Questions about c-sections and tubals

Never had a c section but did have tubes tied. Pain kinda sucked. Make sure you get a pain/cough pillow. Helps out tremendously

My first csection was an emergency one and I was slow at healing but my second one that I just had, I was up moving around that same night but not fully and I was able to get up and move at the end of the first week. I also had my tubes done this time around with my second csection and I am going on 5 weeks pp and having some tenderness yet but not much and I can go back to work after the 6 weeks is up which will be on my bday

My c-section was amazing, and I just had my tubes tied 3 weeks ago and I was back to work with in 2 days. After c-section I would say give yourself time, it does take to heal properly. But then again I am in Canada not in the USA so no idea what medical care is like down there. In Canada it’s awesome, after c-section they had a home care nurse come check on me a couple days later and change my vac-bandage.

My first was and emergency csection…recovery was fine…my scar healed awful, it was thick and black…
I had my second last April and opted for a planned csection (both babies were big- 9lbs 15oz and 10lbs 4oz) and had a different ob and he fixed my scar. I found the second recovery the worst… trying to take care of a toddler and a newborn I definitely over did it… I also had a bad reaction to the tape from the dressings so it burnt my skin causing so much pain. Needless to say after giving birth twice, my partner went for a vasectomy lol our thoughts were if I did that he could go through with the snip lol

My doctor wouldn’t tie my tubes at the time my son was born, said everything would be swollen. Had them tied a few months later. Getting out of bed was rough for a few days. My baby just turned 22

Recovery not bad… but it was my second c section when I had them tied… so I healed way faster… felt like i was gonna puke when doc tied them he tugged and pulled on them and even though I was numb I felt the pulling

I’m 7 weeks pp with a section and tubal. Also had a 5 (now 6) year old when I had it done. Healing was a breeze for me, but I was back on my feet 6 hours after getting out of the or and apparently that helps. Haven’t had an issue since, except my first period is super heavy.

Tubes not so as at same time. I ended up with emergency C

I had to have 2 c-sections and then got my tubes tied after had my son 4 years ago it wasnt so bad but sometimes tubal does fail if dont get fully tied and burned. Like i got my tubes tied but not burned i am also starting to think that i am pregnant with a tubal pregnancy but have wait 2 weeks to get the other test done that knows if person is pregnant or not because went to urgentcare and he said it doesnt always show with that test he did and sometimes cant know until 6 months since tubal sometimes just could go in labor water breaks and wont know pregnant i known people that went through it and came out different then others did and its dangerous pregnancy

So much a woman has to go thru …and look at some men attitude…i hv two girls 1 natural an this was very bad.pain scream cuz it was my first child…an 1 c section …for me not bad…

I had a planned c-section and I always joke I had the easiest birth ever. I know that’s not everyone’s experience, but I really didn’t have much trouble. I had a wedge pillow that I put behind my back to help me get up and down out of bed once we got home- that was probably the hardest part. I also kept a pillow close by to hold against my incision in case I had to cough or starting laughing the first few days. The belly binder was also amazing- definitely helped me feel more put together. There was this weird feeling that I could only describe as “feeling like I was cut in half” but it didn’t really hurt, it was just strange. I also do still have a small numb patch of skin on my stomach 18 months out but it’s not noticeable at this point. Oh! And for the first year I definitely had moments where I felt like a baby was kicking, but I was advised that can be your organs moving back in place. It was very surreal. Overall I have no complaints about my experience and don’t have any disappointment about not having a vaginal birth.

I have 6 children, 5 natural and 1 c section. I was up and back to normal within hours of natural birth but it was the exact opposite after the c section. I had an emergency c section, tubes tied and stomach tuck at the same time. I was miserable for about 6 weeks and could barely move. I wasnt able to walk for over a week. When I returned home I was barely able to walk to the bathroom.

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I got a tubal with my 3rd csection in summer 2017 and completely regret the tubal because how much it has negatively effected my periods. Now i have super heavy, long (7-10days) periods every 30-35days when before i had a 45-48day cycle that was light and lasted about 3 days. I also have way worse cramps now. I know the doctors will swear it doesnt change anything, but it does! I was 27 when I got mine done if that matters.

