Questions about c-sections and tubals

I had my 3rd c-section and a tubal in January. I was up walking around that night (pain pills were a big help). I only stayed in the hospital for 2 days. The 3rd day was the worst. A 2 minute walk would take me 10 minutes. But everything gets easier after the first couple of weeks. Good luck.

My first was natural and the second was C-section with twins. The operation itself was quicker and not as exhausting as natural ofcourse but the healing after and limitations was definitely alot worse and sucked. I also got my tubes clamped during the C-Section. Because my tubes were swollen from the surgery they put on bigger clamps so I get a sharp shooting pain when I move a certain way. My periods are also alot longer, heavier and more painful. I was told after when I went to see the gyno for that that that its a normal side affect to getting “fixed”.

I’ve had 3 sections and one vbac…as a result of the vbac was the second child I could no longer deliver naturally as like ureself I nearly died having him … My most recent C-section was 14 wks ago and I got my tubes done at the same time and was no different to previous sections …I had it done at 11 and was up n all that evening…

I had my tubal in 2012. I never had menstrual cramps before the tubal but now I do. Idk if this common but it started with my first period after surgery and every one since. Also I was regular… every 28 days. Starting from first period post op it comes when it wants.

I had 3 csections. First was an emergency, second was scheduled but decided to come 3 weeks early, third was scheduled and came on time. All are just shy of 3 years apart. With no other family on my side to help and my ex’s family were no help I had no choice but to do what I had to do without overduing which was tough especially my mom passing away 3 days after second was born and I had to clear out her home by myself. I only took 12 weeks total in maternity leave each. Youll be ok we are a lot stronger then we give ourselves credit for but we all heal differently. As a nurse asst on a post op unit all I can say is take any help offered, do as much walking as you can in the begining the longer you procrastinate it the harder it will be, squat up to stand and squat down to sit and take your pain meds to take the edge off. God bless :blush:

I got my tubes tied other then soreness i was straight but no heavy lifting for about a month

4 c sections here!! 3 were emergency last one not. Recovery after my first was awful. I got a severe infection that didnt heal for months. I had a 3 yr old at home also. Stay the whole time they give you. I left as soon as I could and regretted it badly. Make sure to follow your doctor’s advice and LISTEN to your body. Got my tubes tied with my last and everything went fine. It took a little longer then normal but wasnt horrible.

I have a 2 year old and still haven’t gone back to work because she was born a sick baby with chronic asthma a heart murmur and she had surgery when she hit 1 but I had a emergency c section because I had a horrible pregnancy Water bag ruptured when I was just 5 months they said it’s to early for the baby to come out so they hospitalized me until she was at least 3 pounds and higher then her blood level was going so high they had to do emergency c section but the c section they numb your body from your boobs down only thing you can feel is your arms hands and face you stay in pain for like a month but they give you medication me I never took my medication because my daughter was so small I didn’t hear her cry at night but the pain meds help a lot till this day my stitches still hurt like when it rains or on cold days but not as bad as when I first had it it took me 2 months to heal you have to ask your doctor when is right for you to go back to work but girl your inside hurt and may get swollen and the stitches might open back up if your doing too much it happened to me twice I was never able to stay still because I stayed in the hospital on bed rest for 2 months so I couldn’t go home and do nothing but girl rest for 3 or maybe 4 months you have to take sponge baths the first week of your c section then after that you can take baths just don’t wash the c section area but honestly it only took me 2 months to heal girl you got this I promise stay strong and I wish you all the happiness and safe delivery for you and your unborn baby god bless you and your family hope this helped a little bit stay strong you got this

it takes 6 weeks to heal from a c section,take it slow do not rush

I have had 3 of them. 1st one I was up 4 hours afterwards walking around. Just a headache from being dehydrated. 2nd one was really sore for about a week before I felt normal. 3rd was okay no pain afterward but I got my tubes tied with this one so he tried not to cut too much on same scar material as first 2 and accidently knicked my bladder so I had to come home with catheter. With all of them you need to watch coughing or laughing or bumping into counters. It can cause your cut to open back up. Also with my first and last c section my cut didnt heal all the way so when they took out staples I had to pack and cover my cut. All in all it was okay though. A lot safer for the baby