed and took care of my kids with help and about 2 months I was semi recovered. About 6 months fully recovered and doing great.

6 weeks. I loved my csection. Just don’t strain yourself cause the incision can split open


I have had 3 c-sections and my last one I had my tubes tied. I honestly didn’t have any issues. I was up walking around after my last 2 c-sections in hours. But I was told I was rare but my baby was in NICU and I wanted to see him so I went. But I also think it depends on how u handle pain. Each person is different then the next


Had my tubes tied after my son’s c-section. Best advice I got was to walk a lot. Wasn’t bad…hurts the first few days a lot but after that just sore for a long time. The scar “burned” for a year. I recovered in about the same amount of time as from my all natural child birth with my daughter.

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I had an emergency c section and i was up walking around Walmart 3 days later

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I had a traumatic delivery with my first as well. The c-section after was a cakewalk recovery compared to the first. Don’t stress. I did my tubal a month later. I wish I had done it simultaneously. You will do great. Don’t stress!

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You are going to need some help with taking care of your newborn and 4 year old. My kids were 4 years apart and the 4 year old definitely needed some attention I couldn’t give her during my recovery. I do not have any experience with tubal procedure but the C-section recovery will be long and rough. Take it easy. Rely on your support system for help. In the hospital, they will push you to walk which is going to be difficult. Keep in mind, it’s not going to be easy. I’ve had 2.

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About 6 weeks I had my tubes tied after my youngest son was born an he’s almost 12 years old

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Second csection. Tubes done. Recovery has been pretty easy.
First csection was sucky. My muscles were so useless.

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With my 3rd C I had a tubal, recovery wasnt worse just different. Like I could feel where tubal was done.
I had different recovery time with all 3, first I was up walking in a few hours and done taking pain meds before we left hospital. Second I got sick afterwards and was very nauseous for over 6 hours after so wasnt walking like they wanted me to be. Third I felt really good after but I pushed myself a little too hard and wanted to stop taking pain meds too early.
I really don’t like taking medication and I hate how pain meds make me feel.

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I had a second c section and tubes removed this past September. It went great :+1:

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Had a tubal with my c. Also had a 4 year old at home. Recovery was painful but better than the vaginal I had with my daughter. Stomach binders are great for after as sneezing and coughing during the first 2 weeks of recovery was not a fun experience. I couldn’t feel where the tubal was done. Didn’t seem to have any extra pain from it. Good luck!

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I had a csection and my tubes tied at the same time . I was up and about with no problems I didnt take the pain killers they prescribed for me once I left the hospital only motrin. I was walking up 2 flights of stairs easily.

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3rd C Section here. Walk afterward the gas you get is incredibly uncomfortable and painful. Hold your belly when you cough and sneeze helps with pain. Recovery is easy although it is painful. Just take the time to relax as much as you can. Do not lift anything heavy and eat. You will need atleast 6 weeks to recover. I wouldn’t advise going to work immediately after you’ll regret it


I had c section and tube removal and honestly all I needed after was tylenol at a high dose. I was up and moving as soon as I was allowed out of bed. I requested to be released from the hospital after the 1st say because my son was transferred to another hospital NICU. Everyone is different though and I have a very high pain tolerance

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I had 2 c-sections. After the second I had a tubal. Both c-sections were fine. Tubal made no difference at the time regarding healing . Tubal now causes major cramps monthly during ovulation and period. Much worse than before. They don’t tell u your period will get worse and more painful

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I’ve had 2 c sections, recovery was awful with my first one. I could barely move at all the first week due to the pain. I just had my 2nd one 3 weeks ago plus had my tubes removed, had some complications during the surgery so had to be put to sleep half way through and was up walking around as soon as I was coherent enough to do so. Recovery so far has been great. I highly recommend getting up and walking as much as your body can handle it afterwards. It really helps. If the hospital gives you a bind to wear, you definitely want to wear it. The bind makes recovery easier and makes it a lot less painful whenever you cough, sneeze, laugh, walk, or get up from laying down. Recovery really depends on you and I believe is different for different people.