I got my tubes tied during my second csection. I honestly healed so fast. Csections can be a little traumatic. Make sure you take deep breaths and trust you’re in great hands!! Also didn’t notice a difference after my second cssction and having my tubal at the same time. But tubal ligation syndrome is real & your periods might be horrendous after.

Make sure to move around a lot. I know it will hurt but if you don’t the healing takes longer. I have had 3. With the first I didn’t want to move and the nurses babied me and it took so long to recover. With my second I had an amazing nurse who helped me and made me get up and walk. I walked out with the next two. Also had my tubes tied with the third. Couldn’t imagine if I would have waited and had to get another surgery.

Had one difficult but normal delivery -one emergency C-section and one planned c-section. Back to work in 3wks last time. No problem.

Had my tubes tied 7 years ago. First day was really drowsy and sore. My doctor wanted me to wait 6 weeks after my daughter was born that way if something had happend to her I had a choice to have another. So after 6 weeks went in and got it done. I was perfectly fine and sore. Every now and then I feel more of my cramps durring my cycle, but that’s about it.

Has 1 natural, 1 emergency C-section and 1 planned c-section w/tubligation and recovered better after c-sections. Walking soon after helps with healing. And yes, pillows will be your best friend for a few weeks. Good luck

I think the first variable is how you do with the anesthesia from surgery. It may not be the same reaction every time. And then the meds after surgery. I, myself, basically had a emergent section on the first one. I was awake for whole surgery, but after baby and father left the o.r., I don’t know a thing that happened for 4 hours. Otherwise, I felt like a marionette doll with my stomach sewn to the floor. Second baby, planned section. Also tubal ligation with it. I had blood pressure drops from meds. Didn’t fall asleep or anything. Just felt so nauseous I couldn’t even hold the baby the first time for a few hours after. Figured out 6 hours later it was the pain meds making me so sick. Changed it and was able to get up and walk soon after. Once I was off the I.v. meds, the pills made me fall asleep holding the baby so I didn’t take them. Had the same sewn to the floor feeling.

One bit of advice I was told… Move with purpose and intention. Choose your steps before walking. It sure made sense after surgery :100:

I’ve had three c section first one planned as she was double breech ,only problem I had was I was allergic to the staples so wound opened three times in three months but apart from that fine . Second was an emergency as was struggling she was to big for me @ 8lb 1oz and was told pelvis was to small so I can’t give birth to a normal sized baby, third section was planned and all was ok . You will be fine and enjoy your baby xx

All three of my pregnancies were c-sections. With my twins ( my first c-section) was amazing! Healing wasn’t easy for me. My second c-section was the worse of them all, and healing was the worse too. I had staples instead of glue. Hurt like hell to move and getting them removed. My third c-section was great. I did get nauseous with the meds they had me on during the surgery, but I told the nurse that was by my head and she dialed the meds back and I felt better and that is when I got my tubes tied also. That part seemed to drag on forever, but I just wanted to see my baby. I slept in recovery. I also slept at night in the hospital. My children stayed in the nursery/NICU. I needed sleep if I was going to go home and take care of children.

I had a planned c section, but waters broke and went in 2 wks early. I never had a contraction. No pain it was an excellent way to give birth my baby was lovely and healthy I am very lucky x good luck x

I as well will be having this done in April. And I have a 7 year old. So I’m just as curious

dude. I had my son who was 3 and had my csection and tubal done together. recovery…was a BITCH. definitely harder and longer than my first Csection. shes almost 8 months old now. my son just turned 4. good luck. not everyone is the same, but the pain from my last was the WORST.


I haven’t had my tubes tied, but I did have an emergency section done with my 2 year old because she was a footling breech and I had a VBAC with my son 10m ago and STILL have surface and nerve pain in my incision area. I heard it’s not super common, but the docs I’ve talked to tell me if it doesn’t go away in another couple of years, it’s probably not ever going to.
I can’t wear normal panties, pants, or anything with a normal height waistband because any pressure on the site causes it to swell, become hard, and gets super painful.

