Questions about child support

No in South Carolina

Since he is married now it will be based on both of your income and expenses


Why would it?! Just because he has a new kid doesn’t make the first two any less important

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Nope ive learned that the second or other kids dont count!! Thats why i work bck i hate how the system is

Doesn’t matter. Actually where i live if you and he split up , his child support will come out for the ex first and IF there’s any left over that’s what you’d get since you’re ‘ second in line ‘ so to say .


No, the other kid doesn’t count. And your income shouldn’t have any affect on it. I’m in NY and my dad had 3 boys and me and still had to pay 500 to there mom. Then when he left my mom they wanted him to pay 500 for me but my mom said no 100 a month for me was fine. It wasnt based on her check only what he makes.

Doesn’t change anything here in iowa

Why so much bashing? She just asked a question.


No I got child support for my daughter then her dad got married and had 2 more and is now divorced and so he pays child support on all 3 now and my child support has never changed. Here its based on a percentage of his total income and my percentage will never change reguardless how many other kids he has.


Yes in NC. When my daughters father had another child his child support decreased due to him having another dependent to care for

Nope. It doesn’t change it

Doesn’t change a thing in Ohio.

If you guys have a kid on the way together ?then they all would get it. but to be honest I don’t believe in saying first KIDS when they are all HIS children, because the other 2 kids are no better then the 3 child. they all should get the same of child support but that’s my opinion here… But don’t just have a child with this man if you know he only has enough for the 2 he already has because the child support will not just take away from his other 2 children because you guys have a baby and didn’t have enough money for the other 2 because they won’t but tbh if I was you I would think about not having a baby with this man if you know he doesn’t have the type of money for anther one my best opinion for you hun…

Should not matter if it’s 1st 2nd and so on all children are just as important and all should receive same percentage of pay.


Yes, they take in account for each child. You would have to file a modification which could do more harm than good.

If you two are making it and can afford a new little one than I would leave things be.

Now if in the future a modification comes up than bring up the extra children. (Get an attorney)

They will tell you the current child is not their concern since he is with you that the 2 he pays child support to is ive been through this so in my state it wouldnt change a thing

He would need to request a new hearing and then yes it would. My daughters dad had a new baby and it got adjusted. We’re in WA state

No only if you file for child support would it possibly change.

Nope. 1st comes 1st.

Hun its gonna vary by state and circumstances. In Arizona, child support is based off of the parents income divided by expenses. If you add the expense of another baby, it may change the total amount paid to first child/ren. It would be best to find out from your state, by asking his case manager.

Yes. You will get a portion of what she gets

Hey they need to care for the two old babies he shouldn’t have new kid if he can’t take care of the old ones


Nope doesn’t matter how many kids he has he has equal responsibility to every single one regardless

Yes it does in Australia. They take into account the father’s living expenses, all his dependants and his income.
His wife or gfs income is NOT taken into account because she is not responsible for his children from previous relationships.


We were told our kids didnt matter because I can work to support them, in those exact words, after my husband’s ex failed to return him to us after her court ordered visitation and filed a false pfa against us. My husband ended up having to pay her $652/month making $12/hour with no overtime.

In pa it doesn’t matter. He had the 1st 2 early so in the courts eyes the older ones come 1st. I have dealt with that same situation.

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If you’re married, yes. Child support is based on both parents incomes minus deductions like dependents. He’d have to file for a change in child support. That may vary between states. I’m Michigan you can file for a change in child support every 3 years. So if a change was just made before your child is born he can’t file for a change for 3 years. This also goes for mom if she has another child.

If you’re not married (I know you said spouse but there’s a lot of people who use those terms lightly) you would have to file for child support even if he lives with you. Otherwise the court doesn’t see that he’s supporting the child.

I still wouldn’t have a child just to take away from his other children. That’s rotten.

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It wouldnt even change if u started collecting child support from him. Cant get it lowered for having more kids, otherwise every guy would have 15 kids.


Him having a new child doesn’t reduce his responsibility to his existing children.


It’s hilarious to me how everyone keeps saying “if he couldn’t afford the two he has he shouldn’t have more” NOWHERE in her question did she say he couldn’t afford it. Y’all all sound like presumptuous bitter baby mamas :joy::joy:

Anyways it depends on the state, girl. Pa will factor in any other children a father or mother has to support.


Not in Illinois, The child support is not affected by subsequent children. The father’s responsibility with his kids remains the same. And the first children have priority.

Depends on state, these people on here are full of it!

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My bf has 4 kids. But 2 live with him and 2 live with there mom. And the second mom barely gets money cuz he has so many kids total. That what the judge said to the second baby momma. Said you won’t be getting much from him cuz he has so many kids.