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I had my tubes done during my 3rd c-section. It maybe took 10mins longer…recovery was fine.
I each recovery was different, 2 had minor complications after but nothing terrible. I found what helped me was getting up on my feet as soon as possible.
I was driving after 4 weeks, I was walking fine and all that…with #2 I went to work about 4 weeks later. I rarely took the pain meds, coughing sucked so bad though!

Everyone has a different experience! All the best and hope you have a smooth event free recovery!

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If I could pick one thing to mentally prepare you for after having a c section, it would be having your first bowl movement after, for me, it was…sooooo painful, I was afraid to push because I didn’t want to rupture my stitches, I was just crying on the toilet for like an hour lol. The recovery itself wasn’t too terrible, I took pain meds around the clock for the first week per the docs suggestion because being able to move around is important for recovery, but everyone is different some don’t need to use the pain meds, just make sure you take the stool softener, it’s so important.


I have had 2 c sections. My oldest son 7 it was an emergency (preeclampsia) and my youngest 1.5 was scheduled. Recovery was hard on the first but did it (6 weeks) with the second one it was a breeze even had my tubes tied (3 weeks) When my period came back it was horrible the first 6 or so months but I am great now.

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I had a tubal and a c section done in December 2018. I recovered faster from that than I did with my natural birth. I had a 3rd degree tare with the first kid.

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I had 5 c-sections, the last one I got my tubes tied. My advice is get up and walk as soon as you can feel your legs. Make the nurses take the cath out asap. They wont want to but stand your ground. This helped me so much. My first c-section I let them tell me i needed to wait to get up. Big mistake i was so soar. Everyone after I got up immediately. It was way better. I was just fine. Recovered quickly


I have two kids my 1st was a natural birth my second was a csection and I had a tubal at the same time my first child was 3 and I wish I’d never had the tubal I dont want anymore kiddos as both of my pregnancies were high risk. But I’ve had MANY problems since having my tubal and I still have to take birth control. I’m in pain every single day from it and my baby is now 17mo.

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Six months postpartum after C-section and tubal ligation. Recovery was standard, no additional healing time, though I did bleed for much longer than my last, but no additional pain. I did not require pain medicine stronger than ibuprofen after delivering and found that helped with recovering quicker.

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I had three, first was bad, mainly I was early 20’s and never had surgery. Second two were easy. I knew to stand up straight and walk. Tubes tied with third and noticed no difference in recovery. Good luck! :+1::four_leaf_clover:

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I had two c-sections 8 years apart and a tubal with my second. I couldn’t tell a difference between the two recoveries from having the tubal. My recoveries were fine. I took the medicine as prescribed for pain and was up walking as soon as the spinal wore off. I think getting up and walking as soon as possible and for as long as I could, comfortably, was part of the reason I recovered quickly. It kept me from getting stiff or too tender. You’ll be sore for sure and it’ll feel like a grizzly bear punched you in the gut but that only lasted for about a week before I could go without the pain meds completely. It still twinged a little here and there but that was only if I pulled to hard on the incision site. By week 2-3 I was back to 100%!

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I haven’t had a c-section, but I have had a tubal and let me just say that sucks. Imagine having the worst gas of your life that hurts all the way up to your collarbone and shoulders. Yea, that’s what it felt like. Now that I’m all healed and 7 months PP my periods are horrible. They last longer than usual, they are way more painful, and there’s clotting that I didn’t have before. I would’ve settled for birth control if I knew this was the alternative.


C-section in 1999. Hold your belly with a pillow when you sneeze, laugh or cough. When you stand up the first time afterwards it felt like my insides was gonna fall out. No joke. 3 weeks after giving birth my incision busted open in 4 places. Puss pockets had formed & they had to pack each of the openings. Recovery time took 2 months longer for me.
You’ll feel rough but you’ll make it. Good luck & congrats on the baby.

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I had 3 natural and my 4th C-section with tubal. I was just alil sore and needed help lifting and getting myself up for about 3 days. I went back to work in 5 days. Praying for a healthy baby & you! :pray:

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I had 3 C-sections. My last one I had a tubal ligation with. My recovery was amazing because I got a belly band from day one. I was up walking the next morning. I had a 3 year old waiting for me when we got home and I can’t complain once. Ok the bleeding lasted longer and I even breastfed for 6 months. But nothing I couldn’t handle. Good luck.