My first was an emergency c-section. It took about 3 to 4 days for me to be able to stand and do things on my own with little to no help. But no one told me but wish they did. COLD PACKS that cold against your csection is heaven!!! If you laugh, cough, sneeze, bend over or press something against the scar to help with the pain. Hopefully your partner will help with every step of recovery. Good luck

It hurt worse with the second c section and tubal at the same time. Pain hurt for about two weeks but was back to normalish after that

All 3 of mine was csection. Recovery wasnt difficult. I even had the tubal done with my last. I was up walking that night. Not everyone is the same though.

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Its worse than a natural birth… alot worse.

I had an unplanned c section not emergency or anything. I had the bikini cut and I actually went back to work 2 weeks later as inwas buying a house and had to have this job and I was only a temp with no pto or benefits yeah not ideal but I was young and had no options. Seriously the more I moved around the better I felt. My son is 15 now so things have changed. I had him on a thuraday and went home on sunday. I had 17 staples and they hurt like a bastard to be removed. Now days they tape ya up. My best advice watch the incision closely and ensure its healing all the way across. Mine had a small part not healing and the dr had to open it a little and tape it back up. You’ll be fine and try to walk around and be active. Sitting around made me stiff. Best of luck to you

I have four kids and had a c section and tubal with the last one and it was a cake walk I was sore but it really wasn’t bad at all

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My c section was an emergency and it was with my second child. I was laboring all day long with an epidural so I don’t believe I was numbed properly so take my experience as you will. I felt EVERYTHING. Cutting, tugging, pulling. I started having a panic attack. They pulled my son out and I was crying so much I couldn’t even see him or understand what they were saying to me. They cleaned him and brought him to his dad and me and I said “he looks normal” (he has a heart condition that could cause bizarre facial features) and then I guess i continued to hysterically cry and they asked his dad if that was happy tears or? And he said “something is wrong” and they drugged me and I don’t remember anything after that for 2 hours. I woke up in recovery fffffffed up. I couldn’t open my eyes and I was in a lot of pain. They asked me if I wanted to hold him and I guess I said no :joy: after I sobered up from all the pain meds they gave me I felt my pain was tolerable. I voluntarily will not take narcotics so I alternated Motrin and Tylenol. By day 2 in the hospital I was up and moving with pain but I was fine. My scar is noticeable but a clear/ white line. My daughter at the time was one so I struggled with the weight/lifting restrictions because I didn’t have help at home so I bent the rules. My steristrips fell off about 4 weeks pp and everything was fine after that. I still feel numbness almost a later.

I’m not sure about tubes being tied but I’ve had 2 c-sections 7 and 5 years ago my first c-section was good painful for about 3 weeks but went back to doing activity after that but I’m also a diabetic so took longer than most and my 2nd one he was early and had blood clot after I had him but they said I wasn’t healed up from my 1st c-section so everything was harder than the 1st one I’m currently 18 weeks pregnant now and my hospital is going to try a vbac but I’m on baby aspirin for blood clots even thou I haven’t had any since 5 years ago I hope this helped

I had a emergency csection in dec.2018 my sons umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck.
Recovery was nothing like i was thinking, i was up and walking the same night. I was a little sore but to me it felt more like a pulled muscle than anything.

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I had my second c section and tubal done at the same time. It was a way better experience compared to my first and I didn’t feel like there was more pain. I would do it over again if it had to:) definitely a great experience all around for me

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My c-section was a dream. I was going up and down stairs within 6 days. The pain was minimal and I’m the worlds biggest wimp.

Please do NOT let ANYone put negativity in your mind and heart going into this. I firmly believe that the vibes you have going in can/will be game changers in your healing. Promise.

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Well I had few c section w my kids n the recovery was not bad w me but when I had my last c section was the bad for me to the point where I had tube tied. Yes u can still do activities but after u recover 6 weeks n still recover but months later u b ok to do a lot n still be normal, what the heck I’m doing woods w my husband n do some rough activities n all. Hope that’s enough that u girls want to hear

I had a 8 yr old and 4 yr old had my tubal after 3 c-section no problem at all. My sister had hers natural and she had hell!