It didn’t in my case. I was ordered less than the mothers who already had cases and their payments stayed the same. Once the kids were grown I got more because he only had one child. Even when we were together his payments to the other kids didn’t change. Even with me having two other kids I’m still responsible for 70% of my daughter care because I make more money than him…my other kids were asked about but not taken into consideration either. He still has a responsibility to the other kids so it’s his job to make sure he has the money to care for however many kids he has. Having another baby shouldn’t affect the other ones. If he can’t afford it then maybe he should get a second job…that’s just my opinion

Not in ohio. Me and my ex had a child and he still had to pay the amount for his other children.

In Australia he will be given a mulit-children case assessment (basically they will recognise he has another dependant). Will it drop his payments? Depends. It’s not a clear yes or no. CS here is calculated on both parents of the children’s income.

His payments may actually go up (especially if the mother of the new child claims child support and earns considerably less than him, and the other 2 children previous the parents have similar income).

If the mother of the new child isn’t claiming. He won’t see much of a reduction (at least not enough to make it financial viable to have another child).

as far as I’m concerned - if you father children your just as responsible for each individual one, regardless if you procreate more or not.

the amount should stay the same.


No the first children would continue to get what is already set. Now if you and him were to separate and he pays CS for y’all’s it will be less due to what he already pays. That’s how it would work in both Nebraska and south Dakota anyway.

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No. Having another child doesn’t reduce the financial responsibility for existing children.

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Florida doesnt care. Ist child/children come first.

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In New York the first kids take priority and get more. Third kid gets a significantly lower percent if you guys split while the others will remain the same

He can try to file an amendment to the existing order for that reason but there’s no guarantee that he will be granted that…

In California, yes, it can affect the child support order when there is another child in the home. They might lower his child support amount for these boys, if he has another responsibility at home. It doesn’t guarantee that the amount will lower, but because the new child would be with him full time they take it into consideration. At least in my county, they do.


In Indiana it does. They account for all children when deciding child support

It would only matter if you guys split up and you took him for child support. Then the other kids child support would be lessened a little bit likely, as he still has to make a living wage himself.

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It likely will affect how much he pays, right up until dhe has another child. It doesn’t have to be with him to count.

It depends on where you are and if you stay together. If you guys split up, the other two children continue to get what they get now, your child would get a lower sum at least in ny.

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He would have to file to adjust his support

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He can file an amendment to habe the current order changes due to change in finances or change in family size which alters how the finances are spent…Not saying it will get approved but that’s the process.


It depends on the state u live in. Best thing to do his consult with a lawyer.

Where I am from it won’t effect his child support. He still has to provide the same care.

no it doesn’t, just because another baby is born doesn’t make the needs of the first children lessen if finances are tight maybe reconsider having baby until yous are more financially able to do so

In Scotland they take in to account how many children live live in your house and they will also take into account if he has his kids more than 52 nights in a year over night but he will have to contact them and give them all this information x

In Australia no it doesn’t.

In my state it doesn’t matter because they consider that he knew what his child support was before having another kid and they dont want to diminish his other kids lives because of a choice he made.

Yes in texas they will lower it down to 17% with another child in the house being supported. He will have to go and refile at the office and claim your child on the paperwork as a new child.

Why does it matter? Are you expecting him to pay any less than he should?


In the UK it does affect it. But only by like ÂŁ12 a month

Yes, but he’ll have to request a packet from child support enforcement .

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No it doesn’t, the courts would laugh and say “we didn’t tell him to have another baby”


His child support won’t change regardless of how many kids you have together.


In the state of Alabama every year I would get a letter from child support asking If I wanted to have it reevaluated.

In U.K. maintenance goes down if NRP has another child or cohabits with someone who has children. It’s not a massive amount.

No it doesnt matter. We’re in CA and we went to child support court for my fiance’s 5yr old son and they told us that despite us having a 6 month old together nothing would change and he ended up having to pay more for child support.


Love, it depends on your state honestly. In Arizona they do take into consideration if you guys have a kid together. My best bet is to just call your local family court and see what they say.

No it doesn’t matter.

First In time first in line


Nope. First family first.


In AZ yes it changes his child support! Once he had his new child they took $459 for that child, and gave me $228 for 2 pre-teen girls.


He would have to request for an amendment through the child support office or courts. Whichever the original request was done

He can request modification

No, it doesn’t matter how many other children he has, he still has to support the other two he’s already paying on

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Where I’m from it counts. My OH has a child from a previous and being that we live together my daughter and our son are taken into account, being that there are 3 children to be provided for. They take a certain percentage of his wage and there is a certain percentage deducted for the child then a bit more for the second child.

It really depends on what they decided in court. And obviously the state you’re located. If it’s an amount calculated by the judge off of a bunch of different factors then yes it’s possible it could go down. But you never know with child support court. Depends on so many things. I’m in CA

U can modify
Need to process it in the child support office
Takes months to get answers but another child is expense and he should pay less c.s

Yes it will, and you aren’t wrong for asking the question not wanting it to change.