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I have had 3 c sections. . All cut vertically. Binder definitely a help. I must have a high pain tolerance because I never needed anything for pain. I got up several hours after surgery to walk, which helped. Best of luck to you.

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I had mine done at the same time, and recovery wasn’t any longer than a normal csection.


Had 3 c-sections and a tubal with the last one… things were fine… not a problem had… was released in just over 24 hours

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I had 3 c sections my last one I had my tubes tied it was just an extra 5 minutes in there take it easy for weeks after

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I had a c section and it went really well. I felt fully recovered within a week. It was very painful If I dident take my meds on the dot every couple hours but I was done with the narcotics after like 3 days. Then tylonel helped just fine

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I had three c section tubes this time. Your recovery will be a breeze as long as you get out of bed and walk that day!!

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I LOVED having a c-section! I’m going to do that will all future kids. My recovery was also wonderful. As soon as you can feel your toes you must walk. And walk and walk. That’s the fasted way to heal. I’d also recommend a smaller travel pillow for the car ride home for over your incision. I’ve had tons of surgeries and always seem to recover well from them though so I’m a little biased. I’m thankful I’ll never have to experience labor again though :raised_hands:t2:


Had my 2nd Csection on January 15th everyone on here says walk …yup they are right get up and walk as soon as you can it helps.

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I had an emergency c-section at 33 weeks due to preeclampsia and hypertension.
I don’t remember much after surgery due to the morphine (it does make you extremely itchy!). The next day I rested (couldn’t get up due to the iv meds I was on) but on day 2 I was up and walking! Walk when you can, you’ll heal way faster!! I was healed and able to move fully at about 4 weeks, by week 6 I was 100% healed!

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I had emergency c section , just be ready for the shakes while they’re doing it and after :woman_shrugging:t3: I wasn’t expecting that at all but it’s normal, and also took about 2 weeks to be back to normal and not feel like my stumach was stretching weird when I would sit up or lay down and I was pretty good after, I didn’t take any drugs/pain meds except for Tylenol while I was in the hospital , but I did wait six weeks before lifting things that were heavy or going for walks and driving . :slight_smile: it’s really not as bad as it sounds


Thanks so much everyone for answering my questions with such detail!! I hope I have a positive story to tell afterwards!! :revolving_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray:t2:

I had 2 c sections. I had my tubes tied with my 2nd c section. I didnt take any of the pain meds. And was allowed back to work after 8 weeks.

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I had a csection and tubal two years ago. Went very well. Felt great after a week. Just have to take it easy first few days.

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I’ve had 2 c sections and had my tubes tied with the last one. It added 10-15 min to it but nothing noticeable to the recovery time

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I’ve had 2. Stomach staples suck. Hold your stomach if you have to cough or move. Walk ASAP!! The faster you can get up and walk, the better you will feel overall. And get back to normal. You aren’t allowed to drive at first. ( can’t remember how long it is before you can.) your scar will feel strange for the first year. As time goes on, it’ll be less and less.

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My c-section was planned because of my anxiety and was December 2nd 2019. The surgery was flawless my surgeon did an amazing job! I stopped taking my meds about 4 days after the surgery and I wasn’t in any pain sitting still and I think about 4 or 5 weeks I was able to go out and do things with very minimal pain. If my situation with child care was different then I could’ve started back to work probably 5 or 6 weeks ago the only reason I haven’t started work yet is because baby daddy isn’t involved and I’m trying to figure out who can watch my baby while I’m working. Anyway the c-section went really well and I definitely recommend having a baby this way.