I’ve had two sections, 1 an emergency 1 planned. I was in agony both times afterwards you can’t cough, laugh, sneeze or do any slight movement without feeling intense pain, they say 6 weeks recovery but it’s less than that before your able to move around I’d say after a week I could do light tasks but at 1st even trying to sit up was horrendous. My youngest is 5 next week and I was sterilised 4 days ago and I’m still in pain from that but started getting back to normal today xx

C-section were a breeze but the effects from my tubal weren’t worth it. The pain and my flow is ridiculous. If they had other options back in 2006 I would have done something else. There many folks that have had issues related to a tubal so I know its not only me.

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I didnt have a csection but I did get my tubes removed when my son was 7 months old. I was back at work 2 days later but HURTING! The pain in my shoulders was worse than my incisions.

I’ve had 4 sections my last tubes tied and burned. Recovery is fine. But i have very!! heavy periods and they last for a week. Also scar tissue if pulled the wrong way does give u a sharp but brief pain.

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Everyone is different that’s for sure. I had an emergency csection with my first and it took me a month to recover. With my second it was scheduled and a lot easier to recover, plus i went home with good pain killers. Im having my third February 27th via csection and my tubes tied at the same time. DR said it’ll take a little longer because she has to do the tubal but everything should be the same as far as healing. They have this huge deal about pain killers now so idk if I’m going to get to go home with the good stuff. I hope i do otherwise recovery will suck.

I had a 6.5 yr old and a 4 yr old when I had my 3rd and last c-section with a tubal ligation… My youngest just turned 8 on Friday.

Biggest piece of advice - don’t try to overdo it for the first 4 weeks because you might tear an internal incision.
There are several layers that are opened up… Both horizontal and vertical incisions. Just because the outside looks completely closed and totally healed doesnt mean the inside ones are yet.
Take it easy, move slowly, and take the help thats offered to you.
The floors may go unswept, and there will be dishes in the sink, laundry to be done and washrooms to be cleaned… But dont try to be a hero.
Your recovery is more important than a load of clean laundry.

With the tubal, i just felt slight pinch/pull sensations on boths sides…very minimal on the pain scale compared to the rest.

The tubal has made my monthly cramps so unbearable id rather give birth without an epideral every month

I just had a scheduled c section with a tubal done less than 2 weeks ago. Much easier than my first (emergency C). Time in the hospital and recovery really depends on the individual, I was out of the hospital after only one night but was very sore from the tubal (which is normal to be more sore afterward). I only experienced nausea once the spinal block (the most painful part for me) was in, which zofran fixed within 2 minutes. Up walking less than 8 hours after surgery.

I’ve had 3 c-sections, all 3 were a bikini cut and he did my last 2 out of the same scar as my first one (I’m so glad he did) . None of them were terrible. I was up walking the night of and the last two I still cared for my other children while my husband was at work. My advice… Use cold packs on your belly, get a belly band from the hospital and wear it all the time during recovery (you’ll thank me later), rest when you can and keep up with you pain medication and don’t let it wear off and you will be just fine. :two_hearts:

You really need 6 weeks to heal. I’ve had 3. The last one they cut and burned my tubes. The healing was the same.

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Had a C-section. Worst feeling ever while they’re doing it. I don’t think I was numb properly.
After i was in a lot of pain. A week later I had an infection went to er and they found out I had a pretty big air sack in my incision … I had to go everyday to my Drs for over a month so that big air sack could be packed with gauze. Ughhhhhhh and had to wear a pad over the opening because that air sack was filling up with a lot of liquid! It was the most disgusting thing ever! :joy::joy: But it healed and all is well.

I had a super easy c section recovery. No issues. My tubal was hellish. Maybe look into having them removed completely. A lot of female reproductive cancers start in the fallopian tubes and if you are done with them, might as well get them out and eliminate like 73% chance or some insanely high percentage close to that. :blush:

I had two c sections and as soon as they let you get up and walk walk walk the more you walk the soreness goes away and your better sooner


I have my tubes tied 6 years ago, and I’m pregnant now. I was up moving around after c-section about 3 days. Just watch your self and don’t lift anything heavy after having this baby we are double tieing them

I just had my third c-section in under 3 years. Personally, I think the first was the worst to heal from but it was also emergency. Second and third had to be scheduled due to complications with the first and they went smoother. This time my baby was in the NICU and I didn’t have the option to lay around and heal how doctor ordered. C-sections vary by situation as far as healing and your pain tolerance level. I had my tubes tied as well and didn’t notice anything different. They removed baby then cut and burned tubes and it all took about 45 mins from start to finish. I had to walk a lot to and from NICU and actually drove 2 hrs home with my preemie at 5 days post surgery. I think the sooner you get up and move, the better healing goes. Spinal block was way better than epidural if you have a choice. Also, if you plan to breastfeed, c-sections can delay when your milk comes in. My first was stitches on the outside, second was glued (couldn’t hardly see the scar) third was internal stitches and is a beautiful scar, I was told staples are the worst to deal with recovery wise, so this to consider too if you can have a choice :slight_smile:

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Oh, and the spinal was more intense than the epidural with the first two. It’s stronger and makes your lungs feel heavy. Also, with the epidural c sections my teeth chattered like crazy during the operation. Just warning you cuz it freaked my husband out.

I had an emergency section 4 weeks ago. I experienced mild pain for about 3 days and nothing after. They sent me home with Percocet and ibuprofen but I’ve never used it. My incision healed so good and I’m already cleared from my doctor. I heard horror stories from friends and other women on this page. I was scared to death to have a csection but it turned out to be the best thing for me.

Had a second csection and got a tubal ligation in December 2018. I feel I healed better the second time around. It’s definitely about making sure you get up and move just a little bit to keep things from stiffening up. Everything else was the same recovery wise, didn’t notice any extra pains or twinges

I had an emergency c section. Total nightmare. I had every complication and infection you can get. It took me a year to recover

I had a really good experience with my first csection. My second was 3 weeks ago and it was fine too but recovery was a little harder. I was off of pain medication after a week and now 3 weeks pp I’m completely fine.

And everyone’s different some feel alot of pain and others don’t some heal faster and again others don’t

Everyone is different my last (in September) was a C section with a tubal ligation it was so much easier than my first 2 who were natural… I was up walking the same night and felt amazing a week later. I guess it depends on you and the Dr. performing it… I would have done c section with all of them if I would have known lol

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I’ve heard that emergency csection are worse than scheduled ones… I’m not sure how true that is but mine was scheduled, and it wasn’t that bad at all. I healed up pretty quick, so after the first week I was up and going. The first 2-3 days you are really sore but of course they offer you pain medication while your in the hospital and that would definitely help. I would recommend keeping a extra pillow to put pressure against your stomach because moving and especially laughing does hurt lol and that helps with that.
I don’t think anyone has the same experience though, i think it really just depends on your own body and the healing process itself.

I regret getting the tubal ligation. The c section went fine and I was doing everything in no time. But the tubal made each month horrible. Severe cramps and irregular cycles

I had my son November 22nd and was working December 17th.

My worst thing was actually getting the staples out as the skin was growing over them. My first was an emergency and way worse than this last one. The inside stayed sore longer this time because I got my tubes tied. The best thing is to get up and walk as soon as possible.

I had a csection with my second child. The spinal wasnt as bad as an epidural in my opinion, the healing time was longer and more difficult. My oldest daughter was turning 3 when my second daughter was born. I took every opportunity while in the hospital to move around with help from the nurses. I didnt get my tubes tied, I chose an IUD instead. I took my time doing everything, I refused to overdo, and overwork my body, but I kept moving I didnt chase my pain so I took my prescriptions ( 800 mg ibuprofen and BP medication) exactly the way I was told and was back to myself in 3 to 4 weeks.

I had my tubal and the gas after surgery was so painful. It hurt to lay flat and stretch my arms out too far

Less than 1 week post-op c-section and I feel great to be honest. Still some incisional pain. As far as the procedure: the “being awake during surgery” initially scared me to tears :sob: but once I heard the baby’s first cry all was well

I had a c section a year ago with my first child and it went perfectly for me. It wasn’t painful but you can sort of feel some tugging but absolutely no pain! The recovery for me was mostly smooth. I’ll probably be choosing to go the same route again I. The future.