The bitterness in the comments. :joy:

Its not divided by expenses in AZ actually. I literally just filed child support this morning. They based it off both parents income (not including any over time hours paid) and who has the child more. They will however factor in day care and health insurance expenses. That’s it though. So im gonna say probably not for AZ. Find out for your own state though. However, just because hes not with his baby momma anymore doesnt mean her and her kids are chop liver because you came arpund and want a baby. Hopefully that’s not what you guys are trying to get at with this because that would be pretty gross amd totally wrong. Also, remember whatever he does to his ex and their kids he will do to you and yours too. Just throwing that out there.

It is the same everywhere. What he pays her won’t change. Ever. But if you and your spouse break up and you try to get child support, you will get less than she does and hers will always stay the same. Unless he gets a lower paying job and they review his income, which they do every 3 years anyway… His child support was his obligation before he met you, and it will remain that way until the children are 18 years old. Or, he will pay until they are 21 years old if they attend college…

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No he lives with that child. If you and him would separate the ampund he pays to his ex would get devided between 3 kids.

I would ask judge for you to be primary custodian of baby & ask that dad gets a modified standard visitation which is a few hours every other weekend. He has to pay child support. Baby needs to be with mana right now so baby can bond, newborn doesn’t need to be away from mama right now.


I mean the dad shouldn’t have to pay more if he wants/gets equal time with the baby. If he wants more time with his child you should let him. That’s really rare in a lot of mothers cases.


The mother wanting more money so she denies the dad equal time with his child.


I could see concern if its solely for not having to pay as much child support. I know my state at that age its 3 days a week for 2 hours a day. It slowly goes up depending on your guys situation the only other thing affecting child support being less is the overnight visitation. We were also not together at birth but he was highly in the babys life for the first few months but has slowly faded away.

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If shes not breastfeeding there are no reasons both parents do not get 50 50. She is no better than he is. Nobody should be worrying about the money. It’s about the damn child! Its disgusting to think it’s ok and normal to give a willing dad every other weekend with his child while mom gets same child all but 4 days of an entire MONTH. That’s what’s wrong with this world. Disgusted.


In my state most cases the father gets weekend visits but if they want to see them more shouldn’t be a problem be thankful cause most people are not that lucky


My son’s dad and I went to court for custody. Per his request he only wanted to have him 3 days out of the month. He eventually went from seeing our son 3 days a month (every other weekend, except the laat Saturday) to months at a time without seeing him. Once he received a call about child support he text me saying thanks for the child support now I want 50/50 custody. He only sees our son when it is convenient for him. He moved over an hr away and is supporting a girlfriend who he has gotten pregnant and her daughter. It’s been over 8 months since I’ve filed for child support and haven’t gotten any response from them. Child support seems like a joke


My ex was angling for that but didn’t intend to spend the extra time…iow purely financially motivated. I countered and put in writing what that would look like from a time and responsibility standpoint and he backed down. If yours is truly wanting to spend time with your baby and not manipulating you, that’s great. Divorces bring out the ugly in the nicest people.


I think she’s concerned because she feels he’s only asking for more time so he doesn’t have to pay as much. If he wants time with his child then that’s a fair but asking for more time only to lower payments is concerning.


Me and my ex husband got split joint custody, one week with him one week with me, which I was okay with because I feel both parents are just that…Parents. So I was okay with it but child support was still calculated by what he made and pretty much the difference in what I made and hour and what he made an hour so that it was pretty like the judge making sure we are both equal Financially according to our pay. So he was ordered 643 a month even know we split custody.


Take them to court he sounda like he has abandoned the child

Whatever state you’re in should set the amount regardless of visitation. It’s based on income. He works, it’s based of that…they may include yours. Sometimes they don’t. I have soul custody and it’s still based on his income only and he is required to carry insurance on her. Which the insurance I had dropped. I have my own on her and it actually pays better.

You need to ask for sole physical custody
He can have 1st 3rd and 5th weekends
Texas has a standard child support you just need to fike with the attorney general and normally its 20 to 25% of their income

I went at the beginning of January & the way the state does it, or at least where I’m at, the non-custodial parent gets the baby every other weekend.

Does the father realize that children aren’t cheap? That if he has the child more often, it will still cost him more financially? Either way he needs to support the child’s needs, so if he is strictly doing it because of the money, then I would say screw him. But if he genuinely wants more time with his child, then personally I wouldn’t worry about child support. Not my own experience, but my cousin shares custody with her ex and they split everything right down the middle. He pays for his house, she pays for her house. But that would only work if both parents are equally involved with the child.

In most states they won’t allow the infant to even go with the dad until a certain age being that a newborn needs its mom.

I get child support 115 a month for 3 kids but there dad can spend as much time with them he is supposed to have them every second weekend but we don’t really follow it we do what works best

It’s the kids that suffered hope it works out for the best

Time spent with the child doesn’t change the amount that will paid. If he has a job they will take it out of his check.

Custody and child support are two different things here in PA.

It could be 50/50 and he still has to pay

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Child Support in CT has nothing to do with how much visitation the non-custodial parent has. It goes strictly by income. In my state in order for the non-custodial parent to not pay child support they have to give up their parental rights or have their rights taken away.