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I’ve had 1 emergency csection and 1 scheduled. 1st was HORRIBLE!! Only way i can describe it is like zombies ripping you apart but no pain! My body was thrashed side to side. I freaked out! 2nd was nothing! Didnt feel a thing and joked the whole time. I just didn’t like it took them almost 90 mins to close me up and i only got to do cheek to cheek for 10 secs until i was done

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I went into labor June 2nd at 1:30 am and I was ready to give birth Naturally but once I hit 8-9cm my son wouldnt come down btw he had his clavicle bone was broken from being stuck so long it healed by the time he was 4months and my dr told me that if I didn’t progress by 8pm that same day he was bring me in for an emergency csection my son was stuck and they tried everything his heartbeat dropped and they tried everything from putting monitors on him and me and flipping me and gave me Pitocin gave me the epidural but I would t wish a c section on anyone it was the hardest to recover from I couldn’t hold my son that night bc I was numb from my shoulders down and all drugged up just make sure u have someone there to help u when u go home take ur time healing and don’t rush it just enjoy the baby just glad for my dr that night he was amazing I didn’t feel a thing but a lil pressure when they took him out

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I’ve had 2 and they were drastically different. My first was after 18 hours of labor and then resulted in an emergency csection under General anesthesia. I felt like I’d been run over by a semi repeatedly and could barely get out of the bed. My 2nd was scheduled and it was a breeze! I had my tubes tied at the same time. I was up and out of bed a mere hour after I was brought back to my room. There was very little pain. Everyone has a different pain tolerance so it could be more painful or it could be less. Definitely remember stool softners at the very least for the first week. That pain was the same all around. Also remember to hold a pillow to your tummy if you to need to cough or bear down it helps a lot!

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I had a csection and I’d do it again to be honest. I healed nicely, no ripped stitches or anything. I was able to lay on my stomach 3-4 weeks after.

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Get a after birth girdle… seriously. It will keep the stitches from hurting at ever slight move. Hold a pillow before you cough or sneeze. I was up and doing things after a week. Back to work at the 6 week mark


I’ve had 2 c-sections. My last one I had my tubes tied. I was up walking the same day I had surgery. Healing was normal or routine for a c-section. I was off the pain pills within the first week. My c-sections were 22 years apart. The worst part was when they had to cut through scar tissue. Put a kotex pad over your stitches. It will keep your incision from sticking to your clothes.

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Get them removed instead. No side effects and prevents ovarian cancer. Also 100% effective. Tying them has awful side effects

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C section is cool. Hurts like a botch when you start moving. But once you start walking around and moving you will feel better.

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I had that 10m ago and still in pain. Tell your partner to get snipped

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I just had my 4th c-section this past September and a tubal its takes just 5 mins extra to do. Walk as soon as they allow you to I know it hurts but the more you walk the faster you heal and the swelling goes down faster. Expect kankles for at least 2 weeks after birth. The girdle they give after birth makes sneezing and coughing much easier and less painful. Congrats on your pregnancy.

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I’ve had 6 all 6 were diff the first 5 weren’t bad the 6th one wasn’t a good experience

I’ve had 2, and my first was terrible. I was a FTM and terrified. My last was my 6th baby and it went like a dream! I had my tubes removed during and it didnt really affect my recovery at all. I was able to walk within 24 hours and within a couple of weeks, I was able to resume light activity. By 6 weeks, I was fully recovered.

I had a C-section back in August, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat with baby #2. I didn’t have another kid to take care of at the same time, so I’m sure it was a little easier for me, but after about a week and a half I felt good enough to do anything I needed to do. I never needed any painkillers, just some Motrin. Can barely see my scar. And my vag isn’t destroyed…

Walk walk walk. But DO NOT overdo it. I’ll be a year out from the exact same thing on the 22nd and spots of my scar are still numb so don’t Panic.

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The tubal after my C was not the problem. My recovery was difficult but i was able to get up and function somewhat normal after about 10 days. I had 2 children vaginally before my first C. #3 Baby was 11 lbs 10 ozs so i had to have one. It was rough for me not gonna lie. You will need help take pain meds as directed and you will get through it. Although my #4 baby was 9’11 i had a 2nd C and it was nothing like the first. I was able to get up on my own the first day. I think all my nerves were killed in first C. You will get through it though. Women do it everyday. Just have someone to be there to help you for at least a week. Good luck mama!

I had 3 sections. All went to plan. I was walking slowly and bent over as soon as I got feeling back in my legs - hours.
Gentle sex within a week :grimacing: I was home the following day in pain relief and doing normal activities very slowly straight away.
Follow the guidelines and be careful. Best wishes xx

I had a tubal after my c section. It took some time to heal. But definitely worth it. You got this.