I had 2 c- sections and my last one I had a tubal ligation as well. I didn’t have any problems. And haven’t had any for the past 22 years since it.
Just limit yourself to what you feel you can do. Don’t over do things. Take the time you need to heal.

I ended up having to have a c section with both my kids but have not had my tubes tied. Recovery is a little rough. Definitely have loose fitting clothing for afterwards. I couldn’t wear pants for months after both of mine but I’ve seen other moms wear them shortly after so maybe it’s just me. It’s a longer recovery after a c section but I understand why you would want to. The actual procedure both times went fine and I didn’t feel anything. My second was in the NICU and I had a harder time recovering and had zero energy for a few weeks.

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Take ur pain meds in hospital!! U only get ibuprofen when u get out!! Also!!! Please sleep sitting up. It was so painful amd time consuming rolling out of bed. Hope u have a good partner mine disappeared aftet we got let out and i had no help the forst 4ish days. Also its gonna hurt to cough or laugh. bUT the procedure itself it the neatest experience and feeling…plus no labor and once its.started ur bby will be here within about 10 minutes!!!

Did anyone get clotting? And had to have their stomach kneeded like dough? That was the most painful thing ive ever felt. Is that everyone or just if there is complications

I have had 2 section first one was a horror story but I was in a lot of pain due to kidney stone and had to have surgery the day after I delivered. Second one was a breeze and I had my tubes tied but as soon as they say you can get up get up use a pillow over stomach to get up and down but move don’t let muscles tighten up! For the first 2 weeks let someone carry car seat, baby fine to carry just let everyone care for y’all sit back and enjoy baby but move as much as you can tolerate! It’s weird you fill them move your insides around to get baby out you feel all the pressure and tugging. I hope that helps some!

I had an emergency c-section as my daughter flipped last minute. The surgery itself wasn’t too bad. I got the spinal tap and the only downside was it felt like I couldn’t breathe during the procedure and then afterwards took me awhile longer than usual to get back to walking. The recovery was the WORST. I was in so much freaking pain. One thing they don’t tell you is you can get gas pains up in your collarbone area which makes it painful to move your neck and your arms. For weeks there were time were I would just get this random pain shooting across the incision area and I would literally drop to my knees in pain. I didn’t get any extra time off. I’m also in the military and they’re expected me to get back to my normal self when it can’t to physical fitness in the same amount of time as someone who had a vaginal birth. It was rough.

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I’ve had 3 c-sections. All 3 went very well, recovery really depends on your pain tolerance. The first 3 days of recovery are the worst, but the more you get moving the better it is. Just follow your doctor’s directions and everything will be fine. I had a tubal with my last c-section and an umbilical hernia repair but didn’t notice anything different with the healing process because it was all done with the c-section. Heavy lifting is restricted for the first few weeks afterward. I returned to work 8 weeks after my surgery with my first 2 and chose to stay home with my 3rd longer (not due to c-section…personal choice).

The first one is crazy, lol, you learn alot of “what NOT TO DO” lol. My first was emergency, So I didn’t get a choice of meds. Get some soft pillows to help prop up your belly while laying on your side. They don’t encourage “binding” anymore, but I tell ya, a nice tight pair of pants helps keep you all stable/solid which will help with that “guts are gonna fall out feeling” (it won’t really happen, I promise, lol, it just feels like it could) . Get rest as much as you can, and if you have friends and sister, ask if they could come and watch the kids while you nap/rest. Good luck!!

I had one 8 years ago at Womack in Fort Bragg. It was my third c-section and by far the easiest. I was a SAHM but I was back in the swing of things by two weeks and I drove with three kids from NC to Ohio at 5 weeks postpartum. That wasn’t fun but do able. Just make sure all your blood work is good way in advance. Keep having your iron levels tested and take all the iron they give you. I nearly bled to death with baby two because they didn’t know I was anemic before surgery. I’m not trying to scare you at all, I tell every pregnant woman I know to always always know that your iron levels are good before delivery. Hugs

I had a csection and tubal 2 years ago this march I regretted the tubal it was a rough healing bc of the extra work that was done but it wasn’t horrible once I started to be able to move around more

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I had a c section with my son and literally didn’t know if I would ever walk again haha! I only had one person before my schedule c section that was brutally honest with me and told me how awful it would be to heal. She was right and I am still to do this day so thankful she was honest. I feel like I would have been a bit blindsided had she not told me how rough it was. But!!! You will have s beautiful baby and it makes it totally worth it! They did have these Velcro wraps in my hospital that was AMAZING! You wrap it tightly around your abdomen and it helps you feel like you are being held together. Also, the spinal for me was nothing. And same for the abdomen massage where they make sure your uterus is shrinking. I was warned of how awful it would be but mine never hurt. Good luck to you!!

I’ve had 4 csections and my last I had my tubes tied as he was my Paraguard iud baby. The first 2 weeks you will be sore but after that it gets much better. Just stay up on your medicine and you’ll do just fine.

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I’ve had 2 csections in the last 12 months and i had literally zero issues, the pain for me was bearable from beginning to end i was up walking within an hour both times and my spinal i had zero issues with. Worst part for me was just getting the spinal done, and only because of nerves it didn’t hurt. My second c section hurt a tiny more afterward but within a week i was carrying my 11 month old and newborn at the same time. I don’t reccomend that but i had to do what i had to do. Maybe i was lucky but both surgeries were easy i think.

Mine was easy peasy! In and out in 45 min recover wasn’t horrrible I personally was back at work in 3 weeks with minimal pain. Don’t over do it. Allow yourself to heal. And you’ll be fine!

I had both done at the same time. I had to be completely knocked out. The recovery time wasn’t bad for me.
It was stiff and painful walking for a few days but not long and I was fine. My stomach still gets numb but it doesn’t bother me very much.

I just had my 2nd c-section 3 months ago with a tubal this time. Both times I was back on my feet within a week (not heavy lifting but at least mobile). It took me 6 weeks to get back to work with my 1st one. I was capable earlier than that though. The worst thing about my healing process was the numbness and burning sensations as the muscles healed around the incision. The burning sensation eventually went away. Not the numbness though.

Following! I plan to do this next baby :heart:

I will be having my third csection and tubal in a few weeks. Its all i know so i cant compare to a vaginal. However after my first being an emergency the second being scheduled was a great experience. Less stress you know when baby is coming. The only thing you feel is an immense pressure, i felt mine on my chest and upper back. This pressure only lasts a minute or two while they are taking the baby out. Be sure to not over do it during recovery. It takes a bit more time and you may feel great but be careful. You dont want to pull any muscles or tear stitches. The tubal shouldnt affect this recovery much but i can update you once mine is done. Was back to work in 4 weeks with my first, with my last i took my full 8 weeks. I do get numbness on my lower belly right above my incision but dr says its normal. Only bad thing for me was coming off the drugs after, horrible reactions hot, sweaty and shaky but that could’ve just been me.

I had my second C-section 9 years ago in which I had my tubes tied. At the time my older son was only 18 months. The second was no different from the first, just a few more minutes on the table. I’ve only ever has C-sections, no natural births, so I can’t really compare the two. But personally I think it was easier than the natural birth, less painful for sure and doesn’t take hours/days to get through. Good luck!

2 c sections. The first was an emergency after laboring for 23 hours. The second was planned. Recovery all really depends on how active you are after and your body. My first, I laid around and did minimal walking. It made my recovery longer and more painful. The second, I was up and walking within 5 hours after surgery. It hurts when you get up, especially the first time. I had my tubes tied after the second one. You’ll definitely be sore but the more you get up and move the better you will feel and faster to heal. It promotes blood flow that is great for healing. Afterwards you will have compression boots on your legs to help prevent clots. They will come in to massage your uterus back down. This is probably the worst part of it all. Expect lots of pain. You will most likely get pain meds to take home. But, you will not be released until you pass gas so they can ensure your bowels are working. Mine were paralyzed for 4 days after my first csection. Gas build up sucks. Fleets enema is amazing. The meds can stop up you bowels for a few days. Don’t let all of the horror stories scare you. It is scary but your body will adjust and you will learn what you are and are not able to do. A reclined position is best for when you are sleeping. Get some large Tena pads and use the soft absorbent side as cushioning between your clothes and incision. Take 2 pillows with you for the ride home. One to sit on and one to hold against your incision for any bumps in the road. I highly recommend a stomach binder. It will hold everything in and the weight of organs shifting back into place won’t be pressing on your incision.

I had a C-section with my daughter. #horrorstory I hemorrhaged and died after I got into my room from recovery. Then went through a horrible recovery from being cut hip to hip because my daughter was huge at 37weeks and couldnt deliver her vaginally. Then got a tubial a month later. My periods have been extremely painful and now I went from 7 day long period to 16 day long periods with cysts. Do your research on BOTH. I didn’t do any research because I listened to my family and friends. I will NEVER have another C-section and I wish I had never gotten a tubial. I had the Implanon twice before my daughter and never had issues… :broken_heart::broken_heart:

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I think it all depends on what you mean by “normal activities”!

I had a scheduled c section with my second child due to a severe postpartum hemorrhage immediately after delivery with my first daughter and things were so much better. I was up walking within 4 hours after recovery. I also had my tubes tied at the same time and had no problems. The worst part of it was gas that gets trapped in your body made my shoulders and neck hurt the next day. The sooner you get up and move around the better off you will be. Good luck!!

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4 csections here. 2 Emergency 2 elective. Healing wise I always get up as soon as I’m allowed to shower. Then will walk around my room, taking my time of course. If you need help n your by yourself don’t be afraid to ring the buzzer for the nurse. I’m usually back to normal within 2 weeks.

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I have a 14yr old and 10yrold twins, got tubal with csection for twins delivery. Recovery was good since it seemed like one surgery and not 2. I agree with others first 2 weeks painful you forget just how many muscles you use just to sit up. But little faces makes it all worth it.

I’ve had a c section with my son, the first week was painful, but not unbearable. I got a spinal headache from the epidural, as it was planned to be a vaginal birth, after 36 hours and not enough progression, I had a c section. Nothing was as painful as the spinal headache! It lasted about three weeks, and I wouldn’t wish it for my worst enemy. I had the scar glued, and its been 6 months now, it healed nicely.

Tubes being tied is not permanent. The younger you have it done, the better chance for it to heal. I have been told this a million times since I got mine 3 years ago.

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I have had 3 csections. (Not by choice). They recommend keeping things low key for about 6 weeks. No lifting (except baby) and you’ll be pretty sore. Make sure you take pain medication because that will be your life saver! Each one was faster healing times for me. First one: 4-5 weeks. Second: 3-4 weeks and my third about 2 weeks. After my third, I was sleeping on my tummy/side when they removed my staples (less then a week). Just make sure you take it easy!

I had a c sec it was honestly really easy in my opinion with recovery as soon as they took my catheter out I started walking little bits at a time it helped a lot just dont be afraid to stop and sit when you need to

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I had 2 c sections…second one included a tubal. It was a really rough recovery. I also experienced some hormonal imbalances in the years after. I regret it. I wish I would have never had the tubal. I don’t recommend it.

I had my tubes tied with my 2nd C-section. Terrible, TERRIBLE recovery, I ain’t even gonna lie or try to sugar coat :joy:. Worse pain of my life! They force you to stand and start walking and it legit feels like your guts are about to fall right out. And best advice I can give is, try not to laugh or sneeze or cough, because it hurts sooooooo baaaaddddd. Lol hold a pillow tightly to you if u feel a sneeze coming on. I sneezed and popped a muscle, so I ended up having this hard bulging muscle poking outwards under my cut and had to wear super tight spanx for like 3 weeks to fix it. lol
*let me add, the first C-section wasn’t bad… This 2nd one with the tubal was the worse.

Whom ever this is asking this Question, Cut the Shit. Your body differ from anybody in your comments. Why in the fuck are U asking Us. Ask your Doctor. U might be strong enough not to even have A C section with that being said I will not let fear cloud my judgement because U might B a lot stronger than U was 4 years ago. Geese!

I was told I heald unusually fast. I was able to do most light activities after 3 days. Stairs were no problem but I couldn’t bend for 2 weeks. I was feeling g well enough to go to a bridal shower at 2 weeks postpartum. And returned to work at 7 weeks.