I have had 6, and tubal ligation made no difference.

Oh and i had a 6 year old. But luckily had help with giving her a bath. Take time to heal. And have help if possible. It does take time to heal.compared to a vb. Which i had a natural birth with my first. Easier to heal. But i dont regret the csection. A little more stressful. Hence operating room. And watching the drs do there thing. But overall. Im glad to have tubes tied and a quick birth

My first c-section was terrible as it wasn’t planned. However my second c-section was a lot better bc it was planned. I am healing better, it takes about a week to start feeling better. Second week I feel so much better. The trick is to keeping your pain under control, drinking fluids, walking, and taking stool softener. I think I also got lucky to have a great doctor. When you have a c section it takes about 6 weeks to heal, typically get 8 weeks off work. However, to completely heal 6 months to a year. I had a lot of scar tissue with my first c-section, but my OB fixed it the second time around so I feel like this time it has heal so much better.

I had a C-Section almost 4 months ago. I was up walking 4-5 days after. I put jeans on by 2 weeks. But everyone is different. But I can say I would have another C-section again. The numbing is still there .

3 natural and the 4th c-section
And I hated the c-section worst experience after ever. Sorry to be blunt but I had terrible recovery the first week.i couldnt go to the bathroom because of the medicine I was given hardened everything. I thought i was going to pass out. This and. Breastfeeding a newborn was exausting. In the hospital it wasnt that bad. It hurt obviously after the meds wore off. But nothing will ever be as bad as that first week home. I will never forget that :frowning: make sure to drink a ton of water and while yr in the hospital when u can eat only eat high fiber foods. Bananas, rice, oatmeal

I had a c section with my son which I decided totally on my own …I was scared shitless when my girlfriends told me horror stories about giving birth naturally lol I also had my tubes tied at the same time since i honestly did not want anymore children… it was a quick and easy way of giving birth … down side was the healing part but hey six weeks easy …

I had a c section with my rainbow baby and i would so it again. Its acary at first when your in the room but they talk you through everything

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I’ve had 2 one emergency one planned I had stitches for both apparently some surgeons still use staples but I was told to ask for stitches as staples are horrible. With my first I was out of hospital ordering Chinese food when my baby was 23hrs old my second baby had a few medical issues and had to go to nicu and I was able to walk from the ward to the neonatal unit when baby was 16 hours old. I also had a four year old when my second was born and was fine and able to look after her.

I had a c-section and tubes tied with my last baby, I can’t say I noticed much of difference in recovery time to my previous sections, bit sore but everything was manageable xx

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Move as much as possible afterwards but don’t push yourself. If someone offers help, take it. It was awesome having mom to help with my older child and she handed me the baby when he needed to nurse. Not sure how you feel about breastfeeding but it seemed to help with pain.

I had my 3rd c section (4th child) and got my tubal done at the same time in june. There was no difference in recovery time. I healed rather quickly and easily from my c sections. Although I’ve had really rough periods since getting my tubes done. :confused: btw worse thing with a c section no one tells you is getting gas trapped in your belly or shoulders/back. That pain is horrid.

When I had my C-section, I had terrible gas build up afterwards. I wasn’t releasing gas like I should have. I called the hospital and asked for the anesthesiologist. They said to sip on Dr. Pepper. I was relieved so much!

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I had a c section in 2017 and my doctor was fabulous! They did a good job stitching me up, I can’t even really see the scar very much. I was in so much pain after from the air bubbles of everything moving back to where it belongs – that part of post-delivery sucked. A lot of it was kinda a blur to be honest because of the painkillers. Definitely have a lot of help nearby if you can; my mom and sister were a godsend, not to mention my husband was amazing in doing his best to take care of me and helping me get propped up on a bunch of pillows.

I’ve had 4 c sections in total and a tubal with my last. The tubal didn’t make it worse or the healing longer. The first one wasn’t planned so it was a little more scarier than the other 3. Of course there was a lot of pain afterwards and took me awhile to get back to normal. The other 3 seemed like a cake walk compared to my first because I didn’t have as much pain and healed fairly quickly, on top of I already knew what to expect. It’s so important that you get up and move around as soon as possible so you won’t feel so stiff and hurt as much.

I just had my third c section and my uterus ruptured and had my tubes completely removed. It’s been 3 weeks and I’m totally back to normal other than still being numb around the incision. I’m a sissy when it comes to pain. I’m a stay at home mom but same as work

I have had 3 csections. You have to walk. It hurts like hell but you have too. Wear dresses so it doesn’t sit on your cut, no house work for a while like sweeping or mopping. Do not pick up your 4 yr old. Research the tubal. I had a year ago, after my last c-section, worst thing I have ever done. My periods are 10days long, I bleed A LOT, cramps are horrible.

I had three children and had my tubes tired then I got pregnant and have four they removed my tubes to be safe and not get pregnant again.

I did extremely well after my c section. My daughter was breech with a dislocated hip. So it was medically necessary for any naysayer reading. I was fine, I did the normal week of not lifting, etc. No problems. You can barely see the scar.

I was gonna say the same thing. My periods got heavier, longer and more nasty then ever before. Cramping and soreness is worse too.

I had first baby vaginal but needed stiches as she had cord wrapped. Had an emergency c-section for second child. Was in 4 days and got out my on first childs second birthday. Not gonna lie was rough not being able to lift first child. I have numb patches from it and caught a cold so caughing and using the bathroom hurt badly.( atleast for me) also breast feeding and pumping hurt as well but i got used to it for the most part. So yes stick to the pain medication. My pain meds was swapping between Advil and Tylenol. When needed. My C-section was not the greatest due to this Abdominal wall endometrioma (AWE) is an uncommon aftermath of gynaecologic operations such as caesarean section or an abdominal hysterectomy. The incidence varies from 1 to 2% [1]. The diagnosis is elusive causing intense pain and discomfort to the patient.

My first c-section will be two years ago in April. That was with twins and recovery wasn’t the easiest. I didn’t feel back to normal until after a month. In May it’ll be one year since I had my last baby which was another c-section and a tubal. That recovery went so smoothly compared to my first. I felt back to mostly normal after a few days. I did everything the same, but with the twins there were some complications afterwards, so that could be why there was such a difference. I’m not 100% sure. I would just recommend you get up and move without over doing it. All of my littles ended up in the nicu, but getting up and walking back and forth (slowly) helped so much!

I had an emergency c section in July of last year. I was so scared but all the doctors were so kind. They told me what they were doing. Also as they were working on me one of the doctors sat next to me and talked to me the whole time. Afterwards I felt so silly for being scared. The healing does suck a bit. You hurt a lot and girl don’t cough or sneeze cuz that is the worst. I didn’t rest a lot cuz I was always going to the hospital cuz my son was in the nicu so I overworked my body. Rest is definitely important!!!

With my last I had a c section and tubes tied at the same time. It only adds a few more minutes onto the procedure time.
I took the full 12 weeks out of work as I could to recover. I’d say by week 6 the sharp pulling pain was finally gone.
Idk if having the tubal had anything to do with it or not but my first few periods were heavier and hurt a lot more than usual. I had a vaginal and another c section birth before that and didnt experience that so idk.

Walk as much as possible. I had an emergency c but my nurses and husband pushed me to move as much as I could and I was at 90% normal within a week. I stayed home the full 8 weeks tho.
I also had my tubes tied 6 months later and had some pretty extreme cramping for about 24 hours. I was ready to go back to work less than a week later.
Just make sure you have help those first few days and don’t be afraid to ask!

I would definitely recommend you research Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome before making your decision. I had a TL and 3 c-sections. Surgeries themselves were not bad. The side effects of the TL is miserable though. Not everyone has problems but I know a lot of women who have. Personally if I’d known I would have to still be on some form of birth control I would have never gone through with it.


I don’t see many people saying it, but DO NOT overdo it after your surgery. I had to cause I didn’t have much help after I gave birth and I set myself back months and maybe years with my healing process. It will stay numb (for years) and it will hurt badly for a few weeks. Set yourself up a snack station, hairbrush,/face wipes near your bed/sitting area. Keep it cleaned. If you have ANY worries at all or concerns with the healing call your doctor ASAP. And load up on iron rich nutrients before and after surgery :relaxed: